Chapter 35 - Jericho
"The cops will be here thanks to your insistence on showing my guy who's 'boss'," Solomon said, standing while the other two remained seated.
"He pulled a gun on me," June said.
"Did you deserve it?"
June stormed forward, but Charlotte caught his elbow and pulled him back. Isaac Solomon wasn't what Jericho was expecting. For one, he was the opposite of Ivan. Whereas Ivan was professional and made his motives clear, Solomon was beating around the bush and pretending they already knew what he wanted. There was a sense of professionalism in his speech, but any of that was drowned out by the question: what test did they pass?
"I told him not to shoot but to interrogate. You retaliated, he shot, you shot. I wanted to see if you were here on business. Looks like I was right. June always was a 'shoot first, ask questions later' type of man. Makes a great assassin, but business? Ehh, not so much. We should get out of here before cops show."
"That's great Solomon, but that's not a reason why we should listen to you. I'm sure our weapons can hold off the cops if they come. Want to say why you haven't shot us yet? Is it because we outnumber you?" Theo asked, Asa by his side.
"Good question, my friend. The answer is: I hate the High Council as much as the next guy. Everyone hates the Council, but we fear it enough that we follow their orders. Amara is a ruthless bitch, I'll give her that. She had my right hand decapitated right in front of me to prove a point. Still pissed about that, he wasn't just my right hand. He was my friend..."
Jericho froze up at that. He felt Kayden's gaze on him, and Jericho couldn't resist shifting to meet his eyes. The eye contact was as heartbreaking as it was consoling. Thankfully, no one noticed Kayden and Jericho. Theo was too busy entering his interrogator mode while Asa was backing him up. June was in too much agony to care, and Charlotte was too angry at Jericho to give him the time of day. If Jericho was lucky, that'd change soon. But until then...
"I'd love to get some revenge, and you guys need to eliminate the Council if you're going to survive. New looks and IDs won't save you, only executing the ones at the top can, yeah?" Solomon asked, the others not moving to reply. "I have a hideout not far from here, but that's boring. Let's go somewhere more fun."
Solomon stood with his two men following. June kept his hand around the silenced pistol he took from the one who attacked them. His other weapon was holstered, but Jericho doubted they'd need it. Not because Solomon was trustworthy. It was because they'd be in public for a while. As much as Solomon seemed delusional, killing in public with cops around the corner would be career suicide.
They departed the building, the fresh air hitting Jericho's face. Smoke was the aroma. That was thanks to Solomon's cigarette that he tossed on the ground, crushing it with the back of his sneaker. His sneakers were both covered in dust and grime, a chalky substance littering the laces.
Jericho paid it no mind, following Solomon to whatever fun place he was speaking about. There weren't many places Jericho saw that could house criminals. Too public, too private. All the structures blended together until Jericho couldn't tell them apart any longer. There were countless people crowding them, June rubbing his arms and wincing here and there. Theo was the same way.
"We're in public now, if someone sees us, they'll shoot you and take the bounty for themselves," June said, his voice a whisper and directed at Solomon. They all had their eyes on the strangers. Charlotte had her hand near her concealed weapon, Kayden the same way. Jericho lingered his eyes on Kayden before he drew them back to the scene before him.
Solomon kept walking as if June hadn't spoken, waving them off and pointing to the next corner. "Relax, we're almost there. I like to keep all my properties close in case I need a quick escape," he said, giving June a nudge. "Besides, they work for me. Let's hope they'll be fine with me hauling you and your 8 fingers around, yeah?"
June, yet again, wanted to punch him. This time, Asa had to hold him back. Jericho was holding up the rear, peeking behind them to ensure no one was following them. That was when June fell to the back, holding his wounded hand close to his chest.
"I don't like that guy. He's an ass," June said, Jericho snorting.
"I can see why you'd think that, he told a guy to interrogate you and he ended up shooting you instead. Now, don't get me wrong, I'd do the same for free, but-"
"Okay, Jericho. You're not helping."
