Everything changed after Celeste cursed the kingdom. Hearts turned to glass and people who were secretly suffering from different heartaches eventually died. They were helpless. They couldn't stop the cracks creeping inside their hearts. They couldn't prevent their hearts from shattering even if they tried to fake how they truly feel, even if they decided to finally give up on love.
After the incident of Celeste's death, everyone was afraid to leave their homes. Some were afraid to interact and accidently find love. Everyone in the kingdom was in turmoil and because of that, the kingdom's borders were forced to be closed from the outsiders.
All trades were cut. All merchants were banned from entering the Kingdom of Glass, without them knowing the real reason why. No one was allowed to get out because the royals were afraid that this confidential and dire issue would be leaked.
For everyone, this was a matter of life and death.
As the kingdom's king, Steve was forced to act, and was pushed around the corner to find a solution as soon as possible. Because of the panic caused by the curse, he decided to discreetly call trustworthy mages, sorcieres, witches and even warlocks. But to everyone's dismay, no one could find a solution and an answer to Celeste's last words.
But despite all the things going on in the palace, it was not enough for Steve to distract his mind, to keep his mind from Celeste's death. He couldn't forget about his regrets. With an awful feeling on his chest, he found himself at Woodcrest, at the forest where Celeste died. In front of her grave, carrying a pot of red roses.
Guilt seeped in his heart. He regretted how he let her suffer on her own. He clenched his fists and gritted his teeth. He was a coward for not fighting for her. It was his fault that this misfortune befell her. Perhaps, if he didn't approach her, if he didn't want her, she would still be alive, living her life without breaking her heart, without losing her child.
And if only Steve prevented her exile, she wouldn't be helplessly burnt to the ground.
There was no time for self-blame but it was clearly all his fault. He was a coward. Even though he was a king, he failed to protect the one that he loved.
With a heavy heart, he knelt on her grave, where she was burned alive, placing the pot of red roses Celeste always loved. There was nothing left but ashes and the burned ground. But something caught his eyes. Steve saw something glinting under the pile of dirt so his hands dug the ground.
His eyes swell in tears after finding a heart made of glass. Steve could still feel its faint heartbeat. It had little cracks on it but not totally broken.
Celeste's heart. Celeste's heart turned into glass.
At that very moment, Steve finally understood the curse Celeste uttered.
He finally knew how to break the curse but he couldn't bring himself to destroy Celeste's heart. He cried in despair as he gently held her fragile heart. Cracks formed in his heart. He could no longer bear the pain of losing her. But his heart somehow still managed to survive.
When his emotions finally settled down, he dug the ground and buried her heart together with the red roses he brought with him.
"I know you're still there. You're not yet gone and you're still mad. We will bear your wrath. And this is the only way to atone for our sins. I won't interfere. But when you're finally ready to forgive us and let go, please allow everyone to be freed. I love you. I know it's already late to say this but I really love you. Please forgive me for being a coward."
I stood there in silence, watching the whole scene unfold. As if I was some spectator together with Celeste who was standing next to me.
So King Steve knew all along but he didn't lift the curse to atone.
"What do you think about what the king had done? He had the chance to break the curse before but he kept everything a secret," silently asked Celeste, her eyes covered by nostalgia and sadness.
I stared at the roses slowly growing from Celeste's grave. Time seemed to continue to flow after Steve left her grave. "He was probably trying to pay the price for letting you suffer. Maybe he trusted that you would forgive everyone one day. He let you decide. But he's still selfish to do so."
Celeste let out a broken smile. "There's no guarantee that I'll forgive this kingdom. He was so naive."
"This may sound cliché but maybe he trusted the goodness of your heart."
Celeste smiled. "Maybe it's not the goodness of my heart but I just grew tired of being mad. My soul just grew weary. When you curse someone, you also have to pay the price in return. It was like a double-edged sword."
I knitted my forehead. She was right. A curse was a double-edged sword. Both sides could hurt the bearer and its enemy. Both sides would be scarred and bruised. No one was really actually winning.
I sighed but something suddenly punched my guts.
I was rattled by the memories that rushed in my head, the memories I had before coming here. I remembered how I destroyed Celeste's heart. Her heart already shattered to pieces and it was already enough to lift to the curse but I wondered what I was doing here.
