Chapter 27 - Jericho
"This museum of yours, you think we can make it there on foot?" Jericho asked, Ivan keeping his finger on the map.
The whole group (other than Charlotte) was gathered around the bar a full three days after they arrived at the pub, the map spread out on the surface in front of them. Kayden handed Ivan a marker, and he took it. In a minute, the map became an array of dots and lines that pointed to all the key locations they'd need to go. There was a department store not far from them. On the way back, they could get clothes and other items using the cash they had. Ivan brought pretty much his entire net worth, so money was ironically the only thing that wasn't an issue for them.
"We can. If need be, we can hotwire a car and take it back, but we'll need to get rid of it as soon as we do. Not a good idea to have a stolen vehicle in our possession. I would say buy a car, but with our money laundering falling apart, it's up in the air if they'll accept cash. Buying with a card is dumb for reasons I don't need to tell you." Ivan paused his speech, glancing around. "Where's Charlotte?"
As if on cue, she came downstairs, holding a tube of eyeliner. "Oh. I thought we needed something to mark the map with," she said, putting it down on the bar top. Ivan took it in case the marker ran out, but otherwise, it was unnecessary.
"I found a marker behind the bar," Kayden replied, then, he furrowed his brows. "Where the fuck did you find makeup?"
"In the master bathroom. Lots of it."
Ariel tilted her head at that. "Why do you wear makeup?" the preteen asked.
"To look pretty."
Ariel nodded, turning to Jimin. "You should wear makeup."
"Okay, you know what? Fuck you," he replied.
Ivan rolled his eyes and marked the map up again, adding a few escape routes in case the plan went awry. "We have one shot at this. The museum is guarded and the basement is likely where all the files are. If we get in, we can find clues on Madam and how the Underworld is run."
"You're telling me that you, Ivan Belmour, don't know everything there is to know about the Underworld?" Asa asked.
"I know a lot, but not all. The Underworld works in a very specific way. The High Council monitors all of it, organizing the distribution of gold coins. They're the ones controlling our main currency. Without them, you can kiss your cleanup services goodbye. Same with safe weapon trades and buying, and let's not even go into what would happen to the neutral territories. But that's not the point. The point is, everything would fall apart without the Council. That's why we need to get into the museum and find what we can on them."
"There's two problems. One, getting there on foot might be difficult. Two, we can't bring everyone on this mission," Charlotte said, her turning to Theo. "I hate to bench you, but you're injured. I'm not risking bringing an injured man into this. And I know if you're staying, Asa is too."
"Have you never seen a horror movie? Splitting up is a terrible idea," Jimin said, but Charlotte only frowned. He caught on right away. "Wait a second? Are you benching me?"
"I'm sorry, but the smaller the team, the better chance we have at stealth. I don't want to worry about a hundred people all at once. The team is Jericho, Ivan, and me. No one else. You take care of Ariel, Asa take care of Theo. Kayden, babysit all of them, yeah?"
"Yes ma'am," he replied, Jericho staring at him for far too long.
Jimin placed his hand on the map to prevent them from moving. "I'm the best fighter you have. Kayden can look after the kid. If we get into a fight, you'll need me. It's a museum, there'll be security, so it's not like you can bring guns in. In that case, you'll need a good hand-to-hand fighter."
"He's got a point," Ivan said, Charlotte grunting.
"I'll make myself more clear. I don't want you there," she said, and Jimin backed up with hurt flashing in his eyes. "It's not because I don't trust you, or don't think we need you. Min, you're the most important person in my life. If I lose you on that mission, I won't be able to live with myself. I've already put you in the crossfire too much. Please stay. Let us three handle this."
No one dared speak. Not even Jimin. He nodded after some hesitation, stepping back to be with Ariel. After, Charlotte folded the map and handed it over to Ivan. So, they had a plan. They'd use the boxes of clothes the old man dropped off this morning and disguise themselves. They had their new IDs too, much sooner than expected. Granted, their IDs had pictures of their old looks. In mafia central, the odds were they wouldn't do much good. At least they didn't need them to get into the museum.
The teams got their assignments and dispersed, Jericho stepping outside while Ivan got ready. The outside air felt stale as it passed his face, the sunlight a change of pace he didn't know he needed. That and the uncut grass tickling his legs.
He was in new dress pants. They barely fit, and he needed a belt to keep them on his thin waist. The thick, dark jacket he had protected him from the growing cold of New York. His entire outfit was dark, and in the daytime, he stood out more than he wished to.
Charlotte came out a minute later with a short wig for him. She tossed him the cap and the hair, him groaning. She chuckled and did it for him, her fingers stroking his hair and bringing him more consolation than he would admit out loud. It didn't help that she smelled of lavender. That was the soap they had, so it made sense. It didn't make it any less captivating.
