12.0 The One Where Her Brother Freaks Out
Post Death
Pre Death
"So, did you two do it last night?"
"What?" Justin Foley was standing at his locker as he was bombarded by Bruce Walker. "What the fuck are you talking about, Bryce?"
"Eliza." Bryce rolled his eyes. "Zach told me you guys were going out for Valentine's Day, and considering how obsessed with her you are," Justin rolled his eyes, "I thought you two were going to, you know...." Bryce made a hand motion that signified having sex.
Justin shook his head as he shut his locker. "I didn't even kiss her."
"What the fuck, Foley?" Bryce scoffed, crossing his arms over his chest. "Have you gone soft?"
"No." Justin shook his head. "I just don't need to have sex with a girl to be content with myself."
"Your loss." Bryce smirked as his eyes landed on Elizabeth Jensen standing at her own locker. "She's fucking hot, dude."
"Shut up, dude." Justin snapped at his friend.
"Alright, alright." Bryce put his hands up in defense. "See you in class."
Bryce left Justin alone in the hallway. He stood there for a second, watching Elizabeth. She was so beautiful, and she didn't even realize it.
Elizabeth glanced across the hallway, seeing Justin staring at her. She chuckled as she sent him a wave. Realizing he was caught, Justin began to blush. He made his way over to Elizabeth. "Hey, Eliza."
"Hi." Elizabeth smiled as she shoved her math book into her backpack. "I had fun last night."
"Me too." Justin nodded.
The two looked at each other for a second, not exactly sure what to say next. Justin heard laughing down the hallway. He looked to see some football players, including Zach, laughing at them. Justin sighed. "If the boys say anything to you, I'm sorry."
"Did you tell them anything?" Elizabeth furrowed her eyebrows. "Do they think I'm, like, a slut or something now?"
"No." Justin shook his head quickly. "They just jump to conclusions, and Zach told them that we went out last night."
"Of course he did." Elizabeth nodded, sighing. "He wasn't lying. We did go out last night."
"So, you're admitting that this is a thing?" Justin smiled, leaning against her locker. "You haven't done that before."
"Wipe that smug smirk off your face, asshat." Elizabeth laughed as she closed her locker. "Hannah can't find out until I tell her, okay?"
"Of course."
Elizabeth sat in the bleachers at the home basketball game before the game began. Her eyebrows furrowed in confusion as she watched her brother walk into the gym. She chuckled. Clay almost never went to basketball games.
Elizabeth sat in the front row because she knew Justin liked to see her cheering him on from the bleachers. He, also, didn't mind sneaking kisses throughout the games.
The girl watched as Justin approached her with a smile across his lips. "Hi, babe." Justin stated. "I'm happy you're here." He wrapped his arms around her waist, pulling her into a hug.
She returned the hug. "I wouldn't miss it." Elizabeth looked around at the rest of the gym, which was filled with students, teachers, and parents. "It seems like most of the school wouldn't either."
"You're the only one I care about, though." He placed a light kiss on her forehead.
"Come on, Justin!" Zach called to him from on the court. "The games starting."
"Gotta go, babe." Justin spoke as he ran back onto the court as the game started.
In the middle of the game, Clay decided to step into the game. "Clay, what are you doing?" Zach questioned him. "Get off the court."
"Jensen, get off the fucking court." Justin was less nice to Elizabeth's brother than Zach was.
The crowd booed Clay as he stepped closer to Zach. "What the hell, Jensen? The game's about to start."
"Get off the court." The referee shouted as he pointed to the bleachers.
"Hey, skinny kid!" The coach of the basketball team shouted at Clay. "Get off the court!"
Sherri pulled Clay off of the court, and began to speak to him. Elizabeth could not hear what they said, but their conversation did not last long. After a couple of seconds, Clay was walking away from her. Something bad must have happened between them.
The game continued, but partway through the game, Clay interrupted once again. Clay began shouting, "Stop the game!" and ran onto the court, pausing the game. Clay stared at the center of a court for a minute, looking as if he was about to cry.
"Is he crazy?" The person sitting next to Elizabeth spoke a little too loudly.
"Shut the fuck up, idiot." Elizabeth snapped. "You have no idea what he's going through." Clay, then, proceeded to run out of the gym. "And neither do I." Elizabeth spoke under her breath.
The next morning, Elizabeth was called outside to where Elizabeth's parents, Zach, and his mom were standing by their car with the words 'why me?' keyed into it. Zach's mother was saying that Clay did it. "What makes you think our son had anything to do with this?" Matt Jensen asked as Clay came out of the house.
"He was at the game, acting strangely." Zach's mother explained herself. "The ref had to kick him off the court, because he was trying to harass my son."
"But nobody saw who keyed the car?" Lainie questioned her.
"Kids get jealous." Zach's mom shrugged.
"I'm asking if anyone saw who keyed the car." Lainie repeated, more harshly that time.
"I don't think he was jealous." Zach spoke softly.
Zach's mother glared at her son. "You hush." She snapped at him. "Look, I came here as a courtesy. I could have gone to the police."
"Well, maybe you should." Lainie cocked her head to the side. Her husband tried to interrupted her, but she wouldn't let him. "Maybe you should let the authorities figure out who did this instead of coming here pointing fingers and accusing our son of vandalism."
"I did it." Clay spoke softly enough for just Elizabeth to hear it. Her eyes widened.
"Just because our son doesn't drive an expensive car doesn't mean-"
"That's not the point!" Zach's mom cut off Elizabeth's.