I recalled the fire—the flames that were about to engulf me.
"What happened? Why am I here? Am I already dead? Did I die?" With a confused look upon my face, I turned to Celeste and asked in panic.
Celeste just smiled. "You're here to witness the last bits of my memories. Right where everyone left me."
I frowned. I wanted to sympathize with her nostalgia but I didn't have time to spare for that. "You didn't answer my question. Did I die?"
Celeste shrugged. "I'm not sure. I was about to pass through this life. I failed to witness what happened to your body. But I'm sure they will not let you burn in that fire. And I kind of envy you. You're lucky you have someone who's willing to fight for you, to save you no matter what. That must be nice."
"No—wait. What if I'm also here because I'm passing along with you? To the afterlife?"
Celeste let out a placid smile as if she was not worried about me at all.
"Thank you, Azalea. For helping me lift this curse. It's time to go," Celeste said with a grateful smile. Light finally seeped in her eyes. She finally let go of her past and was ready to move on. She turned to her heels and walked away.
Instinctively, my hand reached out for her. "Wait—Don't leave me here!"
Celeste shook her head. "Don't follow me. Return to where you belong."
Before I could even touch her, a blinding light suddenly engulfed my whole existence.
I woke up from a deep sleep. Everything around me was hazy as I slowly opened my eyes. My body was numb due to the pain and I couldn't even push myself to sit on the bed. Before I could even scan the room I was in, a loud commotion startled me.
The attendants gasped and cried in relief as they stared at me when I turned to their direction.
Dion, who was the most worried among them all, rushed to my side, sat on the bed and gently held my hand.
Incomparable relief was written in his blue eyes as he stared down at me.
"You're back. I'm glad. I almost lost my mind. I thought I already lost you," he muttered under his breath. He gently squeezed my hand to assure himself that everything was already alright and I had finally returned.
My eyes welled with tears, the hand he gently squeezed reached out to his face and lightly caressed his cheek, with his hand not letting go at all. He slowly closed his eyes and let himself feel my warmth.
He's real. It's not a dream. Everything is real.
My chest tightened. I felt like I couldn't breathe so I panicked and I unconsciously clutched onto my chest, afraid that my heart would shatter but it was a relief that my heart was no longer made of glass. Finally, my heart was freely and wildly beating without the fear of breaking.
But my chest was in so much pain because of that thought. I was so relieved that I almost forgot to breathe.
"I don't know what to do if I ever lose you," continued Dion and gazed at me with mixed emotions.
A small smile tugged on my lips. When my eyes focused on my arms, I noticed the small burns on it. The wounds were not fully healed yet.
"What happened? How did I survive?" I weakly voiced out, despite my still dry throat.
Dion noticed and retrieved a glass of water prepared near the bedside. He helped me sit on the bed and supported me as I emptied the glass. The inside of my stomach was also grumbling in so much pain. I was famished so Dion ordered the attendants to prepare some light dinner, leaving us completely alone.
After drinking Dion explained what happened.
"I was about to save you and force my way to the forest, but something inside me suddenly shattered. I thought I was already done for. I thought my heart suddenly stopped beating. Gladly, I didn't black out and I realized that the curse was finally lifted. The flames were almost about to engulf you so I was already desperate. Gladly, it rained. Like a miracle. And we managed to save you although some parts of your skin got burnt. But don't worry about it. The doctors can cure these burns."
I shook my head. The burns didn't bother me at all. I was just glad that everything worked out in the end.
Dion intently gazed at me and curiously asked, "So are you the one who lifted the curse? How?"
I nodded slightly. "I accidentally saw Celeste's heartglass. Because her heart was frozen like that, she was essentially not dead yet. I destroyed her heart. And with her death, the curse was done. "
Dion smiled and tucked the stray red curls behind my ears. "You've been through a lot. But you did well. Thank you, Azalea. Thank you for saving me. Thank you for saving the people of this kingdom from the curse."
I let out a small smile. "Everyone can finally live freely. Without the fear of shattering their hearts. They can finally love. They can finally express their true feelings without putting on masks."
Dion patted my head. "It's all thanks to you."
But after a few seconds, Dion's face turned stern.
