Night Out
After knocking on Louis' door yet another time, Harry was waiting impatiently in the hallway. He heard some sounds coming from behind the door and the next second said door was opened and revealed a jumpy-looking Louis. The moment their eyes met Louis seemed to relax and a beaming smile was spreading across his pretty face.
"Hi, Haz. Sorry for letting you wait so long. I was trying to get my hair done" apologised Louis with that smile still present on his face.
"No biggie. You're here now and still in time" felt Harry himself smiling back.
Louis was probably the only person he knew who was genuinely happy to see him. By now, he was so used to people starting to cry or shout or pale on the spot when they saw his face that he couldn't handle Louis' reaction really good. How could he even in the slightest be happy to see him? Was is it possible for people to actually like him?
"Ready to go?" cleared Harry his throat when he realised he didn't say anything and was just staring at Louis.
"Not really but let's go" shrugged Louis, still trying to fix his hair but Harry couldn't see why. He looked gorgeous.
Together they made their way out of the building and through the streets towards their meeting point with the other guys. At a corner, they all came together and walked into a nice bar. Not the one Harry was used to but after his physical fight with Kyle, he shouldn't show his face there ever again anyway. All ten of them sat around a table in the back and ordered some drinks to begin with. Being here right now made Harry feel something he couldn't put into words but he never wanted it to go away.
"Belle, are you alright? You look exhausted" asked Louis Maribel worriedly.
"I am a bit tired from work but it'll be okay. The hospital is packed and you barely have a second to breathe, not even in your break" let Maribel him know tiredly.
"I can only imagine the stress you're under" mused Louis compassionately.
"It's okay. I love my job and days like these are part of it. I can handle it. Being here now relaxes me a lot" smiled Maribel at him.
"That's good to hear. I'd be worried if you're too tired to enjoy this. You probably have the most stressful job out of all of us" joined Liam their conversation.
"I wouldn't say that. All of your jobs can be pretty stressful in other ways. They're all equally as stressful" was Maribel sure of it. "While we're at it, I heard you pulled a big fish, Zayn".
"She means you have a big new project now" giggled Kayla amused at Maribel's choice of words.
"Oh, yeah, I do actually" chuckled Zayn lightly.
"What is it?" checked Aria curiously.
"Have you heard of Cuatro Hearts?" asked Zayn all of his friends.
"Who hasn't?" shot Àmber back in disbelief.
"She's right. Even I know who they are" threw Harry in.
"Good. Aurelio Vásquez, the owner of their label, contacted me and asked me if I would be interested in shooting their next music video" revealed Zayn to them excitedly.
"Really? Wow, this is amazing, Zayno" beamed Niall proudly.
"I actually can't believe it. He said he saw some of my work and was impressed and some other stuff. I'm with the big guys now. Feels surreal" breathed Zayn out, obviously overwhelmed.
"That's what you always wanted and you finally reached that goal. I'm so proud of you" hugged Àmber him, who was sitting next to him on his left side.
"What? Not saying anything, Tommo? No 'You're the best, Joey'?" wondered Niall surprised.
"Bold of you to assume I didn't already know that" grinned Louis smugly, sitting on Zayn's right side.
"Well, of course," snorted Niall with an eye roll.
"Zayn, this is amazing. Great. I'm really happy for you" told Harry him genuinely
"Thanks, Harry" thanked Zayn him truthfully. Louis was just smiling happily.
"You have to tell us more details" urged Sean impatiently.
And so that's what Zayn did. He told them how he got the call and the offer and what Aurelio had told him. Then they talked about the new song the video was for and all of Zayn's ideas. This kid's brain was massive.
Afterwards, they fell into different individual conversations with always two, three or four of them each time. Harry was having a blast and he felt accepted by each one of them by now, even Zayn and Àmber, who had every right to be suspicious but seemed like they weren't anymore. They were all having so much fun and drink after drink was downed, some with alcohol and some without because of work or other habits. It didn't matter. They didn't need alcohol to have fun and that was something Harry never knew was possible as sad as that was.
The whole time, he could feel people eyeing him here and there and throwing him seductive or sexy looks, trying to get his attention. That was nothing new to him but tonight he really wasn't having any of it. Normally, Harry would have chatted someone up by now to take home later but tonight he only wanted a nice night out with his friends and no random hook-up, who was meaningless anyway.
If he was being honest, he was reconsidering that whole hooking-up thing for a few days now. He hasn't had someone over for a while and wasn't necessarily missing it. Yeah, the sex part was kinda missing but not constantly and he had his hand when it was too much. The thought of hooking up hasn't even crossed his mind since he was spending so much time with Louis and his friends. Louis, who he had caught himself staring at over and over again but didn't question it for now.
