I stared on in shock as I walked beside
Merin. She made me float. 'You floated, big whoop' a voice said
'Well you're new' I thought in bewilderment
'Let me ponder this...' the odd voice trailed off
I quickly followed the now dispersing crowd. Inside a wizard stood on a pedestal addressing the kids. "students." His voice rang around the hall. "I am pleased to announce that the first years will be arriving tonight." The crowd rang out in cheers as I stood utterly confused.
A boy shoved me over,taking me by surprise. I felt my feet and hands start misting up 'Get it under control!' I thought to myself as they returned to normal.
I stood up the last traces of mist had disappeared. My white-grey clothes seemed to suck at my sweat as I navigated towards the door. A few paces from it I was pushed to the ground by someone who was pushed by his friend. My happiness turned to surprise and I lay on the ground stunned as the boy picked himself up and looked at me meaning to say sorry, instead it came out of his mouth as a mouth closed scream. (imagine a person screaming but with their mouth closed, try it yourself to see how it sounds) I looked at me and gasped as I realized the mist had built up around my feet and hands again.
"DEATH EATER!!!" The boy screamed.
in a second all heads were craning to see me, me, the death eater, me, the worst monster you could find, me, the one that was trying to be good. I got angry at them "If you want to see a death eater whose attempting to be good Then fine!" I yelled as my lower body started transforming into mist.
I took the chance of dropping from the hight I had reached and running while they were distracted by the mist, my feet dislodged a few stones and some bricks rolled as I ran across them, I saw a few brooms coming from up ahead and made a large cloud of mist, masking my escape.
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