Chapter five- A story to come
Alice's P.O.V
I looked at Spade as he crossed the room.
"Stop, your going to break it." I said, but he continued fiddling with the wooden box.
As suspected he broke it in a million pieces.
"Good, now I can fix it." He said and smirked at me.
I rolled my eyes at him.
He waved a hand over the shattered pieces on the floor, they jumped back together and mended.
I have always been in awe by his power, he was born that way, special- and all mine.
I was never born with any power, just my thieving instinct.
I crossed the room to him in a few long strides. He was much taller than me. I grabbed the collar of his shirt and pulled him down to me- and placed a kiss on his lips. I pulled away and smirked at him. He gave me a smile and tried to pull me closer, but I jumped out of his grip.
"Catch me." I started running around the room, hoping he would not get me, but he was much faster than me. He caught up to me in a few strides, but I jumped away before he could do anything.
I jumped under a table and put the curtain down so he wouldn't see me.
"Aliceeee! Alice, where are you?!"
Wow, like I'm going to actually respond
He pulled the table curtain up and lunged at me, knocking me to the floor.
"Ow, Spade, the floor is hard and when I fall, obviously it's going to hurt."
He rolled his eyes, obviously ignoring me.
He bent down and kissed my forehead, then went down to my lips.
"Spade, stop," I tried to push him away but he wouldn't budge. "Spade, SPADE!"
Thankfully, the unfamiliar ding went off to let us know someone was coming down the rabbit hole.
I shoved Spade off, slamming him into the table.
"Ow, what was that for?"
I crawled out from under the table, leaving Spade behind.
I straightened my bow and brushed off my dress, making sure I looked presentable.
I kept in the shadows, and saw a young girl calmly walk down from the air passage, a young boy followed, but proceeded to fall on his face.
They bickered for a few moments, then the boy asked a question-and I answered.
"That was a rabbit hole, the same one I fell through."
I stepped out of the shadows, letting them see me. The boy looked startled, the girl calmly looked at me.
"Cath, it's been a while. And who is this-interesting man?" I smirked as my gaze fell upon him.
He had black hair and golden eyes, he was very handsome, and looked vaguely familiar.
"What can I do for you?" I looked at Cath, waiting for an answer.
She stepped forward, grabbing the man to follow, I ushered them to follow me into the shadows.
I walked into the kitchen, everyone following me. My gaze fell upon Spade, who was now shirtless.
"Spade, put a shirt on, we have guests." I hissed at him.
Sometimes he really gets on my nerves.
I ushered them over to the kitchen table. We all took a seat, I waited for Spade to put on a shirt, when he was fully clothed, he walked over and plopped himself into the chair next to me, giving me a stupid grin. I wanted to slap it right off his face- but instead I dug my nails into my arm.
"So, why have you come?" I glared at Spade, "unannounced." I turned my gaze back to Cath and the mysterious man.
"And who's this?" I asked swirling a finger in front of the boy.
He bristled and straightened his spine at my tone.
Cath looked at me and laughed. "This is Jest."
I caught Cath hiding her left hand under the table, as did Jest.
"I knew you looked familiar,rook." I gave him a glare and was hoping he wouldn't see behind my mask of disgust, to hide my sadness.
I used to live in chess, and me and Jest had been dating. I was in love with him, and was hoping he was in love with me, but he went on a mission to steal Cath's heart, but ended up falling in love with her.
I eyed him suspiciously, attempting to keep my heart from breaking.
"Heh, it's-erm, complicated. Listen Alice-" I cut him off before Jest could talk more.
"No it's fine, I get it, you guys are married. I'm not jealous Jest, calm down. Just because I used to be madly in love with you, doesn't mean I can't move on." I glared at him the whole time, not daring to look at anyone else.
He shrank back in his seat and stared at the floor.
I got up and walked over to the pantry, getting some crackers for us to munch on, and also to do something while I let my tears flow freely, and try to dry them at the same time. I heard a chair scoot out and Spade walked over to me.
He put his hand in my shoulder and wiped at my tears. He bent down so he was my size and grabbed my chin, forcing me to look at him.
"Hey, it's okay, you have me now." He gave me a small smile.
I smiled weakly back at him and, after counting to ten, walked back with the food.
"Sorry Jest, it's just three years with no news was really hard." I looked at the floor, trying to act sympathetic, even though he should be.
"Hey, it's okay, I get it." He gave me a smile, but turned towards Cath. "What were we here for?"
Cath turned towards me. "Oh yea, so we came back here and got screamed at by the Queen, we were hoping you could help us."
I nodded my head in agreement, hoping I looked convincing, even though I was not.
"I think I can help, but for goodness sake, you look exhausted, please get some sleep, we can talk in the morning."
I led them to their room, gave a hug to Cath and said goodnight. I went to get an apple from the fridge and was greeted by Jest.
"Oh, its you." I looked at him with disgust.
He laughed and looked at the floor. "Listen, I know we got off to the wrong start, and I left without saying goodbye." He paused and took a shaky breath, now it's his turn to holdback tears.
I suddenly felt pity towards him, but I would never show it.
"Hey Jest, it's okay. Sure it was sad when you left and I wished you didn't, or at least you told me, but it's okay. I'm over you," sorta "we both moved on, your married now, and trust me Spade is like a baby, he's enough to handle on my own." I gave a shaky laugh, trying to hold back tears.
I look up at him to find him staring at me. He reaches a hand out and grabs my chin, making me look at him. He rubs a thumb against my cheek. I see a tear run down his cheek, I lift a hand and wipe it away.
He leans in close and whispers to me "here's to a sweet goodbye, I'm sorry." He moves away towards my lips and places a small but sweet kiss on my lips. I wish it would last forever, but he pulls away too quickly. He laughs and says "yes, Cath is okay with me giving you a kiss goodbye." He looks down at the ground. He waves goodbye and walks towards their room.
I feel my heart skip a beat as I return to my own room. Spade and I are married, but he always stays up late. I always had an amazing relationship with Spade, we got married at a young age, I look a lot younger than I am, though. I'm 19 and Spade is 20, everyone always thinks we're just dating, maybe it's because I don't wear my ring, I should, but it's too precious to lose. Spade comes in early tonight, which is a surprise to me.
"Hi Spade. You getting ready?" I ask him, trying to hide my hopefulness, I wanted company tonight.
"I thought you would want me too, besides I don't want to be up all night with guests." He laughed and crawled into bed, he pulled me closer to him and pretty soon I heard his soft snoring. I smiled to myself and closed my eyes, letting the world fade.
This chapter was longer than usual and was slightly weird, but oh well. Lol hope u liked it.
I have so much planned for this book. Heh heh!
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