Goingon another weekend trip with his friends had Harry feeling anxiousthis time. Just because he hasn't faced Zayn yet. They haven't talkedsince he came back and Harry wasn't sure what to feel about thisfact. Zayn was probably still mad at him and not okay with theirrelationship, which was a depressing thought considering he wasLouis' best friend and once, Harry's friend. He needed clarity.
So,when they took a stop at a gas station because some needed a toiletand others wanted food, Harry stayed back, knowing Zayn wouldn't goin and stay in the VW bus because he was the driver. Once they wereall gone Harry hoped Zayn would say something but he didn't.
"Zayn?"Harry tried carefully. Zayn looked at him through the rare mirror andjust waited for him to continue. "Look, I don't want this to beweird and I hate this distance between us. So, um ... I just wannasay I'm sorry. I know you're mad at me and for a good reason. I hopeone day you can see how much I love Louis and that I never intendedon hurting him ...".
"Harry,I'm not mad at you anymore" Zayn cut him off tensely.
"No?But you're not talking to me" Harry frowned confused. Was heimagining things now?
"BecauseI'm making this awkward. Not you, H" Zayn sighed out heavily,confusing Harry even more. "Since you're back and Louis told meabout what really happened I just feel extremely bad. I was so angryand mad at you and accused you of horrible things while you were goneand did none of this. I ... You know Louis and I had a fight becauseof this and this is just so embarrassing for me. I didn't know how toface you after everything I've said about you. I'm truly sorry, H. Ishould have trusted you and never accused you of using Louis for sexbecause I should have known you wouldn't do this because you are notlike this and you obviously love him".
"Idon't know what to say, Zayn. Just ... thank you for being honestwith me but you don't need to be sorry for ...".
"ButI do, Harry" Zayn didn't let him speak. "I was in the wrong andnothing can excuse this. Especially not my soft spot for Louis and myneed to protect him. It was out of place and out of control. I'mworking on this. I see how happy he is with you and how happy you areas well, H. There is nothing more I could possibly wish for. Exceptfor us being friends again maybe?".
"Ofcourse, Zayn. You've always been my friend. I understand why you wereso leery towards me. I wouldn't have been any better in your shoes. Ireally made it look like I only used him although I didn't. I'm stillbaffled that Louis trusted me this whole time" Harry smiledunderstandingly at him.
"Becauseyou are trustworthy, Harry. Louis trusts you with his life andrightly so. I've seen how much you care. The love the two of youshare is unique and I'm happy for both of you. And just so you know,I trust you too, H" Zayn revealed to him emotionally.
"AndI'm not holding anything against you, Zayno. Friends?" Harryoffered him happily.
"Ofcourse" Zayn leaned over the seat to hug Harry.
Itwas an awkward angle but it worked out somehow. This hug just feltright and needed. They were good now and Harry was over the moon.Zayn was the most important person in Louis' life and now there wasno bad blood left between them.
"Oh,and congrats on the house" Zayn smirked into the hug, Harry couldliterally feel that.
"Hetold you already?" Harry broke their hug, turning red in the face.
"Uh-huh.He called me, all excited and such. You're actually moving intogether and apparently into a home where kids are already planned inthe far future" Zayn looked smugly.
"Iknow this all sounds a bit much and it's pretty fast but it feltright in that moment and we were talking about hypothetical kids wemight have someday. I love him and living together isn't necessarilyanything new to us by now and we just ...".
"It'sokay, H. You don't have to explain yourself" Zayn assured himcalmly. "You're both old enough to make your own decisions. You'renot teenagers anymore. So, whatever feels right is right. Simple asthat".
"Andit feels absolutely right. I wanna see him first thing in the morningand go to bed together at night. Make breakfast together and actuallyteach him how to cook without setting the kitchen on fire. And like,do all those domestic things with my boyfriend. With Louis" Harryrambled dreamily.
"Thatwas hella cheesy but I love to see you like this. But we should stopbecause they're gonna be back any second now" Zayn laughed lightly.
"Youdon't want Liam to get ideas?" Harry wiggled his eyebrows at him.
"Don'tyou dare" Zayn's eyes grew big. "We're not like Louis and you.We're ... different".
"Yeah,boring" Harry cackled amused.
"Whois boring, Baby?" Louis opened a door to the VW bus and climbedback in next to Harry.
"Notyou" Harry winked at him. "Liam and Zayn".
"Verytrue, Sweetheart" Louis got comfortable at Harry's side with thenewly bought chocolate in his hands.
