10.0 The One Where She's Drunk As A Skunk
Post Death
Pre Death
Elizabeth Jensen lifted her sixth cup of punch from the night to her lips, chugging the last of it. She was waiting for Justin Foley to get back from the bathroom. He had asked Zach to watch her to make sure she didn't do anything stupid, but Zach got distracted by a pretty girl. Elizabeth messily swayed her hips to the beat of the music as her body twirled. Suddenly, she felt two hands land on her waist. "You're back from the bathroom, huh?"
"Wrong boy, sweet cheeks."
The girl zipped around to see Montgomery De La Cruz standing behind her. "Monty?" She chuckled as his hands landed on her hips.
"So, Jensen, how much have you had to drink tonight?" Montgomery smirked as he leaned closer towards her.
"More than I care to admit." Elizabeth chuckled as she spoke. "Let's just say I'm really drunk, like as drunk as a skunk." She sputtered out.
"So, I can do this?" Montgomery slowly moved his hands from her waist to her butt. He leaned into her ear. "You look really hot tonight, babe."
Elizabeth was a little shocked by how forward Montgomery was being, but she was honestly too drunk to care. "Really?" She laughed as she ran her fingers through his hair softly.
"Yeah, your ass looks fantastic."
"And she looks like she's wearing my corsage." Elizabeth jumped as she heard Justin behind them. She turned and saw him seething with anger. He took her wrist, pulling her away. "Hey, Monty's an ass, okay?"
"He told me I had a great one." Elizabeth smiled as she looked back towards Montgomery who was talking to Bryce.
"You do, but that's not the best thing about you." The brunette giggled, biting her lip softly. Justin smiled as a slow song came on. He reached out his hand to her and she took it, wrapping her arms around his neck. His hands landed softly on her waists
"What do you mean?" Elizabeth asked him as she swayed to the music.
"You're beautiful, but you also have this amazing laugh that makes everyone smile." Justin turned her under his arm. "You're smart, you're kind, and you're fun to be around."
Elizabeth smiled as she felt her cheeks heating up. She looked out at the rest of the couples dancing and saw her brother dancing with Hannah Baker. "Fucking finally." Elizabeth laughed.
"What?" Justin's eyes widened, very confused.
"Not you. You're doing great, sweetie." Elizabeth patted the top of Justin's head. "I'll be right back."
"Okay." Justin spoke softly as he watched Elizabeth bolt over to her brother and Hannah.
"Clay!" Elizabeth exclaimed, throwing her arms around her brother. "I'm so happy for you!"
"Are you drunk?" Clay chuckled as he pulled her off of him. Elizabeth nodded with a sheepish smile.
"Did Justin get you drunk?" Hannah frowned as she questioned her friend.
"No." Elizabeth shook her head as she looked back at Justin. "He didn't drink because he doesn't want me to die on our first date." Elizabeth frowned slightly. "I mean, it's not a date." She glanced over at the boy watching her with a small smile spread across his face. "But, I should go back to him." Elizabeth said as she started to stumble away. "Don't have too much fun, my friends!"
Elizabeth reached Justin, falling into his arms slightly. He helped her back up."You're really drunk, Eliza." Justin frowned as he brushed a piece of hair out of her face. "Maybe we should leave."
"No, I'm good." Elizabeth smiled as she started to dance again.
"Alright, alright! Liberty High, listen up!" Tony, who was DJing the dance, spoke into the microphone. "Last two dances. Make 'me count."
"We have to stay till the end at this point." Elizabeth begged Justin as she grabbed onto his hands.
The final song ended, so Justin and Elizabeth left the dance. Elizabeth didn't want her parents to know that she had gotten drunk, so Justin texted her parents as her to tell them that she was sleeping over at her new friend Jessica's. Justin brought her to Bryce's pool house.
"Why are we at Bryce's house?" Elizabeth asked as Justin helped her into the pool house.
"This is actually where I've been staying this past week." Justin explained to her as he sat her down on the couch. "My house isn't so great right now, so Bryce is letting me stay here." He spoke as he got her a glass of water and gave it so her. He moved towards a pile of his clothes on the ground and grabbed a shirt for her to change into. Justin tossed it towards Elizabeth, but she failed to catch it."You can sleep on the couch. I got the floor."
"You sure?" Elizabeth set down the glass of water before motioning for Justin to sit next to her, which he proceeded to do. "I'm sure that we could both sleep on the couch." She smirked as she stood up, pulling her dress off of her body.
"Eliza, what are you-" Elizabeth cut him off by kissing him. Justin was caught off guard, and his first instinct was to kiss her back. She moved to straddle him, but Justin quickly pulled away, finally comprehending the situation. "Woah, Eliza-"
A frown appeared on Elizabeth's face as she left his lap. Her eyes moved to her hands. "You don't want to sleep with me."
"Hey, it's not that." Justin cupped her cheeks with his hands, bringing her face up to meet his. "Trust me, I want to sleep with you." He shook his head. "Wait, that sounded bad." He let out a sigh, trying to think through what he was saying. "What I meant to say is that of course I think you're sexy as hell, but I want that to happen between us when you're you, not drunk you." He took her hands in his. "I know that if something happened between us tonight, and you found out about it in the morning, you would be upset." Justin smiled as he helped her put his shirt over her body. "I care about you too much to do that to you."
"So, you care enough about me to not sleep with me when I'm drunk?" She shook her head. "That doesn't make any sense."
"It will tomorrow." Justin placed a kiss on Elizabeth's forehead before he stood up to get her a blanket and pillow.
When Justin returned, he was greeted with a big smile from Elizabeth. "Thank you." She cuddled herself into the couch. "Are you sure that you don't want to sleep on the couch with me?"
"I'm sure, 'Liza." Justin chuckled as he set up his own bed on the floor.
"Good night." She spoke as she laid her head on a pillow.
"Good night, Elizabeth Jensen."
Elizabeth Jensen woke up the next morning with the worst headache she had ever experienced. She groaned as she sat up, clutching the sides of her head. "What the hell did I drink last night."
"A ton of vodka."
Her eyes opened to see Justin cooking pancakes and bacon. "You're cooking?" She laughed as Justin approached her with Advil in his palm and a bottle of water in the other hand. "I didn't know you cooked."
"It's just pancakes and bacon, but yeah, I guess I cook." The boy sent her a wink. "There's a lot you don't know about me." Justin chuckled as he sat down next to Elizabeth. "I'm hoping to change that."
"You're cheesy." Elizabeth pushed Justin's face away, laughing. "I hate that."
"You liked it last night." Justin smiled as he sat back up. "You asked me all that I liked about you."
"Oh no." Elizabeth groaned as she covered her face with the pillow. "What else did I do?" Her eyes widened in realization as she noticed she was wearing his shirt. "Did we?"
Justin chuckled softly. "No." Elizabeth sighed in relief. "You tried. I stopped you. I didn't want to do that to you."
"Why are you a nice guy?" Elizabeth looked down at her hands. "That made it so much harder to say no to you."
"I know." Justin smirked as he wrapped his arm around her shoulders. "It really wasn't worth it, was it? Being with me is much more fun."
"I guess." Elizabeth nodded softly. "From what I can remember, last night was fun."
"Fun? Just fun?"
"Fine. Amazing."
"That's better."
Word Count - 1416
An: I missed last night and I'm sad, so I'm just gonna post two tonight! I'll post the next one in a couple of hours!
Have a nice day, lovelies 💕
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