Cuatro Hearts
For some strange reason, Louis was more relaxed than ever before in his whole life. Well, in his whole life when he was about to meet strangers, especially strangers that were famous and kind of someone he liked listening to. But today he was calm and unagitated. When he heard footsteps and voices approaching him his heart didn't start to race like crazy and his pulse was normal for once in his lifetime.
"Thank you for being here today, Tommy" greeted Zayn him with a long hug before he faced four girls behind him. "Now let me introduce you to the girls of Cuatro Hearts. These are Skylar, Abby, Jade and Liv".
"Hi, it's a pleasure to meet you. I'm Louis" introduced Louis himself politely.
"It's good to finally meet you. Zayn here told us a lot about you, especially on the way here" smiled one black-haired girl at him friendly. It was Abby.
"Oh yeah. This has been a long way" remarked a blonde girl sassily. Louis knew it was Liv. She was his favourite.
"I simply told you about my life because you asked" claimed Zayn embarrassed.
"That apparently resolves around Louis and a guy named Liam" threw Liv him a smug look.
"Well, looks like she got that pretty quick. You're too obvious and such a simp for Lima. And me, of course, because I'm fabulouis" teased Louis his best friend.
"You really are" threw Liv an arm around Louis' shoulders.
"Remind why I introduced you to each other again? I should have known you would team up against me because you're both two little shits" crossed Zayn his arms over his chest.
"Aww, don't pout now, Joey. You know I love you" cooed Louis exaggeratedly at him.
"Well, I don't love you" huffed Zayn but paled in less than a second. "Right now".
"You're cute" tapped Louis Zayn's nose, knowing why Zayn corrected his thoughtless joke so quickly. Louis appreciated that but it wasn't needed anymore. He knew it has been a joke now.
"Ready to shoot the best music video of the century?" clapped someone into their hands behind them, starling all six of them.
"Gosh, you fucking scared me, Mic" slapped Skylar that man's arm.
Louis took a closer look at the brunette man standing in his reach. It took him only a second to recognise that face. It was Michael Brown. The girls' manager and good friend, who was married to their choreographer. For some reason, Louis loved that fact and told it to everyone. The last has been Harry.
"My life is complete" laughed Michael satisfied.
"Guys, can we focus on the task at hand for once?" groaned Abby annoyed but she couldn't hide a tiny smile.
"Let's get this ship sailing" announced Jade motivated.
"You're so weird" laughed Skylar at her.
"No, she's not" glared Liv at her darkly.
"Guys, please".
After a little bit more banter, they all finally got to work. Right now they were sat in an empty street far off town. A tiny restaurant was here at a corner and a lake was nearby. All of those scenes would be used for the video of their new single Why. It was a song about LGBTQ relationships and how people kept judging all those people. The song questioned the reasons for it and showed how all the judging made them feel. It was sad but beautiful.
Hiding in the shadows I kiss your nose
And call you a beautiful rose
In the daylight, we can't be very close
Cause of the fear of being exposed
For you, I pretend to be fine but all I wanna do
Is tell the world that you're mine
If I let my feelings show I'd have to let you go
Because it's too dangerous
Why does everybody care? This is so unfair
Why can't you understand that I long to simply hold their hand?
Your spying eyes force me to come up with even more lies
Although I just wanna walk together into the sunrise
Cause they feel likewise
But what is the prize?
Why can't you leave me alone?
Why can't I love on my own?
Why is there a difference between you and me?
Can't you just let me be?
Let me enjoy my time in a cute little restaurant
And let me love who I want
Why can't you see that love is genderless?
Why can't you see that love is love?
Do you know how much you hurt us with your ignorance
Because you judge us for our preference
Although all we need is your acceptance?
All we need to hear is that it makes no difference
But all you do is tear us down
And say you wanna see us drown
You wanna see us burn (in hell)
And deny the chance to learn
That nothing is wrong with me and I was born this way
All I really wanna be is free
Why can't you leave me alone?
Why can't I love on my own?
Why is there a difference between you and me?
Can't you just let me be?
Let me enjoy my time in a cute little restaurant
And let me love who I want
Why can't you see that love is genderless?
Why can't you see that love is love?
It seems hopeless to try because of all the consequences
It seems useless to cry because they judge our kind of romances
I still don't wanna give you up cause you leave me breathless
I hope it's enough cause you leave me defenceless
And I won't survive a break-up cause without you
I'm reckless, Baby
Why can't you leave me alone?
Why can't I love on my own?
Why is there a difference between you and me?
Can't you just let me be?
Let me enjoy my time in a cute little restaurant
And let me love who I want
Why can't you see that love is genderless?
Why can't you see that love is love?
Throughout the whole video shoot, Louis was allowed to stay behind the camera and take a look a the process. He talked to the video director and the cameramen, the costume designer and stylists. Their producers Derek and James were here as well as Jayden, Michael's husband, and a friend of the girls who worked for M3. His name was Benny.
Talking to all of them about their passion and how everything worked and seeing Zayn and the girls work together made Louis feel oddly warm inside. Sometimes there were those moments where he asked just another question and expected to be told off but it never happened. Not once has he been dismissed today, which was weird but nice.
Today also reminded him of the day Luke has been hired for his first music video. He has been cast as the main dancer of some pop dance song, which became pretty popular back then. Barry couldn't stop praising Luke and bragging about it to everyone while putting the rest of them down for never getting hired for anything. He has been twelve around that time. To this day, Louis was happy for Luke and sometimes wondered what he was up to but he never googled him. It just hurt too much to know how they had ended. As rivals.
