Broken Glass
"God, damn it" cursed Harry when his phone beeped again. He just knew it was another manip of Louis.
Looking down at his phone screen, Harry had to sadly realise it was true. The guys had been sending him manips of Louis in girly dancing costumes the whole morning and by now, Harry thought he couldn't feel any worse. This picture now was one of Louis as Peter Pan because apparently, that was the funniest thing on this planet.
Since Harry had gotten slapped by Louis in the face he had had lots of time to think about the pain he had caused him. Harry wasn't used to feeling any kind of feeling or emotion apart from sexual pleasure every other night. But right now he was feeling fucking guilty. He regretted ever mentioning Louis' past as a dancer to his friends. This wasn't okay. He had no right to do so and being pissed off drunk wasn't good enough of an excuse to make up for it. Harry knew that but he still wanted to try because ...
From Sean to Harry:
"I don't know what to tell you, H. What you did was really bad. It seems like Louis isn't just mad at you. It doesn't matter if you fully understand why. You crossed a line and all you can do is try to make it up to him because I know you care about him".
Right. He had texted Sean and told him everything and maybe he had even asked him for advice. Harry couldn't say why but he trusted Sean and a part of him liked his company and his support. Maybe he wasn't too bad after all and he could have more friends in his life.
And Sean was right. Harry knew he fucked up yesterday and shouldn't have said anything to the guys but he still didn't fully understand Louis' reaction. Or Zayn's. Yes, he had told them something he had no right to and shouldn't even know himself but why was Louis' past a dancer such a huge secret? Why were people not supposed to know?
For now, it didn't matter. Right after work, Harry walked into the next supermarket to buy some things. If someone saw him he'd deny everything. He had a reputation to lose, after all. With a full bag, he made his way back home and took the turn towards Louis' door. Sweating nervously, Harry rang the bell and hoped for the best. His heart started beating a thousand times faster when he heard footsteps approaching the door, opening it.
Their eyes met the second Louis opened the door but Harry gave him no chance to talk and just presented the flowers to him and started talking, or more like rambling. "I'm so sorry, Louis. I'm an idiot. You have every right to be mad at me. I'm mad at myself but please, give me a chance to explain myself and what happened. I have flowers for you ... maybe you hate flowers or you're allergic. I have chocolate too or candy an ... and a cake. Or would you prefer simple crisps? Maybe ice cream if it's not melted yet".
"Just shut up, Harry" cut Louis him off and immediately, Harry fell silent and hung his head low. "I ... just come in for a second".
Bewildered, Harry's head snapped up and he only caught a glimpse of Louis' head disappearing around a corner, leaving the door open for him. Feeling numb, he shook himself and stepped inside of Louis' flat, closing the door softly behind him. Tentatively, Harry walked into the cosy-looking living room and dared to take a look around. In principle, Louis' flat was almost identical to his own but Louis had an open kitchen connected to his living room and everything in here seemed warmer and softer and just different than Harry's simple flat.
"Maybe the freezer would be a good idea" made Louis' voice Harry's gaze snap back to him.
"Huh?" blinked Harry dumbly at him.
"You said you have ice cream, which probably is melting through your bag right now. Freezer is over there" pointed Louis towards his kitchen.
"Um, thanks" cleared Harry his throat overwhelmed. Why was Louis being so nice to him?
Quickly, he put the ice cream into the almost empty freezer and dropped his bag with the rest of the items to the floor, only taking the flowers with him and handing them over to Louis again. Beautiful white roses. Just like Louis.
"Thanks but um ... what is this ...?" blushed Louis slightly.
"They're for you" interrupted Harry him accidentally. "Sorry, I didn't mean to".
"What? Interrupt me or ruin my life?" cocked Louis an eyebrow at him in question sharply.
"Both, I guess" sighed Harry out guiltily. "I ...".
"You wanted to explain, right?" checked Louis when Harry didn't say anything. He only nodded. "Then go ahead".
Harry took a deep breath, bracing himself while sitting down with Louis on the couch, and then just went for it, hoping to make it better and not worse. "Louis, I'm truly sorry for what I did, first of all. I had no right to say anything. I shouldn't even know myself. But um ... since you've walked out on me that day I've been curious, maybe even worried. I didn't understand what I did wrong and still don't but ... I wanted to know ... I tried to get your attention but you kept on ignoring me. Even in the bakery. And um ... I heard you and your sister talking one night, or should I say early morning when I came back from work, and she was talking about googling you and I know this is horrible but I ... I did just that after Kyle told me your last name. I was curious and a bit too nosey, I know. I shouldn't have done that just because I felt bad. You should have been the one to tell me about this in person one day but I know this day would have never come because I don't deserve to know".
For a second, Harry stopped and just took a breath. Until now, Louis didn't react in any way. He didn't interrupt his horrible rambling nor did he show any kind of emotion on his face as far as Harry could tell. So, he decided to just go on.
