11.0 The One With The Dollar Valentines
Post Death
Pre Death
Elizabeth Jensen frowned as she set her pencil down on the red piece of paper in front of her. Dollar Valentines were stupid, but they were sort of for a good cause. The Valentines were made to support the cheer squad. After Elizabeth connected with Jessica Davis at the dance, the two became friends.
'What is your ideal Friday night? A: Hanging out with friends. B: Playing Video Games. C: Watching Netflix. D: Sleeping.'
Elizabeth sighed as she circled A. She had no idea how this was going to turn out, but she might as well try.
When Elizabeth finished the survey and passed it to Jessica Davis before sitting down in front of her. Jessica smirked as she plugged Elizabeth's answers into the computer. "So, Eliza, any hopes?"
"I don't really know." Elizabeth lied as her mind shifted as Justin Foley walked into the cafeteria. She caught his eye, and Justin smiled as her, sending a wave her way. Elizabeth returned the wave before turning back to Jessica.
"That's a lie." Jessica chuckled as she hit the enter button. "I see the way you and Foley look at each other. I hope you get each other, too." Jessica smiled as Elizabeth's paper began to print. "You're honestly perfect for each other."
Elizabeth scoffed. "Well, I don't know if I would say perfect."
"The computer certainly thinks so." Jessica spoke as she glanced down at Elizabeth's paper. "He's your number one."
Elizabeth's eyes widened in disbelief. "Shit." She spoke softly, staring down at the piece of paper in front of her.
"Congrats, babe." Jessica could tell Elizabeth was happy from the smile that was plastered across her face as she stood up.
Elizabeth moved from the booth and farther into the cafeteria as her eyes surveyed her whole list.
'1. Justin Foley
2. Zach Dempsey
3. Montgomery de la Cruz
4. Jeff Atkins
5. Marcus Cole'
Elizabeth sighed. "Thank fucking god." Bryce Walker was not on her list. She had never been more relieved in her entire life.
The lunch special was a chicken Cesar wrap, so Elizabeth grabbed one and sat down at a table. To her surprise, someone sat down next to her. She turned to see Justin Foley. "Hey." She smiled up at him.
"Hi." Justin slid his Dollar Valentine paper in front of Elizabeth. "So, you're my number one. I think it's a sign that we're going to fall madly in love."
"You're funny." Elizabeth giggled, patting Justin's chest. "You're my number one, too."
"See, we're perfect for each other."
"Who's perfect for each other?" Suddenly, Zach Dempsey was sitting on the other side of Justin. "Oh right, you and Jensen." Zach rolled his eyes. "It's literally the only thing you've been talking about for the past two weeks." Justin's eyes widened as he punched Zach's shoulder.
"It's not the only thing." Justin glared at his friend as he spoke.
"Anyways, Eliza, you're on my list." Zach smiled as he ran a hand through his hair. "We should go out tonight."
Elizabeth opened her mouth to speak, but no words came out. She glanced between the two boys in front of her. "Uh- Justin and I already have plans." Elizabeth blurted out, and her eyebrows furrowed immediately after as she began to comprehend what she had just said. She looked over at Justin who had the widest smile across his lips.
"Really?" Zach chuckled, leaning forward. "So, are you two like a thing now?"
Elizabeth mouthed, 'Fuck you' to Justin, causing him to chuckle.
"Well, you two kids have fun tonight." Zach laughed as he stood up, leaving Elizabeth and Justin alone.
"So, what do you want to do tonight?" Justin questioned Elizabeth, wrapping his arm around her.
Elizabeth frowned as she pushed his arm off of her. "Are we actually going to go out? I was just saying that to get Zach off of my ass."
"Well, you said it."
"And I regret it."
Elizabeth Jensen sat inside her bedroom as she heard a knock on her window. She smiled before letting Justin into her room. "Sheri's outside."
"What the fuck?!" Elizabeth exclaimed as she ran to her window. She looked outside, seeing Clay and Sheri talking on the front porch of her house. "I'll be right back." She told Justin quickly before running down the stairs. She saw Justin and Sheri entering the house. "What is this?"
"Stop, Eliza. I'm helping her with an essay." Clay glared at his sister as he closed the door behind them.
"Hi, Clay." Lainie Jensen spoke from her desk.
"Oh, mom." Clay looked surprised as he saw her. "I thought you'd still be at work."
"I finally caved and brought some work home." Their mother smiled as she picked up a piece of paper from her desk. "There's going to be some late nights on this one." She looked at Sheri. "Hi Sheri."
