38.0 The One Where He's Ahead Of The Game
Post Death
Pre Death
"Why the fuck are you reading that?" Elizabeth Jensen asked Justin Foley as he read Alien Killer Robots on his bed.
"Clay's interested in it, so I'm interested in it."
Elizabeth chuckled before sitting at the foot of Justin's bed. "Well, that is a very different outlook from the one you had this morning." Elizabeth furrowed her eyebrows in a way to impersonate Justin's brooding manner. "No, Clay. I really don't care why your finger prints are on the car of the kid who just got murdered."
"What can I say?" Justin shrugged as he flipped the page. "I spent the afternoon with the girl I love, so why I be upset about anything?" The girl nodded, leaning towards her boyfriend. She plucked the comic book out of his hands and threw it onto the ground. "Hey, what was th-" Elizabeth cut Justin off by kissing him. Justin smiled into the kiss, pulling her onto his lap so she was straddling him. Elizabeth's arm snaked loosely around Justin's neck as she continued to kiss him. Justin pulled up at her shirt, causing the pair to stop kissing so Elizabeth's shirt could come off.
The door opened, and Clay entered the shed. Elizabeth and Justin jumped apart. The boy tossed his girlfriend her shirt, and she put it back on her body. "Sorry, dude." Justin sighed as Elizabeth laid down next to him. His arm wrapped around her, pulling her closer towards him.
"Whatever." Clay stated as he sat down on his bed.
Clay and Ani had spent the afternoon interrogating Alex about his alleged drug problem which turned out to be true. Alex had been a good amount of time with Bryce doing drugs and visiting a hooker named Melody.
"How's Alex?" Elizabeth asked her brother as she laid her head down on Justin's chest, being able to hear his steady heartbeat.
"Messed up." Clay shrugged. "But, aren't we all?"
"You know, I really didn't think he had anything to do with Bryce, but.." Justin paused for a moment, taking in a deep breath. "But, drugs of any kind, man, they fuck you up." Clay nodded, laying his head in his hands. "I'll have you know, the gun is gone for good." Justin smiled.
"Awesome. Thanks." Clay did not sound as happy as he should have been.
"Clay, you seem way more angsty than usually, and that is saying something." Elizabeth chuckled as she sat up to face her brother.
"How are you both not?" Clay asked the pair, looking over at them.
Justin shrugged as he sat up as well, wrapping his arms around Elizabeth's waist from behind. "I guess I am." He smiled as he kissed Elizabeth on the cheek. "But I'm alive, so I figure I'm ahead of the game."
Clay scoffed in response, rolling his eyes. "Right." There was silence for a moment before Clay spoke again. "I don't want to believe someone we know killed Bryce."
"Yeah, no kidding." Elizabeth sighed.
"But it seems everyone we know had a reason." Clay continued.
Justin glanced down at the ground. "Everyone's got their shit."
"I'm going to go up to my room, okay?"
Elizabeth's boyfriend nodded before kissing Elizabeth on the forehead. "Good night, baby." Elizabeth pressed a kiss against Justin's lips in response.
The girl smiled before turning to her brother. "Good night, Clay."
"'Night, Eliza."
Elizabeth left the two boys alone in the shed and headed back into the main house. She walked up the stairs and entered her room, turning on the lights. She noticed Isabel was in her room with the window open. She opened her own before speaking to her new neighbor. "Hey."
Isabel was slightly startled but smiled when she saw it was Elizabeth. She got up from her bed and made her way over to the window to talk to Elizabeth. "Hey." Isabel stated, throwing her hair up in a ponytail. "I met your friend Jessica today."
"Really?" Elizabeth smiled. "And, what did you think?"
"She's so pretty."
"I know, right?"
"And she's so fucking nice." Isabel laughed as she brought a chair to the window to sit on.
Elizabeth nodded. "She's a really cool person, and I think that the two of you could be really good friends."
"I hope so. You're literally the only friend that I have in Evergreen."
"Well, we have to change that, don't we."
Word Count - 734
An: I really overestimated how much more of the episode I could write for, so that is why this chapter is so fricken short. I'm sorry y'all. And I'm too tired rn to write another one to post in the morning, so you will just have to wait for tomorrow nights update. :(
Anyways, please vote and comment what you want to happen in later chapters!
Have a nice day, lovelies 💕
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