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Àmber's POV 1

Because work is taking up most of my time at the moment I'm not gonna put a question at the end of the chapters anymore. 


"I really don't see why you'renervous, Am. You're practically already dating. Today might only makethis finally official" Louis' voice sounded from the other side ofthe line.

"We're not ... this isn't ... I'mfreaking out here, Lew" Àmber stumbled over her words anxiously.

"You need to breathe. In and out.With me" Louis instructed her calmly. "Today is going to beperfect. You really don't need to worry or stress yourself. Aria andyou only have eyes for each other and you know that. You just need totell her".

"I ... You're right" Àmbersighed out breathlessly. "I really don't know why I'm so nervous orafraid to face her today".

"Because it's freaking scary to putyourself out there, especially when you're friends" Louis markedunderstandingly.

"Shouldn't that make it easierthough?" Àmber wondered.

"Maybe but it really doesn't. It'sterrifying" Louis stated shakily. Àmber knew that this wasn'tabout Aria anymore but she kept quiet. "Anyway, your date is goingto be amazing".

"I really hope so" Àmber was notso sure of this.

"I'm sure. And now get off thephone and get ready. Isn't she supposed to be there any minute?"Louis reminded her.

"I'm already done with everything.That's why I called" Àmber let him know nervously.

"Because you were done too earlylike always and had too much time to overthink everything" Louisunderstood what she meant.

"As if you're any better" Àmberhuffed pouty.

"I'm really not but this is yourdate and not mine" Louis pointed out cockily.

"I hate you" Àmber grumbledcutely.

"Love you, too. Talk to you later,sis" Louis ended the call.

Letting out a shaky breath, Àmberput her phone down and left her bedroom. On wobbly legs, she walkedinto the kitchen and checked once again if everything they needed wasthere to calm her nerves. When she was done with that all over again,she padded into the living room and sat down on her couch, notknowing what to do about her nerves.

Would Aria show up or was she aboutto get stood up? Maybe Aria had something better to do and Àmber hadread the signs wrong. Maybe they were really only friends and askingher on a date was a mistake that ruined everything. Their wholefriendship! Oh God, did she make it awkward between them now? How wasshe supposed to act around Aria when she wouldn't show up? Or evenworse, how was she supposed to act if she actually showed up? Wouldthat mean this was all mutual or was it only pity?

The sound of the bell startled Àmberso much that she let out a terrified scream before realising it wasonly the door, meaning someone was here. And that someone was herdate. Aria. Who did not stand her up apparently. Was she feeling thesame after all or was she only here to tell Àmber this wouldn't goanywhere? Well, maybe she should open the door, first of all.

Shaking all over, Àmber walked overto her front door and pushed the buzzer to let Aria in. Immediately,she heard footsteps approaching her, which made her heartbeatskyrocket. Because of all the shaking and doubting thoughts Àmberwas almost unable to open her door to let Aria in.

"Hi, Fiore" Àmber greeted herwhile nervously scratching over her right forearm to keep her voicesteady.

"Hey, Peaches" Aria beamed up ather, leaving Àmber speechless and unable to function. "You'regonna let me in?".

"Huh? Oh, sure. Sorry" Àmberbroke out of her trance to let Aria into her flat. "Do you um ...want something to drink? Water or some juice? A coke maybe?".

Instead of answering her questionAria turned back around to her, taking both of Àmber's shaking handsinto her own. "Hey, look at me, Lia. You really don't need to benervous. It's only me. Your Becca".

"I know but I can't help it"Àmber admitted ashamed. "I thought maybe I took you by surprisewith this date and you only said yes to not hurt my feelings and youwouldn't show up but now you're here, which could mean so much butalso nothing. Maybe you're only here ...".

"Stop overthinking everything, Lia"Aria cut her rambling off. "I knew this would happen and that's whyI decided to not be nervous today".

"I don't understand" Àmberfrowned in confusion. What in the world was she talking about?

"I knew you would freak out beforeI even arrived here because of your anxiety. So, I gave myself manypep talks to take my own nervousness away. Like this, I can calm youdown now and make you relax and enjoy this without doubting everyword we say" Aria explained sweetly.

"You ... I ..." Àmber wasspeechless again but for a totally different reason now. "So, youwanna be here right now?".

"Duh, obviously" Aria rolled hereyes lovingly. "I wouldn't have said yes if this wasn't something Iwanted. If you weren't someone I wanted to go on a date with".

