Search For The Last Name
"Don't start this now and tell me everything you know about Louis" gave Harry his cousin no chance to even greet him as he walked into the bakery Monday morning.
"Err ... why?" was Andrew taken back by the urgency behind his words.
"None of your business. Just tell me" ordered Harry him sternly.
"How about we sit down, first of all. And then you tell me what's going on" tried Andrew to slow him down.
Pulling a funny face, Harry sat down. "I'm sitting. Now tell me everything you know".
"About Niall's Louis?" checked Andrew to make sure and Harry just nodded, feeling like Andrew shouldn't call Louis Niall's. "Okay, um ... He's 28, turning 29 at the end of this year. He works as a Drama and Music teacher at Domumley High for something around a year now after he came back. He's pretty funny and sassy and rather beautiful and his best friend's name is Zayn Jonah Malik, who works as a Photographer and Video Director, if you want to know. Like, he makes videos and photos for agencies, for example, modelling or acting or dancing or whatever you need him for".
"Why are we suddenly talking about Zayn?" wondered Harry perplexed.
"Um ... because he is pretty close with Louis but they never told me how they met and I knew you'd ask me that eventually, so I just told you from the start that I have no idea?" coughed Andrew and made his answer sound more like an unsure question.
"Great. I don't give a shit about Zayn but thanks for the input. Everything you told me is old news. I knew all that. I need m ... wait, did you say he works there for only a year after he came back? Back from what?" realised Harry suddenly that this part was new.
"Yeah, he started working there something over a year ago. I heard that he hasn't been here for a while and then decided to come back home but that's all I know. He probably was working somewhere else before" guessed Andrew unsure.
"I guess ..." trailed Harry off thoughtfully. "Do you know his last name?".
"I ... huh, now that you say it. No, I don't. That's weird" discovered Andrew at that very moment. "But it has to be something similar to what Niall always calls him. I've been wondering where that nickname comes from".
"Which nickname?" wanted Harry to know. He couldn't remember anything Niall had said last time.
Suddenly something fell down behind Harry and he jumped up in fear. Startled, he stared at the cause for the interruption and was met with a guilty-looking Niall, who was picking up some shreds from the floor. Harry examined him closely and the table next to him and couldn't find a reason for Niall to be here right behind them at this very moment apart from him spying on them and listening to their private conversation.
"Were you eavesdropping?" asked Harry through gritted teeth.
"No, I'd never ... I was just cleaning up the table and ..." stuttered Niall nervously, just proving that Harry was right.
"A clean table? Yeah, sure. I can't believe you did that. Stay in your own lane, little cashier. This could be reason enough to f ...".
"Still not finished, Niall?" walked another co-worker over to them. Harry darkly remembered her name to be Aria. "I need your help in the back. How long can it take to clean one table?".
"I broke a glass" grinned Niall sheepishly at her and looked very grateful to see her.
"See? No reason to lash out, H. He was just doing his job" intervened Andrew mindfully. "Go back to work, guys".
"Of course" nodded Niall relieved at him and disappeared with Aria.
"They were lying straight to your face, idiot" snorted Harry in disbelief.
"Obviously but are you surprised? You were talking about Niall's friend. He was probably curious about what you wanted to know. You literally came in here and screamed out that you needed to know everything about him. Did you think Niall wouldn't hear that?" put Andrew his hands onto his waist.
"Smart Ass" spat Harry arrogantly.
"Good morning, guys" walked someone into the bakery.
"Good morning, Àmber" greeted Andrew her and immediately, Harry looked back at him and then over to the new customer.
It was the girl from last night. The girl who was talking to Louis about googling him. The girl that went back home with him. The pretty girl that was accompanied by Louis right now. Louis was here with her. Right in Harry's reach.
"The usual?" asked Niall knowingly, already getting the order ready.
"You know me too well" laughed Àmber cheerfully.
"What about you, dickward?" addressed Niall Louis playfully.
