20 Questions
"Why can't we just watch Footloose?" whined Niall childishly.
"Because not everyone agreed on that stupid movie, Nialler" threw Àmber him a weird look. At least it looked weird to Harry, who was silently watching the conversation.
The group of friends were sitting in the living room of Zayn's apartment. To say Harry was overwhelmed by the size of it would not quite grasp his whole shock. His 'flat' really showed that he was very successful in his job. Sometimes Harry forgot that Zayn worked with famous and rich people on a daily basis because he was so normal and humble and down-to-earth, almost a pain in the ass.
Today something was different. Harry had invited Sean to join them. Niall had asked Harry if there was a friend he wanted to bring along because he had felt bad for pushing their friendship down Harry's throat. Thinking about this made Harry smile to himself. Niall was really something special and Harry already felt like they could be great friends. To think that he had been so mean to him just because he was working in Harry's bakery ... By now, Harry felt horrible thinking back about it. Andrew had been right this time. You could be friends with your employees.
"Yeah. I'd prefer a comedy. How about Hangover?" suggested Maribel excitedly. Harry couldn't judge Maribel and Kayla yet but they seemed to be nice and pretty fun.
"I'm in on that" sided Kayla with her. What a surprise ...
"I can just get hangover myself. I don't need to watch it. Footloose is amazing" insisted Niall stubbornly.
"He's right. The original is great" agreed Sean with him.
"But only the original. The remake is ho ...".
"I only wanna watch the classic" cut Niall Aria off quickly.
"The remake isn't that bad" pointed Liam out hesitantly.
"Guys, no. Let's watch something more fun and light-hearted" was Zayn almost begging. Liam and Aria seemed to have noticed that as well by now. They were eyeing him suspiciously just like Harry was doing.
"Footloose is fun" huffed Niall like a stubborn child.
"It's a dance movie. Not everyone likes those, Niall" noted Àmber tense.
That's when it hit him. Angry at himself, Harry was glancing at Louis, who was silently sitting next to Zayn. He was staring down at his feet and was playing with the sleeves of his sweater, looking really uncomfortable. Now it all made sense. Louis hadn't said a word since Niall had mentioned Footloose and Harry wanted to slap himself for not putting the pieces together earlier. He had forgotten that Footloose was a movie revolving around dancing.
Now Harry could see that Louis wanted to watch everything but that and that Zayn and Àmber were trying hard to help Louis without being too obvious. Harry wasn't exactly sure why Louis didn't want to watch a dance movie but he knew there was a lot about Louis that he hasn't seen yet and couldn't understand. He only knew now that it was triggering for him, judging by his posture.
"I hate those. Let's just watch Hangover. That movie is hilarious but we should really get drunk beforehand. Then it's even funnier" intervened Harry now and was hoping to come off as nonchalant but he could feel Louis' eyes on him.
"Especially when we make a drinking game out of it" supported Kayla him enthusiastically.
"Let's vote. Who wants Hangover with a drinking game?" asked Sean the whole group.
"Or without" threw Zayn in while almost everyone raised their hands apart from Niall ... and Louis, who was still just looking at Harry.
"It's decided. Hangover here we come" announced Maribel loudly.
"But later. It's too early to watch a movie and we haven't even ordered our pizza. Let's play a game" suggested Kayla suddenly.
"Oh yeah, a game. Something to get secrets out of you. Like this, we can get to know each other better. 20 Questions as a group" lit Niall's face up like a Christmas Tree.
"We can do this but only because you didn't get the movie you wanted" grinned Àmber amused.
Together with Aria and Liam, Niall went into the kitchen to get some alcohol. Àmber was watching some weird video on her phone with Maribel and Kayla while Zayn went outside on the balcony with Louis and a cigarette. With a nervous smile on his face, Sean turned around to Harry. What was going on?
"Are you enjoying yourself?" checked Harry awkwardly.