"Don'tknow why I keep defending you. You're so mean to me, Tommy" Zaynhuffed cutely.
"Aww,don't sulk now, Joey" Louis cooed exaggeratedly.
"Jonno,why didn't you wait for me?" Liam reached the bus breathlessly.
"Itold you I'd race you to the car, duh. You lost" Louis retorted asif he was dumb.
"Don'tgive me that sass now, Mister. I didn't know that'swhatyou meant" Liam countered huffy.
"Whatelse could I've possibly meant, Lima?" Louis asked cheekily.
"SometimesI don't like you" Liam crossed his arms over his chest.
"No,because you love me" Louis made a kissing sound.
"Iwill not confirm nor deny this because the audience around here mightkill me, no matter what I say" Liam grinned jokingly.
"See?You can be funny" Louis told him. "A bit".
"Didyou just say Liam is funny?" Àmber appeared next to Liam, lookingfunny. "I thought we'd only drive to a different city and not atotally different universe".
"Hey,I can be pretty funny! Thank you very much" Liam exclaimedoffended.
"Ofcourse, you can. They're just fucking with you, Love" Zayn threw into settle this moment.
"Ew,why would we do that? That's only your job" Niall joined theirconversation as well.
"Great.Now that we all seem to be back. Let's just get in and drive on.Patriley is still an hour away" Kayla clapped into her hands,making all of them jump.
"Babe,don't scare them" Maribel giggled entertained.
"Butshe is good at this and you know that" Aria pointed outmatter-of-factly.
"Shehas a point, M. Anyway, let's get going. I wanted to reach Patrileybefore dinner time" Sean shooed them all back into the bus.
Andexactly an hour and five minutes later, they reached their hotel inPatriley. It was a small but nice and cosy one and this time, theyhad parted rooms beforehand. Into couples because their groupconsisted of five couples by now. Somehow, Harry loved that.
Togetherwith Louis, Harry walked into their room for the weekend. There was adouble bed, a wardrobe, an armchair and an attached bathroom. Notmuch but enough. Quickly, they settled in before they went backdownstairs to meet up with their friends to get dinner somewhere.
Theyended up in a small restaurant near the hotel. Throughout the wholedinner they talked lively and joked around, simply having a goodtime. Over and over again, Harry found himself just watching them.Moments like this made him realise again how lucky he was to havethese people in his life. He was a lucky bastard.
Backin their hotel room, Harry and Louis went straight into the bathroomand into the shower. They felt sweaty from the bus ride and sharingthe shower would safe them time. Well, at least that was Harry'soriginal thought but seeing Louis naked underneath the streamingwater turned him on in mere seconds. He tried to hide it butobviously that was impossible and absolutely in vain.
"Naw,don't hide your boner from me, Baby. I feel flattered that I turn youon so quickly" Louis turned Harry around to him, hands placedfirmly on Harry's waist.
"I'mnot sure if you're serious or mocking me" Harry breathed out dryly.
"Both,actually" Louis stepped closer to him.
"That'snot even possible" Harry contradicted him weakly.
"Oh,but it is" Louis replied darkly, pressing Harry up against theshower wall before kissing him.
Immediately,their tongues battled for dominance but Harry gave in. He loved thefeeling of Louis being in control and this was making him go weak inthe knees. Their kiss was sloppy and wet due to all the water but atthe same time, it was hot and passionate and rough, which only turnedHarry on even more.
"Lou"Harry moaned out when their dicks rubbed against each other briefly."Shit, I want you so bad but I didn't pack any condoms and weshouldn't ...".
"Meneither, Haz. And I get your point but there are quite a few thingsyou can do without" Louis looked up at him with a sparkle in hislust-filled eyes.
"Whatdo you have in mind?" Harry croaked out aroused.
"Doyou trust me?" Louis asked instead of answering.
"Ofcourse, Lou. More than anyone" Harry stated surely.
Hearingthat, Louis kissed him again, tongue directly entering Harry's mouth.While still kissing him Harry felt how Louis started to thrust hiships onto him, rubbing their dicks together more frequently. Harrystarted to buckle his hips up in sync, intensifying that amazingfeeling of pleasure. Harry let out a rather loud and embarrassingmoan when Louis wrapped one hand around both of their dicks andstarted pumping them in time with their thrusts.
"Fuck"Harry cursed turned on.
"You'reliking this, Haz?" Louis asked definitely bothered.
"Lovingit, Lou" Harry brought out, unable to keep kissing Louis because hecouldn't stop moaning.