When she finished, she gave him a grin. "We'll have to dye your hair blond, you rock it," she said.
"Don't touch my hair."
"You'll be bald by 30."
He huffed and observed her appearance. Although she was more the dress and heels type, she opted for knee-high boots and leggings that showed off the curve of her thighs and waist. Like him, she was wearing a jacket and a pale sweater underneath. It was a leather jacket, zippers hanging off the cuffs. She put on fake glasses and a blond wig that matched his.
The odds were, they'd have to change disguises as they went. That way, if someone chased them, they'd have less to go off of. As if reading his mind, she zipped up her jacket, him doing the same. In a worst case scenario, they could shed their jackets and remove that identifying feature from them.
"I have a scarf in my jacket. If we have to change disguises, I'll wrap it around my head. You got anything?" she asked. At his head shake, she came closer and pulled a hat from the inside of her jacket, tucking it inside his. They had been close to each other before, but this proximity felt different. More intimate.
Jericho grabbed her hips before she could move away, and she peeked up at him with her lips pursed, her eyes expanding. There were no words for several beats, them staring without uttering a single word. Jericho questioned if they were still breathing.
"Would it be bad if I said I wanted to forget it for a moment? Maybe relax for a day, focus on you?" he asked.
"I wouldn't disagree."
He tried to hold back his grin, but he was sure he failed. "So... does that mean we can forget about it for a moment?"
She let him hold her, and the two enjoyed their peace. Their time to forget about the rest of the world and their responsibilities. They'd have to return to reality eventually, but he cherished and memorized every tick of the clock that he got to gaze at Charlotte. The woman who was growing on him too much for his liking. His old rival. Someone he shouldn't trust as much as he did.
His mind brought itself back to what Ivan said not long ago. What he said about what Jericho had done in his past. How he had to talk about it with the ones around him. However, Jericho couldn't bring himself to say anything to the one his past impacted the most. So, he chose Charlotte instead. She was the only one he trusted enough, and that was a terrifying thought.
"I have to tell you something," he said, and she hummed. "But it's big. You'll hate me after I say it, and you'd have every right to. It's about something I did in my past, and if I'm not careful, it'll come back to bite me now." Although she was perplexed, she kept quiet to allow him to speak.
And then, he told her his secret.
As he expected, Charlotte hadn't spoken with him since he told her. She was pissed beyond belief, and she even slapped him. The mark was still on his cheek as they traversed the sidewalks. Ivan was guiding them through the city, his disguise on. He had a hood up, a mask on his face, colored contacts planted in his eyes. His hair was trimmed too, and he gave it blond highlights. It looked like they were the blond crew.
He glanced at Charlotte, but she didn't dare look back. Although she said she wasn't going to hold it against him since it was so long ago, she also told him he needed to man up and talk about it to the others. Especially the one it involved. But there was one problem with that: he'd likely get killed. Literally. If the others found out what he did, he'd get slaughtered in 47 different ways at least.
Unfortunately, he didn't have time to process that. They kept moving at a rapid pace, skyscrapers and businesses passing them on the left and right. People were crowding the city's streets, a mix of cigarette smoke and hot dogs clouding the scent in the air.
Chatter and car horns were the two sounds that penetrated Jericho's body the most. He wished he could cover his ears to drown it out. There was no escaping the noises that circled around his mind. Half of them were from reality, the other half were from the past. The past he recently spewed out to Charlotte.
It felt as though they went back to being rivals because of it. The relationship they were slowly building fell to dust like sand falling between his fingers. Maybe he could redeem himself. For the time being, he chose to focus on saving what was left of what he loved.
The museum showed itself after they rounded the next corner, blinking signs and the sun illuminating their faces as they took in the sights. The museum was gigantic. Honestly, it may have been the most gigantic museum Jericho had ever seen. Smooth, concrete steps were wide and long, leading up to the entrance that was held up by Greek ionic columns. People were storming in and out, handing money to the admissions station that was sitting at the mouth of the high and vast entryway.
Shadows bent with the corners of the square building. It had an elegant style Jericho expected from Madam, but not in this scale. The roof was slanted in a triangle, patterns inspired by the Greek chiseled into the walls of the place. Security was roaming outside, a traffic director there as well. Jericho recognized that aureolin vest anywhere.
Ivan kept his calm as he led them there. It was still dozens of feet away, down the massive street that had a swarm of citizens. Half of them were speaking on their phones, and Jericho had the displeasure of claiming he heard most of those conversations.
Charlotte kept her distance and stuck near Ivan, Jericho frowning but unable to comment for the time being. They continued, approaching the museum with their faces dropping. Up close, the structure seemed like a Goliath. It stuck up in the air like a skyscraper, but it wasn't more than one story from what Jericho could tell.
