Part 44
The referee is counting when Seth's song starts playing. I get distracted and Natalya rolls out the way. I huff annoyed pulling Natalya back by her hair, I'm trying to keep fighting but Nikki and Seth are staring at me.
"I think this match is a little boring." Nikki says on a microphone, I watch her and I am suddenly met by a Nattie By Nature. She pins me and wins the match.
I stay in the floor not moving as Natalya's music starts playing. "Oh no, Aj. You lost now." Nikki says as Seth chuckles. I sit up looking straight at them.
"You know maybe you could get a rematch," she continues talking and Natalya looks at her confused. "But what would be the fun in that? We should spice things up a bit don't you think?" She asks Seth who nods his head.
Suddenly I see all the Divas come out. I get up and stare as they all get in the ring. "Let the match begin." Seth says with a chuckle. The bell rings and I start stepping back, it's literally all against me.
"Aww, what's wrong Aj? Is it that you don't have that unstable freak to defend you anymore?" Seth says making a sad face as Nikki laughs.
I try to run out because there's no way I will ever win this but I get pulled back. They all start attacking me as the crowd is booing. "Hold her up." Nikki screams, Alicia holds me up as all the other Divas surround me.
Nikki hands Seth her Championship and walks in the ring. She starts talking crap, slaps me across the face and of course then picks me up, she's about to do the rack attack when Deans music starts playing.
Nikki turns her face and I wiggle my feet making her drop me. I'm trying to get out but one of the Divas holds me back.
I turn to see who it is and of course it had to be Summer Rae. I kick her on the face and roll out the ring trying to tame my now messed up hair. "Stop this, right now!" Dean screams.
"Oh, is it that you can't stop seeing her hurt?" Seth chuckles, Dean steps closer to him and Seth steps back. "I just don't think it's fair that you're making her do all that."
"I don't care what you think, Ambrose." He hisses. Dean looks at the crowd and then at him with a smirk, "I don't care what you think, Ambrose." He says imitating Seth.
He's about to say something when Dean runs to him making him hit head steel steps. Nikki gets out the ring and starts screaming and I take the advantage to grab her by the hair and push her to the pole harshly. She's about to hit back when I kick her on the face.
The Divas are all now getting out the ring and I panic running backstage. When I'm backstage I see that Dean has done a DDT on Seth, his music starts playing and he sticks out his tongue smiling at the crowd.
I'm standing there when I see Punk approach me. He looks mad, I start to walk the opposite way only bumping into Dean.
"You! What part of stay away from her don't you understand?" Punk screams at Dean, "Phillip." I say in a warning voice.
I feel so small being in between them, they're way taller than me. "Well I did what was best, where were you when she was getting beat by all those Divas? Why didn't you come out to defend her huh?"
He's stepping closer to him and I have to hold him back, "Dean no, it's not worth it." I say, "I was about to go and defend her but then you came out. That's none of your business anyways! She doesn't want you Ambrose! Don't you get it!" I feel Dean tense and I give Punk a nasty look. "Shut up! That's not true!" I scream.
"I swear-" Dean says under his breath. "Dean just go please. I don't want you to get in trouble." I whisper, he looks at me then at Punk but finally walks away bumping harshly into him. "That's right walk away coward." Punk says, Dean turns around and I have to push Punk away. "Go!"
"Stop screaming at me! I'm only defending you!" He says, "Defending me? How? You didn't even go out there to defend me!" I say. "I said stop screaming at me!" He leans in closer to me and honestly when he's this mad he scares me.
I step back giving him a look. He huffs annoyed and I walk away. Dean saw the whole thing, he's mad too. Gosh, why do I have to cause so much problems? If only I could go back and never agreed to do this plan.. Maybe things would've been different.
Maybe Dean and I could've met another way.
Maybe we could've been together without no secrets of nothing.
Maybe just maybe.
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