29.0 The One Where They Dance
Jessica Davis and Elizabeth Jensen has decided to go dress shopping at a small dress store in their town. Jessica was in the changing room, while Elizabeth was rummaging through the clearance section near the dressing rooms.
"What do you think about this one?" Jessica questioned as she came out of the dressing room. She was wearing a tight black dress.
"It's cute, but the one with the flowers is still my favorite."
"I agree." Jessica nodded. "This is the last one, so I'm just gonna change back into my clothes."
Elizabeth smiled as a dress caught her eye on the clearance rack. It was dark blue sequined dress. "I'm gonna try this on, yeah?" Jessica nodded before returning to her room to change into her normal clothes.
Elizabeth had stripped, and then slid the dress over her body. She smiled. She needed something like this. It made her feel more like her old self. Maybe this dress would be step one on her way of getting back to who she was. She ran her hands down the side of her dress. She didn't know that a dress would be the thing to make her happy, but it was.
Elizabeth took in a deep breath before exiting the changing room. Jessica was sitting in a chair, staring at her phone. She looked up, and her eyes widened. "Wow, my best friend is a hottie." She laughed as she stood up. Jessica grabbed onto Elizabeth's hands. "I've missed you, 'Liza."
"Me too, Jess." Elizabeth pulled Jessica into a tight hug. The girls stayed like this for a while, feeling safe in each other's embrace. "I love you a lot, you know that, right?" Elizabeth spoke as she pulled away from the hug.
Jessica nodded and smiled. "I love you too, my love." She looked down before sighing. "Justin's going to go crazy when he sees you."
Elizabeth smiled as she looked at herself in the mirror. She felt good. She knew it was going to be a good night. She could, after a very long time, finally have a normal high school night. She was going to a school dance with the boy she was in love with. What could go wrong?
There was a knock on her bedroom door. She walked over to it and opened it. Justin was standing there, holding flowers. "You're stunning, baby." Justin could not take his eyes off of her. He could not believe that after everything he had done, she still loved him and chose to be with him.
Elizabeth smiled as he handed them to her. "These are beautiful, but you didn't have to do this."
Justin shook his head as he took her wrist and wrapped a corsage around it. "I did." He chuckled as he rubbed the back of his neck. "You are the most important thing to me in the world, and I want to be able to show you that in every single way." Elizabeth pressed her lips against her cheek. She pulled away and noticed his tie. She pointed to it with furrowed eyebrows. Justin smiled as he played with the tie. "Clay taught me how to tie it."
Elizabeth laughed before she grabbed a hold of his tie and pulled him closer towards her. "You look really hot in a tie." She whispered as their faces were almost touching.
"Fucking hell." Justin put his hands on Elizabeth's waist. "The things you do to me, Jensen." He smashed his lips against hers, tightening his grip on her waist. Elizabeth wrapped her hands around his neck, pulling him closer towards her. Elizabeth felt him start to pull away, so she pulled away and sent him a look of confusion. "As much as I would love to continue this, and I really do, we should probably get going." Justin chuckled as he held onto hers hands. Elizabeth nodded, and the two left the house and went to the dance.
When they arrived at the dance, they were walking when they saw Clay and Tony. They caught up to them. "Guys, this is the first dance I haven't dj'd in two years." Tony stayed, obviously still upset that they did not ask him back this year.
"Well," Clay nudged Tony with his elbow, "now you can dance."
Tony shook his head and sighed. "Dude, people become djs so they don't have to dance."
Elizabeth furrowed her eyebrows. "I thought it was because you're music taste is super great."
Tony chuckled. "That's just my gift to the world."
The group walked through the doors of the high school and into the gym where the dance was being held. Elizabeth looked around with a smile on her face. They had outdone themselves. The gym had transformed from the sweaty disgusting mess where the basketball team played into a gorgeous forrest like area with green and purple lights all around.
She looked up at Justin who had been staring at her. She chuckled. "What?"
"You are so beautiful."
Elizabeth laughed as she grabbed his hand and dragged him onto the dance floor. All of the couples around them were grinding, but Elizabeth and Justin did not. They were just happy to be there together.
After dancing for awhile, Elizabeth noticed Zach watching them as he stood next to the punch bowl. "I'm gonna go get something to drink." Justin nodded in response as he watched Elizabeth walk away from him. She made her way to Zach, smiling as she grabbed a cup for punch. "Hey."
Zach looked over at her. "Hey."
"I'm really sorry."
"For what?" Zach asked before sipping his punch.
