Violence [ Ares! Kira Hiroto ]
[ Mention of physical abuse. ]
That word didn't sound foreign in your mind anymore. Every time, every day, new blue and purple hues adorned on your skin. You've been reading this thing frequently in your story book and oddly enough, your life was same with the main character. After your mother's death, it was not surprising that your father married with another woman that he probably found in a club.
You didn't like her even at the amount of the size of a coronavirus. Fact couldn't be denied, you despised her a lot and it looks like you are the same in her eyes too.
If your dad aren't home after work, meaning you and her would be alone together. You will be trembling in terror as that's the time when the demon inside her struck. The angel mask that she always put on in front of your dad was thrown in a thrash that she soon will pick it back up when your father returned.
How ugly her mask was with the unpleasant smell of odor oozing out from it at the amount of satisfaction that she had when she let out all her frustration on you.
Your dreary hues couldn't help but hopelessly watching her inching closer to your small 8 years old kneeling figure, holding the leathered belt that belonged to your father with that disgusting smile etched in her lips. You screwed your eyes shut, bearing the upcoming impact.
You snapped out from your train of thought when a familiar voice calling out your name multiple times, turning your head over to your friend.
"Geez, are you even listening to me?"She pouted but you could only smiled in return.
"I'm sorry. "You apologetically mumbled in a low tone, "What were you saying?"
"What I was saying-Ah, forget about it."She groaned and slumped back to her seat with a defeated sigh, knowing you wouldn't listen to her anyway even if she repeated it once again. You could only chuckled at the female, packing your things up.
"I'm sorry, [ girl's name ]. Let's talk about it some other time?"You offered and swung a bag strap over your shoulder when she nodded her head in agreement, sealing the promise by linking her pinky with yours.
You both exchanged a goodbye wave and you walked out from the classroom. Making sure you are far enough, that's when your smile dropped due to the pain of your dislocated shoulder from yesterday event, sucking a deep breath through your teeth and exhaled it through your nose.
"You did a great job at fooling everyone else."A voice behind you halted your action fully, turning your head around to face him and looking deep in his orbs with yours. That's when you felt his arms slowly wrapping themselves around your petite figure in secured, carefully enough to not hurt your already bruises body.
"Well, I'm not denying that they're not geniuses for being oblivious with the obvious fact."He continued, bringing your head to rest against his chest and you didn't make any effort to push him away. This is the only place that you felt safe. In his arms.
"I know I have been saying this multiple times, "He started, hearing his growling underneath his breath and clenching both his fists tightly in resentment. Pulling himself away, he uncurled his fists to hold your hands in his,
"I'll save you from this nightmare."He whispered, something that he always do since the moment he accidentally finding out about your injuries when he visited the infirmary to skip his class like usual and found you there. With bandages wrapped around some part of your limbs.
He demanded to know about it, forcing you vomiting all the informations. And you obeyed, thinking he isn't capable of doing what he has said numerous times.
But eventually, he did keep his promise.
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