Two hours later, they waved a waitress over to order new drinks, but she already had one with her when she came over. Confused, they all looked up at her.
"I was meant to give this to you from him in the corner over there" placed the waitress the fruity drink right in front of Louis, who turned bright red. "So, what else do you want?".
"Um ...".
Forgetting to order anything due to staring at Louis with that drink, Harry zoned out for a solid two minutes. He heard the muffled voice voices around him but didn't get what they were saying, their orders probably. Harry looked over at that stupid guy, who had bought Louis a drink and directly rolled his eyes. Objectively handsome but nothing too special. Did he really think he'd have a chance with someone like Louis?
"Soooo" dragged Àmber the word out as long as possible.
"No, A. Don't" warned Louis her immediately.
"But someone just bought you a drink and you're just staring at it like it's poison" niggled Àmber exaggeratedly.
"Because I don't understand why he would do this? First of all, how does he even know I'm gay? This is not a gay bar as far as I know. And don't you dare say I look gay. I swear I will kill you" glared Louis at his sister, who was just glaring back.
"Just for the record, no one looks gay. Something like looking gay doesn't exist. Louis looks great tonight. That's all" clarified Zayn strongly and Harry couldn't agree more.
"And that's my second point. Why? I look like shit tonight. He can't possibly think I look good. My hair is a mess and my outfit is boring" pointed Louis out insecurely.
"You're such a diva, Tommo. You don't have to look flawlessly perfect for someone to be attracted to you" snorted Niall.
"Yes, Tommo. Who cares? He only wants ...".
"To get in my pants, I know. But no, thanks" cut Louis Sean off, pushing the drink away distastefully.
"Louis" started Àmber but couldn't say anything because the waitress came back with their drinks, even one for Harry.
"Can I give this back? I don't want it" asked Louis way too cute for being mad and disgusted.
"Sure thing, Darling. I wouldn't take a drink from him either" assured the waitress him with a carefree laugh and went her way with the drink.
"You see? She agrees with me" threw Louis his friends an all-saying look of satisfaction but Harry could see something else swimming in Louis' eyes. He couldn't put his finger on it though.
"I ordered for you, H. You were gone in your thoughts, so I just went for it" explained Sean to him while the rest of them fell back into their own conversations.
"Thanks, Sean. I was just ...". trailed Harry off, not knowing how to explain what even happened.
"I know" smiled Sean at him understandingly before turning around to Niall.
How could Sean know what Harry didn't even know himself? He didn't know why he kept looking over at Louis and Zayn talking or why he glared at everyone who even dared to look into Louis' direction after this incident, especially that rejected guy. Harry also couldn't say why he was relieved Louis didn't even consider accepting the drink.
"Stop denying it, Ari. You have a crush on her. A big one, huge even" poked Niall Aria's side constantly.
"No, I don't" denied Aria while squirming away from the poking touch.
"Oh please. Everyone can see it. Even I can" threw Harry in, surprising both of them.
"And even if, it doesn't matter. We're friends now. I don't wanna risk that" was Aria biting the inside of her cheek nervously.
"You're so dumb. It's plain right obvious she likes you back. You have to be blind not to see it" Harry couldn't believe it. How could someone be this oblivious?
"He's right. Do something or do you wanna watch someone else trying to get her attention by buying her a weird drink?" raised Niall an eyebrow at him, confusing Harry with the example at hand.
"You mean like Louis?" blurted Harry out without thinking about it.
"Yes, just like Louis. Luckily, he refused to accept it but Àmber might react differently, who knows? She's very pretty. It wouldn't surprise me if someone would take an interest in her just like in Louis. They're both gorgeous" said Niall in such a provokingly calm voice that Harry wanted to rip his head off and Aria seemed to share those thoughts.
"Oh, you think so?".
"Sure you don't like her?".
"Guys, please. I'm not interested in any of them. They're my friends for ages. No way. Urgh. Ew" shuddered Niall at the mere thought of it.
"How long do you know each other?" asked Harry now interested and way more relieved.
"Louis and I have been neighbours since we were born. Our Mums always met up with us in tow, so we became friends instantly. We lost contact when I started school and he didn't. I was busy with my new friends and he had other priorities and it was okay. No bad blood, just a little bit sad. Years later, probably around ten or eleven years later, he stood outside my door. Over all these years we saw each other on the street and were friendly with each other but that was about it. So, when I saw him I was shocked. We talked for a long time and this was the start of our friendship we have now. Since then we stayed in contact even if it was difficult at times. Different lives made it hard to see each other often but we made it out of it and were always there for each other. Like this, I met Àmber and later, Zayn. Louis had a tough time even mentioning dance to me but I knew that was what he was doing because I was around when he started it. I was always wondering what had changed because he didn't really look as happy as before but we never talked about it and I'm not pushing the matter. I'm just happy I have him back and he is happy now. I have him, Àmber and Zayn now in my life and through them also Maribel, Kayla and Liam and now you, Harry. Well, and Sean" told Niall them how they had become friends all those years ago and Harry was spellbound.
