Icy Heat
"Are you sure you're capable of getting me through this alive, clumsy?" asked Louis Harry teasingly, watching him struggle to keep his balance on those ice skates.
"Shut up" grumbled Harry but it sounded more like a cute laugh or a whine.
Louis could only shake his head at Harry amusedly. Watching him struggle so much made Louis feel stupidly warm inside. Here Harry was unable to skate himself but wanting to make this work for Louis because this was one of these things he has been afraid of as a dancer. Although he could hurt himself Harry was giving Louis part of his nonexistent childhood back today.
"When I see you like this I'm not sure I wanna do this. What if someone skates over my hand when I fall down and chops it off?" voiced Louis some concern to push Harry's buttons.
"You better come over here now, Lou. Don't leave me hanging" warned Harry him playfully.
"Don't you mean falling? Although you are hanging on that railing, Haz" could Louis not stop teasing him lovingly.
"Louis" glowered Harry at him, almost falling to the cold ice underneath his feet.
"Fine, fine" gave Louis in.
Reverently, Louis took a first step onto the icy rink, clutching onto the railing tightly. Something inside of him told him to turn around and hide underneath his covers for Barry to punish him because he had forbidden him to ever do anything other than dance. That part was way stronger than Louis had thought. Barry was still living in his mind and didn't seem to leave him alone any time soon.
"You're doing great, Lou" tore Harry's sweet voice him out of his stupor.
Louis glanced up at Harry and was met with a proudly beaming face, which made Louis turn bright red. This new part of him; the part that was trying to be brave and fearless and open, was blooming with pride because he had made Harry proud by simply facing his fears and being himself as much as he could. This part was stronger.
With new courage and determination, Louis stood up straight and took in a deep breath, exhaling after what felt like an eternity. He made some first wobbly steps towards Harry and felt himself relax and dive into the feeling of being free and unbothered and young again for a day.
"Are you planning on melting into the railing?" raised Louis an eyebrow at Harry, who hasn't moved one bit.
"If it means I won't fall down then yes" replied Harry petrified.
"Haz, we're here to face some fears and get rid of them. Maybe this isn't just about me anymore" placed Louis his hand on Harry's cheek, stroking it gently.
"But I planned this for you and not m ...".
"And I'm thankful for this, Haz" cut Louis him off softly. "But it seems like we need to face the ice together, Love. Let's make this count. This date is about both of us, not just me".
"Date?" stared Harry blankly at him.
"I mean, um ... if you want it to be one" blushed Louis in embarrassment. That was not how he had planned to bring this date topic up.
"Lou, I told you today is whatever you want it to be and I meant it. If you want this to be a date then it is one. But if you only want us to hang out as friends facing fears then that's okay with me as well. I want what you want. No rushing" clarified Harry fondly.
"I want you, Haz" stated Louis surely.
"You sure? I don't wanna overwhelm you with ...".
"I am sure, Haz" cut Louis him off again. "I've been afraid of literally everything since I can remember and now you know whose fault that mainly is. But do you know what I'm not afraid of anymore?".
"No, what?" gulped Harry visibly.
"Being with you. For weeks I was fighting against what was happening between us. You can ask Zayn. I was unwilling to even admit it to myself but somehow you made me open up to you without a problem. I trust you and I love being around you. Haz, you make me less scared of so much but mostly of my growing feelings for you" confessed Louis to him truthfully, leaving Harry speechless. "If you tell me you never wanted this to be a date or you don't feel the same then I have to live with that but I know we have something special that I can't put into w ...".
His word-vomiting or more like truth-vomiting was cut off by Harry kissing him carefully. Automatically, Louis' eyes closed on their own and he melted into the kiss, feeling something stir in his stomach at the feeling. The kiss was kept soft and simple and slow because after all, they were still standing on a rink in an ice-skating hall.
"If it wasn't obvious yet I do feel the same, Lou" mumbled Harry against Louis' lips. "All I wanted was to give you the time you need because I knew there was so much going on in your head. That's why I didn't make a move. I was afraid of overwhelming you or crossing a line and scaring you off".
"What did I ever do to deserve you?!" sighed Louis in awe before he kissed Harry again shortly. "Thank you, Haz".