Blushing as madly as Àmber herself,Aria stepped even closer to her and pressed a short but gentle kissto Àmber's right cheek. Right at that moment everything stopped forher. All the nerves were gone and all that was left on Àmber's mindwas Aria being right here in her reach wanting to be on this date andspend time with her. Wow.

"I assumes that means you broughtsome appetite with you?" Àmber brought out somehow.

"Definitely but you know me. I canalways eat" Aria chuckled light-fully.

"True but unlike you, I can't cook.So, this is gonna be interesting" Àmber walked into the kitchenwith her date.

"Just for once follow my lead andthis will turn out good. I promise" Aria assured her cutely.

"Whatever you want" Àmber sigheddreamily.

"I'd like for you to wash thevegetables, so I can start on the chicken" Aria grinned brightly ather.


Maybe Àmber was shit at cooking butover the years she had learned to prepare everything you neededbefore someone can cook to perfection. Perks of being friends withNiall for so long. Because now she could really help Aria by peelingand cutting everything she needed and taking care of the water forthe noddles. They were a perfect team and had a lot of fun preparingtheir meal. Àmber would have never thought she could have this muchfun in a kitchen.

"This looks delicious" Àmbermarvelled when they sat down at her dining table.

"Thanks but without your help itwouldn't have worked out this good" Aria blushed crimson.

"Nonsense. You're the cook here. Ijust helped. The praise is all yours" Àmber insisted stubbornly.

"Well, thanks" Aria mumbled witha tiny smile.

"Damn, this tastes even better thanit looks. I'm never letting you go again, Fiore" Àmber flirtedplayfully with her, all her nerves long gone.

"Good" Aria smiled happily. "Ifmy cooking makes you wanna keep me around then ...".

"Not only that and you know that"Àmber cut her off.

"I know" Aria murmured shyly. Noweverything was back to normal between them.

"So, how was work? Fridays arealways busy, mh?" Àmber asked interested while eating.

"Busy, yeah. Stressful but I loveworking there, so it's okay. I'm a bit worried about Niall though. Heseems distracted lately. Well, it makes sense with what's going on, Iguess" Aria told her honestly.

"I figured. He texted me because hewanted my help" Àmber let her know nonchalantly.

"With what?" Aria knitted hereyebrows together.

"He might know where Harry could beand isn't sure if he should tell Louis about this, as you know. So,he wants me to find out if Louis could handle this vague informationbut I'm not sure he can. I talked to him over the phone and hesounded tired and glum but tried to cover it up, so that I wouldn'tnotice. He is acting all happy and unbothered but he really isn't"Àmber sighed out worriedly.

"Understandable. How could hepossible be happy right now?! But I see why he is pretending to be.He doesn't want to hear all your worries or accusations about Harry.He needs to hold on to some hope until Harry is back and can explainhimself. He is trying not to break already and we shouldn't force himinto letting us in. It's between them. Louis comes around when heneeds us. He always does" Aria showed pure and genuineunderstanding towards Louis' behaviour and that almost made Àmbercry.

"You're right. He will come around.So, maybe we shouldn't tell him. That's Harry's job" Àmber musedout loud.

"Yeah, maybe that's for the better"Aria sounded as unsure as Àmber felt. "But I think Niall is notonly distracted because of Louis. There is something else".

"Sean maybe?" Àmber guessedblindly.

"Maybe but I don't think so. It'sprobably about the bakery. I know he wants his own one" Aria puther cutlery down.

"Yeah, he never said that out loudbut it's obvious. Personally, I think he doesn't want to leave Luca'sParadise behind but he feels trapped at the same time. Like he has tostay there for her" Àmber understood what she was talking about.

"I kinda feel the same, to behonest" Aria admitted quietly.

"How come?" Àmber hookedcuriously.

"I don't know. I love this placebut it's not the same anymore. Harry isn't doing anything for theplace and Andrew really doesn't have time for it, so it's all up toNiall and me, what is kinda amazing but also not because it reallyisn't our place to make decisions for them. And the fear anduncertainty of Harry selling the place over night without telling usis huge. What would we do then? I mean, probably work in anotherbakery but ... I don't know" Aria opened up to her.

"Have you ever thought aboutopening your own bakery with someone if that happens? Maybe Niall?"Àmber asked carefully.

"Actually, no but now that youmentioned it ..." Aria trailed off, deep in thoughts.

"It was just an idea. The two ofyou love working together and both feel trapped in the situation.Maybe it's fate. Maybe it's your destiny to do something owntogether. Maybe even buy the bakery from Harry" Àmber thought outloud.

"Do you think he would do that?Sell the bakery to us, I mean" Aria looked surprised by thatsuggestion but not mad or averse.

