Dark Desire
"I'm gonna be sick" Louis felthimself turning pale while his stomach was clenching, bubbling withnerves.
"No, Lou. You won't" Harry rubbedwith his hands soothingly over his arms. "The show is gonna be sickand absolutely amazing while you will be totally fine. The kids areprepared and ready. Just trust them".
"I trust them. All of them. I'mjust really nervous something might go wrong. For some of them it'stheir last time on this stage before they leave for Uni. I want it tobe a night to remember" Louis nibbled anxiously on his bottom lip.
"It will be" Harry smiled simplydown at him.
Louis exhaled deeply while gazinginto Harry's beautiful green eyes and all of his nerves seemed todisappear. The love and trust in Harry's eyes made him relax. "Okay".
"That's way better" Harryimmediately noticed a change in Louis' posture.
"You're the best" Louis peckedHarry lips quickly. "You gonna stay here?".
"Of course. I'm gonna be with youthe whole time" Harry assured him fondly.
"Fuck, I love you so much, Haz"Louis couldn't believe his luck and pulled Harry right into him.
"And I love you, Lou" Harrywrapped his arms around Louis' waist, connecting their lips for realthis time.
Such moments always made Louis' headgo fuzzy and his whole body felt warm and tingly. He still couldn'tbelieve he was blessed enough to have a man like Harry by his side,who actually loved him the same way Louis was loving him. Every kissfelt different but familiar in the best way and Louis would never getused to this. It was overwhelming.
"You're pure magic, Haz" Louismumbled against his lips.
"Stop" Harry whined cutely,blushing furiously.
"Never. Better get used to it"Louis replied cheekily.
"I will never get used to any ofthis. What we have is one of a kind. Our love is unique. You are sospecial and precious to me, Lou. None of this will ever feel ... anyless than magical" Harry purred emotionally.
"You can say something like thisand expect me to do my job now but I can't call our kiss magic justbecause you always blush at everything I say? Haz, this is unfair"Louis wailed dramatically. He was so touched by Harry's words.
"Then I shouldn't tell you rightnow that I have something planned for you later tonight, mh? That Iwant you all to myself and crave your special attention because itwill be one hell of a ride?" Harry whispered seductively in a lowvoice, sending shivers down Louis' whole body.
"Your innocent act isn't working,Haz. I know you're doing his on purpose. You want to rile me upbecause you're a maniac. A sexy minx wanting to turn me on" Louislet his hands travel down to Harry's bum slowly.
"Is it working?" Harry breathedout shakily.
"I'm not sure. You need to be thejudge. Was this your plan, Baby?" Louis guided Harry's hand towardshis pants, knowing he could definitely feel his erection through thefabric as close as they were.
"Fuck" Harry cursed under hisbreath at the touch.
"Mh" Louis teasingly let hisfingers wander slightly over Harry jeans, circling the outline of hishard dick, before he turned him around swiftly, pressing their bodiestogether closely, which led to Louis' dick nudging Harry's bumthrough his pants and maybe that has been his plan. "Looks like yougot what you wanted, Darling. But what did you think would happennext? Your problem is pretty visible, Baby".
"Yours isn't so small either"Harry pressed his bum down on Louis' dick evilly, earning a strangledhiss in return.
"Definitely not but there is amusical waiting for me, so I guess you have to handle this issue onyour own this time, Babe. I really can't help you. Looks like yourplan has some holes. Fix them first" Louis stopped Harry'smovements, ghosting with his hand over Harry's bum.
"Not the only holes that need to befixed" Harry retorted aroused.
Hearing that, Louis stoppedeverything he was doing and made Harry face him again, barelysuppressing his laughter. "Seriously? Gosh, Haz. This was literallythe worst thing you have ever said. Not funny nor sexy or anythingelse. Just weird".
"But the truth" Harry shruggedwith red cheeks.
"Gosh, I hate you" Louis shookhis head in pure fond.
"I love you, too. Now go and breaka leg or whatever" Harry playfully slapped Louis' bum to make himleave.
"Thanks" Louis snorted out alaugh.