June noticed that other people around them were spotting his fingers. That was what made him shove it in his pocket, grumbling a few curses. Jericho wanted to do the same, but he kept himself quiet. With all the smoke and food scents in the air, his tongue and nose were clogged. The chatter blinded his ears to any noises. There were sirens not far behind them, and that was the only sound Jericho could pick apart. Otherwise, he felt senseless. His eyes and touch were the two senses he had left. He chose to focus on them and nothing else.
"Very ironic that you of all people are calling someone else an ass," Jericho said, keeping his voice low as his stare darted around the area.
"He didn't shoot your favorite fingers. If he did, you may feel differently."
After that, they didn't speak. They turned the next corner in time to see a street of flashing lights and street performers. There were performances of varying types ranging from vocalists to jugglers. If Jericho wasn't in such a rush, he'd stop with Charlotte to enjoy the scenery. It seemed like something she'd like. Ruckus, sure, but it had a strange peacefulness to it that made Jericho's heartbeat steady. Plus, he smelled alcohol. That was all it took to make Jericho happy.
"This way, there's a movie theatre nearby," Solomon said, speeding up so they could blend in with the crowd.
"A movie theatre? Are you fucking kidding me?" June asked.
"Sorry bunny-boy, not kidding at all, yeah? Let's get moving, we don't have all day. Talking in private away from the cops is in our best interests."
June scowled at the bunny-boy comment, but Solomon wasn't wrong. There were features on June's face that made him seem like a bunny. Like his smile. Jericho had seen it a whooping once, but when he did, he noticed how June's eyes crinkled and his teeth showed. Huh. Maybe Jericho should start calling June a bunny.
Solomon continued down the sidewalks, the streets blocked with cars and performers fighting for the spotlight. Cheers, claps, music, and chatter were the only noises Jericho could hear. Anything else was drowned out. Any sign of the sirens was gone, but Jericho wouldn't complain about that.
Jericho spotted the theatre. It was older, but not to the point where it looked rusted. It seemed taken care of despite how the lights were off. A billboard jutted out of the front, displaying little block letters saying movie names. They were all from half a year ago from what Jericho could tell. He wasn't a big movie guy, but he appreciated thrillers and action movies. There was an action movie up there that he saw six months ago. It was strange since the letters weren't torn or showed any indicator that they were more than a week old. Jericho would've admired the effort if they were in better circumstances.
As expected, Solomon and his guards led the group to the back entrance. He halted them, turning to his two men. "Go the other way and leave a trail. If someone's following us, make them think we went somewhere else. Don't come back. I'll reach out to you at another time, my friends. Safe travels," Solomon said, his two guards hesitating but agreeing.
The back of the theatre was empty. The walls were intact and standing on their own, no cracks or dents visible in the dim light. Concrete was beneath them as Solomon opened the heavy door, allowing the others in first, but none of them accepted his offer. With an eye roll, he slipped inside, Kayden following.
One by one, they went in. Jericho was last, making sure no one was behind him. When the door shut, June pushed a cabinet of stage equipment in front of the wood. Jericho was perplexed by June's sudden desire to do physical labor when he was injured. Theo didn't budge to help him since he was still recovering from the gunshot. Why was June so adamant on helping out? It could have been guilt, wanting to atone for his sins. Jericho didn't have time for those questions, though.
The back of the theatre was a storage room that was wider than Jericho thought. It stretched out and allowed the entire group inside. There was still space for a handful of people if they had more with them. Although most of that space was littered with dust, cabinets, and broken cameras.
Projectors were laid on the ground, a single light hanging off a string. It glowed enough for the shadows to disappear. Solomon went toward the door on the other end of the room, but Asa grabbed him and pulled him back. Theo searched him while Asa held him, confiscating his pistol and knife and handing it over to Charlotte.
