Chapter ten- Heart full of flour
After locking the door and making a makeshift blind, Cath and Alice quickly change into the aprons. Using wipes and water, Catherine and Alice helped each other wash away the dirt, sweat, mud, and anything else that might have been on their bodies.
Alice had used her quick mind to grab a tablecloth and make simple dresses. Cath had tied on the aprons and fixed their hair.
It was a simple thing, but the familiarity of bread, flour, aprons and a kitchen was so welcoming, Cath never wanted to leave.
Alice opens the door, making room for Cath to pass into the hallway.
And promptly bumps into another cook.
Catherine's eyes widen, and behind her, Alice makes a squeaking noise.
The cook in front of them looks as startled as the two girls do, but the woman quickly schools her features into a look of annoyance. "What in Hearts are you wearing?" she looks over Cath and Alice, grabs them by the wrist, and marches them down the hallway.
Alice grumbles a curse, but begrudgingly follows. Catherine casts a worried glance at the younger girl, mouthing the words 'run'.
Alice nods, her lips set in a thin line, but before the two girls get a chance to get away, they are shoved into a new room. The cook slams the door shut with the words, "Get cleaned up and report to the kitchen."
Catherine and Alice are left staring at the door in utter astonishment.
Alice, with her curious nature, is the first to turn around and inspect their surroundings. "Cath!"
Catherine turns around, joining her friend. A row of showers greets their eyes, and in the left corner rests a pile of clothes for the palace chefs.
"Hallelujah." Mutters Cath, already walking to a shower and turning on the hot water.
After standing in the shower for half an hour, and changing into the comfortable clothes, Cath and Alice finally make thier way to the kitchen.
As Catherine pushes the kitchen door open, a cacophony of noises and the delicious smell of baked bread and fresh pies and all sorts of food fill their senses.
Immediately, Catherine and Alice are shoved to a table and told to start baking the bread.
Alice turns her head to look at Cath, her hair now the normal blonde color, and motions to the bread dough in front of her. 'What do we do?' she mouths.
Catherine, looking down at the dough, smiles. She shoves her hand into a bowl of flower, and sprinkles the soft white powder on the table. Her hands automatically pick up the sticky dough and start kneading it, rolling it around and adding more flour here and there.
Alice struggles to copy her motions, remembering making bread with Spade. After getting flour on every inch of the kitchen and herself, Alice had vowed to never make bread again. She was not enjoying the feeling of flour under her nails.
Cath, on the other hand, loved every second of it. She had made so much bread in her life, she was as familiar with the feeling as she was with the color of Jest's eyes. The feeling of smooth dough and powdery flour brought back the feelings of home. The smell of her small bakery, her warm bed, Jest's soft lips, and the smiles of customers as they opened the bakery's door. She remembered the first time she walked into the vacant store, imagining where the glass cases full of cakes would be, and where Jest would stand, creating laughter with every magic trick he did, and bringing tears to every customers eyes as he played various instruments.
She remembered the first customer who walked into her store. A little women with an old soul and eyes full of memories and adventures. She had ordered a cherry pie, and as she watched Cath pull a fresh one out of the oven, the woman thanked her profusely. After that, the little old woman came every Monday, ordering the exact same thing.
Catherine plops the smooth dough in a greased pan, sliding the glass container to the edge of the table, and grabs another ball of dough to start preparing.
Alice sighs, messily greasing a pan and plopping the still slightly sticky dough in the container. She shoves the pan to the edge of the table.
Alice jumps at the sound of shattering glass and immediately switches places with the person to her left. Everyone swings around to stare at the shattered glass on the floor, then they all turn their glares to the poor man Alice just switched places with.
He stares at the pan in astonishment, then confusion dawns in his eyes. A tall woman with grey hair pulled into a low bun strides over to the boy. She grabs his forearm and yanks him away.
Alice can still see the gears turning in his mind, trying to figure out what just happened.
Alice then slides over and hastily grabs another ball of dough. She glances to the side and catches Catherine stifling a laugh. Alice rolls her eyes but can't help the chuckle that escapes her lips.
A bell sounds somewhere above them. Alice and Cath both jump, noticing how everyone stops their work and starts walking to the back door. Catherine and Alice watch in silence as the room clears out, and the door slams shut with a bang.
Alice swipes her hands on her black apron, leaving streaks of flour that stand out like a star at night. "Well. I'm glad that's over."
Catherine longingly looks at the dough, but when she remembers what they came to the palace for, she looks up and drags Alice to the door.
She stands on her toes, looking out of the small window into the hallway. She turns around, watching for a moment as Alice picks at the flour under her nails, scowling at the white dust that still clings to her hands.
"Alice. Do you have any idea where the dungeons would be?"
Alice lifts her head, a look of astonishment painting her cheeks. She shakes her head. "No. Why are you asking me?"
Cath turns back to the door, trying to see if anyone is in the hallway. "Well, you're extremely curious. I just figured you've ended up in prison once or twice."
Catherine slowly turns the handle, pushing the door open and hesitantly walking into the hallway.
She looks to the right, then to the left, her mind turning and tying to figure out the way that might lead to the dungeons.
She huffs, turning to the left and motioning for Alice to follow. The sound of Alice's shoes hitting tile alert Cath to keep walking.
She turns the corner and starts the long journey to the dungeons, Alice's hand tightly entwined with hers.
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