Chapter 5
By the time school was over, Aran was drained but hey! At least he got drinks with his best friend later on. Aran walks out of the building as he saw his father waiting for him in his car. Alex catches up with him as he looks at Rei.
"Ah, Rei-man is picking you up?"
"You're corny for that but yes. Looks like it. I mean it's not like he really said anything about picking me up today.."
"..So..no drinks tonight?"
"No, we're drinking still! I'll just see you then okay? Later tonight."
"Ah, gotcha. Well, see you then Ar-Ar."
"...nope, the nickname still doesn't fit. But great attempt though"
"I tried."
Aran chuckles as he nods his head as he runs off to the car as he opens up the door as he sits in shotgun as he looks at Rei. Rei looks at him with a small smile.
"Had a good day at school sport?"
"Mhm. Hey, can I go to Alex's house tonight?"
"After you finish your homework, but why?"
"...To do a school project."
"You're a bad bullshitter. The silence when you were thinking was noticeable. What's the actual reason?"
"Let me guess, you two are planning to have sex?"
"WHAT?! NO! NO NO NO NO! We are NOT having sex"
"...Then what?"
"You're a light weight. Like you could handle much."
"Remember last time?"
"...I...thought you would stop thinking about that.."
"...I..I didn't."
Rei starts to drive off as he then spoke in a softer tone.
"It's hard to forget that."
Aran spoke in a softer tone too, as if the engine in the car was the only one hearing the conversation.
"..I..I wasn't sober when-"
"it's fine...I.."
"..What is it Dad?"
He stays silent as he couldn't find the words to tell his own child. He sighs as he then had felt Aran's hand on his as Rei pulls over to the side for a moment as he looks into Aran's eyes. Aran gave him a soft smile as he leans closer to him, as Rei leans closer to him. They both then started to close the gap between each other as they both gave each other a soft kiss. Rei was about to pull away, realizing what he is doing, but then Aran held onto him, holding onto the kiss as well. Rei's eyes widen, blushing a pure red. Aran would pull away as he looks at Rei with a small smile still.
"Now that was sober.."
"Don't deny it now! You accepted it! But I.."
Aran sighs as he looks down as Rei lifts up his head with a finger as he kisses him deeply, sliding his tongue into his mouth. Aran's eyes widen as he blushes a pure red, holding onto him. Rei holds onto him as he had one thought in his head.
Don't tell her..about this..
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