As soon as Asa let him go, June stormed forward and took out his own knife, shoving it up against Solomon's throat. Kayden went into the next room to search it, Jericho wishing his legs could move so he could go do the same.
"So, care to explain what the hell we're doing here?" June asked, keeping the tip pointed at the man. "Quite the show you put on, now tell me why I had to lose my fingers, or I'm making you lose yours too."
"Feisty, hm? Not a great look, no-no-no," he replied. "Let's calm down and think about this. We don't have to be enemies."
June stabbed him in the shoulder, the man yelping from the sudden pain. Theo crossed his arms over his chest, Asa doing the same. "I don't like any of this. Solomon took us somewhere private for what? So he could walk into our questions? He's sweating too much for my liking," Theo said.
"You really want to test me? I'm surrounded by the most dangerous people in the world, even over the High Council. Byun June, most notorious assassin out there. Charlotte Evermore and Jericho Novak, infamous leaders. Kayden Armani, the underboss who got demoted after a rash call. Theo Spade and Asa Bardot, the duo that caused this mess. All we're missing are those other two. The legendary Ivan Belmour, and the best fighter the world has to offer, Seong Jimin. Where's he, hm? I'd love to go toe-to-toe with him. Ivan is my field, I'd love to see him in action. Come on, where are my two favorite of the bunch?" Solomon asked.
"Waiting on the rooftops to kill you if you make a move," June replied, switching his knife out for his gun, clicking off the safety and pointing it at Solomon's head. "Or we can call them in and kill you now. Up to you."
"Alright, cool it cool it, we'll talk like civilized men."
June stomped on his foot, Solomon jolting and bumping his back against the wall. Asa covered his mouth before he could shout, June keeping the weapon against the man's head. "Respect the lady, Isaac. She's much more important than you or me, let me tell you. She says the word, I kill your ass, got it?" June said, Solomon silently agreeing.
Now it was Theo's turn. He motioned to Asa, who kicked the back of Solomon's knee. June backed away as Solomon fell to the ground, Theo kneeling as Asa grabbed the man by the hair, pulling his head up to meet Theo's stare.
"I said cool it! I brought you to a private place in good faith, and here you are using it against me," Solomon said.
"June," Charlotte said, June hitting the man with the butt of his gun. Asa covered his mouth again, causing any sounds he made to become muffled.
"Why would you bring the most dangerous people here? In a place where we'd interrogate you?" Theo asked, Asa removing his hand from Solomon.
"There's a rebellion building against the Council in the shadows. I helped form it. We're on your side, trying to take them out. There's a Council meeting less than a month from now at a concert. We're planning on striking then."
June rolled his eyes. "There's no sides. There's just people who help you, and people who don't."
Solomon set his jaw, but Theo cleared his throat before June or Solomon could speak. "Where can we find the High Council?" Theo asked, Asa keeping Solomon in place so the eye contact couldn't break. "We may seem ruthless, but we're desperate. Just as desperate as you. You help us, we help you. If you really think we're the most dangerous in the Underworld, then that means we have a fair shot at beating the Council, right?" Silence was enough of an answer. "If you really believe in what you're saying, you'll tell us where the Council is."
"I don't know where they are, they're hidden in a sarcophagus for all I know. The only info I have on their direct location is that they live in the Bromley district in London."
"You mentioned a concert. Do you know where it is?" Theo asked.
"I'm trying to find out. They do these meetings all the time." Solomon went quiet, then, he sighed. "There's one member I spoke to not long ago. He's in Maine visiting family, he stopped by to get a monthly report since he was close enough. I know the hotel he's staying at. His name's Holden. I meet with him and another Council member every once in a while. Don't know the woman's name, she's more secretive than Holden."
Although Jericho was concerned about the information, he was more concerned about why Kayden hadn't returned. So, he excused himself and went inside the next room. It was much brighter than the storage closet. It seemed like a lounge for employees.
