Chapter 24
There was a knock on the door and Ariel jumped.
"Are you going to be long?" Kestral's voice filtered through.
Getting up, she opened the door, feeling like an idiot. I ran into a bathroom like some sort of Scarlett O'Hara drama queen, she thought. I'm a freaking moron.
Kestral's expression soured when she saw who it was. "Oh, it's just you."
"Sorry." Ariel stepped by her. "All yours."
Lucas' voice was in her head, telling her about Kestral not having a cure. Not thinking, she grabbed the door before Kestral could close it.
"Do you mind?" She snapped. "I prefer to not have an audience for this."
Ariel let go of the door. "Look, I just wanted to say sorry."
Kestral's eyes narrowed. "About what?"
"About the other week; barging in on your appointment and seeing..." she trailed off. "I didn't mean to, I was just worried about Ben. I know you don't like me, but I wanted to apologise anyway."
"Fine," Kestral muttered. "Whatever makes you feel better."
"Are you going to the movie tonight?" Ariel chose to ignore her snarky remarks. Her mind was still filled with confusion.
"No, I don't want to. I'm not interested in movies, especially if Michael's going."
"Michael?" Ariel pressed. "I thought you guys were friends?"
"I'm not his friend," she scoffed. "I'm only nice to him so he'll drive me into town. Anything to get away from this snoozefest."
"Then why the sudden change of heart?" Ariel argued. She wasn't surprised that Kestral was using him. Nothing she did surprised her anymore. Her bluntness was something she'd gotten accustomed to.
"Because, I know what he's like when he's not here. You're all morons if you think he's as nice as he lets on." She sneered. "All that 'bella' crap he's always spouting, he's full of shit."
"What so you're endearment threshold has been reached and you can't be around him anymore? Ariel asked sarcastically.
Leaning on the doorframe, Kestral folded her arms across her chest. "I can put up with that bullshit, but after that guy got his throat ripped out, I'm not going into town with Michael again."
"What?" Ariel asked, exasperated.
Kestral rolled her eyes. "Gods you're slow. You really think he goes into town just to check if his fiancé has written him a letter? Who writes letters in this day and age, seriously? He's always on the phone, especially more in the last few weeks. Always in Italian, talking about getting a job done and then all of a sudden an Italian 'tourist' is murdered?"
"How do you know what he was saying?"
"Because my high school Italian teacher knew how to do her job." She replied impatiently. "Now do you mind? I came in here for a reason?"
Not waiting for an answer, she slammed the door in her face.
Ariel had never felt so uncomfortable in her life. They were driving into town, Michael at the wheel with Autumn sitting next to him. She turned to look at the three passengers in the back seat, excitement oozing with every look – it was the one thing keeping Ariel's mouth shut.
Emily had pulled out all the rain gear she owned for the night; big red wellingtons that squeaked whenever they rubbed together. A big purple knee length raincoat was hiding a smaller beige one beneath, and her gloved fingers gripped the coat tightly, tugging it down every minute. The most ridiculous orange beanie was on her head, and nothing Ariel had said would make her wear something else. Ariel was happy to see her grow a backbone about something, but she wished it were for something other than that disgusting beanie.
Lucas sat in the middle, their very own radiator for the cold night ahead. When Autumn had mentioned an enchanted car, Ariel had expected a Harry Potter, can easily fit six people in the back seat, enchanted car. Instead, the backseat could maybe fit four normal sized people, but with Lucas' size it felt like they had all been squished into a mini.
His shoulders were hunched, trying and failing to be as small as possible. Every time they passed another car, Ariel would feel him sink lower into the seat, worried they might see through the magicked glass in the dark and see him.
Ariel pressed herself into the door, telling herself it was so she could give Lucas more room. In truth, she was the one who needed the room. Their weird moment from earlier that day was still fresh in her mind and every time she tried to not think about it, she found herself thinking about it. Not even the strange conversation with Kestral, or the topic of that conversation sitting in front of her could distract her.
Years of trashy novels and cheesy romance movies had all taught her what the skipping of a heartbeat signified. Trying to convince herself it was nothing was proving fruitless. The Pandora's box had been opened and there was no escaping the absurd realization that she liked the hunched up fluff ball next to her.
The car hit a pothole and she fell against Lucas. Her scar contracted and she quickly retreated. Lucas had not been blind to her withdrawal over the course of the day. She knew he thought it was his fault, that he'd hurt her somehow. She knew she should explain and tell him it wasn't his fault – but then it sort of was, and the more she tried to wrap her around it, the more her frustration grew.
Bilbury was lit like an enchanted Christmas fairytale. Fairy lights adorned the houses and trees, a few muddy snowmen visible in the front yards. Old scarves were wrapped around their necks, though one head had been dismembered with the scarf more of a noose than a cute accessory. A couple were walking along the main street, fingers entwined and Ariel watched them in a daze, an image of holding Lucas' hand forcing its way into being and she squashed it down.