Backstage Louis quickly gathered allof his students around him to give them a last pep talk before theyhad to go on stage. As soon as the lights went on everything happenedto him in slow motion, at first. His students did an amazing job andLouis felt himself feeling warm and emotional while watching themfrom the sidelines. It felt like he did something right and all thestruggles from the beginning have been worth it. With teary eyes anda positively heavy heart, Louis enjoyed every minute and couldn't beany prouder.
The whole time over he could seeHarry on the other side of the stage. They kept sending each otherlooks and at first, Harry has obviously been a bit worried but heprobably has noticed how relaxed Louis was because he seemed to relaxhimself ten minutes into the musical, which led to him being anidiot. A sexy idiot but horny as hell. Sexy looks and seductivegestures were sent Louis' way and all he wanted to do was go over toHarry and kiss the hell out of him for trying to turn him on from thedistance during a school musical. And maybe Louis wasn't any betterand was only making it worse from his side of the stage. Worse enoughthat he could practically see Harry whimper in arousal and need. Thisreally shouldn't be their focus right now.
The clapping of the audience broughtthem both back into reality and Louis directed his attention backonto his amazing students. In a bliss, they came running backstageand Louis could only smile at the scene. The room was filled with joyand excitement and passion and happiness, just how it was supposed tobe. That alone made him emotional again.
"Guys, you were absolutely amazingout there. You smashed it. Every single one of you. That was one hellof a show. I'm very proud of you" Louis congratulated and praisedthem stunned.
They fell into a tight group hug andsqueezed each other. Then they ran off to get rid of their costumesand make up so they could finally go and see their families andfriends. And again, Louis was left alone just watching them do theirthing. It reminded him of himself and this time, it didn't make himsad anymore. It made him proud and emotional because that's what hehas been the whole day over.
"Tommy? Are you okay?" Zaynwalked into the backstage area right over to him.
"Yes, I'm okay. Even more than okayactually. They were great, weren't they?" Louis couldn't get rid ofthe huge grin on his face.
"Yes, they were and you as well.You did a good job here today" Zayn smiled sentimentally before hisface turned questioning again. "Does this mean you're ready forthis?".
"I am, yeah. Everyone except for usis gone anyway. Bring him in" Louis answered surely.
While Zayn went back out of the onedoor Louis glanced over at Harry. They made short eye contact andunderstood each other without words. Harry nodded at him with a smilepresent on his pretty face before he left the room through the otherdoor, signalling him he would wait outside. Normally this would leadLouis to get lost in thoughts of them and their amazing silentcommunication skills but before he even had the chance to thinkanything a guy came into the room with a hesitant look on his face.
"Hi, Jordan. I'm Louis" Louisoffered him a genuine smile to relax him and show him everything wasfine.
"I know. I mean, um ... Hi, it's apleasure to meet you" Jordan stuttered anxiously.
"There is no need to be nervous,Jordan. It's just us" Louis tried to calm him down. "How about wesit down, mh?".
Louis motioned to some chairs by themirrors for the 'actors'. Still nervous, Jordan followed him and theysat down facing each other. Louis could literally see him shaking andwas wondering why he was so anxious. It was just him and not anyonespecial. There was no reason to be nervous.
"Zayn told me you auditioned forMamma Mia. That's pretty cool. How did it go?" Louis randomlystarted a conversation based on what he remembered from Zayn's wordsbecause it didn't seem as if Jordan would say anything any time soon.
"Better than expected. I got a partand will be in the show, which is quite unbelievable to me. It feelssurreal" Jordan seemed to relax a little bit.
"It normally does, yeah. I stillremember how it felt when I got the first part in a show. A musical.It felt ... strange but good. Like I did something right? Not sure ifthat captures it but I don't have words for that moment" Louismused out loud, remembering that day clearly.
"You never did something wrong"Jordan rushed out faster than Louis could register his words. "Imean, you did a lot right. You're an inspiration for many youngpeople. Young dancers. Like me. As creepy as that sounds but Ifollowed your career every step of the way and you gave me hope andthe strength to go through with it when I had bad days because I knew... that life was still easy on me? Sorry, that sounds so wrong andis totally inappropriate and ...".
