Dead yet alive🥀
Constant anger and pain,
Hearts torn between love and hate,
All boundaries which marked ending were erased,
Tears of pain poured every now and again,
Hiding feelings, thoughts and memories,
Weighing them down,
Causing them drown and stop breathing,
It's when they stopped breathing,
Was when they saw everything clear,
Clearer than it ever was,
Invisible boundaries were seen,
When they are crossed, you're bound to be hurt,
For they mark your limit,
And how long you can take it,
Some of us go beyond these,
Loving and hating way too much,
Forgetting the balance that has to be maintained,
Values all scattered, changed and forgotten,
Nothing was wrong but it wasn't right either,
They felt lost,
Torn by their experiences,
They forgot their own value,
They looked so beautiful and perfect,
But somehow they felt everything wrong within themselves,
Wanting to be treasured and to be just as important,
They tore themselves to make something far from who they were,
They burned themselves and watched their bodies die,
And yet they went on living; dead yet alive,
Unknowingly they had hurt themselves more than anyone ever had,
People stabbed them and they took the knife and killed themselves,
Forgetting the huge difference both had,
If people were beasts, they turned themselves into monsters,
They turned themselves into their own prisoner,
Divided between two of their personalities,
A person who was wronged and a person who wronged,
As the time went by, the difference between them increased,
It increased till there was a huge gap between those personalities,
A part of them wanted to be free,
It craved love, care and wanted to be wanted,
While the other was cruel, full of rage,
Filled with anger on everything and everyone,
With zero humanity left,
They often switched between these personalities,
Often forgetting if the other side existed,
Whenever they burned themselves,
They saw the answer clearer each time,
People say that you always have one answer,
But that's not true,
There are always more answers, maybe you prefer one of them,
The answer was either to kill themselves, let themselves burn,
Or try to kill one of their personalities,
The huge difference between the two was what was breaking them so much,
So they could either chose to die, continue living the same way,
Or find the balance between the two,
To stop burning themselves,
To stop blaming themselves,
To forgive their soul,
That was the only way to escape the prison in their head,
They had to stop forgive themselves,
That was the key to the lock of their minds,
But only some of them figured that out,
While some continued internally burning and dying,
They tried to hide their hurt,
To hide the scars on their heart and soul,
To live for those they loved selflessly,
But they failed every time,
Causing an unending cycle of disappointment and hopelessness,
They had unintentionally always hurt the people they loved,
Because if someone really loves you they'll see through your lies,
Your fake laughs, all those stories that you made up to prove you are happy,
It had hurt them even more and for you they continued to smile,
But it took so long for them to realize that,
That you can't hurt yourself and not hurt people who love you,
You can't hide your hurt,
You cannot kill yourself without people not knowing about it,
Once they realized that they felt themselves burn,
Tears running down their cheeks,
Frustration and anger evident in their eyes,
They wanted to kill themselves,
They were too far gone to come back,
It was at that moment they had to chose between one of their personalities,
Choose one and try to balance the two,
It was the hardest decision of all,
It was near to impossible,
They were nearly dead weren't they?
Then what was stopping them,
Why couldn't they just kill themselves,
They knew it within themselves they wanted to more than anything,
But it was the connection that had with people they loved,
Connections that could never be explained,
The connections which tied them to everyone they loved and those that loved them,
Connections which held them back,
If they died that connection would hurt the people who love them just as much,
It was at that moment of realization,
There is something way too powerful on work,
A power which binds everyone we love,
They couldn't just keep killing themselves without killing those around them,
They couldn't break themselves without breaking everyone along too,
So they tried to find balance instead,
They shared their pain with people that they loved and those that loved them,
Going through it alone only overburdened them,
And had hurt those around them,
They finally realized these connections,
And in the end had to forgive themselves in order to set their souls free.
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