Get a grip on yourself you idiot!
Resting her head on the cool glass, she tried to think about why she liked him since ignoring it was only giving her a headache. Being secluded at Sherwood, her choice in guys was slim to none, and she still felt like she couldn't trust most of them. Samson was like a weird eccentric uncle who spoke another language. The Doc and Zeke were always testing her, or in Zeke's case, freaking her out.
Then there was Lucas and Oscar. Lucas' temperament was similar to her own; but he had always been honest, and since her Grandpa had passed, he'd been there for her the most.
She still didn't know what to think of him. She thought he was cute for sure, but only seeing him once a month wasn't enough to build up any foundation of trust or friendship.
They pulled into the movie theatre, driving slowly between the already parked cars to an empty spot in the center. Ariel finally settled on the reason that she was deprived of decent guys, and since Lucas was always around, the attachment had naturally formed.
It's nothing, she assured herself. He's just a friend, nothing more.
Music drifted through the air with the incessant chatter of the crowd surrounding them. Two children ran by Ariel's window and Lucas tensed, making Emily jump. A feeling of pride settled in her soul as she realized her fear of strangers attacking or judging her was nearly extinct. She still felt a bit uneasy being in a sea of average people who had no idea of the oddities sitting in their car, but she wasn't afraid they were going to steal her heart. That had to count as a win.
Tension was rolling off Lucas in waves, doing nothing to calm Emily's nerves. She stared fretfully out the window at a middle-aged woman leaning on the car next to them. She pressed into Lucas as though the woman was going to suddenly produce a water gun and smash down the window to start a water war.
The only ones not worried were Michael and Autumn. She was leaning forward, watching the passersby with avid interest, and trying to catch snippets of conversation as they walked by. Ariel had forced everyone to do this for Autumn, and she tried to remind herself of that.
Someone hit the boot of the car and Ariel shot up, hitting her head on the roof. "Son of a biscuit!"
Lucas snorted, smirking in her direction and she elbowed him in the ribs. A shock went up her arm and she bit her lip, refusing to let him know it was painful. Michael twisted around to face them.
"I'm going to get the speakers and grab some food. Anyone want to come?" A chorus of refusals rose to meet him and he grinned. "I thought as much. Don't run away, I'll be back soon."
In a flash he was gone and Ariel could see Emily's fingers twitching as she gazed at his door. Ariel kind of wanted her to lock it, just so Michael couldn't get back in.
Autumn turned around, eyes shining. "Isn't this fantastic? I love the nostalgia of a drive in. It's so romantic –"
"No it's not!" Ariel retorted, edging away from Lucas.
"Of course it is!" She protested. "Sitting in the car under a starry sky next to someone you like – you can laugh and talk and hold hands..."
Ariel's hand twitched again and she folded it into her armpit. "Nope. I don't see it. Where's Michael with the food?"
"I know it's been forever," Emily fretted. "Can we lock his door until he comes back?"
"Why?" Autumn asked. "Mine isn't locked."
"It isn't?" Emily cried. Her eyes widened and she tried to cover it up. "Oh, of course, okay – I mean it was just a suggestion –"
Reaching over Lucas, Ariel grabbed her knee. "Breathe Emily. Everything's fine."
She nodded, taking large shaking breaths. Silence fell and Autumn turned back to the front. "I'm sorry I dragged you all out here tonight. It'll be better when the movie starts, I promise."
They tried to reassure her they were fine, but Ariel was the only one who sounded positive. Lucas was using monosyllable grunts to communicate and Emily's voice had reached a new pitch as she tried to contain all her crazy.
The others didn't know why this was so important to Autumn, but they knew better than to question it. It if was important to one of them, it was important to everyone. Michael finally returned, as the movie was about to start. Popcorn was passed around and he set up the two wireless speakers on the dashboard.
Ariel smirked – not exactly nostalgia.
The music blared to life and they all tried to get comfortable as the movie started. It wasn't the sort of movie Ariel would've gone to see. Christmass movies weren't her thing. There was only so much corn and cheese she could tolerate in family friendly movies and Christmas movies always intensified the sappy sweet moments leaving her in a foul mood.
She glanced over at the others. Autumn and Michael were engrossed by the screen, munching on popcorn. Emily had relaxed a little bit, but occasionally someone would walk past the car and she would start. Lucas had his eyes closed, head tilted back. Sleeping seemed impossible, but she knew he was still awake; his body was tense. Following his lead, she closed her eyes as some actor dressed as a too cheery Santa appeared on screen. Pretending would be easier to deal with than watching it.
Breathing deeply, she let the sound of the movie and passersby swirl into white noise, and she drifted into a light doze. A cocoon of warmth washed over her, making it easier to slip deeper into sleep. A strange grumbling permeated her brain and her eyes opened blearily in protest.
The world was on a slight tilt. The movie was only halfway done and she let her eyelids fall back down. The grumbling started again and she tried to ignore it, her head shifting against something warm and furry.