Louis'pumping and stroking of their dicks picked up and Harry thrusted hiships harder, out of control. Louis' free hand wandered onto Harry'swaist, keeping him in place. Moaning at that again, Harry let hishands wander down onto Louis' ass, squeezing and massaging it in timewith their thrusts. This was pushing him so fast towards the edgethat he wanted to cry. It just felt so good.
Pumpinga few more times, both of them came at the same time and rode outtheir Highs together. Feeling weak in the knees, Harry wanted to sinkto the ground but Louis was steadying him by the waist. They kissedslowly again before cleaning themselves and stepping out of theshower.
"Shit"Harry cursed again after drying himself with a towel.
"Whatis it, Love?" Louis turned around to him, letting his towel fall tothe ground and revealing all of his naked glory.
"Seeingyou like this, Lou. I ... Fuck, you're so sexy. I um ... I reallywanna go again" Harry admitted embarrassed.
"Ohreally?" Louis cocked an eyebrow at him. "You really think youcan handle a round two?".
Harrynodded quickly. "Wanna feel you again. Wanna come again from yourtouch. Please, Lou".
"Fuck"Louis cussed, walking over to him. "Look at you begging me to makeyou come again. How could I say no to this? You're my baby and I doeverything for you".
"Well,then do me" Harry giggled cutely.
"Damnit. How much I would love to fuck you right now but I think I have abetter idea" Louis pulled him right into his body, crashing theirlips together before Harry could ask what he even meant.
Thekiss got passionate and hot and needy quickly and Harry felt himselfharden already. Impatiently, Harry whined into the kiss, feelingLouis harden now too. With their hands everywhere, they stumbled outof the bathroom and onto the bed. Louis directly hovered over him anddeepened the kiss. Their hips rutted together and all Harry wantedwas for Louis to wrap his hand around him. But he didn't.
Instead,he started kissing all over Harry's naked chest and torso until hehad reached his thighs. He kissed the insides of them, ignoringHarry's dick completely, and stopped directly over Harry's puckeringhole. Suddenly Louis' lips were gone from his thighs and for a secondHarry was confused but then an unexpected wave of pleasure over camehim and he moaned loudly.
"Ohmy god!" Harry exclaimed trembling when Louis licked over his hole.
"Goodor bad?" Louis checked worriedly.
"Amazing.Gosh, Lou. You're amazing" Harry was no longer in control of hisown words.
Allhe felt was how Louis went back down on him, licking over his holemore confidently now. He teased him for a good minute before pushinghis tongue into Harry lightly. That feeling alone made Harry go limbin Louis' hands, which were caressing his waist gently, making sureHarry was relaxed and with him. God, this man ...
Hiseyes rolled back into his head when Louis started to fuck him withhis tongue. The sounds he was making while eating Harry out weredriving Harry crazy. He had never felt anything like this. It goteven better when Louis used his finger to stimulate his rim beforeinserting one of fingers right next to his tongue. Now he was fuckinghim with his tongue and his finger, making Harry see stars.
"Lou.Lou. Lou" was all Harry was able to say while falling apartunderneath him.
"Youclose?" Louis wanted to know in a deep voice.
"Soclose, Lou. Please" Harry pleaded. He needed to come but he alsodidn't want it to end.
Louisentered a second finger into him, scissoring him a bit in sync withhis tongue fucking him, and wrapped his other hand around Harry'sdick but he was only teasing the tip. This was enough to make Harrycome again with a loud and strangled moan of Louis' name. He rode outhis High with Louis' help and felt cold and empty when Louis puledhis fingers out of him and his tongue was gone but his lips weredirectly placed on top of his own and that really made up for itimmediately.
"Lou,fuck my mouth" Harry croaked into the kiss.
"What?You sure?" Louis looked at him bewildered.
"Yes.Your turn to come now but you really tired me out here. Let me helpyou out now. Fuck my mouth" Harry babbled exhausted but happy andready to make his boyfriend feel good and come as well.
"Ifyou're sure" Louis bit the inside of his cheek unsurely.
"Yes"Harry opened his mouth for him, squeezing his ass to make him move.
Withhis rock hard dick, Louis crawled over him and positioned himself infront of Harry's face. Encouragingly, Harry took a hold of Louis'waist and guided him or more like his throbbing dick right into hismouth. When Louis' tip hit his throat Harry moaned at the feeling. Hesqueezed Louis' bum again to signal him everything was okay and hecould move now.
