I stared at Maeve's back, my thoughts were a jumble and a mess in my head as we walked down corridors.
It appeared that Maeve was keeping Aelin in some kind of dungeon.
'How?' my voice was barely more than a croak, I tried again. 'How- how did you know about my sisters, how did you know that I even have sisters?' Maeve did not stop as she turned to face me, her movements like liquid darkness- not the kind that I had come to cherish. 'When I make deals, I make it my business to know everything about my potential allies,' We turned another corner and began descending into the lowest levels of the castle. 'And my deal and alignment with your king included you in the bargain,' she purred, 'I made it my business to know your strengths,' her eyes flickered over my body, 'and your weaknesses.'
I couldn't respond, didn't know how to move my mouth, how to form words. If she knew of my sisters, then she would know of Rhys and the inner circle. I felt my heart speed up, I could hear the blood pounding in my ears-
'Now, now,' Maeve said, her voice gentle and smooth, 'don't fret for your kin, I have no intention of harming them, provided you do exactly what I ask.'
We continued in silence until we reach an iron door at the end of a dark and damp passageway. With my fae hearing, I heard a muffled thump, like a punch, and a sharp cry of pain.
We passed barred door after door before we reach the end of the long chamber, I could still hear the muffled thumps. It was then that I smelt it, the coppery tang of blood.
Maeve waved a pale white hand and the door swung open to reveal a sparsely lit room- no, cell- and two figures. One stood with their arms suspended above their head, with chains wrapped around each wrist, the other stood mere feet away rubbing a clenched fist.
As we moved into the room my senses were flooded with the scent of blood. And beneath the scent of blood, I detected boiling rage from the figures- who I had since figured out to be Aelin and Cairn.
Maeve strode towards Aelin, seemingly unaware of the blood-spattered floor as she gripped Aelins face between her bone white fingers.
'Now, Aelin, you and Feyre are going to have a little conversation,' Maeve said, her fingers squeezing Aelin jaw. 'And you will tell me what I need to know,' A vipers smile spread across Maeve's lips and I shuddered, I didn't what to have to invade her mind, but to keep my family safe I would have to. 'For every lie, you tell, every deception, I will kill an innocent.' Aelins eyes were blazing, but she didn't say anything, she didn't even flinch, I, on the other hand, felt sick to my stomach.
'Come, Cairn,' Maeve spoke his name as if she was ordering tea from a kitchen, it was sickening. I could see the ally that Hybern saw in her, she was ruthless. And I tried to school my features into neutrality as she breezed out of the room, Cairn on her heels, But I could not hide the disgust that played on my features.
I didn't move, it could have been hours or seconds, but I could not make my feet move, I could look Aelin in the eye.
'Let's get this over with,' A croaking coarse voice said, I turned to see Aelin, face pale and bruised. Indeed, it was better to get this over with than to draw out the torture or to test the sincerity of Maeve's threats.
So I took a deep breath and began my work.
Hope you enjoyed the chapter (Im not really happy with it)
Until next time ( sorry for how irregularly I update) :D
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