Warm and furry?
She came awake in an instant, moving away from Lucas, cheeks flushed. She'd drifted off and fallen against him, like an idiot. Too busy cursing her foolishness, she didn't stop moving and hit her head on the window.
All eyes turned her way and she rubbed her head. "Sorry, bad dream," she muttered.
Lucas' stomach rumbled once more and desperate for a reason to get some fresh air and clear her head, Ariel offered to get some more food.
"I can get it if you want," Michael offered.
"No, it's fine," she hurried, not wanting to be alone with him. "Stay and watch the movie, I won't be long."
Before they could argue anymore, she climbed out, clamming the door, and started walking to the food truck.
Everything was peaceful outside. Everyone was in their vehicles, keeping warm. Ariel wrapped her arms around her chest, jumping lightly through the mud and snow to keep warm. A few children were playing in the last of the snow near the base of the screen, and a woman yelled across a row of cars, telling them to get back inside. A few men spotted the edges of the drive-in, close to the food truck as they quickly appeased their nicotine addictions before heading back to their friends and family.
Opting for something more substantial than popcorn, Ariel got as many hot dogs as she could carry. Stopping near a lone smoker, she adjusted the hot dogs to reposition her bag so it was more secure, when a hand covered her mouth.
A muffled shriek passed her lips, but it was too soft for anyone to hear. Hot dogs fell around her feet as she fought to break free.
"Get it, no trace, leave no trace..."
The familiar voice stunned her for a second. The second was all Zeke needed to drag her further into the shadows. He continued muttering, his voice ragged in her ear as he used everything he had to keep a hold of her.
Ariel scratched at his face, kicking his shins desperately, but he didn't seem to notice. His foot swept her legs and her feet were airborne as he forced her onto the cold hard ground.
Terror cut out all logical thought. Adrenaline flooded her limbs and she pushed harder, screaming into his hand. Cold seeped through her pants and her feet slipped in the mud. From the corner of her eye, she saw his hand going for her handbag.
She threw her bag, but it didn't get far. Her scar threatened to rip open as he kept reaching for it and she punched his arm repeatedly.
"Get it!" He said angrily, and his hand left her mouth and wrapped around her throat, squeezing hard.
With no air to scream, Ariel frantically clawed at his hands as they pressed harder. It was no use; he was too strong and the fight was leaving her as the world started to dim. Her lungs were screaming for oxygen and she continued fighting, desperate to keep fighting until the end.
Something hard connected with them both and Zeke's hands were wrenched free.
Ariel rolled to her side as his weight vanished and gasped for air. Her throat burned and she coughed harshly, inhaling the cold night air. The world swam back into focus and she saw her savior.
Michael had Zeke pinned, pressing his head into the dirt. His expression was murderous and his eyes turned her way once before looking back at Zeke.
"No!" Zeke cried. "I have to get it – must leave no trace. I have to get it!"
"Shut up, Zeke!" Michael's fist connected with Zeke's temple and his eyes closed as his body stopped moving.
"Michael," Ariel rasped. "T-thank you."
The Italian didn't hear her. He continued to stare down at Zeke, an awful glint in his eyes that made Ariel's stomach churn. The sensation intensified when she realized that the glint was getting brighter, and turning red. His breathing grew heavier and Ariel tried to sit up.
"Michael," her voice hurt and she rubbed her throat. Her body was shaking; she didn't know if it was the cold or after effects of adrenaline causing it.
His head snapped towards her, abnormally fast and she froze in fear. Everyone's warnings about Michael returned and she tried not to freak out.
"Michael, you need to calm down. It's okay... I'm fine." She was far from fine, but she'd be further away from it if he went crazy. His eyes bore into her own; swirling with anger and she felt tears sting her own. "Please, Michael..."
It felt like a lifetime, but slowly, his eyes lowered to the ground. His breathing began to return to normal and his eyes closed, fighting some inner demon for control. Her trembling intensified as relief eased the tension in her limbs, but she kept still, waiting until he finally looked back up, his eyes their normal colour.
"Are you hurt?" He asked, heavily.
She shook her head, lying in case he got angry again.
"Did he do anything to you?" He pressed.
Again, she shook her head, knowing what he meant. "I-I think he just wanted my heart."
Michael's gaze went over her shoulder and he stood up. Walking stiffly, he grabbed her bag and placed it in her hands. Pressing it to her chest, she closed her eyes for a brief moment, wondering how it had only been a couple of hours before when she had thought she didn't have to be worried about this sort of thing anymore.
Looking back at Zeke, body, she whispered, "What do we do?"
Helping her to her feet, Michael wrapped an arm around her shoulder as her legs buckled.
"We get the car, and head home. After that, I don't know but we'll figure it out, bella."
Apologies for the lateness of my updates. Been on break for 2 weeks and looking after my mum who had surgery. But finally getting time to write again so yay!
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