"I don't know what's going on inhis head but maybe. You could talk to Niall about it and thentogether talk to Harry and find a solution" Àmber suggestedunsure.

"Yeah, we could. Was that how youfelt when you decided to become an author for real?" Aria changedthe topic.

"In a way, yeah. I was nervous.Well, actually I was terrified to make this step but it was the rightthing to do. I've been writing on the side for years until I decidedit was time to only focus on that. My Dad really helped me witheverything and without him, I wouldn't be where I am today. I justknow it. He made it possible. All the travels and stuff, I mean. Wedid that a lot and then I wrote about them, which gave me the moneyto travel some more and write again. It's like living a dream"Àmber let her in on her story and how she felt about everything. Herjob was everything to her.

"You look happy when you talk aboutit. Do you miss travelling? I mean, you haven't been outside ofEngland for a while now" Aria wanted to know engrossed in thetopic.

"A bit, yeah but it was nice to behome for so long. I got to spend so much time with all of you and Ican always travel again but it doesn't need to be so much anymore.I'm turning 26. I can slow down a little bit" Àmber admittedtruthfully.

"Have you ever been in Greece?"Aria hooked specifically.

"No, funnily enough I haven't beenthere yet but I always wanted to go there" Àmber answered with alaugh.

"You know, we could go theretogether someday. I am originally from Greece, as you know. I couldshow you my town and some other time we could visit Spain and youcould show me where you grew up before moving here" Aria suggestedexcitedly, making Àmber's heart skip a beat.

"I'd love that" Àmber smileddopey.

"Do you have videos from yourtravels?".

That simple question led to themwatching dozens of different short or long videos on Àmber'scomputer while sitting next to each other on the couch. The disheswere long forgotten. Right now they were watching a longish video ofÀmber's trip to New Zealand, which has been one of her favouritesbecause she always wanted to go there. It has been her dreamdestination since she was a little child. And it was quite literallyMiddle Earth. When she had told Louis about this he has never beenthis excited in his entire life. Or well, in the time they had knowneach other.

"Why do you look so sad here?"Aria pointed at the screen.

"It sounds dumb but this was thelocation where they had shot Boromir's death scene and he is myfavourite character from Lord of the Rings. So, seeing this placemade me sad. It's stupid, I know" Àmber scratched her neckembarrassed.

"I think it's cute" Aria offeredher a cute smile.

"I think you're cute" Àmbercountered smoothly, not knowing where that just came from.

Instead of watching the video thegirls were left staring into each other's eyes. Over and over again,Àmber's gaze fell down on Aria's lips, which Aria were biting a bitnervously. When their gazes met again Àmber leaned more towardsAria, who drew in a sharp breath at their proximity. Feeling nervousagain, Àmber placed her hand gently on Aria's left cheek and closedthe laptop at the same time.

"I really wanna kiss you right now"Àmber breathed out bravely.

"Then kiss me".

With new courage, Àmber closed thelast distance between them and put her lips gently on top of Aria'slips. The moment their lips touched Àmber felt a fuzzy feeling allover her body. She had never felt anything like this before.Hesitantly, they started to move their lips against each other's,trying to find an even rhythm. The kiss was kept simple and soft andsweet and Àmber was loving every second of it.

"I really like you, Peaches" Ariamumbled against Àmber's lips dreamily

"If it wasn't obvious already thefeeling is mutual" Àmber replied sassily because she just couldn'thelp herself.

"Sassy again, which means you'recomfortable with me. I feel honoured and a bit flattered" Aria shotback, breaking the kiss completely now.

"I'm always comfortable with you,Fiore. Me getting anxious has really nothing to do with you. It's myanxiety talking" Àmber confessed unbothered by now.

"I know and I'm here to help youthrough those moments from now on and forever" Aria stroked withher thumb over Àmber's cheek down to her lips.

"Does this mean you officiallywanna be my girlfriend now?" Àmber checked happily.

"Of course. I've been waiting forthis moment" Aria blushed bright red but with a smile on herkissable lips.

"Me too, Love" Àmber kissed heragain.

Like this, they spent the rest of thenight cuddling and kissing on Àmber's couch, talking about this andthat in between and Àmber has never been happier. Right now, thisfelt like it was right and meant to be and the real deal. Aria wassimply perfect. She made Àmber feel safe and comfortable all thetime and took her fears away and understood all of her anxiety anddid not run away. How was this girl real? Well, Àmber didn't carebecause she was hers now and she would never let her go again.

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