Unexpected Advice
Still pissed at his cousin and irritated by Louis, Harry walked through the nearby park. All around him were laughing happy people enjoying their Sunday and that really didn't help his mood at all. Those good-mooded people were too happy and too carefree. They really needed a wake-up call urgently.
After half an eternity of walking around, he finally made his way back home, not expecting to meet anyone. Especially not Louis. But destiny hated him apparently. Because as soon as Harry had reached the second floor, Louis appeared in his vision.
"This can't possibly be happening" groaned Louis as soon as he laid eyes on him.
"I'm not keen on this either. I miss the time when we didn't always cross ways everywhere and I still thought you were a boring grumpy grandpa" mumbled Harry more to himself when he passed Louis but because life hated him, Louis had heard everything.
"Why are you the one being pissed when it was you who was overreacting? The way you treat Niall really isn't okay just because you're the owner's cousin. You can't just go around and treat everyone who is underneath your level like utter bullshit! You really are just an arrogant son of a bitch who can't admit when they're wrong!" took Louis all of his obvious frustration now out on him.
Furiously, Harry turned around to him and was literally right in his face, making Louis take one step back to create some space between them. "Watch what you're saying, you piece of shit! You don't know a thing about me. You don't know me at all, so don't you dare judge me!".
"And I don't wanna know you. You're friends with Kyle and all those idiots and that alone shows me what kind of a person you are. I don't wanna know shit about you!" snapped Louis back at him, not backing down.
"Weren't you the one who dated him? Looks like either you aren't any better than us or you crave attention so desperately because nobody else wants you that you accepted your worth finally. Don't pretend like you're better than me, Louis. You're not. You're a pathetic loser that no one wants to fuck" countered Harry coldly, really wanting to hurt him right now for judging him.
"Fuck you, Harry" spat Louis with so much anger that Harry almost shuddered at the sound of his voice.
"Well, go and fuck yourself" shouted Harry after him.
"I will, bastard" flipped Louis him off before he slammed his door shut.
"Did he just ...?" asked Harry dumbfounded himself as he again just stared after him, which ended in Harry staring at a closed door. Why was that still happening?
Mad and fucking angry, Harry stomped upstairs and into his flat. As soon as he was inside he let out a loud scream and just buried his face in his hands. This whole day has been simply horrible. Everyone was throwing things at his face that he apparently did wrong. Everyone was criticising him for everything. Why can't they just mind their own business?
From H @Party Bros:
"Guys, someone up for some fun?"
From Brian @Party Bros:
"Sry, I'm with Aidan".
From Kyle @Party Bros:
"I'm trying to hit up that guy. Another time".
From Jake @Party Bros:
"I'm with my girl and about to have a good time. Would love it if none of you bothered me right now".
From Xavi @Party Bros:
"Why don't ya just hook up with someone?".
"Fucking amazing" grumbled Harry at his phone.
Instead of having a good time, he watched some useless TV show, reminding him of that bastard downstairs, and ate ice cream to cool down, quite literally. He needed to clear his head before he had to go to work. Wasn't so easy when he was this mad and felt like he really wanted to punch someone. Not Louis. Just someone.
With the wish to punch someone still on his mind, Harry arrived at his workplace a few hours later. Sean greeted him like always, not expecting anything in return, but today Harry actually greeted him back and was kinda happy he was working with him and not that other creepy guy. Sean was okay, sometimes.
The hours were dragging on with no end in sight until it was finally time for their midnight break. Together they went into their little room and started to eat in silence. That Sean wasn't saying anything unsettled Harry more than he thought was possible. But he felt him looking over.
"What?" snapped Harry after two more minutes of Sean silently looking at him.
"You look like you need to talk but I know you don't wanna talk to me, so I said nothing" answered Sean calmly.
"That's very true" snarled Harry but then fell silent and fiddled with the hem of his shirt. "Except ... um maybe .... I ... err wanna talk to you".
"Really?" perked Sean up now in surprise.
"Yes. Don't read too much into it and good god, don't ask why but I need to get this off my chest and you're here and objective and my friends ... yeah" justified Harry himself.
"I listen to whatever you have to say" smiled Sean openly at him.
"Okay, so. You know how people come to me when they wanna break up with their partners, right?" started Harry to tell his story and Sean just nodded, not judging him one bit. "Something about two weeks ago at the end of February, my friend Kyle asked me to help him out. He wanted to call it quits with his boyfriend because he is weird and boring and a spoilsport and they never have sex, according to him. As usual, I accepted and went downstairs because as it turned out his boyfriend was my mysterious neighbour, who I had never seen before. You're still following?".
"Yeah, he is your neighbour" confirmed Sean softly.
