Burning Questions
In dead silence, Louis was reading over his students' music theory tests. At the beginning of the lesson, they had written a short test and Louis had planned on giving them back at the end of their double lesson. While he was correcting the sheets the students were working on some tasks out of the books in pure silence. He couldn't say how he did it but he somehow managed to make the students like him and like this, it was way easier to get what he wanted. They worked as a team. Louis liked that a lot.
And really, he managed to go over every single test of each student right in time to give them back when they were about to leave the room at the bell ringing. Proud as hell, he gave them back and dismissed his students for the day. They had all done a really good job and not one of them had failed the test and that was something he did not expect at all.
Arriving at the teacher's room, Louis was met with a couple of his colleagues. At a table by the window, he spotted Liam with his phone in his hands. Happily, Louis walked over to him and sat down in a chair right next to his friend.
"How did your lesson go?" asked Louis interested, knowing the last lesson of this day was always a tough one for Liam.
"I survived. Those kids are pretty ... they're complicated and don't want to learn anything about our history. Not much I can do, I guess" shrugged Liam obviously sad.
"Not even one?" checked Louis sceptically.
"There is one. You know him. Newt. He's in your drama class" put Liam his phone down, facing Louis now.
"Yeah, Newt loves history. He always wanted to make a historical theatre play. Bad for him that no one else was interested in that" recalled Louis their last discussion of play ideas.
"Why do kids hate history so much?" wondered Liam honestly confused.
"I don't know, lad. I wasn't the biggest fan either but I never hated it. History was simply there and I studied for it but well, I never experienced High School like the rest of you. I'm different" thought Louis out loud.
"Nah, not any different than Kayla or Niall. Teaching them must have been horrible" nudged Liam Louis' leg with his foot under the table.
"I'm happy I was spared students like them" laughed Louis along with him when his phone vibrated.
"Oh, is that Zayn?" asked Liam curiously.
"No, it's Andy. He just sent me some details for his birthday party" put Louis his phone back into his pocket.
"I really have no idea what to expect from that party. Probably dozens of people, mh?" mused Liam.
"I guess so, yeah. I mean, he is pretty successful and popular and known around famous people. A lot of his clients will be there and friends and colleagues" replied Louis, trying not to already panic at the mere thought but it was in vain.
"Take a deep breath, Louis. It will be okay. Àmber is gonna be there and Maribel and Sean. Harry as well" tried Liam to calm him down. "Will Zayn be there too?".
"Yes" grinned Louis cheekily at him now that he had calmed down at the thought of his friends being there with him. "Are you finally gonna do something about this ... situation?".
"I don't know what you mean. What situation?" squeaked Liam embarrassingly.
"Well, the you liking Zayn situation. Do you ever plan on telling him how you feel?" titled Louis his head aside in question.
"No, it's scary. What if he hates me then?" grew Liam's eyes big in fear.
"What if he likes you back and you could be happy together?" noted Louis positively.
"Since when are you so positive? Anything you wanna tell me? Is there someone special in your life?" changed Liam the topic smoothly.
"You must be joking. There is no one. Just me being optimistic that you and Zayn would work out well" tried Louis to go back to the original topic.
"You mean as well as you and Harry?" cocked Liam an eyebrow at him.
"Again? Why does everybody think we are more than friends? I don't understand" groaned Louis annoyed.
"Maybe because of the way you look at each other, interact or talk about one another? Just an idea" retorted Liam skilfully.
"We're just friends" stated Louis desperately. "After Kyle, I really don't feel like giving anyone else the chance to affect me in that way ever again just to dump me this cruelly out of the sudden because I have too many issues to handle".
"I understand where you're coming from but Harry won't do that. The two of you have already such a deep level of trust although you both never let anyone in. That you two talk about such deep topics that I know you do says a lot about your relationship, Louis. Why can't you admit that you fancy him?" tried Liam to understand softly.
"Because I don't? That's the only reason you and everyone else need to stop asking me this question. I don't fancy Harry. End of story" clarified Louis fed up.
"Okay, fine" let Liam the topic rest.