His nerves eased themselves when he saw Kayden by the coffee machine, drinking a cup of it. The room was void of people, little loveseats and tables placed around the room. The entire lounge was a shade of ruby, even the ceiling. It made Jericho's eyes hurt as he peeked down at the carpets that were a bit too soggy for his liking. Maybe there was a leak somewhere. Jericho couldn't be bothered to search for it.
Kayden was leaning against the long table planted against the wall. There were paper plates and cups on it, only a handful of napkins left. Jericho peeked at the coffee machine. More than one machine was on the table, but the first one seemed as though it was the only one functional. Much to his surprise, there were two cups ready. Kayden handed him the second one.
"I thought you hated coffee," Jericho said, Kayden shrugging it off. Jericho would never say no to a cup of coffee, even if it was from a man he had mixed feelings for. At least he had something to take the edge off.
A pistol was on the table, Kayden's free hand next to it. Jericho kept his grip on his weapon as well. Just in case. Although the doors at the top of the room seemed welded shut, there was no way to be sure. So, Jericho sipped his coffee. It tasted stale, but it was hot. Not piping hot like Jericho preferred it, but hot enough that he was able to enjoy it.
"Thank you for making me one," Jericho said, Kayden humming but not verbally replying. At Kayden's silence, Jericho swiveled his head. "You gonna be okay, bud?" The word rolled off his tongue before he could stop it. It was too late to take it back, and Jericho honestly didn't want to.
Kayden clicked his tongue, chuckling with no amusement behind it. "I don't know."
Charlotte came inside, motioning to them. Jericho chugged his coffee and didn't care about the burn it brought his tongue. Then, he and Kayden went back inside to find Asa holding Solomon up.
"We're trying to decide if we should kill him or not," June said, glaring at Charlotte. "Someone has a heart of gold all of a sudden."
"He helped us. There's no reason to kill him. Theo, do you think he's lying?" Charlotte asked.
"No, but I'm not God. I can't read his mind. He's a damn mafia, you really think he doesn't know how to lie?"
"We don't have time for this. We need to get out of here, hotwire two cars, and drive them back to our hideout using the back roads. Theo, get the map and have June highlight the best route. We don't know if anyone found our helicopter, it's best if we just leave it and get out of here. Let's get back, pack, then leave for Maine. Sound like a good plan?" Charlotte said.
"Kill him. No loose ends," June said. Solomon was knocked out, likely Asa's doing. Jericho didn't see a point in keeping him alive, but Charlotte ran a hand through her hair.
"I'm sorry, I just don't want pointless death anymore. Haven't we killed enough?"
"Is now really the time to atone for that?" June asked.
"I have to agree with Charlotte. We don't do any good killing those who help us. What if we need him again down the line? If he's telling the truth about forming a rebellion, if we kill him, we make enemies with the rebellion and the High Council. Do you really want to risk being on the run from two groups?" Kayden asked.
"Do you want to risk him selling us out to the High Council?" Jericho asked.
"Listen, he's knocked out and won't wake up for a while. If we're careful, even if he tells the Council, we'll be able to sneak into Maine and make a solid plan. Isn't it better to risk him telling the Council than risk losing a powerful ally?" Asa asked.
"How about we vote," Theo said, stepping in front of Asa. "If you're for killing Solomon, raise your hand." Jericho and June raised their hands. "That about does it. Charlotte, Kayden, Asa, and I are all for sparing him?" They nodded. "Then let's get out of here."
June was seething, but that wasn't unexpected. After Kayden moved the cabinet, they left through the same door they entered. The cool air brushed through Jericho's hair, more cigarette smoke hitting his nostrils as the chatter broke his ears.
Killing or sparing Solomon was a choice that had its pros and cons. The hardest part about it was neither option was set in stone. There was no way to know if Solomon was really aligned with or against the Council. He did bring them somewhere private as a sign of trust, so Jericho did appreciate that. Regardless, Jericho was always one for tying up loose ends.
He hoped this one wouldn't come back to bite them in the ass.
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