43.0 The One Where It's Not Her Fault
Post Death
Pre Death
Ani Achola, Justin Foley, and Clay and Elizabeth Jensen climbed through the open window to get into the house that Seth had been living in. "All right, we gotta be quick." Justin stated, turning to his friends.
"Can we expect him back soon?" Ani questioned him.
Justin shrugged. "I don't know, Ani, He doesn't exactly keep bankers hours."
Clay noticed a pile of unopened boxes that were from the mail. "Somebody's been shopping." Clay scoffed before he began to roam around the room.
"Yeah, with Bryce's money, I'm guessing." Ani also began to look for anything that said Seth could have murdered Bryce Walker.
Clay stopped and looked at the other three teenagers. "So, let's find proof. Anything that links Seth to Bryce."
Elizabeth started to look through drawers as Justin showed up behind her. "You're being oddly quiet."
"Yeah." Elizabeth nodded without looking up at him. She felt like she couldn't look at him. He had started using again, and she was not there to be able to help him. He felt like Bryce was the only person who would help him. And then he lied about using.
"Is everything-"
"Holy shit, guys!" Ani exclaimed, cutting off Justin. She held up an expensive watch. The other three approached her. "This is Bryce's watch."
"Which means they met up again." Clay stated.
Ani stared down at the watch, trying to make sense of everything. "Maybe Bryce gave it to him when Seth came back for more."
Clay furrowed his eyebrows. "Or he took it off of Bryce's body after he killed him." Ani and Elizabeth shared a look of disbelief. "We have to go to the cops."
Justin shook his head as the door opened, and Seth came barging inside. "What the fuck are you doing here?"
"We know what you did to Bryce Walker." Clay took his phone out of his back pocket. "We're calling the cops."
"No, Clay, don't!" Justin shouted as he stood in between Seth and Clay.
Seth lifted an eyebrow. "The fuck you talking about?"
"Justin told me how Bryce paid you off so you'd leave him alone." Clay explained as he held his phone in his hand.
"Oh, he did now?" Seth chuckled as he approached the teenagers.
Justin looked over at Clay with wide eyes. "Clay, stop."
"And you went back to Bryce, right?" Clay spoke again, even with Justin telling him to stop. "For more money, but he refused so you taught him a lesson."
"And what lesson was that?"
"You killed him."
"You don't know shit." Seth shook his head.
"Then why do you have his watch?" Clay asked him.
Seth let out a laugh as he looked at Justin and then back at Clay. "Is that what you think?"
"Shut the fuck up, Seth." Justin spat.
Seth shrugged. "I had no idea the watch belonged to the dead kid." He pointed to Justin. "The junkie here gave it to me for product."
Elizabeth's eyes widened as she stared down at the ground. "He's a fucking liar!" Justin shouted, trying to get his friends to believe him even though he was the one lying.
"You can live in a fancy house, but you're still a fucking junkie." Seth spoke to Justin. "Just like your whore mama."
"Fuck you!" Justin yelled as he pushed Seth, who pushed him away and took out his gun, pointing it at Justin. Ani threw a bag at Seth, sending him toppling to the ground. Justin, Ani and Clay began to run out, but Elizabeth stayed where she was, frozen because she couldn't believe any of this was happening. "Eliza, come on!" Justin grabbed onto his girlfriend and pulled her out of the building.
The three teenagers of the Jensen Household sat at the table in the shed as Lainie Jensen stood above them. "Legally, it should have no bearing on the adoption proceedings, but Clay's over eighteen now, and if any adult living in the household has been convicted of a felony the adoption will be denied."
Justin tried to grab onto Elizabeth's hand as he listened to Lainie, but Elizabeth ripped her hand out of his grasp. He looked over at her. She was still just staring down at the table. He sighed and looked up at Lainie. "So, what do we do?"
"For now, we wait." Clay groaned in response. "They won't recommend your case to a judge until they have some clarity on Clay's situation." Justin nodded as he stared at his girlfriend. "Justin, you always have a home here, no matter what. Okay?"
"Yeah. Yeah, I know."
Lainie pulled away from the table. "You kids get some sleep." And with that, she left the room.
The Foley boy stood up from the table and began to pace across the room. "I'm sorry." Clay stated.
"For what?" Justin stopped and looked at Clay. "For fucking what? I mean, you didn't do anything. It's not your fault. You have nothing to be sorry for." Justin furrowed his eyebrows as he leaned on the table. "I love you, man."
"Yeah, me too."
Justin looked down at Elizabeth, who was still quiet. "I love you, Eliza." Elizabeth just nodded in response. Justin frowned and sighed. "I have to take a shit." He rushed into the bathroom, leaving the Jensen twins alone.
Clay leaned towards his sister. "Are you okay?" Elizabeth shook her head. "Hey, it's going to be o-" Clay stopped speaking when he noticed that Justin had closed the bathroom door which he always left open. He stood up from the table and made his way to the bathroom with Elizabeth close behind him. He could hear tapping inside the bathroom, and he swung the door open. Justin was revealed splitting a pile of cocaine into a line. Elizabeth gasped as her eyes widened. "Justin?"