"And me but I'm literally the only one you met without them" chuckled Aria to lighten the mood again.
"True, true, Ari".
Instead of saying anything, Harry was replaying Niall's words in his head. Their friendship sounded so pure and innocent and genuine. Not even over ten years apart could harm that. But this fact alone had Harry alarmed. The moment Louis had started professionally dancing he had lost his first-ever friend and if Harry wasn't mistaken it has been around the time Louis had switched teams that he had contacted Niall again. Niall, who still didn't know much about Louis' dancing times although they were friends. More and more Harry got the feeling that Louis' past in dancing wasn't really good and has left some huge mental issues to deal with.
For example, the hair and outfit thing earlier. Louis looked perfect as always. Like, he always looked stunning ... Harry couldn't remember a time Louis' hair wasn't on point or his clothes weren't flawless. Harry had even spotted a tiny pimple on Louis' chin today that he had covered up. His hair today wasn't as perfect as normally and that seemed to displease Louis a lot. He kept tugging at it, trying to get it right but in vain. Niall and Sean were joking about him being a Diva but Harry had the sinking feeling in his stomach there was more to it but he knew Louis needed time and would tell him someday.
"Before we forget about it. Sean, Harry. The rest of us were planning a little trip with Kayla's VW bus the next weekend and we wanted to invite you. Wanna join us? If you have time that is" addressed Liam both of them anxiously.
"I'd love to. I have that weekend off anyway" started Sean beaming brightly, reminding Harry again how happy Sean was with simply being here tonight.
"Haz?" looked Louis questioningly at him with big eyes.
"Sure, Lou. My boss told me to get some days off anyway. I've been working non-stop without a real break" smiled Harry warmly at him, making Louis' eyes sparkle with that answer he wanted to hear.
"Wonderful. I text you both the details tomorrow. Tonight I'm too knackered" laughed Liam drunkenly.
"I'm surprised you actually drank that much, Mister Maths Teacher" mocked Niall him playfully.
"Ey, don't be so mean to him" huffed Zayn tipsily.
"Looks like you've got yourself a saviour, Lima" cackled Niall way too far gone.
"And it looks like we should leave and call it a night" decided Sean upon their drunken states.
"I'm with Sean" sided Louis with him directly.
"Are you?" cocked Zayn an eyebrow at him jokingly.
"I swear, you're not funny when you're drunk, Joey" flipped Louis him off.
"I'm hurt now, Tommo. Would it be so bad to be with me?" fake-cried Sean.
"Nah, you're pretty decent" grinned Louis at him.
"I feel flattered" sighed Sean dramatically.
"Don't get used to it" winked Louis playfully at Sean.
"But I want more" whined Sean, keeping the joke going.
"And I want to go home. Ready to go?" interrupted Harry them loudly, standing up.
"Hell yes. I have no energy left to see those two idiots flirting with each other" jumped Niall up as well, almost falling back down again.
"They were not flirting, right?" stared Harry at Louis.
"Oh but we were, right Babe?" batted Louis his eyelashes at Sean dramatically.
"Always with you, Pretty Boy" blew Sean him a kiss over the table.
"This is too much. I'm out" grumbled Harry surly.
"Same" followed Niall him with the girls in tow.
While Zayn and Liam got ready to go as well, Harry was already leaving the bar, breathing in some cold fresh air. When he felt a hand on his shoulder, he startled jumpy.
"Haz, are you okay? Were we bothering you with that? It was just a joke" asked Louis worriedly.
"I know, Lou. You weren't bothering me" claimed Harry defensively, having a weird feeling in the pit of his stomach. It couldn't be jealousy, right?
"I was just checking because you left so abruptly and looked pissed off" justified Louis himself just like so many times before when Harry got the slightest bit defensive.
"I'm not pissed or anything, Lou. I promise. I had too much to drink and just wanna go home and sleep. That's all. You f - flirting with Sean didn't bother me at all" stumbled Harry over his own words, making him want to slap himself.
"I wasn't flirting with him though. It was just a joke" stated Louis clearly.
"Then you're joke wasn't bothering me, okay?" wanted Harry this conversation to be over.
"Okay. You wanna go home now?" tilted Louis his head aside in question. In his drunken state of mind, Harry felt the need to coo at him.
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