Chapter 39 - Theo
"Bad news," Jericho said, walking to their corner. After meeting up with the others, they took Jimin to the hospital to not only heal the unconscious right hand, but also so they could get away from the threat of getting jumped by more mafia. "Jimin's not in great shape, we need to find a way out on our own. Him and Charlotte are in no condition to help us."
"He's seriously in that bad of shape?" Asa asked, Kayden inspecting the back door and only half paying attention.
"Mentally, not physically. He's having some bad memories."
Theo saw June wince at that. Ivan was holding Ariel's hand, but it was decided that they'd have to split up. They were waiting in a corner away from the people, not that the hospital was too busy. It was late, and there weren't enough people going out at night for there to be a need for a large staff.
Nurses and doctors passed here and there, but for the most part, they were waiting near the back door for Charlotte and Jimin. They didn't want to leave them behind, but it looked like that was exactly what was about to happen.
Theo was leaning against the wall by Asa, the paint chipped and cracking off. Theo picked at it, not caring that he was hurting his nails by doing that. The others were oblivious to his actions, not that they'd care if they saw. They were all in their own worlds. Ivan was swaying back and forth as if not used to having feet. Seeing as he woke up not long ago, it was possible he still had muscle atrophy he was overcoming. Ariel was helping as best she could, but she was just a kid. There wasn't much she could do for any of them.
Air puffed past Theo's lips, and this time, he couldn't see it. It was a cold enough night that his breath was visible. The heating inside the hospital was a blessing, Theo rubbing his arms despite the ache that brought from his bandaged shoulder. They had few painkillers, and with the old man gone, they had less access to it. At least the hospital accepted them without any complaint, although Theo was sure the police would get involved in this case eventually.
"Memories? Now's hardly a time to be getting memories. I'm sorry if that sounds harsh, but we need to get out of here," Theo said, doing his best to evaluate the situation. They had one back door that could get pushed open. The odds that they'd get jumped as soon as they left were high. They had concealed weapons they were able to sneak in the hospital, but that was it. Small handguns. What were the chances the ones hunting them had assault rifles? It wasn't like they cared much about public safety. Why would they attack Jimin and Charlotte in public if they did?
At that moment, Theo realized he was getting glares from Jericho and June. Theo glanced around, but the others were just as confused as him. Kayden especially. "Am I missing something?" Theo asked, nudging Asa. "Do you know?" He shook his head.
"Forget it, we need to go and buy Jimin some time to recover," June said, pulling out his pistol from his jacket and checking it with his good hand. Three fingers were on his other hand, and it was strange seeing the cauterized wound. On the bright side, it didn't look infected. Theo managed to get painkillers from the nurses when Theo said he had a shoulder condition and the ones who jumped them took his meds. June and Theo were able to take some to ease the pain, but it didn't change that June had two less fingers, and Theo got shot.
"He's our best fighter. He took out 4 guys in less than 30 seconds. We need him, and whatever memories he's having-"
"Theo," June said, and Theo shut up. "He was a father." Ivan didn't react, and Ariel glanced down and kicked at the ground. Asa, Theo, and Kayden stepped forward, their jaws on the ground. "I shouldn't even be telling you, but try to understand a little bit, yeah? So can we buy him some fucking time?"
Each word had Theo deflating more. An apology rested on the tip of his tongue, but he knew he had to save it for Jimin, not June. With that, he dipped his head and went back over to the door that had a lime 'Exit' sign above it. Kayden grabbed him by the elbow, but Theo brushed it off.
"I have a plan. Kayden, Asa, and I will take this side. Ivan and Ariel, stay here and let us clear it out. Go back and wait outside of Jimin's room. Jericho, June, circle around and take the other side. If anyone's waiting outside for us, we'll take them out and meet by the front doors. Sweep the whole building. After, we'll go to the hotel," Theo said, and they agreed, breaking off to do their tasks.
As soon as Jericho, Ivan, Ariel, and June were gone, Kayden went to the door and opened it so Theo didn't have to. A silent agreement formed to keep Theo in the back due to his injury. However, Theo made a mental pact to fight with all his strength. They needed it. Jimin did.
Theo didn't know Jimin well, even after this madness. All Theo knew was Jimin was obsessed with alcohol, Charlotte, and fighting. Otherwise, Theo couldn't say shit about him. But to hear that he was a father - was - was a terrifying prospect. Theo couldn't imagine the pain that Jimin carried with him.
The outside alley was wider than Theo was expecting. There was an apartment made of crimson bricks on their left, the hospital on the right side of it. A dumpster was sitting outside, the moonlight pouring in to light the corners. Good. High visibility. One advantage albeit tiny.
Kayden trotted out and down the flight of metal stairs, the railing creaking as he held onto it. A streetlight was shimmering at the mouth of the alley, embedded in the concrete of the road and bright enough that they could see it from their position dozens of feet away. The reason Theo's eyes fell to that light is because of the single man who was leaning against it.
A bald head and a dark blazer made up the man's figure, Kayden marching down the rest of the stairs and keeping his hand on the butt of his pistol. The trio went to the curve of the alley, lining up behind it and investigating the scenery. Moving wasn't much of an option. They had two paths: straight, and back to the hospital.
