JAMES POTTER WAS NOT ONE TO THINK TOO MUCH INTO THINGS, in fact many would say none of the marauders had one brain cell between them. But James could not get out of his mind them two words that Diana Marlowe has spoken to him outside in the courtyard.
'i'm pregnant' James had always imagined hearing those words after Hogwarts, ideally with Lily Evans, the girl he had been longing for for the last six years. She still rejected him, but not as maliciously; she had become softer when speaking to him; he was finally making her laugh; she wouldn't tell him to get lost every time he came close to her; and he couldn't help but feel that she would fall for his charm and he would treat her better than any other man would.
Now there was a baby; and it wasn't with Lily Evans, it was with a girl he barely even knew.
Sitting in his dorm room that he shared with his best friends; Sirius Black, Remus Lupin and Peter Pettigrew. They were brothers, they did everything together, they told each other everything, in someways they were each others soul mates, and now he had to tell them about what had just occurred, he couldn't keep a secret from them, especially not one as big as this.
"But what is the point in a flying motorbike, why not just get a broomstick if you're not going to ride the motorbike the muggle bike? You're just going to be flying a broomstick with wheels?" Remus and Sirius were having a conversation as they came into the dorm, not yet noticing James sat on the bed with his head in his hands.
"You have to ruin things Rem, just let me look cool!" Sirius rolled him eyes, not wanting to justify having a flying motorbike in the future.
"James, are you okay?" Peter Pettigrew asked, stopping eating his snack as he saw James sat on his bed, unlike Sirius and Remus who were still arguing.
"Prongs, what's up, did Evans reject you again? Listen mate she'll come through soon enough, who wouldn't want a piece of you?" Sirius smiled at his friend, not knowing the situation the young potter boy was in.
"she's pregnant," James muttered, head still in his hands. Sirius's eyes widened as he looked at the two other boys, 'what?' he mouthed as Peter shrugged.
"you shagged Evans? And you didn't tell us! I'm hurt James honestly, and now you got her pregnant? I mean i'm impressed you always wanted the girl, then you shag her and now you're having a baby together, even i don't move that fast-" James cut Sirius' rant short as he looked at his, redness forming around his eyes from where he had been crying, not that he would admit to doing so.
"Not with Lily, with Diana Marlowe." James told them,
"You slept with the most beautiful girl in Hogwarts and I didn't know! It's like I don't even know you anymore James Potter!" Sirius yelled, rather over dramtically.
"Sirius! Shut up for one minute, Merlin!" Remus exclaimed, as Sirius sat back down next to James, looking apologetic to his friend.
Remus rubbed his head and Peter sat on his own bed, munching nervously on his snack. "When did this happen James, and are you certain? A baby is a rather serious thing, you need to make sure she's positive she's pregnant." He told the other boy, as James sighed.
"It happened at the party a month ago, I was a bit drunk, I don't know if she was, but she's beautiful, you know, Lily clearly isn't interested in me and i've always thought Diana was beautiful. I just started talking to her, one thing led to another and we had sex. I didn't think this would be the outcome, we hadn't even spoke since, I went back to trying to get Lily to go on a date with me, i just believed it was a one time thing. She said she went to madam Pomfrey and she confirmed it."
None of the boys knew how to respond, it was confirmed Diana was pregnant, what do you say to a father to be at 17 years old? Congratulations? Sorry? There were no words that could come out of their mouths that James would have wanted to hear at that very moment.
"Is it wrong for me to say that one good thing about this is we can literally train the baby to become a next generation marauder? A baby prongs!" Sirius said, with a smile spread across his face. "I call dibs on godfather, by the way, before either of you try." He said, pointing at Remus and Peter, recieving glares in return.
Before Remus could open his mouth to tell Sirius how much of a prat he was, James spoke. "I told her I couldn't do it, I didn't want the baby, how can I? I can barely look after myself, let alone a child."
"You're joking right? James i thought you were a prat before this but now I know you're an even bigger one." Remus rolled his eyes, shaking his head. "That girl has just found out she's pregnant, probably scared shitless being pregnant from a one night stand and now you've turned around and told her you want nothing to do with her or the baby? How thick can you possibly be?" He said, raising his voice, Remus adored James, but he knew he was better than this, that he had been raised better. Remus knew James' parents struggled to conceive him, and to them, James was the ultimate blessing; his mother adored children, and both his mother and father adored James and raised him so well that Remus thought he would take responsibility for his actions, and while James' parents weren't here, Remus would be the one to give him a reality check and get him to man up and take responsibility, even if it meant being harsh on him.
"I can't do it Moony, i'm sorry." James said, as it was now Sirius turned to his best friend, putting his arm around him. "Moony is right y'know Prongs, you need to be there for her, you might think that the world is crashing down on you right now but what about her? You need to take her feelings into consideration too. We're all here for you James', so will mum and dad, we can get through this together, and soon enough, we will have a mini Prongs for us all to love and adore, things will be alright in the end, but you need to speak to her, and be there for here."
"I think that's the least stupid thing I think i've ever heard you say padfoot," Remus said to him, smiling, secretly proud of what Sirius had said to James.
"Fuck off, Moony"
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