"Yesterday was a horrible day from the moment I woke up but that still doesn't justify my actions. I shouldn't ... I met up with my friends in our usual bar to drink the day away and also, to forget about you for a second because you've been constantly on my mind, I have to admit. As weird as that is. I can't even recall how many drinks I have had or the guys. We were utterly intoxicated. At one point, Aidan asked me to call it quits with his girl Soulin. They weren't really dating but whatever. Drunk as I was I simply called her and did just that, which led to talking about ex-partners ... I can't exactly remember how it happened because I was too far gone but they started talking about you and not really in a nice way. They were talking about you being boring, your ass and your nonexistent career and somewhere along the line it just slipped out. I was getting mad or it was just the alcohol loosening up my tongue but I felt the need to prove them wrong. I didn't even think about my words or what they could lead to. I never meant to cause you any problems. I just wanted them to stop making fun of you because you're not ... they were wrong about ... you know ... I just ..." was Harry out of words by now.
For a moment, it was deadly silent in the room. Only their breathing could be heard. Then Louis quietly spoke up, his voice shaking a bit. "Thank you for um ... telling me all of this. I appreciate it and your intentions ... I um ... Maybe I overreacted a little bit. You couldn't know that Kyle never knew about this. I ... He ... I never told him because ... He ... he wasn't supposed to know. It's embarrassing".
Harry studied Louis closely. He seemed tense and freaking nervous all at once. He was biting the inside of his cheek or his lip and was fiddling with his fingers, avoiding any kind of eye contact like he was a six-year-old about to get punished. That sight broke Harry's heart and he was dying to know what was wrong with Louis. He had so many questions, especially why Louis wasn't proud of his past.
"I think it's pretty cool" mumbled Harry quietly but he could see a tiny smile on Louis' face signalling him that he had heard his honest words. "So, um ... I've said what I wanted to say. Guess, I should go now".
"You should know that I ... um that I forgive you, Harry. You didn't do it on purpose. You couldn't know" coughed Louis awkwardly.
"Really?" started Harry beaming.
"Really. How about I put those flowers into a vase and then we take care of all that food you bought, mh?" tilted Louis his head aside, offering him a smile.
"Yeah, I'd like that".
Together they walked into the kitchen. Louis searched for a vase while Harry picked up his bag with the chocolate, cake, candy and crisps. Walking back into the living room, they settled down on the couch and threw on a random movie, more focused on the food than the actual plot. It was nice. Harry felt really comfortable like this. Just chilling with Louis on the couch and watching a silly movie while stuffing his face with unhealthy food. It was perfect.
Just that it wasn't. Louis seemed restless and jumpy, glancing at his phone every now and then when the screen lit up. His posture was tense and unrelaxed the whole time and it looked like he was uncomfortable but it wasn't just because of him. No, there was more to it.
"Are you okay, Louis?" asked Harry carefully.
"Yeah, sure. I'm fine" answered Louis tensely.
"Why do I feel like you're lying to me?" raised Harry an eyebrow at him in suspicion.
"Because you don't know me at all" countered Louis, obviously trying to come off as unbothered and strong but it was just a weak try.
"Louis, what's wrong?" focused Harry his full attention now on Louis.
"Nothing. I'm just tired and exhausted from w ..." tried Louis to lie again but fell silent when his phone lit up again. His whole beautiful face changed rapidly.
"That's enough. Show me" had Harry enough of this bullshit and took Louis' phone out of his hand, not without protest and knowing it would piss him off but that didn't matter now. "What the hell?".
As soon as Harry glanced at the open screen his whole body froze and his blood was running cold while heat was rising up in him. Everything inside of him was boiling with anger. On the screen was a text message from Kyle mocking Louis because of his past as a dancer. But it didn't stop there. The more Harry scrolled up the uglier the messages got. And Kyle wasn't the only one. All of his friends' names were present on Louis' phone screen with harassing text messages because he has been a dancer. Since yesterday around midnight. They were bullying Louis because Harry had been an ignorant idiot.
"Why didn't you tell me?" wanted Harry to know, trying to stay calm and collected.
"I thought you knew anyway" shrugged Louis dismissively, making it sound like he thought Harry was in on this.
"No, I didn't know" stated Harry strongly but then the manip of Louis as Peter Pan showed up in his mind. "I should have known".
Infuriated, Harry jumped up and stormed out of the flat, grabbing his shoes and jacket on the way out. He sprinted down the stairs, ignoring Louis shouting after him. Harry needed justice now. Justice for Louis.
Knowing Kyle would be at their usual bar again, Harry walked inside and straight towards their table where Kyle was already sitting accompanied by Aidan and Xavi. When they saw him approaching them they shouted their greeting but fell silent when Harry only glared at them in pure hatred.
"Harry, what's g ...?".
"What's the fuck is wrong with you?" gave Harry Kyle no chance to talk. "Why are you spamming Louis with those hurtful texts?".
