CHRISTMAS HAD COME ROUND QUICK, QUICKER THAN DIANA HAD EXPECTED, ESPECIALLY SINCE THE INCIDENT. Diana had awoken in a hospital bed, pain coursing through her body, and the last thing she recalled was flying backwards and striking the ground as Lestrange cast the spell on her. When she awoke, the hospital wing was empty except for the chair next to Diana's bed, where James Potter was curled up, sleeping. Flowers, chocolates, and cards had been set up on the table at the end of her bed; she didn't know how long she had been asleep, but it had been long enough that people had been in to bring her presents that she hadn't awoken to thank them for.
When she awoke, she looked at the sleeping sight of James, wondering how long he had been there, why had she stayed here with her? Was the baby okay? Was he there because something bad had happened? Diana had started to panic, not quite understanding what had happened or how long she had been asleep.
Sitting up, Diana had been made aware that she had had her back damaged by the impact due to the shooting of pain, making her groan in uncomfort, making James slightly wake up, making him look round to see what was happening. When seeing Diana had awoken, James saw she was in pain and panicked not understanding what had happened. James had began apoloising to Diana, saying sorry that he hadn't been there to protect Diana, that it was his fault that she had been asleep for two days, it was his fault that she would be to be on bed rest and be care until their baby was okay again. But Diana never once believed it was his fault in the whole time, if anything it was Severus Snape and the rest of his Slytherin cronies that deserved to be blamed, James was in class, where he was meant to be, he couldn't always be the hero he wanted to be, and that was okay.
Diana calmed him, and while James still felt guilty for not being able to protect Diana and his baby, he said nothing more to Diana about it, not wanting her to be uncomfortable talking about it. The next day, Diana was released from the hospital wing, and the first thing she saw as she exited the infirmary was Sirius and Otto racing up to her, fighting about who got to hug her first. Diana and Sirius had almost a brother and sister relationship, both sarcastic and making fun of each other, but ultimately, Sirius had grown overly fond of Diana, feeling dread when hearing what had happened, feeling the same as James and knowing they all should have been there, but also wanting to murder Snape at the same time.
Diana had told the boys that Snape wasn't worth it, and obviously they had just nodded along, not telling her about the pranks they had already planted on him, not any that would harm him, just ones enough to embarass him the way in which he had tried to humiliate Diana.
Otto nearly burst into tears as he saw his sister emerge from the hospital wing; she knelt down to him, hugging him and assuring him that she and the baby were well. James had placed a soothing hand on Otto's shoulder. James was the one who had to inform Otto and Diana's mother, Amelia, that Diana had been injured. Amelia had been distressed, but she believed her daughter and the baby would be strong and come through it without harm. Dumbledore had permitted her mother to visit her in the hospital wing while she was sleeping, but Diana's mother worked frequently, leaving Diana to care for Otto while she wasn't at home. Amelia was the only one making money as a widow, and the Marlowes were not well off, so every minute was valuable to her to know that she was working to put food in her children's mouths and a roof over their heads.
It was the first time James had met Diana's mother, and he realised exactly where Diana had gotten her kindess from. The moment he had met her, she didn't even think about herself, only wanted to know how James was, if he was okay, saying she understood the whole pregnancy situation would have been hard on him, but she was proud of him for looking after Diana when she needed him and thanked him.
James hadn't known what to say in reply, he hugged her, it was the only thing he could think of doing, and she had welcomed it. "You're good for her, and you'll be good for that baby."
Amelia had known about James wanting herslef, Diana and Otto to join the Potter's for christmas, orginally they would all go and spend it all together. But Amelia explained to James that she had to work a lot over the christmas period, and with Diana being in the situation where she needed to be cared for and make sure nothing happened to her or the baby, Amelia had asked James if it was better for both Diana and Otto to stay over for the full christmas period, to which James had of course said yes, he wanted nothing more to spend time with both Diana and Otto, he had already gotten their christmas gifts and his parents would be more than excited knowing there would be more people in the house to celebrate christmas.
Telling Diana, she understood, and was also excited, but also missed her mother. She knew motherhood was hard enough, but raising two children being a widow was even harder, and so she never complained about her mother having to work. Diana had practically raised Otto when her mother was away, it wasn't her mothers fault, it wasn't anyones, it was just life, and sometimes life threw people challeneges, and this was one of them which they would tackle together. Diana couldn't also help but feel excited, it was her first christmas pregnant, her first christmas celebrating with James and his friends, and it was also a christmas in which she knew Otto would enjoy being surrounded by people he utterly adored.
Diana knew that that things were only looking up from here, for everyone. A family was forming right in front of her eyes, she just didn't know it yet.
The way back from Hogwarts, the train was bussling with excitement about the christmas holidays. It was Diana, James, Sirius and Otto all going to the Potter household, with Remus and Peter each going back to their own homes to celebrate with their families.
Sirius and Otto played cards all train journey, fighting like siblings, accusing each other of cheating when really, they were both just rubbish at the game, with James, Diana and Remus all rolling their eyes, smiling at the pair getting along so well.
Diana sat rubbing her stomach, her bump seemed to be getting bigger everyday, and now with Snape exposing it, there seemed no more point in hiding it, even if there were whispered, many people shut up with the sight of the marauder boys glaring at them. James watched her closely, making sure she was okay, Diana could feel the eyes on her the whole journey, occasionally turning to smile at him, making sure he knew she was okay.
Remus looked between the two soon-to-be parents as he sat opposite them for the train journey, he knew they liked each other, they wouldn't admit it to themselves, but he could see the way they looked at each other.
They would figure it out by themselves, even if it took a while.
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