(3 months pregnant)
LILY EVANS KNEW SOMETHING WAS WRONG, SHE WASN'T STUPID. For the past 6 years, every single day, she was asked out by James Potter, and each time she had rejected him. But for the past two months, he had barely even noticed her, his attention was somewhere else, on someone else; Diana Marlowe.
Lily didn't quite know what was happening, but for James to be head over heels for her for 6 years and then turn his attention to someone else so quickly was suspicious to her. She couldn't help but be slightly jealous, yes James was annoying in the way he pestered her, but she knew she always had his attention, she knew that he was in love with her, it was a nice feeling. She would give in eventually, once he had finally grown up, but it seemed now she didn't have the chance.
Lily needed to find out more, what happened that all of a sudden Diana Marlowe was the centre of his attention? The red head knew the Marlowe girl, they were friends, not overly close but close enough that they studied together. Diana was a sweet, innocent girl, and Lily was curious as to how James had charmed her, what had happened in the space of two months that not only was James following her around like a lost puppy but also the other marauders. Diana had suddenly become one of them, they let no one near her, overprotective of the girl, but for what reason? They had never taken interest in the girl before, so how were they suddenly all best friends?
Lily couldn't help but feel that it was the most unlikeliest of friendships let alone romantic relationships.
She wanted to find out more, and finding out more would come from one good place; her best friends, Marlene McKinnon and Dorcas Meadows. Both girls knew the boys of the marauders pretty well, Marlene was known for his on and off fling/relationship with Sirius Black, it was very much a love/hate relationship, especially since Marlene knew he had eyes on other girls. Dorcas was friends with Remus Lupin, it was a romantic relationship between the pair of them, they spent a lot of time together studying, both very focused on their studies and results. Lily on the other hand, wasn't a fan of the so called 'marauders', apart from Remus Lupin, she thought they were immature, bullies in fact in the way that they treated Severus Snape, Lily's best friend, but as long as James kept on pestering her for a date, she would have to deal with them.
But, in truth, she hadn't dealt with them in two months, not even getting word from them, and Lily didn't need to know why; she simply wanted to. Walking into the great hall for breakfast, she instantly saw the marauders, with Diana sat next to them. The boys were laughing while the girl sat next to Remus, just smiling, not involved in the conversation but looked happy to be involved, she also seemed to be staring at James while he spoke, almost gazing at him lovingly. Sat further down from them, Lily's friends sat talking to one another, not noticing Lily had walked in.
"Hey guys," Lily said sitting down, still looking at the marauders and Diana. Marlene and Dorcas noticed this and looked over to where she was looking.
"You okay Lily, you seem to be looking over at Potter. I thought you'd be happy to get him off your back now he seems to be infatuated with the Marlowe girl." Dorcas said to Lily, who shrugged, starting to pile some food onto a plate.
"I am, I suppose, I just can't help but think there's something more to it, he sent me letters all summer, asking me out time and time again, he did it when we got back to school, and then nothing, now he's always with Diana, it just doesn't make sense." Lily said, placing her chin in her hand, thinking about it all.
Marlene shrugged, "I can't lie to you Lils, did you really expect him to be rejected time and time again and not finally give up, there's only so much people can take. Maybe he just got bored and being rejected and looked somewhere else."
"I don't know Marls, I thought maybe this year would be different with it being our last year, maybe by the time we left he would have grown up a bit, maybe i would have given him a chance, I don't know." Lily sighed, as Marlene rolled her eyes. Marlene wasn't one to hide the truth, in fact she was brutally honest to the point that maybe it did come across as unkind, but she never did it with bad intention, she was blunt and straightforward, people either loved or hated it, and for Lily it was something she loved about her friend,
"I think that's called leading someone on Lily, you can't just wait for someone to change in order to go out with them. We like people for who they are, not for who they might be." Marlene told her friend, "maybe Marlowe likes Potter for who he is, and well obviously Potter would like Marlowe, it's bloody hard not too, she like a fucking ray of sunshine in human form."
"I think there's more too it than that, I really do, I need to find out."
"If you're jealous Lily, just say that, speak to Potter and finally admit you fancy each other, it's only took seven bloody years." Lily huffed, not liking what Marlene was saying, even though it was possibly true.
"Shut up, Marlene. I am not jealous, just curious."
"Whatever you say, Evans."
Filler chapter! Ik lily and James got together in 7th year but this is AU so that won't be happening.
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