"Everything for you, Lou" smiled Harry dopey.
"How about we get those skates of ours going then? We can't stand here for the rest of our lives" was Louis beaming by now. He was indescribably happy.
"I like this way better than skating though" pouted Harry adorably.
"It could be that you're right but you paid for this whole facing my fears shit, so we should give it a try" tried Louis to resist the urge to forget about this whole thing altogether and push Harry back up against the railing to kiss him senseless. It wasn't appropriate right now and not how things would go anyway. He was sure of it. It never went as he imagined it.
"Sometimes I don't like you" huffed Harry unconvincingly.
"Yeah, yeah, whatever. C'mon, Mister Giraffe Legs. Get your ass moving" put Louis some distance between them.
"Very bossy" bit Harry the inside of his cheek.
"That's just me, Harold. I can't help it" shrugged Louis while giving the skating a first real try.
"Cocky as well. Anything else I need to know?" was Harry still leaning against the railing, trying to look cool.
"You already know I like to tell people what to do, Harold. Nothing new" countered Louis a bit surprised.
"Very new" murmured Harry under his breath but Louis couldn't hear him.
"What did you say?" asked Louis unknowingly.
"Very charming," said Harry a little louder this time.
"Stop flattering me and move your ass. Kissing mine won't help you here, Harold" prompted Louis him sassily.
"You sure?" smirked Harry nastily.
"Don't get cheeky on me now, Harold. Aren't you supposed to be better than me at this?" pointed Louis at himself actually slowly skating while Harry was still standing there.
"You're just good at everything and I'm clumsy as hell" pointed Harry out insecurely.
"C'mon, Haz. Together" came Louis back over to him, reaching his hand out for Harry.
"Together" repeated Harry quietly, taking Louis' hand.
And together they stumbled over the rink until they kind of got the hang out of this thing. It was bumpy and wobbly and daring but a lot of fun as well. The whole time over they held hands and steadied each other somehow. They never lost touch of each other's body parts and all this touching left Louis feel all giddy and reckless. A tiny part of him wanted them to be alone now, taking the touching further.
When some idiots decided to rush over the ice like crazy, Harry and Louis wobbled over to the side. At least, that was the plan. One guy rushed past them so closely that Harry lost his balance and fell to the ice, dragging Louis down with him. They crashed into each other and Louis burst out laughing while laying on top of a dazed Harry.
"I'm sorry, Lou. This wasn't what I imagined this day to be" avoided Harry to look up at him.
Instead of assuring him everything was okay Louis simply pecked Harry's lips because now he could and he wanted to. "Shut up, Haz. This was the best date ever and I ...".
He was never able to finish his sentence because in less than a second, Harry had placed his hand on Louis' neck to pull him into another way longer kiss on the ice. This time the kiss was a lot more passionate and deep and kinda needy. Or maybe that's just what Louis felt.
"Wanna grab some ice cream and head home?" suggested Harry out of breath when they broke away from the kiss.
"Home sounds nice" smiled Louis down at him.
With a lot of effort, they managed to stand up after some time and some more laughing. They switched the skates with their shoes and gave the skates back before they exited the building. Leaving this day behind felt like stepping through a new door or opening a whole new chapter to Louis. Maybe because they finally talked about their feelings or maybe because there was only the truth between them now.
At the ice cream parlour they usually went to they ordered their goods and made their way home. The whole time Louis had the urge to take Harry's hand but wasn't sure if Harry was a guy to hold his boy's hand in public. But then again, Harry probably wouldn't know the answer to that either considering he never had something like they were having right now. So, should Louis just go for it?
The answer was yes. Bravely, Louis reached for Harry's empty hand and entwined their fingers. Immediately, he could feel Harry's reaction. First, he tensed up in shock and something else, glancing down at their interlaced fingers, which made Louis hella anxious. Then, Harry looked over at Louis, who tried to give him a calm smile but he knew his nerves were written on his face. Those nerves vanished when Harry lit up like a Christmas tree, simultaneously squeezing Louis' hand gently.
"This is nice" caressed Harry Louis' knuckles sweetly.
"Yeah, it is" agreed Louis with him softly.
