Part 3
As I'm packing my attire I see all the Divas glance at me. I try to ignore it and keep on but its hard because I know they're judging me even though they're not saying nothing at all.
When I'm done packing my stuff and getting changed I walk by them and smile, they simply look at me and then away. I walk outside and try to find a taxi because I'm pretty sure none of this people would ever give me a ride to the hotel. I stand there shivering and then hear some laughter. It's a few shadows walking to the parking lot and I quickly try to go back in the building because I'm too embarrassed that they see me here alone like a loner that I am.
I hide behind a car since the building is too far away and they'll see me. "So are we going out tonight?" A voice says, I peek a little and see Roman, Dean and Seth standing there. Roman said that- I think. "Of course we are." Dean says, I do recognize his voice immediately because I heard him speak while ago. "Alright I'll go. Nicole has to go though." Seth says, "Well duh, she's your girlfriend." Roman says chuckling.
"Since your girlfriend is coming along tell her to invite her sexy friends." I can't really see their faces but something tells me that Dean is smirking right now. "Gosh Dean, you're such a flirt." Seth tells Dean. First of all I really shouldn't be listening to their conversation and second of all I'm about to freeze, so I try to crawl the opposite way. But as I'm crawling I touch a shoe.. Crap. I look up and see a confused Dean. "Oh! Hi! Hello, umm hey guys." I say nervously getting up.
"Hello, Ms. Lee." Seth says with a smile. "Oh no, just call me Aj." I say. "Hey there Aj." Roman says. Dean stays silent and doesn't say a word, I stand there looking at them feeling my face blush. Why am I still standing here like a fool? "Do you need help?" Seth finally asks, "Huh? No. Why?" Roman smiles, "Well you were crawling in the parking lot. I'm not sure why, so we thought you maybe needed something." This time my whole body gets hot of embarrassment. "Oh, yeah. I was just um-" think Aj, think Aj.. My mind is completely blank so I say what comes on my mind first. "My earring! I lost my earring and I was crawling to see if I could find it."
Seth and Roman look at each other smiling. "You're wearing both earrings." Seth tells me. Great, I embarrassed myself, AGAIN! "No not these earrings it was uh some other earring but it's not that important." I try not to make eye contact so they won't see my embarrassed face. I focus on Dean who is silent, he looks at me for a couple seconds then he looks away like he's aggravated that I'm looking at him.
"Ooh, hi baby!" Nikki says kissing Seth's cheek, her smile disappears when she sees me. Paige, Emma, Cameron, Eva and Nattie are with her. "We heard you guys wanted us to come along." Emma says smiling, "Oh yeah you bet we did want yall to come." Dean says with a grin. He must have mood swings cause he looked pretty annoyed while ago and now that the girls came he's all happy. They begin talking and laughing, I start to feel left out so I start to walk away slowly and hoping they won't notice.
"Oh Aj would you like to come with us?" Roman asks, I turn around with a smile. They want me to come along! Well kinda- they all look at Roman like he's nuts. I'm about to say yes when Dean speaks up, "We don't have enough space for another person." I close my mouth swallowing hard and feeling hurt. "Dean!" Seth whispers harshly. The girls look at me- with pity.
"Well I couldn't go anyways, I have some plans. Thank you for asking though!" I say cheerfully and then turn around walking away. My smile fades away as I walk back to the building. I call a taxi and wait for it to arrive. I watch as they get in two different cars and drive away.
The taxi arrives a few minutes later, I tell the driver the hotel address and he starts to drive. Luckily the hotel is really close and I get there soon. After I pay the driver I get off and enter the hotel. Since I didn't ride with the other WWE superstars this time I have my own room for tonight. But when we leave tomorrow I will have to share a room with somebody.
I lay on my bed staring at the ceiling. My phone rings and I pick up right away, "Hey! I'm so glad you called me. It's been a long day and I needed to hear your voice." I hear him laugh, "I needed to hear your voice too. How did it feel to be in the ring again?" He asks, "Felt amazing. Did you see it on tv?" I ask, "You bet I did. You kicked some ass." I smile proudly to myself.
"But anyways, have you started with what I asked you?" He says it quietly like somebody will hear us. "No not yet. I've been looking at options though. I think I know who."
"Who?" I can hear curiosity in his voice. "Roman Reigns." He doesn't say anything for a few seconds and that's how I know that he doesn't approve. "No, I don't think that'll work." He finally says. "Why not? Roman has tons of fans and he's got popularity." Plus he's the only nice one to me, along with Seth but Seth is taken. "Because Roman is too busy in another storyline. But you know who can be a perfect guy?" I bite my lip nervously, "Who?"
"Dean. Dean Ambrose."
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