"Just tea and a croissant to-go, asshole" shot Louis back jokingly.
"Language" admonished Andrew them lightly.
"Oh, we're very sorry" apologised Louis sarcastically.
"I don't think I believe you, pretty boy" clicked Andrew with his tongue.
"Maybe I have to make you believe me, Handsome" retorted Louis flirty.
"Flirting with the customers, huh cousin? That's new. Especially with the male ones. Weren't you straight?" walked Harry over to them and threw his arm around Andrew's shoulders.
"Ever heard of fun, spoilsport? Those two bubbleheads flirt all the time" pointed Andrew with his head at Niall and Louis, Àmber was just watching them curiously.
"You spend too much time with Tommo. You talk like him now" cackled Niall amused.
"Ey" huffed Louis pouty.
Tommo. That's what Niall always called him but what was it short for? A last name or just a second name? Maybe a joke from back in school? Now Harry was curious.
A ringing phone cut them off. Hastily, Andrew searched for his phone and excused himself while walking into a corner. Now Harry was standing awkwardly next to the counter with Louis and Àmber while Niall was doing his job.
"Hi, Louis" cleared Harry his throat quietly but Louis didn't even react. He kept ignoring his mere existence.
"You must be Harry, right? Andrew's cousin. He talked about you" addressed Àmber him surprisingly.
"Um yeah, that's me" replied Harry awkwardly.
"Nice to meet you. I'm Louis' sister, Àmber Caraveillo. Maybe you heard about me" introduced Àmber herself laughingly with a playful wink.
"She travelled around the world and wrote a book about it. Is pretty famous, that bitch" explained Niall when he saw Harry's confused face.
"Horan" glared Louis darkly at him.
"I meant, that amazing young lady, who is obviously the innocence in person and absolutely lovely" corrected Niall himself quickly.
"That's better" grinned Louis smugly.
"Niall, can you come over for a second?" reappeared Aria from the back.
"Yeah, one second. Oh, right you don't know each other yet. Guys, this is Aria. My new colleague I told you about. Aria, this is my friend Louis and his sister Àmber" introduced Niall them to each other.
"Hi, Niall talked a lot about you" smiled Aria shyly at them.
"All lies" laughed Àmber and Louis at the same time.
"Here's your full order, A. You eat too much" handed Niall her a huge paper bag.
"I get that a lot" winked Àmber at him.
"Don't listen to him. You can eat whatever you want and how much you want. You still look great" noted Aria and blushed when she blurted those last words out.
"Thanks, love" smiled Àmber softly at her.
"Okay. I think we should leave. Work doesn't wait for me. Bye, guys" took Louis his tea and bag, waving at Niall, and left the bakery with his sister, not looking at Harry once.
And how could it ever be different, he was left staring after him through a closed door in his face. Since when was he someone to feel ignored or rejected and look after anyone? Louis was getting on his nerves, but now thanks to his famous sister he knew his last name and could finally google him.
"Harry, can we talk about our con ...?" came Andrew back over to him, call obviously over by now.
"I'm sorry. Another time. I have to go to work. Talk to you later" rushed Harry out of the bakery, obviously not planning on talking to Andrew any time soon.
During his lunch break, Harry sat back in a corner with his phone, opened Google and tipped in Louis Caraveillo. He thought that name had a nice ring to it. Almost like it wasn't real, too good to be true.
He looked at the results from his google search and frowned in confusion and pure frustration. There was no Louis Caraveillo to be found. All he got was a suggestion to google Àmber Caraveillo instead. So, he did just that, hoping to find Louis over his famous sister. But all he got were articles about Àmber and her book and all her travel destinations. If he wouldn't be looking for something completely different it would even be interesting enough to read through some of it.
What confused Harry the most was that no article ever mentioned a brother. He even looked through fan pages but no one seemed to know Louis even existed. Àmber's father Álvaro Caraveillo was mentioned here and there but not a single word about her mother or Louis or everyone else. That was pretty oblique.
