2.0 The One With The New Girl
Post - Death
Pre - Death
Elizabeth Jensen entered her house. She saw her mother, out of the corner of her eye, making brownies. Elizabeth smiled. "Hey mom! I'm home." She spoke.
Elizabeth's mother looked back at her before nodding. "Eliza, how was your day?"
"It was okay." Elizabeth moved to the kitchen table, taking an apple from the pile of fruit and biting into it. "I only had one emotional breakdown today. I think that's a record."
"Honey, are you sure you don't want to get anything to help?" Elizabeth's mother looked extremely worried, but Elizabeth was not taking it.
"I'm not getting prescription drugs to help me feel better about the fact that one of my best friends died." Elizabeth shook her head, moving out of the kitchen. "I'm sorry that I'm sad."
She made her way upstairs before hearing a familiar voice coming from her father's workshop. "Now adjust your whatever device you're hearing this on." It sounded like Hannah Baker.
"Is that Hannah?" Elizabeth questioned as she entered the workshop. She saw her brother, Clay Jensen, sitting in front of a boom box.
"Uh, no." Clay fumbled to turn off whatever the hell he was listening to. "I was just listening to some podcast about teen suicide. You know, to figure out the signs."
"Okay." Elizabeth was suspicious but thought she'd let it slide for him this time. "Justin is coming over after dinner. Don't bother us, and don't tell mom and dad."
A smirk appeared on Clay's face. "What if I did tell mom and dad?"
"I would murder you in your sleep."
"Jokes on you, I don't sleep."
Elizabeth furrowed her eyebrows. "You have issues, my dear brother."
"It must run in the family, because so do you, my dear sister."
"I don't have issues." The brunette crossed her arms over her chest.
Clay shook his head. "You're dating Justin Foley. You have issues."
"He's a great boyfriend."
"Then why don't mom and dad know about him?"
Elizabeth pursed her lips. "Uh-" She frowned because she could not think of a reason. "Yeah, whatever." She walked out of the room, leaving Clay to his podcasts.
Elizabeth Jensen watched from the couch of the new girl as her brother, Clay, talked to a pretty girl. She smiled, a drink in her hand, and made her way over to the pair. "Clay, you didn't tell me you were coming to this party." Elizabeth chuckled as watched her brother awkwardly look around.
"It was- uh- kind of a last minute thing." Clay cleared his through, not wanting to talk to his twin sister any more than he had to at their house.
"And who is this lovely girl." Elizabeth smiled at whoever was standing next to her brother. "You have to introduce me to her, Clay."
"Eliza, this is Hannah Baker." Clay spoke in a low tone, almost trying to sound more masculine. "She's new. We work at the movie theater together." He motioned towards his sister. "And this is my sister, Eliza."
Elizabeth shared a nod with Hannah. "Well, you seem like a nice girl." She chuckled before taking out her phone. "I'm going to give you my number because the people at this school suck at letting in the new kids."
Hannah smiled before adding her number into her phone. "Thanks, Eliza." Hannah nodded.
"And my brother isn't really the best company if you ask me." Elizabeth chuckled, running a hand through her long raven colored hair. "I'm much more fun." Elizabeth sent Hannah a wink.
Hannah let out a laugh before being interrupted by Bryce Walker. "Hey, uh, you're the new girl, right?" Bryce, the biggest asshole in the school questioned Hannah.
"Apparently." Hannah smirked, before sending a questioning look to Elizabeth.
"I like your laugh." Bryce smiled, obviously attempting to flirt.
"I like your understated choice of fashion." Hannah frowned, crossing her hands over her chest.
"Bryce, why don't you just leave, okay?" Elizabeth decided to step in, seeing how Hannah was clearly not enjoying herself. Bryce scoffed before walking off.
Kat, who was Elizabeth's friend, walked over to Hannah. "Bryce?" Kat gasped, handing Clay a cup of alcohol. "No. Alright? No. He is like frat boy darth Vader."
"He didn't seem that bad." Hannah shook her head.
"She was being kind." Elizabeth wrapped her arm around Hannah.
Kat dragged Hannah, Elizabeth, and Clay outside, they saw two boys wrestling. "Justin Foley is mine, and Zach Dempsey for you." Kat smiled at her new friend, pointing to each of the boys.