"Hi Mrs. Jensen." Sheri smiled at Clay and Elizabeth's mother.
"How's your mom?" Their mother asked her.
"She's good." Sheri nodded, still smiling. She motioned towards all of the papers on Lainie's desk. "That looks like a big case."
"We're going to go up to my room to work on an English paper." Clay spoke suddenly, starting to get anxious.
"Sounds good." Their mother nodded. The two started up the stairs, passed Elizabeth. "Oh, and Clay, honey?" They stopped. "Keep the door open."
"Oh my god." Clay groaned, rolling his eyes. "Yes, mom. Fine."
Elizabeth followed Sheri and Clay up the stairs. As Sheri entered Clay's room, Elizabeth pulled her brother aside. "You can keep the door closed." She smiled. "I won't tell."
"Shut up." Clay laughed as he went into his room.
Elizabeth finally went back to Justin in her room. "Did you see the fight today?" Justin asked her, pulling her onto the bed to lay next to him.
"The one between Alex and Monty?" Justin nodded in response. "No, but I saw pictures. It looked brutal." Elizabeth frowned before looking at Justin. She faced him as they laid on the bed together.
"Monty got off with only three days suspension." Justin took Elizabeth's hand and traced her veins with his thumb.
Elizabeth nodded. "Well, it's not the worst punishment."
"Alex just got a warning."
"He must have been upset." Elizabeth chuckled softly. "Alex hate school more than anyone I've ever met."
"That's true." Justin smiled softly. "Have you ever thought of what would happen if Hannah didn't kill herself?"
"Why such a sudden change of subject?" Elizabeth was a little shocked by Justin's forwardness. He tried to never say anything about Hannah's suicide in front of Elizabeth.
"Just wondering."
"I mean, yeah." Elizabeth nodded, turning onto her back and looking up at the ceiling. "We grew apart, and I had hoped back then that we would become close again. I miss her a lot." Elizabeth felt a tear run down her cheek.
"I know you do." Justin brushed the tear away softly.
Elizabeth and Justin had decided on stargazing at the park downtown. The two set up a blanket underneath the stars. Justin brought a picnic basket filled with apple juice, hot chocolate, pizza, and chips.
"This is an unusual mix for a feast." Elizabeth laughed as she compared the apple juice and the pizza.
"Well, it was all a little last minute." Justin smiled as he sat down on the blanket. "I'm just glad that you decided to come here with me."
"How could I say no when we were both each other's number ones?"
"It was fate."
"Stop that, Foley." Elizabeth laughed as she pushed him away.
"At least you have fun with me." He smiled as he bit into a piece of the pizza.
"Do I?"
"You do."
"I do." Elizabeth nodded. "But, I have fun with a lot of other people, too. You're not that special."
"But we have 'I'd date you' kinda fun." Justin made quotation marks with his fingers as he spoke.
"What the fuck is that supposed to mean?" Elizabeth's eyes widened. She laughed as she poured herself a mug of hot chocolate.
"It means that you like me, Jensen. I know you do." Justin smiled as he took her mug, taking a sip from it.
"Well, you're being oddly forward tonight." Elizabeth stole the mug back, wiping off where he had drank from with her sweater.
"I only speak the truth." Justin shrugged as he looked into her eyes. "You like me."
Elizabeth smiled as she took a sip of the hot chocolate. "I remembered something from the night of the dance, when we were back at Bryce's." Justin nodded, meaning for her to continue. "You said you cared about me too much to have drunken sex with me. Is that true?"
"Yeah, it is." Justin took her hand. "I care about you, Eliza."
"You barely know me." Elizabeth frowned as she looked down.
"I know enough." Justin chuckled as he placed his hand on her cheek. "You're so much better than you think you are. You need to believe me on this."
"Justin, I-"
"Shhh." Justin smiled. "Let me talk. You deserve everything you want in life. You're such a kind hearted person. You make everyone feel loved. You try to be nice to everyone if they deserve it."
"I really don't." Elizabeth chuckled as she shook her head.
"You really do." Justin nodded. "I know that you're scared about me, but I promise you, you have nothing to be scared about." Elizabeth nodded. "I don't want to ever hurt you."
"I don't want to hurt you."
"Then, we've settled it. No hurting." Justin laughed.
Elizabeth smiled as she looked up at the sky. "It's beautiful tonight."
"You're more beautiful."
"Stop being cheesy, Foley." Elizabeth looked back to him, giggling. "It's not a good look for you."
Word Count - 1640
An: And a new chapter is up! All of it will be back up in no time!
Have a nice day, lovelies 💕
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