"It's okay, Jordan" Louis assuredhim calmly. "A few months ago a sentence like this would havetriggered me so bad that I ... you don't even wanna know. But thenagain, I wouldn't even be here if I was still the same person asthose months ago. What I'm trying to say is that I know what youmeant and it's fine. Through the internet millions of people knowmore about me than I like. It would be naïve of me to think no onewill ever mention it. And by now, people also know that we gotmistreated a lot and actually, I'm happy they know".
"Really?" Jordan lookedsurprised.
"Yes. Like this, they know howhorrible the business can be and it won't suddenly hit them when it'stoo late to get out" Louis said simply but surely.
"Well, that's true. I followed thewhole process of ... I read everything about the abuse in theindustry since it came out and also read more into Luke's career andstruggles after he opened up about it but it always led me right backto you. You're amazing and maybe even kind of my idol, in a way?"Jordan rambled totally lost in thoughts.
"Thanks. That means a lot to me"Louis smiled moved but what has touched him the most was the factthat Jordan talked about him as if he was still dancing. "Zayn alsomentioned you have the chance to audition for my favourite musical".
"Yes but I probably won't do it.Seeing this school production of it was enough for me. My brother wasamazing and I feel like it's enough" Jordan smiled down at theground. "And the part is cursed anyway".
"What do you mean?" Louis knittedhis eyebrows together in confusion. Zayn hasn't mentioned any cursedthings.
"The male lead dancing part? Thepart you auditioned for?" Jordan asked as if that would explaineverything but Louis just looked blankly at him. "No one ever gotit since your accident. It was never brought back on stage untilnow".
"Really? I didn't know that. What ashame. It's a great musical" Louis was shocked.
"It really is. That's why I was sosurprised I got the chance to audition but I'm not sure I want to.Maybe this sounds strange but this part was meant for you and youwere never able to ... you know? And then no one ever got it. It's ...It feels like it's waiting for you and no one else" Jordan revealedhesitantly to him.
For a second, Louis was speechless.He didn't know any of this and wasn't sure how to feel. That dancingpart has been his dream for so long before it had turned into hispersonal doom. A nightmare for years and suddenly part of his job.After struggling with this musical for so long it was strange to hearthat people thought he was meant for it.
"That's really sweet, actually, butI don't think it's waiting for me anymore. For such a long time DarkDesire was my own personalnightmare come to life. I avoided it until it decided to come backinto my life in a different way. With tonight's opening night I feellike Dark Desire and Ihave finally found peace. We can move on" Louis opened up to himhonestly.
"Wow"Jordan breathed out quietly. "I'm happy to hear this. You are sucha talented dancer and it would be a shame if your favourite musicalwould've ruined your life. Your passion, although I don't think thepassion for dance ever really leaves you when you ever had it,right?".
"Right.It never really leaves you" Louis confirmed but has only realisedJordan was right a second ago.
"Doesthis mean you're still dancing?" Jordan hooked curiously.
"Notreally, to be honest. There was one moment but apart from some minorsteps I shouldn't dance again. My injuries are too bad and too many.But in my heart, I can still dance and will til the end of timebecause dancing is my passion" Louis started saying but ended upthinking out loud. "A passion many people share. Like you. And youshouldn't be scared of following your dream just because mine went toshit. You don't have a Barry Gomez in your life or any of those otherbastards. You're very lucky and should never give up on what youreally want. If you don't wanna audition then don't do it but neverbe scared".
"I thinkI needed to hear this. Thank you, Louis. I'm glad to see you you'rehappy" Jordan smiled gratefully at him.
"And I'mreally glad I can say you're totally right. I am really happy but ittook me some time. I'm glad that I got the chance to talk to you.This was good for me, so thank you, Jordan" Louis tried to keep hisemotions in check.
"No,thank you. Normally people tell me to never meet your heroes or idolsbut I'm glad I met you. You're amazing and the exception of thissaying" Jordan let him know softly while standing up. "Oh, andI'm happy to know dance is still a part of your life. I've seen howmuch you loved it and still do. I hope one day I can ...".
"Don'tsay be as good as me, please. You are good the way you are and ...".
"Do whatI love for myself and not other people or to be the best, right?"Jordan guessed cheekily.
