Rise of Witch Princess💮
The fruit trees move back and forth because of the wind. Each trees have different fruits that is ready to be picked. A hand grab the apple until it been put into the basket. A girl with long purple and pink hair is picking the each fruits to sell until she hear a soft 'mew'. A girl turn around to reveal her full appearance.
"Hello to you too, Mew" said Amy.
Mew giggles as they grab the apple until they take a bite of it.
"You know Mew, sometimes people have to find a way to get money to survive" said Amy.
Mew nodded in agreement as the two walk/float towards the house.
"Thanks to you and the others that can make the fruits and veggies healthier" said Amy.
Mew smiles happily until the two got into the house. Amy put the basket of apples on the table as she look the other fruit and vegetables that also on the table.
"Perfect" said Amy.
Amy grab one of the books from her library as she turn the some pages until she found what she's looking for.
"Pumpkin soup, that will be good" said Amy.
Amy grab some of the tools to make pumpkin soup.
"Ok, I need Pumpkin, check, garlic clove, check, chicken stock, also check" said Amy.
Amy grab the pumpkin and put it on the table.
"First, cut the pumpkin into squares then pile the skin off of it" said Amy.
She chop up the pumpkin into pieces then pile it off. She grab the garlic and garlic clove.
"Chop up the onion and garlic clove then put it in the pot with vegetable oil in it while it's heats up" said Amy.
Amy cooks both onion and garlic until they are ready. Amy put the pumpkin pieces into the pot.
"Pure the water into the pot with chicken stock in it, nearly cover the pumpkins until it softens, mix around few times with a long wooden spoon" said Amy.
While Amy is waiting, she saw a ribbon is waving in front of her as she turn around to see the fairy type; Sylveon.
"Hello to you too" said Amy.
Sylveon smiles as she grab the bowls from the cupboard for her, Amy and the other Pokémons. Amy take the lid off of the pot as she stab the pumpkin to feel if it's soft enough.
"When it's soft and let it cool, blend with a stick blender" said Amy.
Amy blend it with a stick blender as she pour the bowls with a spoon.
"It's ready" said Amy.
Mew drools while they smell the sent of the pumpkin soup.
"Hold your drooling Mew" said Amy with a smile.
Amy grab the bell then she ring it before she got outside. The eyes in the hidden of the nature from the humans. The creatures came out of their hidden to reveal that they are really Pokémons.
"Here you go everyone" said Amy.
The Pokémons take their pumpkin soup as they sit their spot to eat. Amy smiles all of them until she saw legendary Pokémon; Mewtwo.
"Hello Mewtwo" said Amy. "💭Hello to you too, when I've flying around, I found this💭" said Mewtwo.
Mewtwo brings out the crystal/gem right in front of her. Amy look at the crystal confused as she take the crystal/gem from Mewtwo.
"I'll go look at the books to find out what kind of crystal or gem it is" said Amy as she went into her home.
Sylveon lick her bowl of the soup until her ear flick from the sound of the branch been snapped. Sylveon rise up from her bowl as she look around, suspiciously knowing something is wrong. Sylveon call out to Mew and MewTwo, getting their attention.
"What is it?" asked MewTwo.
Sylveon points at the sound coming from as MewTwo looks. MewTwo felt something is wrong.
"💭Sylveon, go to the others💭" said MewTwo.
Sylveon went to the others as Mewtwo unleashed their power.
The book went on the other book.
And another.
"AND NO!! There's nothing anything like it of that crystal or gem in those books!" said Amy.
Amy look at the crystal/gem then she grab it.
"Just what are you?" asked Amy.
Amy look at the crystal/gem, getting into the zone. The crystal/gem shines as Amy's pupil of her eye getting fad away. Amy got snap out of it when she hears a cry of pain as her eyes got back to normal.
"What now" said Amy.
Amy put the crystal/gem into their pocket as she went outside.
"Alright, who got hurt?" asked Amy.
Amy's eyes went wide in shock/terror for what she saw. A man, covered in blue, is holding Mewtwo's neck.
"Hey! Let them go!" said Amy.
Amy runs towards Blue then she jump and about to kick his head. Blue dodge her attack before he let go Mewtwo's neck. Amy landed on the ground as she checked on Mewtwo.
"Are you ok?!" asked Amy. "💭Amy be careful, that man is not normal💭" said Mewtwo.
Amy look at Blue with worry. Amy got up and doing the kung-fu pose.
"I don't know who you are, you better stay away from my family" said Amy.
Blue giggling creepily then titled his head. Amy shivers about the creepiness.
"Ok, this creep show is gotta go" said Amy.
Amy zoom toward him, pick up the branch then hit him on his head, but branch snap in half as Blue seems didn't have a effect on it. Amy's eyes wide in shock, knowing people should feel pain when they been hit.
"You're not human" said Amy.
Sylveon jump in front of Amy and use Moonblast at Blue. Blue gets down from the attack as the attack pose the hood to reveal his face.
Amy is shock for what he is.
"What are you?" asked Amy.
Blue punch Amy's chest as she was sent flying towards the boulder until she slam onto it as the dust went everywhere. Sylveon gasp in shock as Mewtwo eye's wide in shock.
"💭What kind of human is he?!💭" asked Mewtwo.
The dust cleared as Amy rise up from it.
"Ouch! That hurt!" said Amy.
Amy shook her head until she looked at his blood red eyes. Amy's mind had been click when she started to remember.
Young Amy is hiding in the closet while she watched her parents get killed by red eye man.
Amy having a serious look on her face.
"💭He must be with that man from my past, the one who killed my parents💭" thought Amy.
🔮👩; "Do you get it know?"
Amy groans in pain as she put her hands on her head.
🔮👩; "The man that you after shows no mercy"
🔮👩; "He kills families, friends, even children"
Amy screams in pain while she listens.
🔮👩; "All you have to do is to stop him for killing more people"
🔮👩; "Do you hear my call?"
"Yes" said Amy.
🔮👩; "Good, I am Bloom, also known as Witch Queen, the Good Witch, and you are the Witch Princess, unless your power"
"Right!" said Amy.
Amy's body suddenly glows, surrounding her. Blue covered eyes until he sees his skin is burning. The crystal/gem, that came out of Amy's pocket, got in front of her until she grabbed until it reform into staff. Her eyes went open as her pupils vanished. She spins around as her clothes turn to which outfit. Her shoes disappeared, only a barefeet. A which hat appeared on her head as the veil covered her face from the hat. Amy landed on the ground as she slam her end of the staff on the ground.
"Balance between lightness and darkness, good and evil, I am Amy, the Witch Princess" she said.
🔮👧Amy's Witch Princess form;
Blue eyes widen in shock. Amy spins her staff as she points at her enemy.
"Go back where you came from!" said Amy.
Amy blast Blue with her staff as he been sent flying, away from her home. Amy gently landed on the ground as she turned back to normal. She landed her back on the ground with tiredness on her face. Amy hears the Pokémons are over her with worry sounds until she hears hoof, and she knows it's not hers until she blackout as the crystal/gem is glowing on her chest.
A figure is looking at their crystal ball as they see a person picking up Amy's unconscious body and put her into the coffin.
???; "I knew you'll be the one, a future ruler of magic"
The figure move away the crystal ball.
???; "They may not have felt your magic, but I have, along with your parents"
The person closed the lid of the coffin, two horses pulling the carriage with the coffin inside.
???; "Your parents was protecting you from harm, and know your creatures are protecting you, and you protecting them"
All the unconscious Pokémons got into the orb from the person's hand.
???; "But I still find you and your creatures"
The person let go the orb as it follows the carriage.
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