With their courage stirring inside them, they went up the dozens of stairs. By the time they reached the top, Jericho was winded. He didn't get the chance to catch his breath. Charlotte kept going without turning to see if he was following. Ivan did the same. Jericho sucked in the air around him, hopping up after them.
Security was waiting for them. So was a line and metal detectors. They had to wait for 10 full minutes. Finally, it was their turn to get inside the enormous area. Jericho caught a glimpse of the inside, noting how the exhibits were more exotic than anything he had ever seen during his time as a leader. And he was rich.
Ivan paid for the three of them, the guard hardly sparring them a glance. To him, the three were just another cog in the machine that made the museum function. Jericho was grateful that they were going unnoticed so far. It made his stomach settle, his heart calming. It didn't change his adrenaline spiking, though.
As they entered, Jericho's jaw dropped. Sculptures more elegant than he had ever seen were awaiting him. Each one was more detailed than the last, his body freezing up from the shock of it all. It didn't help that the main room was so enormous, Jericho couldn't process how many pieces of art were hung up.
Crowds rushed around with chatter reaching its peak. Security guards were strolling the terrain in teams of 2, armed with pistols strapped in secure holsters. Tiled marble the same shade as the exterior of the building made up the floors. The walls were the same way, everything a matching color palette.
A painting of mauve spirals was displayed near the center of the area. There was an oval, almost Victorian style room to their left. To their right was a hallway that not even 20 Jericho's could fill if he stood with his arms stretched out by his sides. At the very end of the path was a steel door labeled 'Security'.
Ivan nudged Jericho, both of them nodding and agreeing to get closer. "Charlotte, to draw security to you, fake an asthma attack. Jericho and I will slip in and take out the guards inside. If there's too many, we'll apologize and back out. We'll look for the basement and turn off the cameras," Ivan said, Charlotte agreeing.
In one fluid motion, they split off from each other, Charlotte getting into position. She pretended to stare at an art piece. It was a sculpture of a man, coated in black paint as he held his hands up. It was like the piece was dealing with the weight of reality.
Ivan and Jericho continued just as Charlotte caused a scene. She was coughing and falling to her knees, catching the attention of the guests around her. Several pairs of security guards were pulled off their course, but not all of them. Enough for them to slip inside the security office.
As soon as they stepped in, they were met with a pistol pointed at them. A man was there with a uniform on, the gray material hugging his fit body, a hat covering half of his chestnut locks. Hazel eyes greeted Jericho as he held his hands up.
The room was small but lit well, four chairs in front of an array of screens. Cameras that were high quality and full color. One of those cameras was outside the office. Shit. They saw them coming. Jericho didn't see any cameras around the office.
"State your name and why you're in here," he said, and another security officer came over and lowered the gun.
"Apologies for his rash actions, he's new," the other, a male, said. This officer was taller than Jericho, and even taller than Theo. His shoulders were broad like Asa's, his dark skin shimmering in the lights placed in the ceiling, protected by clear oval cases. "We don't allow guests back here."
The other two officers, both female, remained at their posts. Their eyes were darting around each camera. Jericho admired how focused they were. Their focus reminded him of Theo. It was in that moment that he wished they did risk bringing a large group of people. Although it increased their chances of getting caught, lost, or split up, it would have come in handy right about then.
"Apologies, we were looking for the bathrooms. There was a woman outside having an asthma attack," Ivan said, his voice unwavering. He didn't even stutter. "We didn't know who to ask since security was focused on her. My apologies, I know you do an important job keeping this place safe. We didn't mean to intrude."
"It's fine, mistakes happen. They're not in here." They all chuckled before the man continued. "You leave this room and make a left, they're in the corner by the big window. Trust me, you'll know it when you see it."
"Thank you, we really appreciate your help. And again, sorry for the inconvenience," Ivan said, exchanging one last goodbye with the guard before taking Jericho out of the office. That was close. Too fucking close.
Jericho exhaled and did his best not to sweat or hyperventilate. Charlotte was still doing her distraction, leaning against a wall while she sat on the ground. Two officers were in front of her and talking to her. She kept her eyes on them, not bothering with looking around. Jericho wished he could swoop her up and take her out of that situation. He always hated being surrounded by so many. It made him feel less powerful. He wondered if Charlotte felt the same way.
They went to the left and found the window the man was talking about. He wasn't wrong: it was hard to miss. Not only did it make up most of the wall, but there were people around it, snapping pictures of the view of the outside. It was a giant, vertical rectangle that had frames the color of coffee. Oh what Jericho would do to get his hands on a cup of coffee. He could use something to take the edge off.