"I hope you're fast," Theo said, and Kayden nodded.
"Back in my right hand days, I trained as a hacker and a weapons specialist. If anyone can beat me on the draw, I'd be impressed."
"And dead."
"And that."
Kayden moved out of the corner and kept his eyes on the man. The man made eye contact with them. One second passed. Two. Theo held his breath as they came closer. Right as they were about to raise their weapons and prepare for a fight, the man yawned and took out his ringing phone, raising it to his ear.
"Huh? She's awake? Thank you," he said, hanging up and rushing inside the hospital.
Theo gained the strength to exhale. There was no one around. Their plan of hiding worked, but Theo wasn't expecting it to work so well. Or they were walking into a trap. Theo couldn't know for sure.
Together, their group inspected the hospital walls and found nothing of note. No people, no signs that they were followed. Although Theo couldn't shake the feeling of being watched.
"The hotel isn't far," Kayden said, pointing. "We can see it from here." And indeed they could. It had spotlights flashing and everything. It seemed like an amusement park with the way it lit up the sky. Regardless, it was nice to have a visual on where they were heading. "Watch the rooftops. I don't trust we won't get flanked."
Theo agreed to Kayden's plan, peeking up and seeing nothing. Asa was beside him doing the same, their forms similar if not identical to one another's. They checked corners in-sync, eyeing each door to make sure no one would pop out of it. Alas, nothing ever came. Theo couldn't tell if he was relieved or more terrified than before.
The front doors were in sight, yet nothing had come. They met up with Jericho and June, sending Jericho inside to fetch Charlotte and the others. Kayden, Asa, June, and Theo were left in the cold. Theo could see his breath again. He tried to entertain himself by making shapes with the rings of air that came out. It didn't work.
"I don't like this," Kayden said.
"Do you honestly like anything?" Theo asked.
"Hacking bank accounts and taking all their money. That's about it."
"Not even yourself?" Asa asked in a joking manner.
Kayden didn't take it as a joke. He dipped his head and pressed his sneaker against the concrete beneath him. "Not much to like, I guess." There was a pause. "Do you think we're doing the right thing by taking out the Council?"
"They're trying to kill us," Theo said, Kayden shaking it off.
"You killed them first, didn't you? Isn't this self-defense? They're coming after us because we're coming after them. First that member you killed, then Jericho killed Eladio, and if all goes according to plan, we're gonna find and kill Holden too. I'm not saying we have much other choice, but do you really think it's right to slaughter these people when all they're doing is defending themselves? Whether they're bad people or not doesn't matter, we're bad people too. Do you really think two wrongs make a right?"
Theo pursed his lips and considered his words. By no means did Theo think they were doing the right thing. He hadn't thought that since he joined this business. But that was just it. He knew it was wrong, and he doubted anyone thought it was right. It was more that he didn't care. The world never cared about him, so why should he care about them? To him, there was no reason to care about faceless guards who knew what they signed up for. If Theo died, he wouldn't complain. It was what he signed up for. It was a risk. Although he would say he regretted bringing the others into it. That was his one regret.
Before anyone could answer, the rest of the group joined them. Charlotte went by Theo's side, the pair taking the lead and agreeing to move toward the hotel. Theo peeked at Jimin, but he had his head down as he stayed by Ariel. The young girl held his hand and was pressed against his side. He wrapped an arm around her as if cherishing her. Theo couldn't blame him.
It took several minutes for them to near the hotel, passing friendly people who waved at them. It was like Canada all over again. Theo didn't have the strength or energy to wave back.
"Almost there, keep your eyes on the target and don't-"
Charlotte was cut off by a knife coming near her head. She didn't have the time to react, but Theo did. With his uninjured arm, he charged the one who attacked her. He rammed into her and knocked her to the ground, her brunette locks spiraling out of control. There was another, a man, about to run into Theo. Asa dove into him and took him to the ground, holding him there.
"The hell was that?" Kayden asked, picking up the knife. "You two don't seem like people the Council would hire. Assassins?" There was no answer. "Knock them out. Don't kill them here."
Theo and Asa obeyed Kayden's orders, getting up and checking on Charlotte. She was fine, just rattled by the sudden attack. They popped out of the alley. So they must have been the ones watching them. The feeling of being watched went away. Temporarily. It came back after they began to walk again.
"If those assassins came after us, does that mean there's more on the way?" Ivan asked.Shit. He was right.
Just like that, the group increased their pace. Jimin helped Ivan while also holding Ariel's hand, and they commenced a sprint that got them to the hotel twice as fast. The exterior was like a tower. Theo felt like a blade of grass in comparison to it. It was a Goliath of a structure, black accents rolling up the sides in a zig-zag design, marble making up the stairs in front of them.
Theo and Asa were leading now with June creeping up behind them, the doors the same dark pattern as the accents of the hotel, the handles begging to get pulled. They taunted Theo, the doors laughing at him for hesitating. He bit his lower lip.
Then, he opened the doors.
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