"Shut the fucking door!"
"What are you doing?"
"What the fuck does it look like him doing?" Justin questioned before inhaling the line of cocaine through his nose.
Clay shook his head frantically. "You've been lying to us. You've been getting high this whole time." Elizabeth walked away from the two boys, not able to take any more of it.
"No." Justin followed his girlfriend out of the bathroom. "I don't get high anymore. I get by. I maintain. I fucking- I fucking survive."
Elizabeth finally looked up at Justin, and he could see the pain in her eyes. "You lied about the watch too?"
"Eliza, I didn't kill Bryce." Justin stated as he tried to walk closer to her, but she stepped away from him.
"I don't know what to believe anymore." Elizabeth shook her head as she felt tears run down her cheeks.
Clay approached his sister as placed his hand on her back, trying to comfort her. "Do you see what you're fucking doing to her?!" Clay shouted as he motioned towards Elizabeth. "Tell us why you ended up with his watch." Justin wiped off some of the powder from under his nose as he sat down on the table. "No more lies!"
Justin nodded. "Okay. No more lies." Justin went on to tell the Jensen siblings that the watch was what he took on the day of the funeral, and Bryce had actually given him the Oxycodone multiple times.
"He gave you the drugs so that he could control you." Clay stated from his bed. Justin was sitting on his own bed and Elizabeth was at the table. "Same reason he ever gave you anything."
Justin shook his head, looking at Clay. "No, this was different. He was different."
"He's a user, Justin. Always was." Clay tried to explain to the boy across from him.
"If anything, I was using him." Justin shrugged.
Elizabeth spoke up for the first time since Justin finally told the true story. "Where did you go after you drove me home from the homecoming game?"
Justin sighed as he looked down at his hands. "I needed to get fucked up, so I did."
"Down by the docks." Justin answered his girlfriend.
"How do we know we can believe you?" Clay questioned.
"How do I know I can believe you, Clay?" Justin retorted. Clay nodded, understanding. Justin looked over at Elizabeth, who was back to staring at the table. "Uh- Clay, can you give us a moment to talk?"
"Yeah, I've got to shower anyways." Clay made his way into the bathroom, leaving Elizabeth alone with her boyfriend.
Justin stood up from him bed and approached Elizabeth, who had just begun to cry again. "Eliza, please don't cry."
"Why'd you go to Bryce for help instead of me?" Elizabeth looked at Justin as he kneeled in front of her so that they could be face to face.
"I thought that you would be upset and break up with me or something."
"I helped detox you once, remember?" Justin nodded. "But, why would you fucking lie to me about everything?"
Justin sighed in response as he shrugged. "Same reason?"
"I never lie to you about anything. I tell you absolutely everything." Elizabeth ran her hand through her hair. "And, when you lie to me like this, it makes me feel like you don't love me." Justin's eyes widened. "Or at least you don't love me like I love you."
The boy shook his hands as he cupped her cheeks with his hands. "I love you more than I've ever loved anything. I thought that I was protecting you and our relationship by lying, but I wasn't. I'm sorry."
"Justin, I don't know what to do about this." She looked down at her lap. "I can barely look at you because I feel like everything is my fault."
"This is not your fault, okay?"
"You felt like you had no one." Elizabeth shook her head. "You felt like I wasn't there for you. That is my fault. I wasn't there when you needed me, and I didn't even fucking know."
She felt a tear run down her cheek, but Justin brushed it always with his thumb. "Eliza, don't blame yourself for my mistakes. Drugs have always been a weakness for me, and I just let it get out of control."
Elizabeth nodded as Justin stood up to press his lips against her forehead. "How can we get you clean?"
Justin sighed, sitting back onto the ground. "We tell your parents. They send me away...."
"They wouldn't." Elizabeth cut him off, shaking her head.
"To a treatment center or a rehab or some bullshit like that." Justin finished his sentence. "Maybe it works, maybe it doesn't." Justin looked down at his lap. "Maybe I just get the hell out of here and spare everyone the trouble."
"That's not happening." Elizabeth took his hands in hers. "I love you far too much to let you do that."
"I love you, too, baby."
Justin smiled as he kissed his girlfriend. Elizabeth kissed him back before pulling away. She stood up and made her way over to the cardboard robot that was sitting on the bookshelf. "Clay hid this here." She dug the prescription bottle of Oxycodone out of the leg and handed it to Justin. "I'd do anything for you, okay?" Justin nodded as he pulled his girlfriend into his arms.
Word Count - 1879
An : Here is a nice mid day chapter. I literally almost had them break up in this chapter, but I decided against it because I love them too much. Lol. I might do another upload tonight, but I might be too tired.
Anyways, please vote and comment what you want to see in future chapters!
Have a nice day, lovelies 💕
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