Chapter eight-careful what you wish for
Catherine wished she could forget.
She wished she could forget waking up alone. She wished she could forget about the 'quest'. She wished she could forget the death of her mother. She wished she could forget that Jest was in trouble. She wished she could forget that her best friend was now an evil queen.
But most of all, she wished she could forget what she had silently asked for.
Last night, Cath had asked why everything always happened to her, and that for once, she wished that this type of thing would happen for someone else.
Catherine never really had a happy life. Good things never happened to her.
But once she was in Chess, she felt free. It was like a bond had broken on her, and she was finally able to do what she wanted, and she was happy while doing it.
She had gotten married to the man of her dreams-literally.
They had opened a bakery that got so many customers a day, sometimes they had close around lunch.
Then of course, it was all ripped away from her. Her husband, her happiness, her comfort, her home.
She had willingly gone back to hearts to find that her 'dead' best friend was in fact alive, and evil.
"Why would you wish for that?" Alice screeched.
They had woken up to find that Spade was missing, and a note from one of the queens guards was on the ground.
I have your friend. If you want him back, come to the palace gates. You're lucky we spared your lives, but it won't happen again.
Sincerely, the queens guards.
Cath now felt anger bubbling beneath her chest, rising and coming out in a muffled scream.
"Alice, you insufferable little girl! Everything good that ever happened to me has been ripped away! Can't you see that? For once in my life I wanted things to go the right way, for once in my life, I didn't want to have to worry about some silly little thing! So why on earth wouldn't I wish for that? I should have done it a long time ago! Can't you see that all I've ever wanted has been pulled out of my hands, leaving me hanging by my fingertips! So don't you dare get mad at me for wishing something that was long overdue!"
Alice had gotten quiet. She now stood in the middle of their campsite, her hair a mess, her face streaked with tears, her tights ripped, and dirt dusting her dress-with her mouth hanging open.
Cath took a few steps back and turned away from Alice. She closed her eyes and took a few deep breaths, calming herself down.
She turned back around to find Alice looking down at the note, fresh tears welled in her eyes.
Even after having yelled at the girl, Cath felt a sudden motherly protection come over her.
She gently walked towards the girl, who now looked small and delicate, much different from the feisty girl Cath knew so well.
Catherine gently took the girl's hands in hers, and lifted her chin.
"Alice, I'm sorry. I promise, we'll find Spade. Jest-"
Cath's voice broke when she said his name, and she blinked back tears.
"Jest is going to the castle as well, meaning we can get both of them at the same time."
A tear ran down Alice's cheek. Cath reached her hand out and wiped it away.
"No crying needed. I know how you feel, but the boys wouldn't want us worrying about them. Well, perhaps they would, but not all the time." Cath said.
Alice laughed. She nodded her head. "Yea. Okay." She wiped at her eyes. "Lets go find those helpless boys."
Cath nodded her head.
Both the girls went around, picking up anything they left on the floor, or anything that might help them.
Alice was dusting off her dress, and combing her fingers through her hair, attempting to make herself look presentable.
She failed terribly.
Cath led the girl to a small creek, and dipped some cloth in the water. Alice had sat down, and Cath was kneeling in front of her, wiping away the tear streaks and dirt on the girl's face.
Cath stood up and proceeded to fix Alice's hair, acting as if this was her own child.
Once they were finished, both girls looked somewhat better.
Their confidence was restored and their hearts were lifted.
The walk was a long way to the castle, but they soon got in the rhythm.
With one foot in front of the other, they made it just outside the forests border.
It was dark and they were both sore.
The castle was about a mile away, and Cath and Alice both knew they couldn't make it there tonight without falling over on the first step.
Cath was sad to admit it, but the trip was easier without Spade, though the thought of him locked up in a cell made her even sadder.
"Cath." Alice said.
She turned to look at the girl, not exactly sure what to expect.
"I-I'm sorry. I guess I didn't realize how much this affected you. I should have paid more attention, I'm sorry." Alice was almost in tears again by the end.
Cath smiled and took her hand, marveling at how this feisty, wild girl could be so soft and fragile.
"I appreciate the apology, but really, this whole mess was my fault. If I didn't want to see what had happened, this would not have happened." She said.
Alice raised Cath's chin so they were eye-level. "Cath, then this," she moved her hand between them. "Wouldn't have happened. We're better friends now because of a wild adventure." A smile came to the girl's lips. "I wouldn't trade that for anything."
Cath looked skeptically at her. "Who are you and what have you done with my friend."
Both the girls laughed.
The stars twinkled above them as they fell asleep that night, a full plan swimming in their heads, and their hearts full of hope.
no, I'm not dead. Sorta wish I was, but I'm not.
So, first of all, we can all agree that this chapter was very rushed (probably because I started it yesterday and finished it just now) and this chapter sucked. I needed something to move the plot along, so hey, why not. Let's just throw Spade in there too!
Hurricane Irma is coming and I live in Florida.
Sorry that this chapter was terrible, but from now on, I'm making a promise to pay more attention to details and attempt to write.
Bye guys! Stay safe darlings🖤
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