The bathroom was labeled for male and female, and they went inside together. They knew the cameras were likely watching them, so they mentally agreed to slip inside one of the stalls for a moment of privacy. Jericho changed his disguise, ridding himself of the wig and putting the hat on. He shoved the fake hair inside the jacket, unzipping it and placing it on the hook inside the stall.
He flushed and exited, washing his hands. There weren't many inside, they were all too busy gawking at the window and the art. He was able to slip in and out without detection, Ivan coming out a minute later. Jericho was already walking back to the main section of the museum, peeking around for a door that would lead to the basement.
Ivan caught up after they were surrounded by people. "This is a bust, we'll get caught by security. It's not worth it. Let's try to exit out the back and circle around to the hideout," Ivan said, his voice a whisper.
"This can't all be for nothing. We don't have any other leads. If we do nothing, Madam gets away unscathed."
"Maybe that's not a bad thing. We were safe, and by doing this, we're risking putting everyone in danger."
"Was this not your plan?" Jericho asked.
"It was, but I know when to bail on a failing plan. Come on, let's get out of here and away from the people."
Jericho reluctantly agreed, them going back to where they started. Charlotte was done with her medical emergency after she assured the guards she was okay at least a dozen times. They got her an inhaler from a guest who was kind enough to give, and she took it like a pro. She spotted them waiting by the archway that led to the next room, and she got the hint.
The pair went to the next sector, and it was then that Jericho realized the museum was a maze. That segment was littered with contemporary art, the displays protected with glass containers and extra security. Jericho locked eyes with one of the security guards, and he tore his gaze away as soon as possible.
Although the museum was massive, there were corridors dead ahead. Two corridors, to be exact. They led deeper into the museum, but Jericho noticed there was an exit sitting between the hallways. All they had to do was push past the crowds and blend in.
They progressed, Jericho feeling eyes on him as they went. He did his best to slip through the people and lose the feeling of being watched. It never left. All the way to the back door, the sensation didn't part from his core.
No one else was departing through that back door, but that didn't stop Jericho, Charlotte, and Ivan from going through. What was there was a parking lot, likely for the staff since it wasn't packed. Hotwiring a car was a tempting option. It'd get them back home sooner. To safety.
However, Ivan didn't spare a glance at the cars. They continued and went as calmly as they could. Their breathing was even, the cracks in the concrete causing Jericho to stumble quite a few times. There were buildings ahead. Apartment complexes, businesses, hotels. They could slip in the alleys and take the back roads to the pub.
Jericho saw no one. The isolation made his skin crawl. There was no reason why a public museum's parking lot, private or not, was so empty. It made no sense. It was plausible that since it was the middle of the day, the busyness inside the museum made it so no one desired leaving. Or maybe that back exit wasn't an exit at all, and they left through the wrong door.
The sky above them turned a shade darker, a cloud blocking the sun and causing the rays to diminish in brightness. The cars that were bright became a sinister shade, the shadows shooting south and hitting Jericho's body. Each element of the darkness made him crave to sink inside the shell that was himself, but he didn't get the chance.
"You were smart to try and find leads here," a male voice said from behind them, the trio freezing. "But too dumb to come up with a plan that'd actually work. You really thought disguises would hide your faces from us? You walked right into Madam's most secure vault, and you thought we wouldn't have your faces memorized?"
They swiveled around and found a guard there. He was the same one Jericho locked eyes with not long ago. There was a pistol drawn on them, the safety clicking off. The man didn't speak any further. He didn't need to. Jericho Novak, Ivan Belmour, and Charlotte Evermore were wanted dead. Not alive. That was why he aimed the gun at Jericho's head. He could duck behind the car to his right, but moving faster than a bullet was impossible. Even if he did, Charlotte was next to him. She'd be the next target. So, a gun was how Jericho Novak's reign would end.
Only it didn't end.
An ear-shattering bang ripped through the clouds and brought the sun back to their skin. Carmine liquid spat out of the forehead of the black-haired man. His once blue eyes were now pale, the flesh on his head tearing itself apart until Jericho swore he saw the inside of his head.
The guard fell over, and Jericho heard a scream. So they weren't alone after all. Another guest or worker must have heard or saw, but Jericho had no idea where the witness was. He didn't have time to search since he heard the creak of a fire escape behind him. They snapped around, their mouths falling open.
One of the apartment buildings had an escape leading close to the ground. It wasn't far, but far enough that it took them a few seconds to rush over. The single figure hopped off of the stairs, his combat boots sinking into the ground while his serpent tattoo glistened with moisture and light. For a beat, Jericho was half-expecting that Jimin followed them, but that wouldn't explain where the sniper came from. Then, the man chuckled and gave them a grin.
Byun June.
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