Like this, they arrived at their apartment building and climbed up the stairs to Louis' floor. Reaching his front door was weird because Louis had no clue what to do now. There was something in the air. Some tension when they just looked at each other. Good tension. Maybe even sexual tension. Or maybe Louis was just a horny bastard right now but he couldn't deny the obvious. He wanted Harry all to himself in every way possible. Right the fuck now.
Maybe they were able to read each other's minds because after some more staring into each other's eyes, they lunged forward and crashed their lips together hungrily at the same time. They stumbled backwards into Louis' flat, their hands everywhere. Harry took control over the kiss and pushed his tongue into Louis' mouth, so they could finally taste each other. At that feeling, Louis couldn't help but moan into the kiss. He just couldn't believe this was really happening.
Needily, they fell down onto Louis' bed together, never breaking the kiss. Wildly roaming hands got rid of their shirts, which left them humping each other shirtless. But when Louis was about to open Harry's jeans his hand was stopped and he was met with a serious-looking Harry. Automatically, Louis stopped what he was doing and looked down onto his duvet. Looked like he did something utterly wrong.
"None of this now, Lou" lifted Harry Louis' chin up.
"What?" frowned Louis in confusion.
"I can see you closing up again because you think you did something wrong and I'm gonna tell you off, right?" tilted Harry his head aside with a smile.
"Maybe" mumbled Louis caught.
"I know why you could think that and it makes me sad that you feel dismissed so quickly but I never wanted to tell you off, Lou" let Harry him know with understanding in his voice.
"No?" blinked Louis confused.
"No, Lou. I only wanted to make sure we're on the same page. I don't wanna make you feel like you have to do this now because we had such a nice date. We don't have to have sex right now, Lou. Only if you're really sure and don't feel pressured by me" cleared Harry the air determinant.
Harry being this considerate and understanding and sweet almost brought tears to Louis' eyes but he was too turned on to cry over Harry being perfect. So, he just kissed Harry again with a newfound determination radiating out of him. "I am sure, Haz. I want this as much as you do. I want you, Haz".
Hearing this, Harry pushed Louis back onto the bed, kissing him feverishly. He got rid of his pants and then unbuttoned Louis' jeans, sliding them down his legs, which left them in only their boxers. Hesitantly, they also took off their boxers and examined each other naked. And what could Louis say? Harry was pure perfection. Toned chest, nice stomach and a very attractive dick, a big one as well. Louis really hit the jackpot. Harry was perfect inside out.
"Beautiful" breathed Harry out when he leaned back down to attach his lips to Louis' neck.
He trailed kisses down all over Louis' body until he had reached Louis' dick. Louis let out a strangled moan when Harry licked over the tip and took Louis' dick into his mouth. Harry's lips wrapped around his dick felt like heaven to Louis. Due to his lack of experience, Louis couldn't say though if Harry was skilled or if Louis himself was just easy to please, considering he has never received a blowjob in his entire life. No, he has never been on the receiving end. Only the giving one.
Way too soon, Louis could feel heat pooling in his stomach. "Too close. Stop or I'm gonna come, Haz".
Immediately, Harry stopped what he was doing and released Louis' dick with a pop. Sloppily, Harry connected their lips again and rutted their hips together. Harry's hard dick was rubbing against his own and the friction was killing Louis inside but he kept the noises in. Like always.
"Now let me ..." wanted Louis to pleasure Harry now, reaching for his dick but he was stopped.
"No need, Lou. I'm way too close already and by the way, today is all about you. This is all about you, Lou" admitted Harry with red cheeks and swollen lips. "Just tell me what you want, Sunshine".
"All I want is you. All of you, Haz" blushed Louis under all the attention from Harry.
"You mean ...?" trailed Harry off unsurely.
"Yes, Haz. That's what I mean. I want us to have sex right now but if you think it's too soon that's totally okay with me" stated Louis bluntly.
"It feels right" was all Harry said in such a cute way.
"It does" confirmed Louis reassuringly, receiving a kiss from Harry but then he broke away again.
"You're a bottom, right?" asked Hayde him suddenly.
"Yeah, yeah, sure" answered Louis automatically.