"Exactly.Competition destroys passion" Louis said wisely.
"Lukesaid the same thing" Jordan blurted out. "Anyway, thank again formeeting me. It was my pleasure. Now I should go and find my brotherand celebrate him".
"TellJayden he was stunning" Louis called after him.
Being leftin silence again gave Louis the opportunity to let the last minutessink in. Meeting Jordan had made him realise some things and that wasa strong feeling. With that feeling pooling in his stomach, Louisfinally left as well and was directly met with Harry waiting for himwith Zayn.
"Lou,what's wrong? You look a bit shaken" Harry immediately approachedhim, cupping his face into his hands gently.
"I'mgood, Haz. I promise" Louis offered him an assuring smile. "Justa lot of thoughts running through my mind that I wanna tell you.Wanna go home?".
"Ofcourse" Harry tenderly stroked over Louis's cheeks.
"Oh,and, Joey? Thanks. This was a good idea. Jordan is great and this wasgood for me. Thank you" Louis thanked his best friend emotionally.
"Youwanted to talk to him. I just made it happen. None of this is mymerit, Tommy. No need to thank me" Zayn waved the matter off.
"Everyneed to thank you and you know it, Joey. Love you" Louis hugged himclosely.
"Loveyou too, Tommy" Zayn sighed out heavily.
"But Ilove you the most" Harry threw in pouty.
"Courseyou do" Louis shook his head amusedly.
"I takeit back. I hate you. Both of you. Get lost already" Zayn jokedlaughingly.
"Fuckoff" Louis playfully flipped him off.
Togetherwith Harry, he made his way home and fell down on his couch as soonas he entered his flat. He let out a long sigh and Harry cuddledright into his chest. With his boyfriend safe in his arms, Louis wasreviewing the day's events and tried to sort out his thoughts.
"Foryears I treated dance as my enemy but now I can finally see that it'sstill my passion. Different but still there. It never really left meand probably never will. Young dancers look up to me and I don't knowhow to handle this but it's a good thing, right? They see what I'veachieved and that nothing is impossible when you follow your dream.Jordan said I'm his hero and I never thought that would ever happento me. I disappeared but someone admires me for my past anyway. Thegood and the bad. Everything I've been through. Jordan also saidsomething about Luke and it made me realise I really need to talk tohim. We have been friends a long time ago. It would be nice to havepeace, you know? I also wanna tell my students everything and maybelet the dancing world know I'm alive and alright? Not sure how andwhen but yeah" Louis let everything out that was going through hismind without thinking twice.
Harryreached a hand out and touched Louis' cheek gently, making them lockeyes. "This is wonderful, Lou. I'm so fucking proud of you. I don'teven have words for this. You are the strongest and bravest person Iknow and I admire you as well. Seeing how you accept that dance willalways be a part of you makes me emotional. I'm just so happy foryou. And if you really wanna talk to Luke I'm gonna help you contacthim and can even ...".
Louisleaned down to kiss him before he could finish his sentence. He wasjust so overwhelmed by emotions that he needed to kiss his boyfriend."Haz, you are the best person I know. It means the world to me thatyou're always there, no matter what is going on in my life".
"I willalways be there, Lou. And it doesn't matter if it's a school musicalor facing Luke or telling your students and the world about you orjust cooking a meal together. I will always be right by your sidethrough everything because I love you more than anything, Sunshine"Harry told him fondly.
Instead ofanswering him with another cheesy love declaration Louis simplykissed him again. Because Harry was still wrapped up in his armsLouis ended with his back on the couch and Harry on his chest,deepening the kiss. Getting excited, they started to rut their hipsagainst each other and cause some friction between them. Both of themgrew painfully hard in their pants after mere moments.
Somehowthey managed to get up from the couch and stumble into the bedroom,never breaking the kiss. On their way to the bed they got rid oftheir clothes, leaving them fully naked in front of each other andLouis couldn't help himself. He was shamelessly staring at Harrybecause he was stunning and Louis would never get tired of seeing himnaked. It would always knock him off his feet.
