Chapter Nine-grumbling and mumbling
Oof. Lemme start off by saying I am sincerely sorry for not updating in a couple of months. Life has been crazy and I've been trying to get help and I almost didn't survive a few times BUT I'M HERE NOW
So...If you guys have read my bio you would know that I'm deleting this account. BUT after reading through the comments and realizing how much I love you guys and how much you love this story, I've decided to continue ONLY THIS STORY
After finishing this book, I will transfer it to my other and active account @a-story-in-stone where you can read it there and stuff.
This book is now in present tense. It might take some time getting used to, but it's easier for me.
Sooo...Yea. Again, sorry this took forever! Hope you enjoy this chapter! (And the ones to come)
Cath and Alice wake up the next morning, both looking like a wreck.
The hem of Alice's blue dress is dusted with dirt and her black tights are ripped. Her silky blonde hair is now knotted and is full of so much leaves and dirt, the blonde is now looking more like a grey.
Not like Cath looked any better. Her black hair has streaks of brown mud. Her long pink dress is no longer pink. She has dirt smudged on her cheeks and stuck under her nails. She has already pulled off some random threads that was hanging from her bodice, now leaving rips and gashes.
Oh how her mother would have had a fit.
They are on the edge of the forest. The beautiful but gloomy castle is in the distance, and as Cath and Alice inspect the red and white pillars of marble and the multitude of tiny hearts everywhere, they have newfound hope.
Cath leans down and rips a vine out of the ground. Straightening up, she lifts her hands and ties her black hair with the vine, ignoring the fact that more dirt would be caked in her hair.
"Alice. We're almost there." She says, her voice hopeful.
Alice nods her head, her hair bobbing with the movement. "Remind me of the plan again."
Cath explains the plan as they start walking. "We know that Jest and Spade are at the castle. Spade will most likely be in the dungeons, locked up in a small cell. Jest is...wherever he is. We have to get in and sneak to the kitchen. There, we'll clean up and pose as cooks. Then we'll get Spade out, find Jest, go to the Queen and convince her to do something about the Jabberwock. If she refuses, we'll have no choice but to overthrow her. You'll become the Queen and slay the Jabberwock."
Alice turns her head to look at Cath, her blue eyes bright with curiosity. "You came up with that in one night?"
Cath nods her head.
"Based on the stone drawings and what we know of Hearts?"
"You do know we have a high probability of failing and having no head. Right?"
"Of course."
Alice sighs. "Well then. Let's do this."
Cath and Alice continue to walk towards the castle. Dread, hope, and fear all mixing together to form a small piece of lace that entwines their heart.
Cath had realized that there were some holes in her plan, and it wasn't the best plan. But it's the only plan.
Cath and Alice had walked the short way to the castle. Though the walk was only about a mile, the heat and bumpy ground had made the walk seem like days.
To add on to the mess that they were, their clothes were now damp with sweat. Hair clung to the back of their neck and Alice was ready to fall to the ground.
Cath grabs Alice's wrist, dragging her to the side of the castle. There's a small door that Cath vaguely remembers the cooks using to throw away scraps of food.
Sure enough, the bin full of food is sitting next to a white door with a red handle shaped in a heart.
Alice gasps. Cath clasps her free hand over her mouth, pulling Alice closer to her on instinct.
The bin that used to be overflowing with bread and meat and numbers of fruit is now empty. Residue from the food is still there, just some crumbs and squished strawberries.
But the claw marks on the bin and the ground leave Cath and Alice's hearts pounding. Alice makes a whimpering sound and Cath pulls her even closer.
Taking a deep and shaky breath, Cath slowly walks towards the door. She wraps her thin, pale fingers around the heart doorknob and pulls it open.
She slips inside, pulling Alice after her. Though the bin is gone, the image of claw marks and green, burning acid stays in her mind.
Is that what Jabberwock spit looks like? Acid?
Cath shakes her head, ignoring the questions filling her brain. "Come on." she whispers.
Alice and Cath tiptoe through the hallway. The smell of freshly baked bread fills their noses. Alice's stomach grumbles, reminding Cath of how long they were stuck in the forest.
They walk through the castle, peeking into open doors and glancing behind them every now and then. Footsteps echo off the walls and Alice pulls Cath into a room.
The blonde haired girl shuts the door, and they both hold their breaths as the footsteps slowly start to recede.
"That was close." Cath mumbles. She looks around the room, and this time it's her turn to be reminded of hunger.
Alice rushes towards the multitude of fresh bread, grabbing rolls and taking big, greedy bites.
Cath walks towards her, hesitantly taking a piece of bread from the table. Her eyes glance around the room, finally resting on two aprons in the corner. She nudges Alice.
"Alice. We have our disguise."
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