"I know you're not fully recovered yet but I believe you have to know this. Candice was already captured. She's the one responsible for your abduction. What do you want to do with her?"
I bit my bottom lip. I understood that Candice was blinded by jealousy and hatred but she had to pay for her sins. Like Celeste, I was not that forgiving either. "Let the court decide upon it. According to the law."
"Well, if we have to follow the court, she will be sentenced to death."
I frowned and looked outside the window. "Then, so be it."
Dion let out an understanding smile. "The attendants are already preparing your meal. Rest for now. You'll definitely want to see what's going on outside the palace."
I curiously scrunched my eyebrows and turned to him but I already had an idea of what's happening. Everyone was definitely celebrating. Dancing and singing in the streets. Running wild without a care in the world.
My lips slowly formed into a genuine smile.
"I definitely would love to see the outside. I can no longer wait."
After a week of staying inside the palace, the doctor already gave me permission to go outside. It was also a special day for all the people of the Kingdom of Glass. Wearing an off-shoulder light blue dress decorated with gems and white gloves to hide my already healing burned wounds, Dion and I headed to the town square.
As I watched from the windows of the carriage, I couldn't help the smile slowly making its way to my lips.
While fiery red maple leaves fell on the sidewalks, the people were all out in the streets to celebrate. Every house was decorated with beautiful garlands of red roses.
The streets were lively as the people shared food while their faces were covered with ear-to-ear smiles. A band was also playing music in the background to entertain everyone as people danced.
Some people were throwing red rose petals in the air. All the ladies and the gentlemen were wearing their best dresses and suits. Children freely ran on the streets to play and make friends.
Somehow, somewhere in the bottom of my heart, I realized that I dreamed of this kind of happiness before. And I was so overwhelmed that I was finally living the day where all of us were completely freed from the curse.
When we arrived at the town square, everyone was already waiting for the king and queen. After getting out of the carriage, we headed to the stage prepared for the King's speech and settled down on our respective seats.
Dion turned to me with a smile before walking to the middle of the stage to speak. Among the crowd, I saw the happy face of my mother who was gazing at me with proud eyes. My father and brother didn't openly show their true feelings but they smiled slightly and nodded at me.
I was so glad to see them. I was so happy that they managed to survive the curse together with me.
"Good morning, people of the Kingdom Of Glass. For the past years, it was hard for us. Because our hearts turned into glass, everyone was rattled. Everyone tried hard not to fall in love. Everyone even avoided making friends. We paid for the sins of the past. But now that the curse has been lifted, I can say that we're finally freed. And I hereby announce that our borders, the Kingdom of Glass' borders, will be officially opened for everyone. Everyone will now be free to travel to other kingdoms. The merchants are now allowed to enter our borders to do their trades. I wish for everyone's success and happiness. May everyone in this kingdom be blessed by the gods."
It was autumn when the curse started. It was also autumn when the curse ended. Now, we were all ready to start a new life.
The heavy iron gates of the kingdom creaked open. The knights were now officially opening the borders after the announcement.
The people shouted with tears in their eyes. "Long live the king! Long live the queen! Long live the Kingdom of Glass!"
Some people and some noble officials thanked us. Some even thanked and wished for Celeste's soul to finally find peace and rest while throwing rose petals everywhere.
The aspiring merchants headed outside the borders to trade. Several people also decided to travel and discover amazing things beyond our borders. Everyone was excited with wide smiles plastered on their lips.
The dancing and the cheers continued on every street and alleyways.
I stood from my seat. Dion and I blended in the lively crowd.
Now, we can finally live and love freely, without the fear of breaking our hearts.
I turned to Dion with a sincere smile, gazing up at him.
"I love you," I whispered, no longer afraid to admit how I truly feel.
Dion grinned. "I know. And I love you more than anything in this world."
Dion pulled me closer and leaned to kiss me. I accepted his kiss with all of my heart.
It was time to love freely, without hesitations.
Maybe this love won't last for evermore. Maybe there was no guarantee that we would not be hurt in the process, but at least, we knew that we could heal from it.
Yes, this is the happy ending everyone deserves.
Author's Note:
Thank you for reading this story! I hoped you like it. And by the way, this story is inspired by Taylor Swift's evermore album.
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