A week later
JAMES KNEW THAT SIRIUS AND REMUS WERE RIGHT, NOT THAT HE WOULD EVER ADMIT THAT TO THEM. He still couldn't bring himself to talk about the the baby, or at least call it a baby, but he knew that if at least Sirius had said it, that he needed to speak to Diana.
It was a whole week since Diana had spoken to James and told him the news. It had took a whole week for him to process him, and for the whole week James had been a shadow of himself, he did no pranks, he barely spoke, and he didn't once ask Lily Evans on a date (which concerned the other marauders the most, as well as fellow Gryffindors).
James moved his breakfast about, unsure what to do; he needed to speak to Diana, but he hadn't seen her, she hadn't come to breakfast, nor was she in class, and James couldn't help but wonder if something had happened to her. Was she alright? Was the baby alright?
"Mr Potter," Professor McGonagall stood infront of him, "I need you to come with me."
James sighed, "Minnie, whatever prank it was it wasn't me, I promise."
"I said follow me, Mr Potter, now." As James got up and began following Professor Mcgonagall, Sirius stood up, ready to follow, the two practically came as a pair. "Sit back down, Mr Black, this doesn't concern you."
Sirius sat back down, practically pouting, wondering how McGonagall somehow had eyes in the back of her head.
"Sit down, Mr Potter, do you want a biscuit?" McGonagall asked, sitting down behind her desk as James sat in front of her.
McGonagall sighed, the professor always had a soft spot for the young marauder boys, they were teenage boys enjoying their time at Hogwarts, and while they made McGonagall turn grey way too soon, they were the epitome of young boys getting the most out of life and the most out of their friendships, and McGonagall couldn't help but hope that the love and fun between the four of them would spread to the rest of the hogwarts students.
"Professor Dumbledore informed me, as your head of house, the situation that you and Miss Marlowe are in." McGonagall told the young boy sat in front of her, James just nodded in reply.
"I can't say this isn't a shock to me, because it certainly is, but I must also say congratuations." A small smile crept onto McGonagall's face, "congratuations?" James asked, no one had said the words to him yet, and James didn't quite know how to respond to it.
"I know this is not the ideal situation, but I must say Diana Marlowe is a wonderful girl, you're very lucky to be with her and have her as the mother of your child, anyone would be lucky."
"Oh we're not in a relationship, professor, it was just a one time thing, that sort of, has now tied us together."
"Maybe that's not such a bad thing, Mr Potter, that young girl would be good for you."
"I don't even know her, professor; the last time I spoke with her, it didn't go well; I told her I didn't want the baby, that I couldn't, and now I feel like the guilt is eating me up. I still don't think I could raise a child, but the things I told her weren't true. She probably needed a hug, someone to tell her everything will be okay, and I did the opposite, telling her I didn't want anything to do with her or the baby. My parents would be so disappointed in me." James didn't want to look McGonagall in the eyes, her opinion was important to to him too, and he didn't want to see the look on her face when he told her he wanted nothing to do with the child.
"Well, Mr Potter, you clearly know you have done something wrong, and if you believe your parents would be disappointed in you, I believe you need to do something to change that." The professor sighed at the young boy sat in front of her, looking at his sad demeanour.
"Mr Potter, may i offer you some advice," James nodded, finally lifting his head to look at his teacher. "Diana Marlowe is one of the most delightful individuals you'll ever meet, and while you've probably not been especially kind to her, she won't turn you down if you attempt to right your wrongs. Yes, give her some time, but your life is not over because you said one wrong thing. I think you can befriend Miss Marlowe, learn to love this child, and be an excellent father because you are a fantastic young man, Mr Potter; you just need to believe it yourself."
Hearing McGonagall say that all James had to do was believe in himself triggered something in his mind. The only person who had all the wrong ideas about this circumstance was James. No one was disappointed in him, no one was angry; it was a situation, and it wasn't so awful as James imagined. It would be difficult, as it is for everyone, but it would be well worth it for James to be able to hold his baby in his arms, give his parents a grandchild, give his friends a godchild, and get to know his child's mother. What is life if not a little risk?
"I need to find Diana, I need to talk to her, I need to say sorry."
"I'm afraid Mr Potter, she is not at Hogwarts, she has gone back home, she had decided that is what is best for her at the moment. She will be back, we are just unsure as to when." McGonagall informed her student, who just started at her with wide eyes.
"S-she can't have gone, she's carrying my baby, I-i need to know she's okay, that the baby's okay, I need to apologise." James stuttered, as McGonagall shrugged.
"Then I suggest you find a way to get her back Mr Potter."
This is more of a filler chapter but comment what you think!🩰💓🎀
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