Louis was so over these questions about him and Harry and their relationship status. This was none of their fucking business. Harry and he were only friends and they needed to accept that. And if it was ever any different it was only for them to know and figure out but that wasn't the case.
A little bit later, Louis was walking towards a small white building, searching for the name O'Kelly on the bell. Opening the door, Sean greeted him with a big smile on his face and invited him in. Together they walked into the living room, where music was playing in the background, and sat down on the sofa, facing each other.
"How was your day?" asked Louis him intrigued.
"Pretty boring. That's the only downside of my night job on weekends. During the day nothing is happening and everyone is at work, so there's that" answered Sean laughingly.
"I really don't wanna switch. Standing around for hours sounds boring" replied Louis relaxed.
"It is even worse than you think. How about we turn on the TV and see what we can find? You fancy some food?" suggested Sean cheerfully.
"Sounds good to me" smiled Louis at him.
While Sean went into the kitchen to get some drinks and snacks Louis turned on the television and flicked through the channels until he stopped on something that made him smile like an idiot. Way too fast Louis was invested in the show and almost didn't notice Sean coming back with some crisps and coke. Instead of saying anything Sean just looked at him.
"Do I have something on my face?" asked Louis insecurely.
"Huh? No, don't worry, Tommo. I was just surprised by your choice of show. Seems more like a Harry thing to watch than a you thing" eyed Sean the Reality TV show on his screen where two guys were arguing over something.
"I'm not gonna lie. He brought me into this. Before I met him I hated those shows. Well, I still kinda do. They're stupid and superficial but also addicting in a way and fun to watch. You get invested way too fast, I'm telling you" admitted Louis absent-mindedly, watching the show intensively.
"Fair point. They can be quite entertaining" agreed Sean with him. His facial expression revealed to Louis that there was more going on in his head right now but he didn't say anything. Louis was happy about that.
"They remind me of Zayn and Liam. Unable to communicate and be honest about their feelings. Which leads me back to thinking we need more gay dating shows. Germany has two. We need them everywhere and even more than those two" commented Sean on the scene.
"Two? You mean like for gays and for lesbians or what?" questioned Louis surprised.
"Exactly. The lesbian one is new. Liam told me about it. He didn't come off as a dating show watcher but seems like he is" let Sean him know light-fully.
"Oh, he likes those but always pretends he doesn't even know they exist," told Louis him amused.
"Sounds familiar" bumped Sean their shoulders together.
"Nope. That's different. I really hated them with a passion until I met Harry. He unknowingly made me realise those shows can be pretty funny. Trash but entertaining trash" corrected Louis him sassily.
"He has his moments" chuckled Sean cheery.
"Pretty often lately" marked Louis at the same time as his phone beeped in his pocket. He took it out and looked at the screen. A message from Kayla.
From Kayla:
"How about Sunday? It's right after the party but we can go in the afternoon. Oh, and did you ask anyone to tag along yet? Who is it?".
No, Louis did not ask anyone yet and he wasn't sure if he would anymore. Why were they so insistent on him asking anyone to tag along on their cinema day? Wasn't going to the movies with just Maribel and Kayla enough? Why involve someone else? There was no one ...
Well, if he was being honest with himself for once in his life there was someone he wanted to ask but he was anxious. Scared. Terrified. Would it seem like a double date if he asked him to join them? Did he know the two girls were into each other? Would that scare him off and ruin everything? He couldn't ask him, right?
That question never left his mind again. For the total of three hours, he spent with Sean a part of him kept thinking about this possibility. He had even told Sean about their cinema plans and that he should invite someone and Sean had suggested Harry himself, forcing Louis unknowingly to act like it was a totally new thought and was not driving him crazy but in reality that was the case. Why was that such a big deal for him? It was just a movie with two of his friends and he wanted Harry to tag along. Alright, yeah?
He wasn't so sure of that. When he reached his own flat building none other than Harry came walking over to him with a huge smile on his face. Louis' stomach made a flip and he felt dizzy out of the sudden. Something was nagging on his insides but he was unwilling to let it out.
"Hi, Lou. What have you been up to? You haven't been home" greeted Harry him cutely. Did that mean Harry had wanted to see him?
