13.0 The One With a Kiss
Post Death
Pre Death
Elizabeth Jensen smiled as the final bell rang, signaling the end of the school year. It was a Friday, and every Friday since Valentine's Day, Elizabeth and Justin Foley would do something together.
They weren't dating. They hadn't even kissed yet, other than when Elizabeth was drunk after the dance. The two just enjoyed each other's company. All of Justin's friends thought he was a pussy, but he didn't care. He was lucky to be even hanging out with Elizabeth.
Justin liked her, that was for sure. He had never felt that sort of way about anyone before, and that scared him. Elizabeth meant more to him than he could even comprehend, and he hadn't even kissed her yet. He was terrified of how much his feelings would grow after they actually got together.
Justin had always been the boy that would break every girl's heart because he was afraid of someone breaking his own, but with Elizabeth, it didn't really matter. Of course he was scared, but it was worth it.
Justin Foley was falling in love with Elizabeth Jensen.
Elizabeth stood outside the high school, and jumped when arms wrapped around her waist, picking her up and spinning her around. She laughed as she was put on the ground. She turned to see Justin smiling. "What do you want to do tonight?" Justin asked her as she wrapped his arms around his neck, hugging him.
"Is there a party?" Elizabeth cocked an eyebrow.
"At Bryce's." Justin nodded, cautiously. "Do you want to go?" Elizabeth nodded, excited. She just wanted to party because summer was beginning.
Later that afternoon, Elizabeth stood inside her closet, throwing around different outfits. She had grown much closer to Jessica Davis, so Jessica was helping her get ready for the party. "You can't look slutty, because you don't want boys all over you."
"I don't?" Elizabeth asked, turning to Jessica. "I thought our plan was to make Justin jealous so that he finally kisses me."
Jessica nodded. "But, you don't want everyone on you. You still need to show Justin that you're interested in just him."
"Okay." Elizabeth turned to her friend. "And, who were you thinking for me to use tonight?"
"I was counting on Monty." Jessica nodded, standing from Elizabeth's bed. "He'll hit on anything that moves, so he's perfect."
"Alright." Elizabeth responded, shoving her face back into her closet. "I don't know what to wear!"
"Hot but not slutty, remember?!" Jessica repeated herself.
"It's easier to say than to find." Elizabeth complained as she began banging her forehead against the wall.
"I'll find something." Jessica huffed as she passed Elizabeth, making her way to her closet. "No." Jessica tossed a dress out of the way. "Nah uh." Another dress was tossed. "Nada." And another. "This is disgusting." And another. "And this-" Jessica stopped as she picked up a little black dress. "This is perfect." Elizabeth looked over at the dress, smiling.
It was perfect.
After two hours, Elizabeth and Jessica made their way to Bryce's house, being greeted by him as they walked into his house. "I'm going to grab a drink." Jessica spoke, pointing to the cooler of beers. "I'll be right back." Elizabeth nodded as she watched her friend walk away.
"Hey, 'Liza." Elizabeth turned to see Zach Dempsey standing behind her. "Do you know if Hannah's coming tonight?"
"I doubt it." Elizabeth shook her head softly. "She told me that she never seems to have any fun at parties like these, but if she shows up, I'll text you." Zach nodded as he left her.
Elizabeth turned and saw Justin talking to Bryce by the drinks. He didn't notice her for a couple of minutes as she watched him carefully. Bryce kept on trying to point out hot girls to Justin, but he would just shrug it off, making Elizabeth smile.
A girl who went to Hillcrest High School approached the boys. She was obviously only interested in Justin. Right away, she was all over him, running her hands up and down his arms. Elizabeth frowned as she felt a sadness grow inside of her. Even though he looked like he was uncomfortable, it still made her sad.
Justin was supposed to be hers.
The plan was supposed to be to make Justin jealous, but he was making her jealous without even realizing it.
After watching for a few minutes, Elizabeth has enough."Hey, baby." Elizabeth spoke as she approached the trio, wrapping her arms around Justin's neck and pressing her lips to his. "I've been looking for you."
Bryce and the Hillcrest girl looked shocked as the two kissed. The girl, finally, left the boys, making Elizabeth more than happy.
"I'll just leave you two alone." Bryce spoke with wide eyes before running off.
Elizabeth pulled away from the kiss and smiled up at Justin. She let out a giggle as she looked down at her feet."What was that?" Justin laughed as he wiped Elizabeth's lipstick off of his own lips.
"She was all over you." Elizabeth frowned as she crossed her arms over her chest. "I couldn't just stand there and watch."
"I mean, we aren't together."
"What the fuck does that mean?"
"It means that we aren't dating." Justin furrowed his eyebrows, leaning back.
"That doesn't mean that we aren't anything." Elizabeth looked defeated. She stared down at the ground, playing with her fingers.
"I'm scared, Eliza." Justin sighed, grabbing Elizabeth's hand and bringing her into a room where there were less people. "I've never felt like this about anyone. I've never enjoyed someone's company so much. You mean more to me then I will ever even know."
"Then why haven't you done anything?" Elizabeth exclaimed, waving her arms in the air. "I've tried to do anything to tell you that I want you and me to happen."
"I said I'm scared."
"That shouldn't stop you." Elizabeth frowned up at him. "I get scared before a math test, and I still take it. I got scared before making out with you before, but I still did it." Elizabeth sighed as bit her lip nervously. "Do you want me or not? Because it's starting to feel like you don't."
"Yes, I do." Justin nodded, grabbing her hands. "But I don't want to ruin the good thing we have going on."
"Right, like I haven't heard that before." Elizabeth scoffed before leaving Justin in the room alone.
She made her way out of the party, stopping as she heard someone telling her name. "Eliza, please stop." She turned to see Justin running out of Bryce's house. "I'm sorry. I really like you."
"Then show me th-"
Justin cut her off my kissing her. It wasn't just a kiss, though. It was something to show everyone that they were falling in love.
Elizabeth Jensen and Justin Foley were perfect at that simple moment in time.
Elizabeth Jensen awoke up from her sleeping position in Bryce Walker's pool house. She smiled as she remembered her night with Justin. They didn't sleep together. The two just talked all night, maybe with a little kiss here and there.
Elizabeth was awake before Justin and honestly had no idea what to do. She simply laid back down and watched him sleep.
Justin could make even the simplest activities such as sleeping seem more beautiful than anything she had ever seen. A small curl fell across Justin's forehead, and Elizabeth moved it, causing Justin to stir. Elizabeth quickly took her hand back, not wanting to wake him.
Justin woke up anyways, smirking as he saw Elizabeth in front of him. "You're beautiful." His voice was groggy, considering he had just woken up.
"That's funny, because I was just thinking that about you." Elizabeth chuckled softly as she pressed a kiss to Justin's forehead.
"How did I get so lucky as to get you in my life?" Justin smiled as he moved closer to Elizabeth.
"I don't know actually." Elizabeth smiled as she pressed her lips against his.
Word Count - 1339
An : So this isn't Jessica's party. I had written this as like an improv scene earlier, and I liked it, so I kept it in.
I hope you all enjoy!
Have a nice day, lovelies 💕
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