An Unusual Sunny Day
From Louis To Harry:
"Hi, so um ... would you be up for some strolling around the city? I mean, you obviously don't have to say yes but I'm in town with some friends today and I thought I'd just ask you to join us".
From Louis:
"Just ignore that first text".
From Harry To Louis:
"Just tell me when and where and I'll be there".
Over half an hour ago, Harry had sent that text to Louis and was supposed to meet him and his friends in ten minutes at the corner by that ice cream parlour. If he said he was nervous that would be an understatement. He was shitting himself but would never admit that out loud. He would not screw this up today when Louis actually asked him to come, what he had never expected to ever happen.
Yesterday, he had woken up around 10 pm on Louis' couch to Louis reading a book in his armchair nearby. He hadn't left his side but also didn't wake him up to send Harry home. When Harry had made sure to let Louis know he was awake he had decided to go home. At the door, Louis had surprisingly offered him to let everything rest and start anew because they would see each other more often than necessary and this would make everything easier. Harry had obviously agreed and even convinced Louis to exchange numbers. With a smile on his face, Harry had gone upstairs and had fallen directly asleep again.
Harry really didn't expect Louis to text him and suggest meeting up, least of all even with his friends. He was one hundred per cent sure Zayn would be there and probably Niall, maybe even Louis' sister Àmber. Weird combination.
Admittedly anxious, Harry was coming closer to the meeting point. Funnily enough, Niall was the first person he saw and directly approached him. At first, Niall looked almost scared but then he seemed to relax visibly and offered Harry a little smile.
"Hi, Boss".
"I'd love you if you don't call me that. Ever again. Especially not today" retorted Harry in a playful voice but still serious enough to make it clear he still meant it.
"I'm not sure I want you to love me though. Don't you wanna love someone else?" jumped Niall directly onto the joke, indirectly agreeing to not calling him that today.
"Like myself?" grinned Harry broadly.
"That's better" laughed Niall amused.
"Thanks, but um ... can we not talk about the bakery or anything related to me when the others are around? Would you do that for me, Niall?" pleaded Harry desperately.
"Sure thing. Work conversations are boring anyway" assured Niall him, taking any kind of tension away from him.
"Yeah, very boring" agreed Harry relieved with him.
"Who's boring?" approached Louis with Àmber and Zayn in tow and someone he didn't recognise.
"You, who else?!" replied Harry jokingly.
"Of course" rolled Louis his eyes amused.
"Hi, I'm Niall. You must be Liam. Louis told me about you. Let's be friends" hopped Niall over to the unknown guy.
"I warned you, Lima. He's literally five years old" chuckled Louis brightly.
"As if you're any better" shot that Liam guy back.
"Touché. Oh, Harry. This is Liam. He's a teacher at the same school as me. Lima, this is Harry. My annoying neighbour" introduced Louis the two of them.
"I'm annoying?" gasped Harry mock-offended at him.
"Yes. You're always so loud that the whole house can hear everything you're doing and newsflash, not everybody wants to know that. You're not that important" sassed Louis him.
"Uh, Tommo just burned you" sing-songed Niall entertained.
"I feel honoured, Mister grumpy grandpa" winked Harry at him.
"Didn't you say he isn't funny? That just was funny" threw Àmber in smilingly.
"Only because it's true" nudged Zayn Louis' shoulder.
"Ey!" huffed Louis and slapped Zayn's arm.
"How about we do what we planned on doing instead of you two slapping each other?" suggested Liam neutrally.
"Just one second. Aria isn't here yet" held Àmber them back.
Right at that moment, the girl from the bakery came walking over to them. "Sorry, guys. Maya was a bit late and I couldn't leave work earlier".
"It's okay. Shit happens" waved Louis the matter off.
In his head, Harry was wondering who Maya was. He literally only ever knew Niall. No one else from his employees. He really should care at least a little bit more.
For a start, they all got some ice cream before they started strolling through the packed city. It was an unusually sunny day for March in England and they all enjoyed the bits of sunlight on their faces.
Afterwards, Àmber and Aria needed some new jeans and Zayn was looking for a blue blazer. So, they went into many different shops to look for the needed items. Harry hasn't been shopping in forever. When he was younger he had loved it but over the years he stopped doing it. A green shirt with leaves caught his eye and he walked over to examine it a bit closer.
"Why don't you try it on?" sounded Louis' voice behind him.
"Gosh, Louis, you scared me" put Harry a hand over his racing heart.
"Sorry, wasn't my intention. I just saw you looking at this shirt and ... um, doesn't matter. I'll go and find Zayn" became Louis all insecure out of the sudden.
"Nah, it's fine. I'll try it on" grabbed Harry the shirt and walked over to the changing rooms.
Looking at himself in the mirror, Harry actually ended up really liking this shirt on himself. The green matched his eyes and he could show off his tattoos a little bit. He opened the door and presented the shirt to Louis, who was waiting outside, staring at his phone.
"And? What do you think?" twirled Harry around.
"It looks really nice. The green brings out your eyes. Well, you know, with them being green and all" looked Louis him up and down cutely.
"Thanks, Lou" smiled Harry at him and didn't even question when he had started calling Louis Lou.
"I think I've got it now" walked Zayn over to them.
"Where are Niall and Liam?" wondered Harry suddenly.
"Outside. They were bored" shrugged Zayn unbothered.
For probably hating him more than anything, Zayn did a pretty good job at not letting it show and not causing a fight between them. Harry really appreciated that. Zayn seemed to be an unproblematic guy, who was really protective over Louis sometimes.