"I did it!" Clay repeated louder than the first time. Everyone stopped to look at him. "I did it, okay?"
Elizabeth's mom paused before she spoke again, embarrassed. "Karen, Zach, why don't you come inside and we can sort this out."
"I'd like to talk to Zach for a minute, if I could." Clay spoke, stopping Zach from entering the house.
"Absolutely not." Zach's mother stated harshly.
"Mom, please?" Zach requested, finally speaking up for himself.
"Two minutes." His mom gave in before heading inside.
Elizabeth got a text from Justin saying that he was up in her bedroom. "I'll go inside." Elizabeth stated awkwardly before running up her porch steps. She hurried up to her room. "Clay fucking keyed Zach's car."
"I know." Justin nodded, pacing around her room. "What the fuck is up with him these days. Has he been acting this weird with you?"
"I don't really see him that much." Elizabeth shook her head, sighing.
"So you guys don't really talk that much?"
"Why are you asking me so many questions about my brother." Elizabeth frowned as she crossed her arms over her chest.
"Because I'm worried." Justin spoke cautiously. The truth was that he was fishing for answers. He didn't want to lie to Elizabeth, but he also couldn't let her know the truth about Hannah. It would break her.
"You're worried?" Elizabeth raised an eyebrow.
"Why are you surprised?" Justin chuckled as he approached her, kissing her cheek. "I love you. Of course I'm worried about you."
Elizabeth smiled softly. "I love you, too." She spoke before kissing him.
Elizabeth stood at her locker and jumped as arms wrapped around her waist. "What the fuck?" She questioned as she turned around, her eyes instantly meeting Justin's beautiful blue ones. "You scared me." She chuckled.
"I got that." Justin smiled as he leaned in to kiss her. Elizabeth kissed him back and felt his hand rest on her waist. She didn't realize she was moving backwards until her back was pressed against the lockers. Elizabeth was surprised by how forward Justin was being. He was never really too big on PDA. Her arms wrapped around his neck, pulling him closer to her and deepening the kiss.
"And over here we have a star basketball player, Justin Foley, basically have sex with my very own sister, Eliza Jensen." Clay spoke loudly as he entered the hallway. He and Courtney were showing a group of foreign exchange students around. "Aren't they adorable?"
"Shut up, Clay." Elizabeth rolled her eyes as she slightly pushed Justin away, glaring at her brother.
Clay chuckled, making eye contact with his sister's girlfriend. "Hey, Justin, where's my bike?" Clay spoke with a strange smile cross his lips. He turned to the group behind him. "Justin stole my bike."
"Why'd you steal his fucking bike?" Elizabeth frowned as she slapped Justin's shoulder.
"What the fuck." Justin scoffed as he stepped forward. "What are you doing?"
"I'm giving our new foreign exchange students a tour." Clay explained to him. "Figured they should know who owns the school, right guys?"
"Stop, Clay." Elizabeth growled as she crossed her arms over her chest.
"Where were we?" Clay smiled, completely ignoring his sister, as he turned back to the group. "Right, the auditorium. But, before we go, I want to show you guys something super cool." Clay approached the lockers surrounding Hannah's old one. "Look at these lockers. They all look alike, right? But, not this one." Clay pressed his finger against Hannah's locker. Elizabeth grabbed onto Justin's hand, scared to see where this was going to go. "This one is special. It belonged to a girl who killed herself."
"Clay, come on." Courtney spoke, trying to get Clay to stop.
Clay moved from the lockers to the center of the hallway. "You see these 'don't kill yourself' posters? They weren't up before. They put them up because she killed herself." Elizabeth squeezed onto Justin's hand tighter. "And why did she kill herself? Because the kids here treated her like shit."
"Jensen, that's enough." Justin spoke as he wrapped his arm around Elizabeth's waist, pulling her closer to him.
"But no one wants to admit it, so they paint over the bathrooms and put up a memorial, because that's the kind of school that this is." Clay completely ignore Justin's comment and went back into his rant about Hannah. "Everyone is just so nice until they drive you to kill yourself, and sooner or later the truth will come out."
"What the fuck is he talking about?" Elizabeth looked up at Justin, extremely confused. He shook his head, telling her not to worry about it.
Tony entered the hallway, not knowing what he got himself into. "You know the truth, right Tony?" Clay shouted at the boy from across the hallway.
"Clay!" Mr. Porter stopped Clay in his tracks. "I think that you should come with me right now." He turned to everyone watching the events. "Get to class, everybody."
Elizabeth grabbed onto Justin's hand as she dragged him away from the mess that Clay had made. She had tears streaming down her cheeks. "Hey, you're okay." Justin spoke softly as he brushed some of her tears away. "You couldn't have done anything. You're brother's fucking crazy."
"I know, but the way he yelled, I've never seen him like that." Elizabeth was completely shocked by what she saw.
"I'm so sorry." Jessica had approached the two. She hugged Elizabeth. "I'm always here for you." Elizabeth nodded as she hugged her best friend back.
"Thanks, love." Elizabeth smiled as Jessica walked away. "What is wrong with him?"
"I've been asking myself that for a month now."
Word Count - 1985
An : And another update!
I'm having a lot of fun revisiting this!
Thank you to everyone who is reading the story again as I'm rewriting it, and hello to new readers! Please vote and comment on this chapter what you want to see in future ones!
Have a nice day, lovelies 💕
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