"Exactly. And this is where the problem started. When I rang the bell, he refused to open the door because when he doesn't see me it's not real. I mean, how childish is that? Anyway, I got him to open the door and we immediately argued but I still told him Kyle wanted to get rid of him, told him why and maybe I was a bit rude but I'm never nice during this. That's not how it works. Anyway, I'm getting off-topic here. I thought after telling him this would be over but no. Since then we met so many times that I think destiny hates me. In the club with his stupid friend Zayn, where he caused a scene because someone touched him. Drama Queen. We had a fight that day as well. They were both mad at me and Kyle. Then he showed up at my door the next morning to tell me off for having loud sex that night and every other night before. And um ... that ended in me inviting him in? I don't know how that happened but it doesn't matter. We talked about random stuff and watched some TV and he really wasn't that bad? He was pretty funny and sarcastic. Until he freaked out on me and I still don't know why. We were joking around and then he suddenly snapped at me and stormed off. I wanted to forget about it but I couldn't, so I tried to get his attention but nothing worked out. It was hopeless" continued Harry to tell him everything that was going through his mind.
"So? You got rid of him then?" asked Sean and Harry couldn't place the tone of his voice. Maybe he was a little suspicious?
"No, definitely not. Today he showed up when I met up with some family of mine. He picked up his friend from work and actually ignored me completely! I really don't know what I did wrong but anyway. We met again in the hallway when I came back home and we ended up shouting at each other. He was mad I treated his friend badly, what I maybe did but he had no right to come at me like this. I said things that weren't nice and I can't stop replaying all of this in my mind" finished Harry his story with a heavy sigh.
"Why do you care so much about all of this? About him?" hit Sean him off-guard with a question instead of encouraging words.
"I don't care about any of this at all, least about him. I don't give a shit about him or what he thinks about me or what he is feeling" snorted Harry defensively.
"You sure? To me, it sounded like you care a lot about him. Since you met him all you do is think about your interactions, or am I wrong? You said you don't know what ticked him off and made him so angry because you did nothing wrong but you still think about it. If it was nothing you wouldn't think about it anymore. You wanna know what's wrong because you care somewhere deep inside. And I see that you feel bad for making him feel bad even though you don't know the reason for it" told Sean him his view on things.
"I don't care about him. I can't. Why should I care about some intriguing stranger, who is my grumpy but feisty neighbour and also happens to be my friend's boring spoilsport ex-boyfriend?" squeaked Harry out and didn't recognise his own voice.
"That description alone shows that something doesn't add up here and that you care, Harry" revealed Sean to him carefully.
For a moment, Harry was deadly silent. He replayed all of Sean's words and then his own regarding Louis. He did feel intrigued when he first saw Louis' stunning beauty and he felt bad for breaking his heart in Kyle's place. He has been worried about him ever since, wondering how he was doing. For example, in the club. He did prefer Louis' company over his hook up's and wanted to know more about him and yes, he was still wondering what he did to make Louis this mad at him out of nowhere. And hell yes, was he happy to see him in the bakery. And most of all, he regretted what he said to him in the hallway. That was just mean and cruel on purpose.
"Fuck, I do care about him, don't I?" realised Harry shocked and couldn't believe it himself.
"Looks like you do, lad" was all Sean could say to this.
"But how? I can't care about him. I don't care about anyone. No one. I can't ... I ..." was Harry lost for words.
"I wish we could talk more but we have to go back. Let's talk next time, yeah? And try to fix this and don't make it worse" offered Sean to him and Harry could only accept it.
The rest of his work time went completely past him. He felt like he wasn't really there and he didn't chat up anyone after his shift. And for the first time in forever, he went home alone with only one thought on his mind. How did that happen? When did he start caring for someone other than himself? What did Louis do?
Fittingly, he spotted Louis together with some girl walking up the stairs, not noticing him behind them. They had snacks in their hands and some drinks from that gas station around the corner. Explained why they were out so late when Louis was supposed to be someone who never went anywhere.
The girl next to Louis had red hair, was pretty tall and seemed to have an accent while talking but maybe that was just his imagination. From the side, she looked nice and Harry wondered how they related to each other and what they were doing at these ungodly hours.
"At least, he didn't google you yet" noted that amber-haired girl when they walked towards Louis' front door.
"And he won't ever. He doesn't know me enough for that" remarked Louis, his voice sounding a bit shaky.
"Isn't that the whole point of googling someone?" wondered the way too pretty girl.
"Àmber" warned Louis her with his eyes.
"Okay, fine. I didn't say anything. Just be happy he doesn't know about your d ..." held this Àmber girl her hands up in defence and walked into his flat with him, making it impossible to hear what she wanted to say.
Had they been talking about him? No, that wasn't possible. But someone wasn't supposed to know something about Louis, that google could expose. What could that possibly be? Maybe it was about time to make a quick google search on Louis ... what was his last name again?
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