Passionately,they reconnected their lips and fell down on the bed. Louis wasroaming with his hands all over Harry's amazing body and started toleave small kisses all over his neck and chest, causing Harry tosquirm underneath his touch. Teasingly, Louis flicked Harry's nipplebefore sucking on it and finally getting to hear Harry's beautifulmoans he has been holding back until now.
"Lou,stop or I'm gonna come just from that" Harry warned himbreathlessly.
"Soundstempting" Louis smirked around Harry's nipple.
"Tootired for more than one and I had a ... a plan" Harry panted out,almost choking on his own words.
Thatsparked Louis' interest and he abandoned Harry's nipple to get abetter look at his face. "A plan, mh? What kind of a plan? Does itinvolved my dick in your precious bum?".
"Fuck"Harry groaned and smashed their lips back together for a hot second."You can't just say something like this and expect me to give you adecent answer, Louis".
"Thatjust was a solid answer for me" Louis licked his lips smugly.
"Louis"Harry wailed embarrassed.
"Okay,fine" Louis pecked Harry's lips shortly. "Tell me about yourplan. What do you wanna do?".
Harrypulled Louis' face closer to him and looked deeply into his eyesbefore whispering out his words hotly. "I wanna ride you, Lou".
Onlyhearing that Louis couldn't suppress a deep moan and kissed Harryagain. "Shit. I c ... Are you sure?".
Harry onlythrew him an amused look before turning them around out of nowhere,startling Louis in the process. He climbed on top of him and kissedhim again. Louis' brain was only a puddle of mush by now. All hecould feel was Harry.
"Do youwanna finger me open or should I do it myself?" Harry asked intothe kiss and sounded way too innocent.
With themental picture of Harry fingering himself on top of him Louis had ahard time wording an answer. "Err ... I mean, I'd love to touch youright now but I'm also intrigued to see you do it yourself. So ...".
"Thenlet's do both" Harry decided, leaning over to the bedside table toget out the lube and a condom.
"Both?"Louis cocked an eyebrow at him in question.
"Yes. Istart and you join me later when I won't be able to go any further"Harry explained casually.
"How areyou real?" Louis wondered out loud.
"Me? Howare you real, Angel Eyes?" Harry leaned down to kiss him againwhile inserting the first finger into himself.
After afew minutes of Harry pushing his finger in and out of himself whilekissing Louis, who was definitely in heaven, Harry broke away fromthe kiss and Louis could watch him insert a second finger. Seeing twoof Harry's fingers disappear into himself and hearing the heavenlysounds he was making doing so turned Louis on big time. His dicktwitched at the sight and Louis had to touch himself finally. So, hestarted stroking himself slowly while watching Harry rock down on histwo fingers.
"Lou"Harry whined out suddenly, making Louis stop what he was doing."Please, touch me".
He didn'tneed to get told twice. In one swift motion, Louis pulled Harrycloser to him by the waist, who directly smeared some lube on threeof Louis' fingers and then guided Louis' hand towards his hole. Themoment Louis nudged Harry's rim a rush of excitement went through hiswhole body before anything even happened. When Harry kissed him againLouis pushed his fingers inside of Harry's bum, starting to scissorhim open. Louis would never get used to this feeling.
"I'mready. Please, I need you now. Let me rock your world" Harry beggedwith a cute giggle because he obviously thought he was funny andsexy.
"Don'ttry to be funny, Haz" Louis bit back a laugh.
"Iam funny. You're just mean" Harry slapped Louis' chest playfully.
"Toomean for you to ride me?" Louis checked cockily.
"Whendid you become so dirty and cocky, Mister Johnson?" Harry inchedcloser to his face while putting the condom on Louis' dick and lubinghim up, causing Louis to moan at the feeling. This has beenunexpected.
"I'vealways been cocky, Princess" Louis tried to sound calm but he knewhe didn't. Not when Harry was sinking down on his dick with that lookon his face.
"Youlike what you see, Mister Johnson?" Harry purred sexily, adjustingto the new position.
"Definitely.And damn, why is it so sexy when you call me that?" Louis gruntedout. Harry wiggling on his dick to find a comfortable position wasdriving him crazy.
"So, youlike it, mh?" Harry smirked down at him, starting to move his hipsin figure-eights. Louis could only nod his head. "It's nice, isn'tit? You wanna know a secret?".