"Sorry, Haz. I was with Sean after work. Had some catching up to do. You have a great friend there" explained Louis shortly while stepping inside of the building.
"So, you get along great, yeah? Meeting up all alone now? That's new" crinkled Harry his forehead.
"New but amazing. We clicked right away. He's great" walked Louis up the stairs.
"Great" repeated Harry the word strangely. "You're gonna be at Andy's party on Saturday?".
"Obviously" rolled Louis his eyes at him, reaching his floor.
"Good. Not sure what I would do without you there, Lou. I haven't been at any of his parties for years" looked Harry at the cold hallway floor.
"I'm gonna be right next to you the whole time, Haz. And ...".
"Really?" beamed Harry at him, accidentally cutting him off. "Oh, sorry".
"It's okay, Haz" smiled Louis fondly at him. "And yes, really. I will be there to support you every step of the way. Anyway, was work treating you good today?".
"As good as possible. I still hate it. Chris was only talking about that movie he's gonna watch today with his girlfriend. Who am I to care about that?" reported Harry exaggeratedly.
"Just ignore him, Haz. He's not worth your time" advised Louis him, feeling like he could risk it now. "That reminds me, Kayla and Maribel wanna go and watch a movie with me this Sunday and asked me if I know someone who'd like to tag along. And um ... I was thinking maybe you could ... you know ...".
"Me?" pointed Harry at himself in shock, Louis only nodded. "Wow, yeah. Sure. I'd love to".
"Why do you sound so surprised though? Or do you not want to and you're just trying not to hurt my feelings?" frowned Louis anxiously.
"Don't even think that, Lou" stepped Harry closer to him, putting his hands onto Louis' upper arms. Everything was tingling like crazy. "I would love to go with you and the girls. I was just overwhelmed that you wanted me to join you instead of maybe Zayn or Niall. I guess, they probably don't have time, mh?".
"No idea. I didn't ask them. My first impulse was to ask you, Haz. Only you and not Zayn or anyone else" locked Louis eyes with him, being scarily honest right now.
"Then I'm honoured to go to the movies with you, Lou" smiled Harry with his whole face down at him.
"And the girls" reminded Louis him laughingly.
"And them" chuckled Harry adorably.
"Well, I should head inside. I wanted to watch the new episode of ...".
"No way!" exclaimed Harry bewildered. "I was about to watch Island Lovers right now. Don't tell me you wanted to watch that. You don't even like those shows".
"Maybe I changed my mind" blushed Louis embarrassed. "And maybe I was watching Trash TV with Sean".
"You made Sean watch Trash TV and he agreed? Wow, he has to love you for real" was Harry stunned.
"I'm just very convincing and irresistible" joked Louis still with red cheeks, feeling awkward right now.
"I can imagine" shook Harry his head. "What do you say about watching it together?".
"Mine or yours?" bit Louis back a huge smile.
"Let's go to your place. It's way comfier than my flat. It feels homey and comfortable and your bed is a dream" walked Harry already towards Louis' door.
"Who said you could sleepover?" looked Louis pointedly at him while he was unlocking the door.
"Me and you can't say no to those eyes" made Harry big doe eyes at him. God, damn it.
"If you snore you'll sleep on the couch" warned Louis him.
"What if you snore?" questioned Harry challengingly.
"It's my flat. I'm allowed to snore and fart and burp and be messy. If you have a problem with that you can leave whenever you want" turned Louis on the TV.
"What if I never wanna leave?" joked Harry convincingly.
"Then you'll probably have to live in my closet. No room left for you, Haydo" shrugged Louis, kicking off his shoes.
"What's in that other room then?" asked Harry nosily.
"It's my messy room. Full of old garbage and lots of paper shit but I won't clean it up. Not even for you. My closet has to be enough, Haz" flicked Louis Harry's nose.
"But I'm out of the closet. I don't wanna go back in there" whined Harry dramatically.
"You're literally the worst" was Louis out of words for this weird creature sitting on his couch.
"You love me" winked Harry playfully at him.
"You wish".
Question of the Chapter: Why is Lous so anxious?
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