7. Unexpected Visitor
No matter how hard I tried I couldn't burn the force field. The only signs of my effort were the black scorch marks around my feet that now decorated the white marble floors.
Drenched in sweat and breathing hard I finally relented. Out of anger I kicked the force field, which only ended up in me hurting my foot. Then I went to the back of the cell, sliding to the floor with my back to the wall.
The old woman hobbled over to the back of her cell, sitting down much like I had. "I tried to tell you Fawn." The old lady spoke, her voice aged and hoarse. "No power of magic can damage these walls. You are in the most sealed vault in the galaxy."
I scoff at that, much too tiered to do anything else.
"I see you are one of the few chosen by a dragon." The woman started again, looking at my forearm.
I shift my arm, moving it to blocking the mark from view. "What of it?" I ask, upset. Just my luck, not only did I get a neighbor that was creepy and old, she was also talkative.
"I haven't seen your kind in decades." The old lady said, her voice soft. Making me turn my head slightly to look at her. She was hard to read, her eyes black and sunken in, her features warn out and wrinkled. But I could have sworn she looked almost sad.
"You people always got on my nerves. You were loud, boisterous, reckless. Everywhere you went you thought you were the best, could do no wrong. It made the rest of the galaxy annoyed, because even if they wouldn't admit it, you drakarians were."
"I don't know who you're talking about." I tell the old woman. "Drakarus is nothing like how you say. All we care about is ~"
"The dragons." The old lady cuts me off. "Yes, I know. You people and the dragons. Drove the rest of us mad. I mean, there you have it, a creature that can make all your wildest dreams a reality, and what do you find when you finally manage to track one down? A rider there to protect it. Drove us witches mad."
"You're a witch?" I ask, looking at the old woman with a new found weariness. Most witches were bad news. Seeing as she was in Asgard's dungeons, it was safe to say that she probably wasn't a good witch.
"Couldn't tell?" The old witch asked with a withered smile.
I just gave her a pointed look and she sighed in defeat.
"One thing is certain." She continued to talk. "If word gets out there is an alive dragon rider, it will send the realms into chaos."
Send the realms into chaos. That was the last real bit of information the old witch told me before she started speaking nonsense. Or asking me questions, ones I wouldn't answer. Once I proved to be no longer any fun she huffed, insulted my intelligence then went to her cot to sleep.
I sat on the cold hard ground for hours as everyone else in the dungeons slept. I couldn't sleep, my mind too occupied with all the different scenarios tomorrow might bring. Was I going to get tortured? Interrogated? Or would they just leave me here to rot? I had no clue, and that made it so much worse.
I was here because of that stupid prince. Loki. If that spoiled prince would have kept his mouth shut I wouldn't be here. I would be at home with Eclipse, sleeping in my bed not worried about the possibility of torture.
Feeling alone, defeated, helpless I finally allowed myself to silently cry, not knowing what else i could do.
I cried for what felt like forever, that was until I heard something scuttering across the floor. Coming towards my cell. I move just enough to look up, not wanting to make any sudden movements incase whatever was coming was looking for me. It was hard to see down the dark, almost black, hallway of cells. The faint light from the magic barriers did little to illuminate my surroundings. But it would be enough once the thing got closer.
The scuttering got louder as the thing made its way down the hall. But not by much, just enough to know it was coming this way. As I squinted into the darkness I made out two bright orbs hovering close to the ground coming my way.
Eyes, I realized.
If I hadn't been so brash to use all my energy trying to burn my cell down I would have used my heightened senses to see in the dark. But I was too drained.
Then the creature came into the faint light of my cell barrier. My heart skipping a beat when I realized what it was. There looking back at me with its two bright yellow eyes was the small Terrible Terror I had helped on Midgard.
Well, I tired to help it. The last time I had see him he was knocked into a tree by Loki, knocked unconscious.
When the Terrible Terror saw me it squawked happily, walking right into the magic barrier separating me from it. It hit the barrier with a gentle thud, making the golden magic glow a little brighter. It shook its head at that, snarling softly.
"Shhh." I shushed the dragon softly, quietly crawling over to it, looking warily at the witch in the cell beside mine. Scared the noise would wake her. But to my relief she stayed fast asleep.
The Terrible Terror looked up at me as I kneeled on the other side of the barrier, wagging its tail. It squawked again, this time a little softer.
"That's right." I whispered, "shhhh."
The dragon nodded, not understanding my words but my gentle soft voice. Dragons, even wild ones were smart. Most couldn't understand speech, but they could understand body language.
"What are you doing here?" I whispered softly, mostly to myself as I knew the dragon couldn't answer. Wild dragons were unpredictable, and almost never fallowed a rider in trouble. "Is Eclipse here?" I asked softly.
The dragon squawked quietly, tilting its head looking at me confused.
Right, couldn't understand what I was asking.
Then the dragon opened its mouth, breathing a steady stream of orange fire at the cell barrier. Making the cell barrier light up.
"No." I whisper/yelled, moving my hands up to tell it to stop. Luckily the Terrible Terror did. Looking at me confused.
I looked back making sure the witch was still sleeping. She was.
"That won't work." I tell the dragon quietly. "I tried." The Terrible Terror watched as I shook my head, pressing my hand to the magic barrier. Making the barrier shimmer in the darkness.
Placing a claw on the barrier below mine the little dragon stretched up standing on his hind legs, sniffling where my hand was placed. Once satisfied it went back to all four claws on the ground and began to sniff around, looking for something. It paced back and forth infront of my cell smelling the ground, then stopped wagging its tail faster. After that it scuttled back into the dark hallway.
I watched after the dragon as it disappeared into the darkness of the dungeons, concerned for the small guy. The last thing I wanted was for him to come across a guard. But then again this Terrible Terror had come all the way from Midgard, traveled down to the dungeons, and managed to find me without getting caught. Perhaps this little guy was smarter than I gave him credit for.
Either way, this little wild dragon was my only hope out of here. So I waited to see what he would do.
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