Frustrated and disappointed, Harry closed his phone and let out a long and heavy sigh. Why was it so difficult to find Louis online when Àmber and he had obviously been worried about people googling him? Why couldn't he find him anywhere?
That could only mean Àmber and Louis had a different last name, maybe they were only half-siblings. That made things more complicated. Andrew didn't know anything from importance and Àmber was a dead end. Niall was out of question; he would never say anything. So, there was only one person left he could ask about Louis and maybe get some answers.
As soon as he was done with work for the day, he texted Kyle and hoped he had time for him now and he wouldn't ditch him like yesterday.
From Harry to Kyle:
"You have a spare second for me?".
From Kyle to Harry:
"Sure thing. I'm at our usual bar in an hour. Just come by".
An hour later, Harry was walking into their usual bar and immediately spotted Kyle at their table in the back with a beer in front of him. He walked over, ordering a beer on the way, and sat down opposite his friend.
"Hey, H. Sorry I ditched you yesterday. What's so important?" wanted Kyle to know directly.
"This might come off as weird but I just wanted to know if you know Louis' last name" came Harry straight to the point.
"It's Tomlinson. Why?" told Kyle him like it was nothing.
"Just curious. I met his sister Àmber and her last name didn't quite fit with Louis in my mind" made Harry up some stupid lie.
"That's because they're not related. She is his step-sister. His Mum remarried, I think. Not that we ever talked about his family for more than a second" explained Kyle to him nonchalantly.
"Ah, okay" decided Harry on saying instead of asking more questions. It would be weird for him to ask his friend about his ex-boyfriend just because he was a little bit too curious for his own good.
They stayed in that bar for a good two hours and both of them chatted up someone and ended up going home with them. After a relaxing but unfortunately not mind clearing fuck, Harry kicked that guy out and opened his laptop. He placed it on his naked lap and tipped in Louis Tomlinson this time, hoping for answers.
And indeed, this time he got tons and tons of results. Pictures, videos and articles about Louis Tomlinson. Harry scanned over the pictures at the top and got a good look at Louis as a child, a teen and an adult, which confused the hell out of him. He really needed to read an article.
He clicked onto the first link that read: 'Everything you need to know about Louis Tomlinson: Childhood, Career, Family, Friends, Relationships'.
Immediately, he was overwhelmed by information and with every second and every new word he read his mind was more blown. And he had only read the summary yet.
Louis William Tomlinson was a well-known professional dancer. He started dancing when he was around four years old for the fun of it, which turned into a real passion over the years. He was a student of the Barry Gomez Dance Company, most known for bringing out dozens of famous dancers over the last decades. As a little boy, he became part of the elite boys' dance team of the company and won competition after competition and championship after championship with the team and as a soloist.
Tomlinson reached the peak of his career when he left the BG Dance Company and joined an elite team of young adult dancers, who took over the dance world. Over the years, he made a name out of himself and worked with tons of celebrities and big names in the entertainment industry. He was one to look out for.
All of this came to end when he auditioned for the lead dancing role of the famous movie 'Dark Desire', which has always been Tomlinson's favourite musical. Sources said he injured himself badly and dropped out of dance but no one really knows what happened at that audition. Since then he disappeared from the face of the world.
The summary was enough for Harry to feel a headache coming. Louis has been a professional dancer and got injured, so he had to stop. That's what no one around here was supposed to know. It was mind-blowing to think about Louis having such an exciting career and now being labelled as a boring spoilsport. Did Kyle know about this? He has been Louis' boyfriend, so probably yes.
He skipped over the childhood, family and career parts and went straight to the friends. Zayn was mentioned here alongside some old friends from dance. Apparently, Zayn was involved in that last fatal audition. Was he at fault for the accident that ruined Louis' life and was now feeling guilty? Questions over questions. But one was sticking out:
Why was Louis being a dancer in the past not making any sense with his stuck up behaviour in Harry's mind?
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