"Yeah, I'm having a lot of fun. Thanks for inviting me" thanked Sean him with a smile.
"Not for that" waved Harry the matter off. He still wasn't sure why Sean has been the first person on his mind that he had wanted to invite when he had gotten the chance.
"Especially for that. This means a lot to me. Maybe this is weird now but I'm grateful to be here. I normally don't do things like ... this evening" was Sean getting restless now.
"Really? Don't you have any friends?" asked Harry before he could think about his word choice. He never meant to make his question sound so mean.
Sean only laughed slightly, obviously not taking any offence. "I do. I have two best friends. Ethan and Chloe but that's about it. We have some other friends but they're a group of themselves in a way. They have a band and the rest are their partners. Sometimes it feels separated without it being on purpose. Here today I feel included even though I'm new. That's special".
"I know what you mean. They took me in from the start without hesitation even though I hurt Louis. It's ... They are ..." trailed Harry off, unsure of what to say.
"Yeah, they are. I know what you mean" understood Sean him anyway.
"Oh, and sorry. I never meant to make it sound like I ...".
"I know, H. You have a way of saying the wrong things although you mean good. I know this by now. No big deal and I see that you're working on being less insensitive. I can handle your thoughtless words. It doesn't happen that often anymore" reassured Sean him understandingly.
"I um ..." was Harry speechless. That was very honest and Sean was so right. "I know I can be insensitive and ignorant but I needed to be this way ... It's just ... I don't think I need this anymore? I don't know".
"It's okay, H. Don't ask too much of yourself" put Sean a hand on Harry's shoulder and offered him a genuine smile, which calmed him down immediately.
"Thanks" smiled Harry gratefully at his friend.
Right at that moment, everyone else came back into the room and sat down on the couches. The alcohol was placed on the table and Niall announced loudly the rules. Always one would ask a question for the whole group and everyone had to answer. If you refused to answer you had to take a shot instead. Simple enough for Harry.
"I go first. So guys, what's your strangest habit?" started Niall the game wickedly.
"Good one. Um ..." mused Kayla thoughtfully. "Maybe that I shave every day because I'm too paranoid".
"Not paranoid, Love. It's understandable" smiled Maribel softly at her.
"I agree with Belle, Kay. You're scared there are still parts coming out even though that's impossible" agreed Louis with her in a gentle voice. Now Harry was curious. What were they talking about?
"For everyone who is confused, I was born as a guy and sometimes I'm paranoid that ... yeah" looked Kayla at the floor in embarrassment.
"No reason to be embarrassed, Kay. We understand" assured Àmber her. "I have the tendency to go crazy when things are not accurately or uneven. It drives me nuts".
"Very true" laughed Louis amused and Àmber simply glared at him. "I tend to say I'm fine, no matter if it's true or not or if it makes sense at all".
"Oh, you do. I always ...".
Instead of listening to Zayn, Harry was staring at Louis. That habit wasn't new to him because it made so much sense. Louis would do that and it was so sad to think about. What could possibly have happened to make Louis think he couldn't tell anyone how he was actually feeling? Harry knew why he himself had problems with letting people in but Louis seemed to be ten times worse.
"Harry, only you left" brought Sean's voice him back.
"Um ... I don't even know if I have a habit like all of you" was Harry overwhelmed. He couldn't think of anything.
"You do. You tend to eat when you're nervous" answered Louis surprisingly for him before he looked to the ground and whispered to himself. "Or turn to stone when things get too personal just like me".
"I eat all the time without getting nervous" cracked Niall up laughing, distracting everyone from Louis and Harry.
Like this, the game went on and Harry found himself mostly paying attention to his own answers or Louis'. He got to know Louis' weirdest dream has been about giant bunnies chasing him, his celebrity crush was a guy named Evan Gelbero, his first kiss and worst date were both with Kyle just like his last break up he refused to talk about. He has never been on a real vacation outside of this shitty town and his favourite TV show was called 'Soulmates'. His favourite band was Snake Bed, just like Harry's, and his favourite city was Sydney.