So,that's what he did. Louis finally started to rock his hips back andforth into Harry's mouth and Harry swirled his tongue around it,sucking him off simultaneously. Pretty soon, Louis came down histhroat, moaning his name sexily.
Theykissed again before cuddling up underneath the covers closely. Harrywas blissful and absolutely happy. Laying in Louis' arms was the bestfeeling in the world. He felt safe and loved and warm and just simplyhome.
"Thiswas amazing, Love" Harry kissed Louis' chest.
"Nottoo much?" Louis checked concerned.
"No,it was perfect. I've never done any of those things before but boy,have I been missing out. I'm just very glad I experienced this withyou and no one else, Lou" Harry sighed dreamily, cuddling closerinto Louis.
Louistightened his arm around Harry and kissed his forehead gently. "Metoo, Haz".
Thenext day, Harry joined his friends a little bit later in the park ofPatriley. In the late morning he had met up with someone to whom hestill owed something. A guy who had helped him when Harry had beencompletely alone and without a plan and just totally lost but hehadn't appreciated it and simply kicked him out of his life. Today hehad made up for it. This meeting has been one of the reasons he hadbegged the others to come to Patriley. Luckily, it was also Zayn'shometown, so they had all agreed quickly.
Ithadn't been easy to find that guy. His name was David, by the way.But with the help of Jake he had managed to locate him here inPatriley and find him on social media. They had texted for a day andagreed on meeting up here today. He knew Louis hasn't been all toohappy the first time Harry had mentioned that he wanted to find Davidbut he had still told him about it. Louis had still supported him butHarry had the feeling something was off. Maybe Louis was jealous orscared? But of what? That Harry would reconcile with an old hook-up,who had helped him stand on his own two feet and fall in love withhim instead?
Thiswould never happen and it didn't. David has been nice andunderstanding and really appreciated what Harry had done to make thisright between them but that has been all. Yes, he was pretty handsomeand charming but Harry already had the best boyfriend in the world.No one stood a chance against Louis anyway. He had no reason to bescared of losing him. Willingly Harry would never leave him becausehe loved Louis way too much.
Nowthat Harry was back from that meeting he was walking into the parkand quickly spotted his friends. They were playing football and Louiswas actually participating. That sight warmed Harry's whole heart.Both of them have come a long way in those few months.
Surprisingly,he saw Àmber sitting on the side by a big tree, just watching thegame. Àmber, who was such a big football fan. Why was she notplaying?
"Hey,A. May I?" Harry approached her carefully.
"Don'tbe stupid. Of course, you can" Àmber chuckled lightly, keeping hereyes on her friends.
"Well,you looked to be deep in thoughts. I wasn't sure if I was disturbingyou and ...".
"You'renot, H" Àmber cut him off with an honest smile. "To be honest, Iwas simply overwhelmed by the sight in front of me. I needed a momentto take this in".
"Youmean Louis, right?" Harry sat down next to her.
"Yeah"Àmber nodded slightly. "I mean, he is playing football without acare if he gets hurt and that's something I never thought I wouldever see but here we are now. It's beautiful to watch and makes meemotional. So, thank you".
"Ididn't do anything" Harry claimed directly. Louis' change wasn't onhim.
"Maybenot knowingly or purposely but you did a lot, Harry. In all thoseyears after the accident Louis never wanted to talk about it ordancing or his Mum or certain other topics. Not even do anything funbecause that bastard was still in his head. Somehow you changed that.Something about you made him wanna talk about it, which reallyshocked me when he told me about it, to be honest. I was stunned andcouldn't see why you out of all people would make him wanna open up.I expected ... I don't even know what I expected and please, don'tthink I ...".
"Don'tworry. I know what you mean" Harry interrupted her calmly. "Iknow we didn't have the best start and I wasn't someone trustworthyat all. So, when he told me he wants to tell me but needs time I wasshocked myself. Never would I have expected him to let me in ...Well, I fucked up twice. Big time before we even got there and atfirst, I didn't see why asking and being nosey was so bad but afterthe second incident, which led to me opening up, I just understood. Iwanted to be less insensitive and ignorant".
"Youare, H. You are wonderful and I'm happy to see the two of you soloved up and happy. It makes me smile. You're good for each other andwent through a lot, emotionally mostly, which is a lot too handle.You're both stronger now. Just look at him. It's a miracle to me but..." Àmber trailed off completely baffled and emotional. "Youmade it".
Harrygazed into the distance and ended up watching Louis with a dopeysmile. He looked happy and carefree. Simply beautiful. "Yeah, wedid. And we will make it to the end".
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