James was aware that he needed to talk to Diana; he was probably simply overanalyzing the situation after observing her and the other guy conversing throughout dinner, but he wasn't going to take any chances because Sirius and Remus had already entered his thoughts and were staying there. He kept thinking about how someone else could have brought Diana to Hogsmeade; he couldn't let that to happen, wouldn't allow it to happen, not if he could avoid it.
Dinner was finished, and Diana was walking out of the Great Hall with the boy, Alwyn, whom she had sat with during the meal. James quickly got out of his seat to catch up with her before she got to her common room. "Diana, hey wait up!" James shouted, trying to catch up with her, pushing past those also trying to get to the common room.
Diana turned her head, whilst still walking with Alwyn, surprised to see that it was James coming after her, especially after his hard behavior with her since getting off the train. "James, what's wrong?" She asked, turning to face him, and he bent down, hands on his knees, panting slightly from rushing towards her.
"I-um, I just wanted to ask if you're free to go to Hogsmeade this weekend, you know, with me and the boys, and Otto, of course Sirius has already invited him along. But I wanted to know if you wanted to come, it wouldn't be the same without you there." He rambled, staring at Diana closely, not looking at the boy, Alwyn, who was standing next to her, looking slightly awkward.
"Oh James, i'm sorry i already said i'd go with Alwyn to Hogsmeade this weekend, thank you for the invitation though, but maybe next time instead." Diana said softly, they weren't official, and she wasn't going to quit everything for James. Besides, she was getting a bit tired of trying to figure out what was going on between them. Sometimes she couldn't seem to read James; he could be so lovely, so romantic, and so concerned. At Christmas, everything was going well; they were almost acting like a couple. He would give her a cuddle when she needed it, talk to the baby, and rub her stomach. Other times, though, he would lose himself in his own world, as if a switch had been flicked, just like on the train. Diana found the pregnancy to be emotionally and physically taxing enough without having to worry about where she stood with James Potter.
James just swallowed the lump that seemed to have formed in his throat, "ah, okay, I see." He turned to look at the boy standing beside Diana, who just smiled slighting, giving him a slight nod.
"I'll take good care of her Potter, bring her back in one piece and full of sweets, I promise." Alwyn chuckled, trying to lighten the tension he began to feel form around both James and Diana.
James gave a slight, fake laugh. "Yeah, okay, well I just thought I'd ask, you normally come with us so I didn't think you'd be going with anyone else." He said, scratching the back of his head, not quite sure what else to say.
"Well someone else asked me first James, and you weren't exactly talking to me after we got off the train if I correctly remember you didn't talk to me all and just walked past me, so I didn't exactly feel welcome by you to come," Diana said quietly, not wanting to start an argument, but instead wanting to let James know how she felt.
Alwyn just stood there awkwardly, watching the two, he put his hand on Diana's arm, to which James just stared, wanting nothing more than to rip the arm off that was touching her. "I think I'm gonna go, not really wanting to get involved in whatever this-" he made circular motions between the pair, "-is, so I shall see you tomorrow around class." He smiled at her, kissing her on the cheek slightly, much to Diana's surprise and to James' anger.
As Alwyn walked off, James was speechless. "So you're going on a date with him then I presume?" He asked Diana, who just rolled her eyes, arms folding over the bump that was formed.
"No James, we are just friends, we have been since first year of school, he's just been really nice to me recently, its been nice to have someone to talk to in my own house." Diana shrugged, and it was true, it wasn't a date.
"You have friends, you have all of the lads and the girls." He said quickly, almost trying to come up with a reason for her not to go to Hogsmeade with the boy. Diana just sighed, she knew what James was doing, "You never answered me, when I said you didn't speak to me after the train journey, would you like to explain to me why that was, because as far as I'm concerned, your emotions have switched up quicker than mine, and from what I've read in the pregnancy books, it's my emotions that are meant to be all over the place, not yours, so I'd quite like an explanation." She said, putting her hands on her hips, waiting for the boys response.
"I-it was nothing, honestly just forget about it. Anyway, about Hogsmeade are you sure you don't want to come with me-"
"James, I am not going with you okay, I'm going with my friend, you can't one minute pretend like I don't exist and the minute not want me to do something with someone else!" Diana told him, rubbing her head. "I don't know what you want from me James, I am not just something you can toss to the side when you feel like it, nor this baby that I'm carrying, i've let you back once, I've been very understanding about your feelings, letting you into mine and the baby's life after you said you couldn't do it. Any other person would have told you to fuck off for what you did, but no, we worked it out, and now again you've decided that you want to ignore me, not just talk to me if something has happened, and then as soon as you feel threatened I'm supposed to drop everything and come running back to you, that is not how this works James, I am not yours that you can just have me run to you anytime you want, we are not in a relationship, you give me these false signals that I just can't keep track of anymore, James. So I'm sorry, no I will not go to Hogsmeade with you until you figure out what it is you really want." Diana breathed, everything she felt just pouring out of her mouth, with James just staring at her not quite knowing what to do with the information she had just given him.
She shook her head, not having anything else to say, turning round and walking to her common room, leaving James standing in the middle of the corridor, alone.
"But all I want is you," he said, but no one heard.
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