The Beast.
Inside The WALKER
"Whatever caused this explosion..."
"It's huge we know now shut up already!"
"The thing is as Chief Engineer I'm not sure we could handle more than one, maybe two tops blasts from that thing. I designed this WALKERS and I know its capabilities better than anyone else..."
"Begin using the searchlight and check everywhere even under that dead..."
The Engineer's eyes widen at the sight of the corpse of the dragon inside of that crater.
"Sir if that blast took out a frigging dragon what are we supposed to do!?"
"Besides the dragon is dead other dragons are going to be only clicks away from us I know we can take them but-"
Just at that moment a group of kids and dragons walks out into the WALKER's view.
"Um Captain we found survivors and they look injured. Do we take them aboard sir?"
"Yes then we head back to the Citadel."
Mires and Os walk up to the mechanical beast taping on its legs and lower body.
"This thing seems to be made of some type of metal but I have never seen it molded into something this complex..."
Os keeps muttering as the next question flies through the air.
"Is it dangerous?"
"Unlikely this thing couldn't stand up to a couple of blasts from us in one place."
Just then a portal opened underneath the body of the metal creature...
An old man walked off of an elevator and walked over to the group with his hands up but still armed.
"Who are you?" the older man asked.
The kids stood silently still looking at the weapons strapped to his hip non threatening but still dangerous.
"Drop the guns and we will talk!" the kid in the front shouted.
"First tell me why you aren't attacking the dragons behind you!"
"Attack them!? They are our friends!"
"WHAT!? Their kind have destroyed countless cities and burned our villages. Why would you befriend them!?"
"They were banished from their homes along with us!"
"Wait a minute..."
"It's them!!"
Another crewman shouts!
"The prophecy Eight!"
"You mean seven."
A flurry of emotion rages across the ground but one thought cut through them all. The dead dragon was one of them...
"Do you mind if we ask how?"
"He died when the earth exploded behind us..."
"Wait you know what the explosion was!?"
"Yes it was our master dying."
Just then another explosion rippled through the air and a thin white beam missed the WALKER by a mere ten feet. The shot manages to hit someone's shoulder and they cry out in pain.
"What was that!?"
"I'm pretty sure that was a rail gun shot..."
"The Reverants must have built one..."
The people on the ground suddenly rush into their machine and the kids get dragged along with the crowd. The WALKER lurches into action as the crew are handed weapons.
"What's going on!?!?"
"We are being attacked."
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