"Zayn, you've done an amazing job today. Thank you" thanked Abby him when they were finally done for the day.
"I agree. Working with you was so much fun. We have to do this again" agreed Jade with her friend and bandmate.
"Maybe the next video?" suggested Liv hopefully.
"Count me in" smiled Zayn widely.
"Amazing. Too bad we have to leave now but we have an early morning ahead of us. I hope we see each other soon. You as well, Louis" bit Abby her farewell sadly.
"Gladly. Just say when and where" accepted Louis proudly.
"You shouldn't have said that. Now Liv and Jade won't ever leave you alone" warned Skylar him laughingly.
"I just silence my phone" shrugged Louis, still not realising he got the numbers of all the members of his favourite band.
"Don't you dare do that, Tommo. I know you'd love to get cute selfies from us" saw Liv right through him.
"Guilty" held Louis his hands up in surrender.
"I knew it" laughed Liv, hugging him goodbye.
"See you soon, Louis," said Jade goodbye next.
"Till next time, girls" waved Zayn and Louis after them.
When Zayn was allowed to leave as well the two boys went back to Zayn's apartment. Exhaustedly, they fell down on the couch with a beer and a water and turned on the TV. Life seemed to feel the need to tease him because they ended up on a trash TV show, reminding him of a very pretty curly-haired guy.
"Any plans for tomorrow? Niall and I had been thinking about hitting town and maybe you wanna tag along" asked Zayn nonchalantly, leaving the show on even though he never watched them.
"I'd love to but I can't. I have plans" felt Louis his face heating up immediately.
"Judging by the colour of your face those plans involve Harry, am I right?" grew a smirk on Zayn's face.
"Maybe" murmured Louis quietly.
"What's the plan then? What is tomorrow that makes you blush like this?" urged Zayn him to speak.
"Harry and I have a date?" croaked Louis out.
"Why does that sound more like a question?" wondered Zayn irritatedly.
"Because I'm not sure he knows it is supposed to be a date" answered Louis and knew Zayn wouldn't understand.
"I ... what?".
"Yesterday before I had to go to work he asked me if I wanted to do something on Saturday and I asked him if it was like a date because well ... um we might have had a moment but um ... he just said it was up to me" reported Louis shyly.
"Up to you?" cocked Zayn an eyebrow at him confusedly.
"Yes. He said it will be whatever I want it to be" blushed Louis even deeper now.
"And you want it to be a date?" checked Zayn baffled. Louis nodded. "But you didn't say that?".
"No. I thought it was obvious" admitted Louis sheepishly.
"You mean because you had a moment, right?" tried Zayn to follow everything Louis was telling him. Louis nodded again. "You wanna tell me about that moment?".
"Wednesday after work I showed up at his door because I felt the need to talk to someone about how I was feeling during the rehearsals for Dark Desire and for some reason, I went to Harry and not you. I can't even explain it. Anyway, we talked and even watched the movie" started Louis to tell him as short as possible.
"Wait, Dark Desire? You watched it again? For real? Woah" was Zayn shocked. No, shocked was way too harmless.
"Yes? I don't know. He just understood me and made me feel safe and I just suggested watching it. He was shell-shocked, at the least. I hardly made it through the first ten minutes but somehow him being there helped. After the movie, I stayed the night because we were both tired. The next morning he made pancakes and when he was in the shower I made the decision to tell him" recapped Louis everything that happened on Wednesday.
"That's when you texted me" connected Zayn the dots.
"Exactly. I just wanted you to know in case everything would go downhill from there but it didn't. He noticed that something was off and asked me about it. I told him I needed to tell him something but he kinda got that wrong and um ... just kissed me?" cringed Louis at his own words. Somehow that sounded weird out loud.
"You kissed?" gasped Zayn flabbergasted.
"If lips touching lips without movement but with feelings counts then yes. We kissed shortly. He was so soft and gentle but I only ended up chuckling because he misunderstood me there. I meant to tell him about my past and not my feelings for him" had Louis to laugh at the memory.
"And how did he take it?" hooked Zayn spellbound.
"My story or that I didn't mean to kiss him?" grinned Louis cheekily.
"Both, I guess" was Zayn unsure.
"Good. Really good. I told him how it all started and how I ended up at Barry's studio. I told him about the way he treated me and how the pressure and expectations killed my passion and how all of that led up to my accident and how I met you and the aftermaths of everything" summed Louis up quickly.
"And?" urged Zayn impatiently.
"And nothing. He listened to me the whole time and comforted me afterwards. He understood and 'promised' to always be there for me but I already knew that. It was good to let it all out. Now we understand each other on a deeper level and he knows where certain things are coming from and why I am the way I am" replied Louis calmly.
"I'm proud of you for telling him everything, Tommy. You never did that" smiled Zayn proudly at him.
"Thanks but um ... I left one or two things out yesterday. If you know what I mean. It wasn't important" admitted Louis uncomfortably.
"If you felt like it wasn't needed then that's it" decided Zayn on saying but Louis knew him way too good. He could see that Zayn was worried about him. Those two 'things' weren't unimportant in Zayn's eyes and maybe he was right.
"And then the not-date conversation happened today and now I'm nervous for tomorrow" ended Louis the topic.
"Understandable. Where are you two going?" went Zayn along with it, knowing better than to push the matter.
"No idea. It's a surprise. He said it's something I'm gonna love to do" shrugged Louis unknowingly.
"Then how about you surprise him with making it officially a date and getting it over with?" suggested Zayn cockily.
"Maybe I actually will, Joey" replied Louis calmly, taking Zayn by surprise.
Question of the Chapter: What could those two things be?
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