JAME'S MOUTH OPENED AND CLOSE MULTIPLE TIMES before anything came out of his mouth. He couldn't quite understand what he had just heard, surely this was all a joke? All just a prank? James, Sirius, Remus and Peter always pranked everyone, Hogwarts was use to it by now, but James couldn't help think that this was just a cruel joke. But Diana wouldn't prank him like this, she would never be so cruel? So surely it had to be true?
"Y-you're joking right?" James stuttered, only just regaining his voice. Diana sighed, knowing from his voice that of the two ways he might have reacted to the knews, the harder route was going to be chosen. Diana had expected it, but now that she had to sit and have the conversation, it seemed to weigh harder on her heart.
Diana swallowed the lump that seemed to have formed in her throat, "I went to see madam pomfrey yesterday, she confirmed it, i'm four weeks pregnant." The young girl looked at the boy opposite her with sympathetic eyes, "James I know that this is a lot to take it, it obviously is me too, but i just want you to know that it's okay. I've spoken to Dumbledore and he said that he can help with all the changes that need to be made, my mum will help with whatever is needed for the baby and the baby will be so loved."
Diana didn't want James to have a negative reaction, so she reassured him that everything would be fine, that it wasn't the end of the world for either of them. They might be friends and raise the baby with assistance and support. But James wasn't mature enough to have a kid; he was a toddler in a man's body, which everyone knew except Diana.
Diana saw the good in everything, even in a circumstance where most females would break down and refuse to have anything to do with having a child. James couldn't help but question if this was due of her heart of gold or just pure naivety. He couldn't be calm; he was screaming in his head, but he remained paralysed next to Diana, wondering what to think.
They both sat in silence, neither sure what or when to say something. James was to one to break the silence, just not in the was Diana would have wished. "I can't have a kid, Diana, this is ridiculous, are you seriously so calm about this that you think we could raise a child. We don't even know each other, we slept together once and now you think we can raise a child?"
"This was an accident, James; all we have to do now is make the most of an unlucky situation. You never know, this could turn out to be a blessing in disguise. I have to be optimistic about this because I don't know what else to do. I've always been raised that having a baby is a blessing, I-i can't help but feel that this baby will be a beautiful blessing." Diana tried to smile, instead the slight excited of having a baby in her eyes was quickly flushed away by the look on the boys face.
"Are you serious, Diana?" Are you that blind to realise how ludicrous this whole thing is? We are not going to suddenly play happy families and fall in love. We don't even know one other, we're not even friends, we slept together once at a party, and now you want us to raise a child together? If you think we should continue the pregnancy at our age, you're clearly naïve." Diana held back tears with her head down as James continued to rant, his feeling becoming clear by the second. "I mean, merlin! What is Lily going to think about this? I've been chasing after her since 1st year and then the moment she begins to warm up to me I get a girl pregnant."
James kept ranting, largely just muttering to himself, while Diana sat there and let him. Diana didn't want them to play 'happy families,' as James had suggested; all she wanted was for the baby to be loved by both parents, but after hearing James' remarks, she realised that would not happen.
In that moment, she saw that informing James wasn't the best decision; she should have kept it to herself and saved herself the anguish of hearing James talk to her; he was correct, they weren't friends, and they won't be from now on. Diana had a kind heart, but hearing James talk the way he did hurt something deep in her heart, and the crush she had before had vanished. He lacked the maturity to deal with something like this, and it showed.
"I can't do this Diana, I can't be this baby's father, this isn't how my life was meant to go, I was meant to leave Hogwarts, marry Lily Evans, become an auror and have kids later on, not at 17."
Diana nodded, standing up and brushing herself off. "That's fine, that's all I needed to hear. I hope that all that happens for you, I really do, good luck in life James Potter." She lent down and kissed the young boys cheek, hoping that one day, James would mature enough that he would realise, but until then, it would just be her and the child. "I'm going to go away for a while, please forget i ever said anything James, we won't be at Hogwarts for much longer and we can forgot any of this ever happened."
As Diana walked away, James Potter couldn't help but stare at the newly pregnant girl in disbelief, he had just told her he didn't want the baby and she wished him well? He knew it wasn't right for him to say what he said, but to say it and recieve no ill words in reply was something that would eat him alive.
He couldn't help but at least feel happy knowing that the child would grow up with a mother who had a heart of gold instead of an immature father who couldn't even take care of himself.
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