"What?"Louis asked while placing his hands on Harry's waist to steady himand hold on to something.
Harryleaned closer, connecting their lips again before breathing out. "I'dprefer to call you Daddy".
"Fuck"Louis moaned out lowly, his hips thrusting up into Harry against hiswill just by hearing that word.
At thesudden move Harry let out a surprised but aroused moan and his eyesgrew big. Even though he had started this he didn't look like he hadexpected this reaction. "So, you actually like this?".
"Lookslike it. I didn't know that" Louis actually blushed right nowbecause he felt exposed suddenly. "Sorry for ...".
"Don't"Harry cut him off, starting to move again. "I liked it but let'ssave your energy for later and let me make you feel good, Daddy".
"Whateveryou want, Baby" Louis' grip on Harry's waist tightened.
Second bysecond, Harry's movements got braver and firmer until he had figuredout the perfect rhythm for them. Panting and moaning loudly, hebounced on Louis' dick and all Louis could do was watch him and letthe pleasure overtake him while trying not to claw his fingers intoHarry's hips too much. By now, Harry had leaned down and had hishands placed on Louis' chest for support.
"Baby,do you want me to take over?" Louis asked gently when he saw howexhausted Harry was from all the bouncing and steadying himself thewhole time.
"Yes,please. Want you so bad. Fuck me, Daddy" Harry pleaded out of itand totally turned on.
Quicklybut carefully, Louis turned them around and pushed right back intoHarry. After just a few thrusts Harry let out his loudest moan,meaning Louis had already found his prostate. With force, Louisfucked into him at the same angle and earned uncontrolled moans fromhis boyfriend, which was music to Louis' ears. Both of them werepanting heavily and Louis knew they were both close.
"It'swritten on your face, Baby. Let go and come for Daddy, Princess"Louis tried out if Harry would come like this and if he wascomfortable with saying this without feeling weird.
And Harryactually came with a cry of Louis' name right after Louis hadfinished his sentence. His walls clenched around Louis' dick and hecame into the condom one second later from seeing and feeling Harrycome underneath him. They rode out their heights together beforeLouis carefully pulled out of Harry and threw the condom away.Gently, he cleaned up his tired boyfriend before he lay down next tohim and pulled the covers over their naked bodied. Immediately, Harryculled up to his chest and wrapped his arms around Louis' torso. ToLouis, this was perfect.
"Curly?Was this ... I mean ... How did this ... ?" Louis stumbled over hiswords but couldn't find a way to put his thoughts into a sentencethat made sense.
"Don'tworry about this, Blue. Oops. I meant Lou but Blue suits you" Harrygiggled cutely. "What I was trying to say was that everything isgood. It was amazing and I loved every second of it. How about you?".
"Me too,Haz. And that really hit me off-guard. I didn't know I was into this.I mean, how could I have possibly known this, mh? But ... I'm happy Ifigured this out with you" Louis confessed shyly.
"You'refree to figure yourself out with me in every way you want, Blue. Itrust you and you trust me. We need nothing more. But um ... I alsodidn't know I actually like this" Harry traced with his fingersover Louis' chest tenderly.
"No? Yousounded pretty confident in your words, which surprised me a lotbecause you ...".
"Neverbottomed before?" Harry guessed knowingly. "I know, right? Idon't know where it came from. I um ... had people calling me daddybefore every now and then and I could see that they were into it, soI let them do their thing but I was always completely unfazed. Ithought it was weird but tonight changed everything and suddenly itmakes sense. I really enjoyed it surprisingly and I'm glad you did,too. I'm just ... I know some people tend to have this dynamic evenoutside of the bedroom, which is ... something else and I don't thinkI could ... but if you ...".
"No,Haz. Don't even think that" Louis silenced him directly. "In bedthis might me something we can do sometimes but definitely notanywhere else. Yes, I call you baby but you are not my sugar baby orwhatever. You're you. You're my Haz, my curly, my boyfriend. A freeand independent young man, who is strong and beautiful and kind andmakes his own decisions. The man I love with my whole heart".
"I loveyou too, Blue".
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