"Any hidden talents, guys?" asked Liam interested. "Because personally, I don't have any".
"That's bullshit, Lima. You can sing like an angel and no one knows that" contradicted Louis him. "I don't have any talents at all though".
"Really Tommy?" raised Zayn an eyebrow at him and for a second, Harry thought Zayn would mention the dancing. "Playing piano is a talent too, you idiot".
"You play piano?" marvelled Harry impressed.
"Yeah, for a few years now" mumbled Louis shyly.
"I, for my part, can skate, if I might say so myself," told Àmber them laughingly.
"Oh, you can. I play the guitar" let Niall them know.
"I can dance? Like not professionally but um ... hip hop and so" revealed Sean unsurely. Harry could immediately feel Louis tense up for a second.
"That girl over here is a sick artist. Her paintings are stunning" pointed Maribel at Kayla next to her.
"And what about you, Miss Runway? Have you guys seen her catwalk when she is playfully mocking models? She could have been one" countered Kayla skilfully.
"And Joey is a great artist as well. You should see his drawings" threw Louis in proudly. "What about you, Haz?".
"Um ... I guess I take some decent pictures?" answered Harry insecurely. He has never told anyone about his love for photography. "Aria?".
"There's nothing" claimed Aria but Àmber wasn't having it.
"She writes amazing poems".
"Where's your favourite place you had sex?" asked Niall the next question with a smug look on his face.
"On a trip in a huge hotel room," told Maribel him shamelessly.
"I have a thing for shower sex" noted Harry cockily.
"If it works, I agree. Oh, I once fucked someone in the back of the bakery. Sorry to tell you this" winked Niall at him, making Harry laugh out loud. "Wasn't the best place but interesting".
"Can't blame you. I would've done the same in your place".
"Probably better than in your father's car" cackled Sean tipsily.
"How boring. An empty sauna is the place" smirked Àmber smugly.
"Lucky you. I only ever did it in a bed" shrugged Liam unbothered.
"Lame" laughed Niall exaggeratedly. "Zayno?".
"In a gallery" grinned Zayn sheepishly.
When Harry wanted to comment on something he realised the spot next to Zayn was empty. Out of the corner of his eye, he saw someone slipping outside onto the balcony.
"What's the number of your sexual partners?" Zayn wanted to know cheekily.
"I've lost count after number 28" stated Harry arrogantly.
"Woah, that's already a lot. I can count six, if I'm not mistaken" gaped Niall at him without any judgment in his voice.
Hearing the answers of the other guys made Harry realise again how different they were from his old friends around Kyle. All of them were sleeping around, so the number would be pretty high. None of these guys here ever had a one-night-stand. Maximum a fling that lasted a few months. That no one was judging him for his bed actions made Harry feel all warm inside but he also felt like maybe he needed to stop that at some point.
His attention shifted slowly back to the closed balcony door. He could see glimpses of Louis' shadow outside in the dark of the night. Harry wasn't sure how to do it but he wanted to see if Louis was okay ... Next to him, Zayn quietly cleared his throat, making Harry look at him. Their eyes met and Zayn seemed to look directly into his soul. At least, that's what it felt like to Harry. Seemingly finding what he was looking for, he made a subtle head movement towards the balcony that Harry almost missed. He nodded at Zayn and stood up carefully.
"Tell us about your first time".
The words echoed through Harry's brain when he stepped onto the balcony. Immediately, he spotted Louis sitting close to the railing, staring up at the darkening sky. Hesitantly, Harry walked over to him and sat down in a chair next to Louis, who didn't make a move when he noticed Harry.
"What's your deepest secret?" could Harry still hear Kayla's voice through the glass.