"Zach, really?" Elizabeth laughed. "He's allergic to strawberries."
"Strawberries, really?" Hannah chuckled.
"And he's not the brightest." Elizabeth pointed towards Zach as he tripped over a piece of grass.
"Okay, he's dumb, but the sweet kind of dumb." Kat defended herself. She began to clap her hands as the sprinklers came on. "Liberty High's star athletes, ladies and gentlemen. So impressive." Elizabeth let out a chuckle as Justin bowed.
"Sorry boys." Elizabeth smirked, stepping forward. "You can't go into Hannah's house soaking wet."
Justin scoffed, rolling his eyes in response. "Seriously?"
"Ugh, oh my god." Kat groaned as a result of Justin's bullshit. "Look at yourselves."
Justin laughed before taking off his shirt. "Better?"
Kat smiled, nodding. "Improvement, yes, but still a no-go." Elizabeth watched as Hannah's cheeks began to turn a pink color. She smiled.
"Come on, it's not a party without us." Zach tried to convince the two girls, waving his hands around in the air.
"We'll take our chances." Kat chuckled before sending the two boys a wink.
"Go dry off, and the maybe you can come." Elizabeth laughed as the boys let out whines.
"Your loss, Milady." Justin spoke in a corny British accent, with his pearly white making it even better. Elizabeth smiled as she noticed how beautiful Justin really was. She had never noticed before, but his smile was so genuine and pure. Elizabeth watched as Justin's smile widened at her.
"Ugh, idiots." Kat groaned as she started to walk off. "I can't even."
"But, they are sweet idiots." Clay shared a smile with his sister before the two walked inside, leaving Hannah alone on the porch.
An array on text books were laid across Elizabeth's bed as she finished up her homework, waiting for her boyfriend to arrive outside her window. She threw her hair up into a bun, trying to get her curls out of her face. She was just finishing the last question on her practice test for algebra when she heard a knock at the window.
Elizabeth smiled as she hopped off her bed and went to her window. She slid the window open to reveal Justin in the tree right outside of it. "Hey, baby girl." Justin smiled as he crawled into his girlfriends room. When he made it in, he wrapped his arms around Elizabeth. "How are you?"
"Pretty okay." Elizabeth smiled as she looked up at her.
"You look beautiful." Justin giggled before pressing a kiss to her cheek. He made his way to her bed, throwing her books onto the ground.
Elizabeth groaned. "I was about to actually put those away."
"Well, now you don't have to." Justin shrugged.
"I mean, I still do, except now they're just on the ground."
"Or, you could kiss me."
"That sounds like a much more fun option." Elizabeth jumped onto her bed and pressed her lips against Justin's. Justin kissed her back, grabbing onto her waist. The girl smiled into the kiss as she wrapped her arms loosely around Justin's neck.
A phone began to buzz causing the pair to jump. Elizabeth grabbed her phone, but it wasn't her's. Justin groaned before answering his phone. "What?... Yeah, I'm just over at Eliza's. I'll be back in like an hour or something... Okay. I'll see you later." Justin put down his phone before looking over at Eliza, who had a pout on her face. "What?"
"Why aren't you sleeping over tonight?" Elizabeth laid down with her head against her pillow.
"Bryce wants me there tonight." Justin laid down next to his girlfriend, placing his hands on her waist. "Trust me, I want to stay here, too, but he's been really helping me lately."
"Okay." Elizabeth nodded as she brought her head to his chest.
"I'm so lucky to have you in my life." Justin smiled as he ran his finger across Elizabeth's cheek. "You're more than I could have ever wanted."
Elizabeth looked up at him. "I love you more than anything in the whole world."
"I love you more than my own life."
"Don't say that." Elizabeth shook her head. "I need you alive."
"Only for you, 'Liza."
Word Count - 1453
An: Hey everyone! This chapter was changed a lot, so I hope you all enjoy it! I want to here what you all think about what I've done so far, and if you have any suggestions about what I should change about what I had.
Thank you all, again, for reading and loving this story! I wouldn't even get the chance to write this story again if it weren't for all of your constant love and support!
Have a nice day, lovelies 💕
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