If he was being honest, ... he wasn't sure if it was the truth or a habit talking out of him but it didn't matter anyway. With Harry being the way he was Louis didn't even dare to consider telling him that he wasn't really sure if he actually was a bottom or not. Part of Louis has always wanted to take control over these moments but he has never been allowed to dive into that feeling, so by now he simply pushed it aside. Besides, Harry was a top and that was the end of this. They could never work if none of them was a bottom, so Louis had to suck it up. Quite literally.
"Do you have stuff here?" cleared Harry his throat awkwardly.
"Top drawer" replied Louis simply.
Directly, Harry opened the top drawer and took out some lube and a condom. Louis wasn't even sure why he had those things and when he had actually bought them but right now he was happy that he did because Harry was already leaning over him again, smearing some lube onto his three fingers. Feeling one of Harry's fingers ghost over his entrance made Louis open his legs for him devotedly.
"Tell me when it hurts" asked Harry of him before he pushed the first finger inside of Louis.
Like expected, Louis tensed up at the familiar but foreign feeling of something inside of his ass. Unexpectedly though, Harry gave him the time to adjust to the feeling and only moved his finger a little bit to help Louis get used to it. Slowly, Harry's movements got braver and firmer before he added a second finger, starting to scissor Louis open, who was still keeping his moans in with all his willpower.
When Louis was stretched out enough, Harry withdrew his fingers, earning a quiet whine from Louis. He watched how Harry slicked up his rock-hard dick and presented himself to him, making Harry moan at the mere sight of it. This however made Louis blush dumbly. He blushed even more but tried to hide it when Harry grabbed him by the waist and positioned himself at Louis' entrance, the tip already nudging against it.
"Wait" stopped Harry suddenly out of nowhere before he even could so much as push the tip in.
"What is it, Haz?" wondered Louis perplexed.
"I just remembered some ... Lou, be honest with me. Did you ever do this before?" stumbled Harry over his question.
"Yes, Harry, I did" assured Louis him honestly.
"I had to ask because I remembered how Kyle was your first boyfriend but you two never ... and then your first date you never went on ... I had to make sure, Lou. I couldn't just take that away from y ..." rambled Harry adorably.
"I'm not a virgin anymore, Haz. I've had a dick in my ass before, believe me. And now I really want that dick to be yours. Fuck me, Haz" urged Louis him impatiently.
"Fuck, okay" cursed Harry turned on.
Obviously bothered and excited, Harry kissed Louis again while simultaneously pushing the tip of his dick inside of Louis' ass. Louis hissed at the feeling and tensed up, scrunching up his face in slight pain. And as unexpectedly as before, Harry gave him time to adjust and just kept kissing him, trying to make the pain go away and make Louis relax and enjoy this moment. When the pain subsided, Louis rocked down on Harry's dick, signalling him to start moving now. And that's what he did. Slowly but surely, Harry started to push in and out of Louis, making him want to moan out loud in pleasure but he didn't.
"C'mon, Lou. I can see it in your face. Just let it out. Let me hear you" encouraged Harry him observingly.
That caused a moan to escape Louis' lips and he didn't even recognise his own voice. Harry's thrusts became more determined after this. He picked up his pace and pushed more and more moans out of Louis, who lost control over his actions but he had never felt this good while being fucked. Never has he been able to enjoy this until today.
"Fuck, Haz. Damn, this feels so good" moaned Louis out.
"You look so beautiful like this, Lou. Perfect" praised Harry him breathlessly.
"I'm close, Haz" warned Louis him.
"Me too. Just please, come for me, Lou" begged Harry him surprisingly.
Hearing Harry literally beg for Louis to come pushed him over the edge untouched. Clenching around Harry's dick made him come as well and together they rode out their highs. Exhausted and totally wrecked, Louis stared up at the ceiling while Harry cleaned them up and threw the used condom away. When he was done he climbed back into bed with Louis and pulled him into his arms.
"This was amazing, Haz" yawned Louis tiredly. He wanted to add that this has been the only time he ever enjoyed it and whatsoever but for some reason, he stayed silent. Maybe because he didn't feel the need to expound this statement any further.
"You are amazing, Lou" were the last words he heard before he fell asleep in Harry's arms, blissfully happy.
Question of the Chapter: Did you see that one coming already?
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