"Well" started Harry quietly, deciding on answering the question to make Louis understand that he was genuine and honest with him. "My deepest secret is that I hate my life. I despise my job but I can't quit because I need the money to live. I could finally decide to take responsibility for the bakery like Andrew expects me too but I never wanted it. I don't wanna own a bakery and be someone's boss. Luca meant good, I know this. But the pressure I'm under right now is huge. I can't fulfil Andrew's expectations without giving myself up but when I think about selling the bakery to someone who loves it I feel like I betray her. Like I failed her. Also, what am I supposed to do without the bakery and my job? I don't know what I want. My life is shit but at least, I have something to keep me alive. Is it worth staying alive with a life like this? What could I possibly change to make my life better?".
Silently, Louis just looked at him before he actually spoke up in a soft voice. "I know how you feel, Haz. My job as a teacher? Not what I wanted in life. Becoming a Drama and Music teacher really wasn't my first choice. Zayn helped me get my life back together after ... He did a good job and built me back up, even helped me find a job without dancing. Mostly. At first, I wasn't keen on going to Uni and studying after everything I've been through and I barely passed my first year but somewhere along the line, I started liking it. But that took some time. I needed to find myself again and I'm not sure I fully did yet but part of myself. A new self that could like to be a teacher now. That's why I understand how it feels to have those expectations. The feeling of failing someone you loved".
"So, you think I could still find a purpose in life? Even now?" wondered Harry stunned.
"Of course. It's never too late. You're only 26 and not 90" smiled Louis openly at him.
"You're the first" nibbled Harry on his bottom lip. "And I know I said I hate my life but I'm happy that I met you and your friends. You're the part of my life that I'm grateful for. I feel like I can be myself with you. Just one hundred per cent honest without judgment. And I know you're all also honest with me in return. I never had that before".
At that, Louis looked down and fiddled with his fingers. "You deserve us to be honest with you all the time, Haz. I'm happy you're my friend now and I swear I never lied to you on purpose but um ... There are things you don't know. That no one knows apart from Zayn and Àmber. I um ...".
"It's okay, Lou. I know it's hard to talk about some things and you don't need to. I'm just happy you let me into your life. If only they're supposed to know I can live with it" assured Harry him truthfully.
"And that's it, Haz. I ... um I want you to know but I need time. There is so much I wanna tell you but I can't. It's nothing personal. Talking about certain topics is just triggering for me and costs a lot of energy and I'm not mentally stable enough to ... I want to let you in. I realised that. And I will tell you but um ... One step at the time, yeah? I feel like I can trust you and when the moment feels right I will tell you bits and pieces, okay?" revealed Louis to him, obviously scared of rejection.
"Lou" took Harry a hold of his hands, making Louis look up at him. "It's your story to tell, so you get all the time you need and if you're never ready to tell me it's okay. I'm just happy you wanna let me in. That means a lot to me. So, if you feel like telling me just a little bit you can at any time, no matter how random it is. I will be there to listen, Lou".
"Thank you, Haz" snivelled Louis emotionally, a few tears rolling down his cheeks.
"No need to thank me. I'm always here for you, Sunshine. You can count on me. You make me feel like I can be better and my life could be amazing. You give me hope and make me feel safe to be who I am. The only thing I want is to make you feel safe with me as well" wiped Harry the tears away, revealing all of that not only to Louis but also himself.
"You do, Haz" smiled Louis tearfully at him, warming Harry's entire being.
"Good" tapped Harry Louis' nose, making him wrinkle it. "Now let's go back and watch that movie".
"We still need to order pizza" reminded Louis him.
"Then we should end that stupid game and order that freaking pizza, so we can get drunk with the movie" stood Harry up enthusiastically.
"Without me. I don't really drink that much. It's nasty" walked Louis past him back inside.
For a second, Harry looked after him in confusion. He remembered bumping into Louis being pissed drunk, almost shit-faced. And now he told him he didn't drink? That break-up has been bad enough to make Louis get drunk. Harry didn't know how to feel about this new information when he rejoined his friends inside to order the pizza finally.
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