Chapter 28: Awkward Reunions
When Barry woke, he was excited. After all, he was finally going to see if Heaven and Hell were real.
When he actually looked around, however, he saw the Legend's MedBay. Did he not die? Was he busted?
His question was answered when Sara and Ray walked in, obviously chatting about Barry attempting to hang himself.
He never thought he would hate his speedster super-healing, but you never know.
When they actually walked in the room, Barry immediately pretended to still be asleep. He wanted to learn what they knew, who knew, etc.
"Yeah," Sara sighed. "I can't believe I'm saying this, but we have to bring him back to STAR Labs. He needs to be on suicide watch, and we can't do that here.
"Besides, he obviously has a problem with Len," Sara finished sadly.
What the hell was suicide watch?
He chose to 'wake up' at that moment.
"What the hell is suicide watch?" Barry asked angrily. Sara literally jumped. Ray did to.
"It's, uh, well, a way to stop people from committing suicide," Ray said. Barry was appalled. Seriously?
"We need to bring you back to Central as soon as possible," Sara sighed.
Note: This is back when Wally acts like an asshole. I try not to cuss a whole lot, but Wally totally deserves that for how he acted toward Barry.
This song is exactly what I wanted to say: No fricking excuses, Wally!!!
This is how Wally acts in this story toward Barry. Sad, I know, and it shows my disapproval with Wally West and Kid Flash, but it needs to be in here.
A week later, Barry was walking off the welcoming Legend ship and into the angry faces of his friends and family.
"What the hell, Barry?" Iris asked. "Since when do you abandon your family?" Wally demanded.
Even Joe was pissed. "You don't just run off to join random people, Barry! I thought you know better than that!"
Not to even mention Cisco.
"Wow, Barry. Just wow," was all Cisco could manage.
Barry's shoes were suddenly very interesting.
Only Caitlin wasn't saying anything. "I'm sorry, Barry," she said. Everyone, including Barry himself, turned to face her. Caitlin rolled her eyes. "The guy attempted suicide and all you people are doing is making that worse. Not to even mention that he could run from here at any given time."
Wait. He could run away.
But that would just be proving Len right. He did deserve that.
He didn't deserve any of this. He didn't deserve Joe, Wally, (Even through he's an ass) Iris, Cisco, Caitlin, his house, powers, life.
He really did take stuff for granted.
He needed to make it up to his family.
"Barry," Wally said, looking straight at Barry, "You deserve everything that happened to you on that ship. I would have approved anything that happened."
Barry felt his soul shatter as Joe and Iris nodded. Even Cisco did.
Caitlin was nervous. She had no idea how this was going to go down. Everyone was pissed with Barry, (Except Caitlin) and he was suicidal. What if he tried again? It's not like they could stop him every time!
She, however, was the only one who cared. Everyone else was making a line to throw punches at Barry's ego.
She sighed. Hopefully, Barry wouldn't die.
Barry knew that he had no chance of suicide again anytime soon. They would catch him, and his healing abilities would save him.
But he couldn't stop thinking about what Len had said.
"No one loves you, Barry. Why do you think they let me have free control over your body?
Barry had looked down at him in confusion. "They didn't give you permission to rape me," Barry said desperately. Len smirked up at him. "Yeah, Barry. They did. They say you deserve this. And you really, really do."
That was what had actually broken Barry that day.
And they had admitted it!!!
Caitlin saw the moment that what they were saying hit home. As soon as Wally had said that, Barry got a scary look in his eye.
"Barry?" she asked uncertainly. Had Wally broken him?
Barry couldn't see anything except red. Red as in blood, as in rage, as in the flash. They really had set him up. They didn't care about him.
Wait. Blood.
Not death, blood.
He didn't have to die.
He had never done it before, but it didn't seem that difficult.
"Barry?" Everyone was starting to ask now, seeing as Barry refused to answer.
Suddenly, he looked back at Wally, Cisco, Iris, and Joe with complete fury. Then he hid it, almost like it had never been there.
He knew how to hide his emotions, and that was a terrible thing considering his 'situation'.
Note: This is how angry he was in one 'normal' second.
Little did they know, Barry had been running in Flashtime...
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