59.0 The Where She Did Really Well
Elizabeth Jensen stood behind her parents as they spoke to Dr. Ellman about Clay Jensen in the Psych Ward of the hospital. Clay was taken there after freaking out during the lockdown. The girl stood next to Justin Foley, holding his hand. "We're concerned about the possibility of self-harm more than anything." Clay therapist spoke to the Jensen parents.
"Are you?" Matt Jensen questioned. "Concerned about the possibility of self-harm?"
Dr. Ellman shrugged before answering. "I think it's not a bad idea that we continue observation for a period of time." Elizabeth looked into her brother's hospital room and made eye contact with him as he was listening to their conversation. He was tied up to the bed so he could not leave. "From the police reports, it does appear that some fort of breakdown took place at the school."
"Thanks an understatement." Elizabeth spoke under her breath so only her boyfriend could hear.
"The drill was incredibly stressful, and not just for Clay." Dr. Ellman continued, not hearing Elizabeth's comment."
Justin noticed Elizabeth staring into her brother's room. "Do you want to talk to him?" The girl nodded in response, and the two entered the room. "Hey." Justin spoke softly, causing Clay to look away.
"How do you feel?" Elizabeth moved closer to Clay, trying to take his hand, but he quickly moved it away from her.
Clay did not even look at them as he spoke. "They're going to keep me here, aren't they?"
Justin nodded in response, snaking his arm around his girlfriend's waist. "We were arguing with them. She was yelling about it a minute ago." Justin stated, looking back at the three adults who were still discussing Clay.
"So, I guess..." Clay continued to stare out the window. "Congrats. You both are full-on the good kids."
Elizabeth looked down at her hands. "Clay, don't be like that." She sighed, shaking her head. "I'm sorry." She glanced back up at him as her eyes began to water. "I'm sorry that I haven't been there to help you when you needed me." She let out a sob, hugging her boyfriend and marrying her face in his jacket. "Fuck, I'm a terrible sister." Justin ran his hand through Elizabeth's hair.
"I'm not crazy." There was a pause before Clay spoke again. "I'm just scared."
"Yeah, man." Justin sighed, kissing the top of Elizabeth's head. "I am too."
The girl finally pulled away from her boyfriend and moved closer towards Clay's bed. "I can stay with you today, if you want?"
"No." Clay shook his head. "I'm kind of embarrassed."
Justin pulled Elizabeth into the corner of the room as he noticed Lainie and Matt Jensen entering. "Morning, sunshine." Matt had a fake smile plastered across his face.
"Hi." Lainie whispered as she approached her son.
Clay rolled his eyes. "Dad, we talked about 'sunshine'."
Elizabeth let out a very fake laugh. "See, classic Clay!" She laughed again, causing Justin to send her a weird look. "He's completely fine."
"The doctors would feel more comfortable if they kept an eye on you for just a little while longer, okay?" Lainie spoke to her son.
"'Okay', as in I get a vote?" Clay raised an eyebrow.
Matt chuckled. "We'll get you out of here as soon as we can."
Elizabeth stood in the empty biology room with her boyfriend. She was pacing as he was sitting on top of one of the desks. "Babe, you really need to calm down. Now, tell me what you need to tell me."
The girl let out a sigh as she turned to face Justin. "Okay, so I was really fucking high, but I'm pretty certain I remember Zach telling Winston that he beat Bryce up the night he died."
"What the fuck?"
"And Jessica just confirmed that by telling me that Winston told Diego." She let out a scoff as she moved closer towards Justin. "Honestly, I can barely remember anything before Clay's freak out. All I remember is staring at the ceiling. But, I thought that I was dreaming when Zach told Winston." She frowned, shaking her head. "But, I guess not."
Justin threw his head back. "Babe, this isn't fucking good."
"It's okay." Elizabeth smiled as she moved in between Justin's legs. "Jessica has Diego covered."
"Didn't you say that Isabel and her were kind of back together, though?"
Elizabeth nodded. "It's complicated. Jessica says she's just with Diego to get through all of the Monty shit, and Isabel is just praying that's true."
"What the actual fuck have our lives become?"
"Nonsense." Elizabeth chuckled as she wrapped her arms around Justin's neck loosely. "But that is all of the shit I needed to tell you, I think." She bit her lip, trying to think. "More stuff probably happened yesterday, but I will never remember."
The boy nodded. "Let's hope you're right."
Justin and Elizabeth were called into the Hansen Foundry, the new Dean of Discipline's, office because Clay had escaped the Psych Ward. "He left?" Elizabeth raised an eyebrow.
"You mean he escaped?" Justin let out a scoff, and Sheriff Diaz nodded. "How?"