"Where's ...?".
" Àmber? Hi," they heard someone calling close behind them.
Turning their heads around, they saw some brunette girl and a blonde girl approaching Àmber and Aria with happy smiles. Next to him, Louis seemed happy as well and joined their conversation. Zayn was simply standing back and watched in silence.
"Maribel and Kayla. Àmber's best friends" explained Zayn shortly to Harry for context. Harry only nodded in acknowledgement.
"Girls, this is Aria" introduced Àmber her to her friends.
"The Aria? Hi, Àmber talked a lot about you" shook Maribel her hand joyfully.
"That's true. She literally couldn't stop for hours. My ears were bleeding" continued Kayla although Àmber was signalling them to stop talking. In vain.
Well, looked like someone has a crush.
"You talked about me?" looked Aria up at Àmber with red-tinted cheeks.
"Um yeah, of course" blushed Àmber in embarrassment.
"How's work at the hospital, Belle?" changed Louis the topic.
"One minute, Harry, please" tapped Zayn his shoulder, making Harry turn around to him.
"You see, I know you and Louis kind of made up and you try to start anew and all this. I'm okay with this and I really hope you mean it because if not I'm gonna make your life a living hell, okay? I didn't forget about what you did yet and I'm still mad at you for everything, not just the other day. Louis is my best friend and has been through some tough times. I really don't want him to get any more hurt. You have the chance now to become his friend and his friendship is precious, just like him. Don't ruin it, okay?" cleared Zayn up the air.
"I won't. I promise" was all Harry was able to say.
"Good. I hope you mean it" nodded Zayn sceptically.
"Guys, are you hungry? Belle and Kay wanted to grab some food and asked if we wanna join them" called Louis over to them in question.
"Whatever you want, Tommy".
"Food sounds good, Lou".
Arriving at the food court, half of them wanted pizza and the other half was more in the mood for fries. They split up to get their food and reunited at a table to all eat together.
"And then she changed her order again. I was so close to strangling her" told Kayla them with a groan about her day at work, a café next to the theatre.
"I hate when people do that. Just choose one drink, woman" expressed Maribel her disliking in that behaviour.
"Right? At the bakery they sometimes do that, too. But mostly old ladies, who just so happened to forget half of their order the moment I ask them what they want" shared Aria her experience with them.
"But that's actually really sad" mused Àmber thoughtfully.
"It really is" munched Niall happily on his slice of pizza.
"What about you, Harry? Where do you work?" asked Kayla interested.
"I work as a security guard for Pamela's Jewels and that one gay club ...".
"Oh, the one close to Louis' flat?" guessed Àmber excitedly.
"Exactly that one" confirmed Harry but was more focused on Louis poking around in his food distastefully than the actual conversation.
"And you, Tommy? How's work going? Are the kids driving you crazy already?" nudged Zayn Louis' side, seemingly also watching him instead of listening.
"All good. Music's mostly theory at the moment. In Drama, the kids wanna do a musical for the end of the school year, so I have to talk to Principal Brown and get that sorted out. When that's done they can decide on the play they wanna adapt" reported Louis and for a moment, even sounded the tiniest bit excited.
"That's amazing. You're gonna prepare a musical with them. Wow" gushed Zayn brightly.
"If Brown ag ...".
"He will" cut Zayn him off surely.
"At least, your students are excited. When I show up all I hear is groans" marked Liam pouty.
"That's because you're a Maths and History teacher. No one likes those subjects" teased Niall him lightly.
"He has a point" agreed Harry with him when his phone beeped. A message from Andrew.
From Nuisance Andrew:
"I hate to say this again but we need to talk. Stop avoiding me. You have to make a decision".
"Oh shit, I forgot to tell you that Andrew wants to talk to you. He asked me to tell you this. You were supposed to call him. Sorry" slapped Niall his forehead.
"It's okay, Niall. Not that important. He texted anyway like the pain in the ass he always is. Nothing new" dismissed Harry his unnecessary apology. Happens to everyone.
"He said something about papers and some stuff" tried Niall to remember, quietly talking to him so only Harry heard him and no one else.
"I hate paperwork" groaned Harry annoyed.
"Won't get around this as the owner, I guess" noted Niall pitiful.
"Wait, you're the owner of the bakery?" drew Louis in a sharp breath in pure shock.
"Oops" mumbled Niall guiltily.
"And if I am, what's the problem?" shot Harry back defensively.
"Nothing. I was just surprised, that's all. You said you are a security guard" was Louis obviously confused.
"I am" stated Harry shortly.
"But how ...".
"I got the bakery from Luca because I was simply old enough when she couldn't work anymore. I never wanted it, so I gave it to Andrew. He's the boss now. End of story" dismissed Harry the topic coolly. No one needed to know if this was the truth or not.
"Okay. Sorry I asked" murmured Louis quietly, almost downcast and looked down at the table, playing with his fingers and looking very small right now. A sight Harry didn't like. He preferred sassy Louis over insecure Louis.
Another thing Harry had noticed about Louis. He could be quite curious and nosey but as soon as someone ... he ... he couldn't even put it into words. Louis just tended to go back into his shell so quickly, that Harry feared he might have experienced something really bad in the past. He obeyed too easily for being this sassy and it was never in a good way. It worried Harry a lot. He seemed so insecure and fragile and just broken. Like critique in any way hurt him from the inside out, especially when he was showing interest in something and was dismissed. Has he been dismissed a lot in his life?
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