"No, don't tell me he actually came to you about this. How pathetic can one person be?!" cackled Kyle horribly.
"Well, you tell me" crossed Harry his arms over his chest.
"What did you say?" hardened Kyle's face now.
"Oh, you heard me, my friend. Now tell me. Why are you doing this? Why are you bullying him with his past? With his career? This makes no fucking sense. Are you jealous because he achieved more in his life than you ever will? What did he ever do to you for you to treat him like this? To treat him like utter shit? What the fuck is wrong with you?" grew Harry louder with every word, not caring about the people around them.
"Harry, what are you ... Wait, no way. You like him" gasped Kyle shocked.
"You like Louis. Oh my god, this is hilarious. Guys, Harry is crushing on my boring spoilsport of an ex-boyfriend. H is into little girly dancers" cracked Kyle up laughing.
"I'm not crushing on Louis. I just want you to leave him alone and stop bullying him. Since when are you so heartless?" clarified Harry his intentions.
"This is gold. You wouldn't care about me doing this if you weren't into him. You forget that I know you, Harry. You don't care about people or doing the right thing. You never did. You break people's hearts on a daily basis and now you ask me why I'm making fun of my ex-boyfriend's cheesy past?" stated Kyle surely. "Face it. You only care because you want to get into his pants. You have a thing for that juicy ass. Can't blame you but don't even try. He won't let you even get close to his cake. If I couldn't get in although he loved me you stand no chance. Let's see who can crack the code of that little lose ...".
"Don't talk about him like that!" screamed Harry into his face.
"I talk about him however I please because he is my ex, not yours" slammed Kyle his hands onto the table, now getting up and into Harry's face.
"You're sick" spat Harry in disgust.
"Yeah, sick of you. Sick of hearing you protecting this piece of shit. What did he do to get you go all soft on him? Did he suck you off? Did he promise you a wild ride when you're back or did he tell you a heartbreaking story with those puppy eyes? What was it?" rounded Kyle the table to face Harry up close.
"You're disgusting. I'm so done with this. Done with you" shook Harry his head and left him standing there, trying to calm his boiling hatred.
"Yeah, go. Go back to him. He's probably already waiting for you on his bed with his ass in the air for you to get a taste just to get it taken away before you can actually dive into it. I know that's all you want. You wanna wreck that virgin a ...".
Having heard enough, Harry spun back around and punched Kyle straight in the face, making him stumble back in surprise and pain. With a bleeding nose, Kyle stomped back over to him and punched him right back. Harry could swear he heard something break but he didn't care. He attacked Kyle again but this time he fought back directly. They were pushing and punching each other, crashing into tables, glasses and the counter, breaking probably every single glass in their reach. Kicks to the guts and groins were what followed until Harry had enough.
"I hope your little slut is worth losing me. Make sure he takes it good" said Kyle provokingly when both guys were taking a quick breath.
For that sentence alone, Harry tackled Kyle to the ground and didn't stop punching him until someone dragged him off Kyle's body, who barely responded anymore. Harry saw him sitting up, looking totally beaten up. Without looking back, Harry ran out of the bar, knowing he should never show his face there again.
With pain shooting through his whole body, Harry somehow made his way back home. He almost crashed into the building door and had to stop in front of the stairs to cough violently. Blood was all he could see.
"Harry? Oh my god!".
He distantly felt someone cupping his face and stroking over his cheeks. Blurred, he could make out Louis' worried face and felt himself relax in his presence. With all his leftover strength, Harry stood up and let Louis guide him back into his flat, Louis' flat. In pure pain, he fell onto Louis' couch and felt the world spinning around him.
"This will probably sting a little bit" warned Louis him, who suddenly appeared in his vision.
Having no clue what Louis was talking about, he just looked at Louis' face. He saw something in Louis' hand but before he could question it a stinging feeling shot through his head. Hissing in pain, he let Louis clean his face and his hands up before taking care of his other wounds. Harry realised he had shreds of glass in his right hand, which Louis tried to get out as careful as possible. Every single tug hurt like hell but when it was done Harry was so thankful for Louis' help.
"What happened?" stroked Louis a strand of hair out of Harry's face gently.
"Kyle and I had a disagreeing" enjoyed Harry the touch maybe a little bit too much but he was wounded and tired. He was allowed to enjoy it.
"Really? What about?" asked Louis sceptically.
"He kept shitting on you when I told him to stop sending those texts and I snapped. His words were horrible and I couldn't stand it any longer. You don't deserve this" revealed Harry honestly to him.
"Woah, um ... thank you, Harry. For you know, sticking up for me and everything else" was Louis overwhelmed.
"You deserve to be protected all the time. I just did what was right" dropped Harry's eyes close because he was exhausted. "Thank you for helping me tonight, Lou".
He let out a soft yawn and snuggled into one of Louis' couch pillows. A blanket was put over him and he felt warmth surrounding him, that lulled him to sleep in mere seconds.
"Always, Haz".
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