"That's still unclear." The sheriff answered. "I know that Clay and I have history, but I am still here for him. And I'm worried." Elizabeth rolled her eyes. "He's in a fragile mental state."
The girl frowned, looking down at her hands. "You can thank Bolan for that."
"It's not safe for him to be alone right now." Sheriff Diaz continued. "He could act out violently."
Elizabeth and Justin shared a look before he shook his head. "He wouldn't hurt anyone."
"Not even himself?" Dean Foundry spoke from his desk.
The teenagers both looked down at the ground. "Do either of you know where Clay is?"
Elizabeth shook her head. "I really have no idea."
Justin let out a chuckle as he stood. "But, anywhere's safer than this school." He spat, waiting for Elizabeth to stand, as well. The two left the office.
Elizabeth sat in a chair across from the woman who was there from Sanderson College to interview her. The woman smiled as she flipped through Elizabeth's file. "Well, Elizabeth-"
"You can call me, Eliza." The girl smiled as she spoke.
"Eliza." The woman nodded. "Your file looks outstanding, as your father has been telling me." She chuckled as she closed Elizabeth's paperwork. "Is there anything that you wanted to tell me about yourself? Where do you want to be in ten years?"
Elizabeth looked down at her hands. "Um- I guess I've never really thought about it." She took in a deep breath before looking back at the woman. "I kind of like to take one day at a time. But, I guess, I've always English and writing. I think that writing my own book would be cool." She smiled as she watched the woman take notes. "Maybe I could write a book about my friend who died, or my boyfriend as his story. With his permission of course."
"And your boyfriend is Justin Foley, correct?" Elizabeth nodded in response. "Matt has also had many good things to say about him, as well. I see him right after you."
"He's going to be great." Elizabeth's smile grew. "He deserves this chance more than anyone."
The woman nodded, standing up. "It has been a real great pleasure getting the chance to get you know you, Eliza." The woman shook Elizabeth's hand before sending her out of the room.
Elizabeth noticed Justin standing in the hallway. He looked as if he had been crying. "Are you okay?"
Justin's eyes snapped up to Elizabeth, and he sniffled. "Yeah." Justin nodded. "How'd you do?"
"I think I did really well." The girl smiled, wrapping her arms around her boyfriend. She felt him tense at her touch and she immediately pulled away.
"Justin Foley." The recruiter called as she poked her head outside of the door.
Elizabeth sent Justin a small smile. "Knock 'em dead." She spoke as she watched him enter the room.
After school, Elizabeth and Justin drove home completely silent, and they did not speak for the rest of the day. Later that night, she sat up in her room, watching Netflix on her laptop when she heard a knock at her door. She closed the laptop and walked over towards the door. The door opened to reveal Lainie in tears. "Mom, what's wrong."
"Justin's mother passed away yesterday." Elizabeth's eyes widened. She was shocked. He hadn't said anything at all. He had been completely silent. She knew something was up with him, but she just thought he was having a bad day. "He said he hadn't told you yet, and he asked if I would." Elizabeth felt a tear run down her cheek. Why couldn't he have told her. "He's really hurting right now."
Elizabeth nodded. "Is he in the outhouse?" She asked her mother, and she nodded. She rushed passed her and out of the house. She walked into the shed and saw Justin siting on his bed in only his underwear. "Justin." Justin didn't even look up at her. He was just sitting there crying. "Baby, I'm so sorry." She moved to sit next to him on the bed, but he pushed her away.
"I don't want you here."
"You shouldn't be alone right now."
"I don't fucking want you here, okay?!" Justin shouted as he stood up from his bed. "I don't want you here anymore."
"What are you saying?"
Justin looked down at his feet. "I want you to leave me alone."
"I want to be here for you." Elizabeth shook her head as she tried to move closer to him, but she pushed him away again.
"I don't want you here for me!" Justin shouted louder, his eyes blood shot. "I want you out of my life!"
"Justin, stop." Elizabeth sat down on his bed and grabbed onto his hand. "Come here, please." The boy sobbed as he sat down and buried his head in his girlfriend's lap. "Just let it out." She whispered as she ran her fingers through his hair. "I love you. I'll always be here not matter what."
The two sat there for an hour before Justin finally spoke. "I'm sorry." He took his head off her lap and looked at his girlfriend. "I love you so much."
"I love you." She smiled, cupping his cheeks with her hands. He placed his hand on one of hers. "I know you didn't want to be alone. You thought you did, but that's not what was going to make you feel any better."
Justin nodded. "You're right. I didn't any of what I said."
"I know."
Word Count - 1781
An: this chapter is absolute garbage and I'm so sorry for that omg. It's so puny compared to all the other ones I've been uploading lately.
Anyways, please vote and comment what you want to see in future chapters and how you want me to end this!
Have a nice day, lovelies 💕
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