Elizabeth began to pour her punch as she spoke. "For ruining our friendship."
Zach shook his head and chuckled. "Eliza, you didn't ruin our friendship." She looked down at her hands as she listened to him. "My stupid feelings did."
"Feelings aren't stupid."
"They are when they're for a person who you know will never feel the same way."
Elizabeth's mouth opened slightly as she looked up at him. She took ahold of his hand. "Zach, I love you." He nodded. "I always will. Maybe if things were different, it would be in the way that you want."
"Yeah." He smiled softly through his pain. Elizabeth got onto her toes to give him a kiss on the cheek. "You and Justin seem really happy. I'm so happy for you guys."
"Thanks, Dempsey." Zach nodded as he watched her walk away from him.
When Elizabeth made her way back to where Justin had been waiting, he was gone. Elizabeth saw Clay near by and walked towards him. "Hey, do you know where Justin went?"
"I think he said he needed to go to the bathroom."
Elizabeth nodded as she made her way out of the gym and towards the boys bathroom when she noticed the lights on in the boys locker room next door. She pushed the door opened and stepped in. She saw Justin sitting on one of the benches with his head in his hands. "Hey, why'd you leave the party?" Elizabeth questioner as she stepped towards him.
"Why'd you choose me?"
Justin lifted his head from his hands, his eyes puffy and red from crying. "You could get anyone in this school, and you chose me. Why?"
Elizabeth sat down next to him, and he immediately moved off the bench. "I don't-"
"You are smart, beautiful, and caring." Justin started to pace. "You deserve someone who is like Zach. He always wants to do what's best. He's a great guy. He's good looking." He stopped, placed his hands on either side of one of the sinks and looked at himself in the mirror. "I'm not enough. For gods sake, I just got out of fucking jail."
"Juvy." Elizabeth corrected him.
"It doesn't matter!" He nearly shouted, tears running down his face. "I'm going to ruin you, just like I ruin everything else in my life. I'm just a huge fuck up."
Elizabeth stood up and walked towards him slowly. "You're not a fuck up, Justin."
He turned to face her. "Do you ever think of doing it?" Elizabeth cocked her eyebrow, not understanding what he meant. "What Hannah did?"
Elizabeth shook her head. "I couldn't do that to the people I care about." She looked down. "Yeah, terrible things happen, but we have to learn to move on."
"I've had some pretty bad days, Elizabeth." Elizabeth nodded in response, reaching up to wipe away a few of her tears. "But, I know how much it would hurt you, and I never want to hurt you again."
Elizabeth smiled, grabbing a hold of her hands. "Justin, you won't." He looked down, but she placed her hand under his chin, lifting his head up to look him in the eyes. "I know how much you love me, and that's all I need." Justin looked as if he was about to argue, but Elizabeth spoke first. "I know you think that Zach is better for me, but that's not true. You bring out a side of me that I have never seen before. I'm happier with you than I ever have been. You taught me what love should feel like."
Justin nodded before kissing her. Elizabeth kissed him back, wrapping her arms around his neck. Justin's arms snakes around her waist. Elizabeth smiled as she pulled away, wiping her lipstick off of his upper lip. "I love you so much, Eliza."
"I love you, too, Justin."
One of Tyler Down's friends had been sent a text, basically warning her that he was going to shoot up the school. And when Elizabeth and Justin made their way back into the dance, they saw their friends chatting in a circle. Clay explained to them the situation. He then left them to go find Tony, but not before telling them to try and keep everyone safe.
Elizabeth tried her best to do what her brother had said, but she had to go and make sure he was safe. Justin noticed her running towards the exit of the school and sprinted after her. She reached the outside of the school and saw her brother at gunpoint. "Clay!" She screamed as she started to run towards him, but Justin grabbed onto her. "Let go, Justin." She struggled to get out of his grasp.
"No. I'm not letting you put yourself in danger."
Elizabeth looked up and him and then back towards her brother. He had successfully convinced Tyler to choose a different way to deal with everything, and Tony's car pulled up. Clay took the gun off of Tyler and pushed him into the car. Tony sped off.
Justin let go of Elizabeth when Tyler was cleared, and she went running towards her brother. She enveloped him in a hug, pulling away to see if he had been hurt. "Are you okay?"
"That was fucked up, yeah?" Justin questioned as he moved to stand behind Elizabeth.
Clay nodded before looking down at the gun in his hand. "Yeah."
Word Count - 1842
An : and season two is done! Now, we are moving into season three and I can't wait!
Have a nice day, lovelies 💕
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