20.0 The One Where They Care About Each Other
Elizabeth Jensen woke up the next morning, hoping the events from the night before were only a dream. She got up from her bed and went into her brother's bedroom. She saw Justin Foley sitting on Clay's bed next to a pile of throw up. Sherri Holland and Clay were standing in front of him, scolding him. "I walked in at an awkward time." Elizabeth spoke softly as she wiped her eyes. "Morning, guys. Hey, Sherri."
Sherri nodded in return."I'm staying here to take care of Justin, if you want to join me." She smiled, moving closer to Elizabeth.
"What do you mean 'take care of Justin'?" Elizabeth scoffed as she looked over at Justin. "He's fucking fine."
"Yeah, see. I'm fucking fine." Justin shrugged.
"He's a heroine addict." Clay spat at his sister. "And, he just threw up on my bed."
Elizabeth looked over at Justin, who was pleading with his eyes for her to stay with him. She could not say no to him. "Okay. I'll stay." The girl sighed. "But only to help Sherri."
Clay eventually left to go to school, and Elizabeth watched as Sherri tried to help detox Justin. For the most part, it was working, but he continued to whine. Justin would even whisper in Elizabeth's ear, asking for her to buy him more heroine. She would say no, of course. She hated to see him like this. It destroyed her. And, it made her feel even worse that if he knew what was in the room next to them, he would think she was a hypocrite.
Elizabeth tried to keep her distance from him, so she sat on Clays bed, after it was cleaned, while he sat on the ground next to a trash can. Sherri left the room to go to the bathroom, leaving Justin and Elizabeth alone. He looked up at her. "Hey, thanks for letting me stay."
"Well, you've gone through hell." Elizabeth sighed as she watched him move closer to her. "But, people will be glad to see you. Everyone's been missing. you."
Justin scoffed, rolling his eyes. "I doubt that."
"Zach missed you a lot."
"Zach? Since when do you talk to Zach?"
"Since you disappeared." Elizabeth looked down at her hands. "We both needed someone, so we confided in each other. We got really close over the last five months."
"Ah." Justin nodded, staring at the wall. "Are you two.."
Elizabeth's eyes widened as she let out a laugh. "Nope." She stated, biting the inside of her cheek. "We are just friends."
"Good." Justin glanced up at Elizabeth. "How have you been?"
"Pretty shitty, actually." Elizabeth chuckled. "Life has been a little bit of a mess."
"Shit, 'Liza. I'm sorry."
"It's not your fault." She wasn't lying. It was her own fault. She was the one who drove him away, even when he was trying very hard to get her to forgive him.
"I feel like it is, though." He looked down at his lap.
"Justin, stop." She grabbed onto his hands, bringing his focus up back to her. "If anyone is at fault here, it's me. I mean, look at you. I did this to you."
"You didn't."
"But, I did."
When Clay arrived back home later that day, Justin was passed out on the couch, Elizabeth was sitting in the corner on her phone, and Sherri was reading one of Clay's comic books. "What the hell?" Clay barged into his bedroom.
"Oh, hey, Clay." Sherri looked up at him, smiling.
"You were supposed to text me every hour." Clay was surprisingly upset with her.
"Oh sit, I'm sorry." Sherri chuckled. "Look, I got so into these Alien Killer Robots." Sherri held up the comic book she was reading. "You know, the way they draw these robots is kinda sexy."
"What the fuck?" Elizabeth laughed from the corner. "Wait, let me see." Sherri tossed the comic over to Elizabeth. "You know, she's right." Elizabeth giggled as she flipped through the pages. "These robots are hella fine."
"Wait, did you-"
"Don't worry." Sherri smirked at Clay. "I only took out the comics."
"Jesus." Clay exclaimed as he grabbed the box of condoms from his desk.
"Studded and ribbed." Elizabeth read what the box said as her and Sherri exchanged a look of disgust. "Skye's a lucky girl."
"She's not, actually." Clay sighed as he shoved the box into his closet to hide it away.
"She's gone." Justin groaned as he rolled over in the couch. "She fucking ran."
"Fuck you, Justin." Clay frowned as he stepped closer to the couch. "You don't know anything about it."
"I don't know anything about fucking running?" Justin furrowed his eyebrows. "I'm like a fucking ex- oh shit." Justin laid back down on the couch, clutching his stomach in pain.
"Fuck." Elizabeth exclaimed as she stood up, moving closer to him.
"It's the stomach cramps." Sherri stated casually. "Are you good to take over from here?" She stood up from her chair. "I'm supposed to be home right after school."
"I got it." Clay nodded. "You can take the stairs. No one's home."
"Make sure you keep him hydrated." Sherri told Clay as she put on her backpack. "He's going to have a lot of fevers. He may talk a lot of shit, but don't let it get to you. He's just in a lot of pain."
"Good." Clay sighed. Sherri opened the door to leave, but Clay stopped her. "Thank you."
"Yeah." Sherri smiled softly at Clay. She left the room, leaving the two Jensen siblings alone with Justin.
Justin sat up in the couch. "So, we're actually gonna do this?" He chuckled. "We're gonna take down Bryce?"
"Yeah." Clay nodded softly. "We are." Justin smiled before throwing up all over Clay's sneakers. Clay frowned. "In seventy-two to ninety-six hours."
That night, Clay was passed out on his bed, and Elizabeth was sitting on the ground next to the couch Justin was on.
"Thanks for staying with me today, 'Liza."
Elizabeth looked up at him and smiled. "Of course. I still care about you, Justin." She grabbed onto his hand, interlocking her fingers with his. "I always will."
"I'll always care about you, too, baby."
The girl's eyes widened after hearing what he said. She pulled her hand away from his. "Justin-"
"Yeah, sorry." He shook his head softly. "I shouldn't have called you that. I guess it was just an automatic thing."
"Yeah." Elizabeth looked down. She felt as if she were going to burst into tears. She tried to bite her lips to hold them in, but she knew it wouldn't work. "Uh- I'm going to go to bed. Do you think you'll be alright?" She questioned him, earning a nod as a response. Elizabeth quickly left the room and entered her own. She closed her door behind her, leaning back against it. All the tears came flooding out.
She loved hearing Justin call her baby again, but it was not right. She was hurting, and she had not gotten the time to heal from her broken heart. She was still in love with him, but she knew she could not be with him again. They were not good for each other. He thought that lying to Elizabeth was protecting her, whilst she told him every little thing that happened in her life.
Elizabeth did not know if she would ever be able to trust Justin Foley ever again.
Word Count - 1244
An : Yay a new update!
Have a nice day, lovelies 💕
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