Chapter 59 - Jericho
The High Council fell apart.
Two weeks after the death of the ruler and most of the Council, there was peace for the others. Kayden, Jericho, Charlotte, Ivan, and Ariel made it out okay. Charlotte was paralyzed and would be for the rest of her life, but Jericho was there to help her through the rest of her journey.
They chose to live outside of the city in a penthouse, outside of the place they wrecked havoc in. It was safer for both of them, just in case old mafia members carried a grudge for some reason. The High Council was hated, very few loyalists were around, and Jericho doubted they'd be in the city. They'd likely be in London, cleaning up the mess Jericho and his friends caused.
Charlotte and Jericho were at the pub after saying their final goodbyes to Ivan and Ariel. They'd meet again, but not for a long while. Ariel was going to live a new life. A better one. Jericho had never seen Charlotte so happy. Their struggle meant something, and that had Jericho and Charlotte feeling a little less shitty. Only a little, though.
They were gathering what was left of their belongings at the pub, Charlotte going through Jimin's stuff while Jericho watched. Jimin had to live on, so she'd send it to Ariel was what she said. They exchanged addresses in case they ever needed each other, or God forbid the High Council rebuilt and came after them again. That was unlikely. Not only did the Underworld hate the High Council, but Kayden managed to erase their bounty. They were free.
Jericho came up behind her as she went through Jimin's room, both of them hating how empty it was. He placed his hand on her shoulder, his other hand on the back of her wheelchair as silence carried on between them. Charlotte broke down over June, Theo, Asa, and Jimin around a dozen times. Tonight, if Jericho had to guess, she'd add more to that number. Then again, he was the same way.
"Kayden's packing up, we should get back downstairs now," Jericho replied. Charlotte agreed since they needed Kayden's help to carry the wheelchair. Jericho would carry Charlotte, Kayden would carry the chair. It was impossible for all of them. Jericho had a terrible hip, Kayden was limping still, and Charlotte couldn't move at all.
After staying one more minute in Jimin's room, they went downstairs with the help of Kayden, who was indeed packing up. Jericho came over, Kayden meeting his eyes and throwing a bag on his back. He extended his hand. Jericho shook it.
"We went through a lot, didn't we?" Kayden asked, Jericho not daring disagree. "I know I need to think about that. Everything that's happened. We're all shitty people, maybe me most of all. Charlotte changed, so did Ivan, Jimin, you. Fuck, even June changed. I'm still waiting for my turn."
"I'd say you've done more than enough. You don't need to fight anymore."
"I'm not going to. Not physically, anyway. But mentally? I think it's time I become who I want to be. I thought I knew, but this whole thing just made me undo everything. But first thing's first: gotta know who I even want to be. Sure as hell can't be who I am now."
"You've always been good enough for me," Jericho replied.
Kayden pat him on the shoulder. "Alright Jericho, I'm gonna need you to crawl all the way back down to the friend zone, okay? Especially when your kind of girlfriend is here."
"Shut up."
Kayden grinned, them relishing in the few seconds they had left. But all good things had an end. "It's time for me to go," Kayden said, his eyes full of wishes Jericho craved to grant. "I'm going to Canada for a little while."
"Will I ever see you again?"
"Sometimes I wonder if it'd be best if you didn't. I'm gonna go figure out who I am, Jer. And when I think I'm good enough for you, I'll find you. Don't worry about finding me. Live your life with your woman. Can you do that?"
Jericho was quick to nod, giving Kayden's shoulder a squeeze. "Will you be okay?" Jericho asked.
Kayden kept his grin, stepping away. The back door opened, Kayden halfway out it. "Not sure," he said, giving Jericho a wink. "I'll tell you when I get back."
Then he was gone.
Both Charlotte and Jericho were quiet. It took them several beats to relax, their shoulders easing up as Charlotte pushed off. "I want to see him," she said, and Jericho went with her to the front of the pub.
They left the pub through the entrance, Jericho helping her to the yard they had. It wasn't massive by any means, but it was enough for them to enjoy their space. There was a wooden cross jutting out of the ground. No picture or name was on it, but they knew who it was for. They needed to make more for the others who were lost along the way. All in due time, they were too injured to keep straining themselves.
Charlotte stared at the grave, looking at the white roses she had placed in front of it. Jericho knelt and mimicked the pose she had. Neither of them spoke. What was there to say? Both of them were still devastated from that day, and all the days before that. June, Theo, Asa... Jimin. All of them meant something to Jericho. Jericho being alive was like an insult. Out of all of them, Jericho wanted himself to die the most. Not them. Especially not Jimin.
"I think I'm in love with you too," she said, Jericho whipping his head around at that. "What you did to Jimin is unforgivable, but I'd like to try. Only if you want to."
Jericho was quick to agree, him kissing her cheek, then her nose, then her neck. He avoided the lips for the time being, Charlotte snickering at the way he was moving his mouth against her skin.
"Don't bite me, you have rabies," she said.
"Ha. Do I need to remind you who you belong to?"
"You sure as hell don't mean you, Mr. Romantic. Last I checked, I'm crippled and still the dom in this relationship."
They laughed and went back to enjoying the grave of Seong Jimin. It wasn't joy, really. It was consolation. Although Jimin's body was in London, not under that grave, Jericho felt closer to him by being at the cross.
"I miss him," Charlotte said, and Jericho brushed her hair back. She turned her head, and that was when he gave himself permission to kiss her. It was delicate. Gentle. They didn't escalate it in any way. Her lips were chapped, and they tasted like sweat. He loved it. He loved her.
"I miss him too," Jericho replied after they parted, taking her hand and rubbing it. They peered at Jimin's grave. Their penthouse was waiting for them. They had a new home with an uncertain future ahead, the High Council disintegrated with the Underworld in chaos as far as Jericho was aware. Life was changing, and Jericho was ready for it. "What do we do now?"
Charlotte peeked at him, him doing the same. It was a simple question, but both of them seemed as though they didn't have a proper response. One minute later, Charlotte clutched the sides of her wheelchair and smiled, tears in her eyes either from Jimin, June, Theo and Asa, or the state of the world. Jericho wondered if it was all of those combined.
"We live."
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