Ariel packed her bag. After waiting for the cold to end, Ivan registered her at a local school she could take the bus to. For the past few weeks, she had been teaching herself how to drive with Jimin's old lessons. It took all her strength not to feel ache from his memory, but she managed to get by without so much as a sniffle.
Her back cracked as she stretched, her shoulders popping with it. There were no noises in the cabin. Ivan was sound asleep since she assured him she could get to the bus on her own, and the crickets were gone this time of morning. That left her with her thoughts. It was time for her to start her new life. Without the mafia, and without Jimin. There was a part of her nuzzled in her core that screamed at the thought. She wasn't sure what she preferred: her new life, or a dangerous one with Jimin.
However, dwelling on the past would go against Jimin's memory. He fought to get her this life, and she'd hate herself for letting his efforts go to waste. With that motivation in mind, she packed up faster. No cell in her body thought she'd like school, but it was necessary for her development. Maybe she could figure out what she wanted to do with her life. There had to be a bigger picture. School should help her figure that out.
Another thing that jumped into her mind was the concept of friends. After years of hiding away in her room, she'd have friends who'd stay in her room with her. No more solitude or fear that anyone she interacted with would be next on the hit list. The fear was gone, and what replaced it was a mix of sorrow and excitement.
Her floor creaked as she hopped around it, throwing on a hoodie that was far too large for her. The pants needed a belt, her socks flapping around as she squeezed into them, throwing ankle boots on over those lime-colored socks. They were obnoxious, but so was she, so it matched.As she was getting ready, she heard the floor creak again despite her putting no weight on it. She froze, swiveling her head around. Nothing. There was nothing but air there. No Ivan, no Charlotte, no Jericho. They were in their own corners of the world.
"Ivan?" she asked anyway, just to be sure.
At the silence, she peeked at the Dumbo plush on her bed. She cuddled with it every night, and if she didn't have it, she couldn't fall asleep. She was sure her new friends would make fun of her for that. That raised another question. How did she tell them about her life with her blind Uncle Ivan? How did she explain her past without bringing up horrors that would scar them for life? Maybe that was a story she'd share at an older age, or she'd make up a string of lies. But she was done lying. She had lied to herself about her feelings for long enough, it was time to become who she was meant to be.
Her feet pressed against the ground, her hoisting herself up. The air around her got tighter, like it embraced her. Her breathing slowed with her heartbeat. More creaks came, not from her or Ivan. As the air dissipated, she saw the ear on the Dumbo move. It could have been her imagination and desperation, or maybe it was something else entirely.
Ariel smiled to herself as she took in her surroundings. Wooden floors and walls, no decorations since she didn't know what she liked yet. All she had was the Dumbo plush, clothes, and the comics Jimin gave her. That was what brought her mind to a possible answer for what was happening.
Her bed was unmade from her tossing and turning last night. She slept, but barely. Her anticipation for school was through the roof that was high above her head. Yes, Ariel was short, but even if she were to jump on her bouncy mattress, she couldn't touch the ceiling.
At least Ariel never had to worry about bullying. If anyone messed with her, she knew how to fight, shoot, and bite. Biting especially. Oh, and aiming for sensitive parts. She had too much experience with that.
The door shifted like it was brushed by a stream of wind. She had one window, and it was shut. She kept her eyes on the entrance. Her imagination toyed with her, and she swore she saw two outlines. Too pale to make out the proper forms, but they were human-shaped, one large, one small. They were together, standing side-by-side.
Ariel placed her hand on the bed. It wasn't Ivan. Whether it was real or not was the least of her concerns; she was too busy tearing up from the interaction. Her bag swung itself over her shoulders, weighing down on her like the ache she felt since that day. Like him, she was worried she'd never forget or move on. However, seeing those outlines, real or not, was enough to have her laughing.
The outlines walked away, fading the more they went. Ghosts, huh? Ariel wanted to believe it. Right when they disappeared, Ariel held her backpack straps a bit tighter. To give herself peace of mind, she told herself Jimin was in a better place. Now, she knew it was true. It could've been a trick of the light, or her grief taking a paranormal form. Yet those theories seemed wrong.
It was time for her first day at school, so she left the room, shutting the door behind her and going through the rest of the cabin. No sign of Ivan or the figures. The only thing she saw was the front door, beckoning her closer. She went, going outside and turning back to the cabin. There were no abnormal presences anymore. They were gone. A fleeting visit, like they were giving her strength. Seeing her off on her new life. The one she deserved. She let out a breath, smiling and laughing before she bit back her tears.
"Goodbye, Jimin."
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